Wire Wrap Cabochon in Herringbone

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hey everybody I'm Yvonne Williams with back to earth creations and in this video I want to show y'all how I like to do a herringbone wrap around and undrilled cabochon so let's go ahead and get started for this project we're going to begin with a 16 gauge wire in this video I'm using bare copper wire because um I plan on adding a patina and stuff but you could use regular old enameled wire I do prefer to get all of my wire from para wire comm because they're really great like I've just really consistent quality even with the 16 gauge I don't have to anneal it or anything because it does come dead soft which means it's quite easy to manipulate and quite malleable so here I have a cat playing in the background 9 inches of the 16 gauge wire and I'm gonna use my round nose pliers grasping it like this and then holding with my fingers my thumb on top in my first finger on bottom and then I'm twisting so that the pressure is going against my finger and thumb then turning a bit and so you can see I'm just kind of building this yin-yang shape your cats gonna be a cat and I am just continuing this around until we have about a nickel sized it's really the size of this like yin-yang spiral is going to be based on the size of stone that you're using and here I am going to be using a 30 by 22 millimeter of glass cabochon now I've painted this and I've let it cure for quite a few days that way I cannot even leave a fingernail print on it like it is completely cured and that's preferable because you don't want your wire to be scratching it up at all and so we're lining this up and you can see where the wires exiting on this side in this side I want to do a 90-degree Bend well it's not really going to end up being a full 90 degrees but it's gonna end up looking like that you can kind of see there we want this wire to be going kind of straight through and so that's what we end up with we're on the backside of our cabochon and so now from here we can take either a steel block or a mini anvil or just whatever you have on hand and you could use a nylon headed hammer but if you just want to harden it but I want to flatten this out a little bit so please pardon the noise it's going to get pretty loud and I'm going to flip this over and we'll have experienced a little bit of distortion and warping and spreading so let's compare this back to our original stone just a little bit so I'm gonna see if I can't bend this in a little bit more and then Bend this side in a little bit more and that way we can have it sitting still nice and centered almost there's a horizon line of our stone yeah just like that so now for the next step I'm gonna be using 18 gauge well that's half round I meant to grab my 18 gauge round there we are and I'm gonna get probably a full arm span so about 50 inches worth and you could just work off the spool if you're making multiples of these pieces and you kind of get the hang of it but to start with we're gonna start with just just a full arm span the cat just attacked the wire and got me I am dead oh no this is what it's like having a kitten in the house guys so I've gone ahead and made a little bit of an offset loop here at the end of my wire and this is just gonna be sliding right over our core wire so you see how that happened and I have it so that the loop is on the back side now at this point you could go ahead and tape your stone to your wire you could even use a two-part epoxy like a DEFCON 5 minute epoxy to adhere that to the back of the stone but I'm gonna try to do it without any adhesives today or if you really wanted to make life easy you could just do it with a stone that's been drilled all the way through but I did want to show you guys an option of how to do this with a flat back to cabochon so I'm gonna come in and just shake this a little bit initially to the the curve of our stone and I'm just setting it around this is where using para wire really comes in handy because with it being dead soft so very easy to manipulate into the shape that you want so I'm bringing it just around trying to not snag my wire on everything in the craft room and it wants very badly to push the stone out but just be patient and gentle with yourself so there's the the first layer see how it's kind of holding like that and now we're gonna bring this side around this first layer you guys is genuinely the hardest every layer after this one will be easier in theory so we're just bringing it around and you don't want to bring it behind we're gonna be stacking on the front layer of this pendant the whole time so again just pinning everything together and twisting that around now I'm gonna do a second layer cuz already that's holding okay but our stone might still pop out so I'm just coming in using my thumbnail to kind of press a curve into there and then you can stock however close or far away to the first layer as you want as we start adding in the second layer so again coming to the front of the stone if you've done a herringbone wrap with a drill beat before at this point it's the same exact concept you're just adding a bit more struggle to it so just keep at it there we go and now following this one around you want to make sure that you're not crossing over you know to the front just kind of stack them beside each other in the more layers you get built up the more secure our cabochon is going to become so yeah I bet the tape would have gone a long way and making