10 EASY Premiere Pro Text Tricks

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how is it going guys and welcome to the olufemi channel where a group of teachers that want to shore up your video production skills in as little time as possible and how's it going guys joshua femi here live in hot and steamy new york city it's been crazy it's been a long trip it's extremely humid and yet it's been raining every two seconds we're in the middle of the brooklyn bridge and we got caught in the rain but more importantly we're going to be talking about 10 premier pro tech tricks you have got to know tip number one make sure that you're actually using the essential graphics panel when you're creating text to activate the text tool just click on the t button in the toolbar then click anywhere in the program window and start typing you can then tweak the text to your heart's desire within all of the parameters in the essential graphics window now a lot of you guys may be like i already know that josh but it's possible that you could be only using the effects controls window when you're editing your text now this is a very useful window it's where you can animate with keyframes if you go all the way up to the top to window and make sure the essential graphics button is checked and then go over to where the essential graphics tab appears you can see that there's a lot more options that you can use as far as changing the parameters of your text trick number two i'm sure at some point you've used the track matte key tool to create this really cool video within text effect well there's actually an easy way to do it now with again the essential graphics panel what you can do is you can click on your text and then you can actually click add new layer within the central graphics panel there's actually a place to actually add media now as a layer add whatever media you want within your text to make sure that your text is before your video and then go down to the bottom and click on mask with text and voila you have this really cool video with a text effect that you can do in two steps basically guys it is starting to rain even crazier right now but let's move over to trick three where we're going to talk about how to create motion blur with moving text all you got to do is you got to go over to effects and then put on the transform effect onto your text after that you know you're probably going to keyframe a little bit of motion whether it be your scale or your position after that it's important to change your composition shutter to 360 degrees and then that's how you're going to get your beautiful motion blur guys we're going to pause for a short ad so you're a premiere pro video editor you got to check out this transition pack that the team has made just for you these transitions are meant to give your high paced edits just a tad bit of extra oomph they are easily tweakable they play very light in your timeline and they're just a ton of fun to mess around with these hundred transitions require no installing no plugins and work perfectly in the latest edition of premiere pro and check this out with every purchase i'll throw in the entire olufemi creative pack absolutely for free this includes three additional transition packs the box lens transition pack the camera snapping effects pack and the identity transitions back in addition to that it also includes three of my light leaks packs there's the bloom light leaks pack the light opal light leaks pack and of course the sea glass light leaks pack the olafemi creative pack is valued at over 119 alone and again you get it for free when you purchase the track matt transitions pack today every single pack that you're about to download comes with an unlimited license that allows you to use all the transitions and all the effects in as many videos as you want forever so what are you waiting for it's time to take a leap try these out and tell me what you think it's time to get back to the video the next trick guys is called a text reveal with mask this just consists of creating a custom shape putting it over your text and then key framing the shape of the mask so that it reveals your text underneath this next trick is pretty easy it's called adding noise to your text this trick is really cool because it basically prevents your text from looking like it's sitting on top of your footage but it almost seems like it's baked into your footage and gives your footage a more like cinematic natural look to do that you're going to go to effects and then you're going to simply search for noise under noise and grain and you're going to bring it on your text then you're going to just up it a ton it's currently at 80 percent then what i like to do is i usually like to go and play with the opacity i bring the opacity down just a tad let's bring it down to 75 and see how that looks bring it down even a little bit more [Music] this is especially a cool effect when you're trying to match digitally placed text on top of actual real film footage because what you're doing is you're adding grain back onto the text so that it matches with the grain on the footage again it's matching the fake digital element that you're adding on to the real grain that's in the film footage underneath it guys we're here at madison square garden and we're halfway through our list did you know that you can auto align text again using the essential graphics window this is what you got to do you got to just click on edit then under the auto and align section you're going to see two squares the one with a vertical line will align your text vertically and the one with the horizontal line will align your text horizontally guys we're going to keep going it's getting a little bit dark and i think it's going to rain again next trick is actually going to be called the glitch text animation this one's very easy to do as well all right guys first things first you're going to go into effects and you're going to start to type out mosaic you're going to drag the mosaic effect onto your text then you're going to go into mosaic and you're going to activate keyframes by clicking on the stopwatch first set of keyframes you want to put it at 500 both for horizontal and vertical blocks then you're going to go a little bit forward and then you're going to make a second set of keyframes put them both at 10 then you're going to create a third set of keyframes i'm going to put that at 500. one thing i like to do is i like to actually highlight all the keyframes go to bezier just to smooth out the keyframes a little bit [Music] there we go that's really nice and smooth now guys there isn't a real way to add a gradient to your text in premiere pro but there's a little workaround that you can do there's a cool effect that you can put on your footage called the ramp effect plug that over from the effects panel put it on your text and you can use this effect to create a really cool customizable gradient for your text next up is actually really useful you can actually add consistency to your edit by saving your text as a motion graphics template all you got to do is right click on your text and say save as motion graphics template then you go to your central graphics panel go to browse then go to my templates find your template and you can bring it back on your timeline and then use it again [Music] and just change the text guys we're going to end this video by talking about yet another way to reveal your text this time we're going to add a shine to the text to do that we're going to actually go back to ramp and add that gradient effect that we talked about before so we're going to search for rampant effects bring ramp put it on the text and then we're going to duplicate this text i'm going to duplicate the text by holding alt down dragging up now i'm going to click on the top text and i'm going to actually delete this ramp effect from that top text then i'm going to go and i'm going to go to the over to the opacity and i'm going to create a mask on that top text you can just make it a skinny rectangle now you're going to go to the beginning and you're going to click on mask path and you're going to actually keyframe the mask path so that it goes over the first text now we're going to add a feather and there we go that's pretty cool [Music] all right guys and that is the end of the video here in beautiful new york we are literally shooting tutorials on the go we are a team in multiple locations throughout the world i'm currently here in new york this week i'm going to bring to you a few tutorials kind of covering a few basic and non-basic tricks in premiere hope you guys like them we're going to see how this all goes and the rain has started again thanks so much guys and as always remember to keep it show [Music]
Channel: Olufemii
Views: 49,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: premiere pro, premiere pro tutorial, premiere pro text effects, premiere pro text, premiere pro text presets, premiere pro title, premiere pro title effects, premiere pro titles, 5 Premiere Pro Text Effects To Make Your Videos Look Awesome, 5 unique text effects, add text in premiere pro, premiere pro text reveal, premiere pro text tutorial, text effect in premiere pro, how to create text effects in premiere pro, premiere pro text effect tutorial, premiere Pro Effects
Id: r3nyM0XxR2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 06 2021
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