life a little easier but if you can do it without tape just imagine how much easier it's gonna be with tape now you can see by having this large bit on the back it keeps the stone from shifting one way or the other okay so I'm going to do a third layer now coming around and each layer builds kind of on the ones before it so this is what's going to create almost a cage that'll keep our accomplish on in where we want it to be and I would recommend at least for this project I would not do less than three rotations or repetitions just however you want to look at it okay so we have gotten this much done and technically we could stop here but I want to show you guys some options for adding a bit of you know flair to it so I'm coming down now to the other end of our wire and this is still the 18 gauge but I'm going to be using a 28 gauge we find the end of it yes I had some spring back on my spool and lost the end of my wire which can lead to nodding and stuff normally I'll cut a little snip into the there you are cut a little snip into this bowl I'm just pulling a full arm span again that's kind of just a measurement that I function with because it's easy to replicate for me and then we are gonna just do some coiling of the 28 gauge around the 18 gauge I really hope the cat doesn't notice that I'm nope she noticed so let me just angle this down a little bit so that maybe we can catch her being guilty so just keep coiling despite the obstacles that life might throw at you so just keep coiling and swish you can see I'm just wrapping around now a lot of people would recommend to use like a drill or something like this which if you make the coils before you start wrapping that's a fantastic idea but in essence it has everything else attached to it like the rest of the piece it becomes really cumbersome and complicated and I risk messing up your whole piece by trying to use the drill and also I mean there's nothing wrong with building up your endurance for a little bit of hand-coiling excuse me will miss okay so back to our main work area nothing like a kitten intermission so I'm just sliding this down the length of our copper and kind of testing it looks like I could use about a centimeter more of this coiling so to make it easier for myself I just slide it right back out to the end that way I'm not having to bypass all of this extra wire there we go so much yeah maybe like five there's the kind of attacking the other end sorry she makes me so happy I can't tell her to stop even though I'm trying really hard to be a professional okay so it looks like we need like five or six more coils so I did ten let's see it says sorry I don't mean to wander off camera either yep that goddess where we wanted to go so now I'm going to bring our weaving wire behind in our core wire to the front and I'm just gonna loop this around continuing our design and then I'm gonna bring our weaving wire around and start coiling here on this side that's gonna be a lot more cumbersome especially with the cat so I'm going to do that off-camera and I'll meet you guys back here when we come to the other end so we have continued our weaving around and it looks like I need about that much more so another centimeter and the way that I've been doing this coiling is I'm holding it 90 degrees out from the core wire and just trying to not stack snagged my wire tail on anything but I'm just kind of twisting it almost the way that you would if you have like a coiling gizmo but just using the piece itself as the coiling gizmo you can see I'm not getting quite the results that I normally would have liked but that's trying to keep it on camera so if you get a lot of sprint like that just smoosh it down but whenever I do it off-camera and I don't have to keep my table in the way or anything I'm able to sorry I'm doing a little bit of an example it's to show you I'm able to get it much more compact together so let's see how that works now we do always have the option that we could have just coiled one big long length and then spooled it around what I found that that starts to get bulky across the back sometimes there we go okay so now I'm going to snip this swish down the tail of the wire to make sure that we don't have any little pokey bits or anything and then bringing this to the front and then bending around there we go so this is how it's coming out so far I'm experiencing a little bit of a distortion off to this side but I'm ok with that for yourself have it be however symmetrical as you like I prefer a little bit more of an organic look but to each their own so now from here we have the option of we could do an edge of beads and that would look really neat you could leave it just like this and honestly this is one of my favorite ways to wrap dragon eyes if I had painted this instead of being the color shift if I had painted up to be an eye and then wrapped it in this same manner just again more ideas but what I'd like to do now at this point is let's get an idea of about this how much is that 2 inches so I'm gonna save myself 6 8 12 inches let's call it 15 just for a bit to grow on and I'm gonna trim there that'll give me at least 3 more full rotations but then we still have this bit of tail here so now what I'm going to do is I want to make another loop on this wire I'm going to show you guys how to splice another wire in so again just coming to the end of our pliers the end of our wire in making that same loop you you want the loop to be as close to the size of the wire that you're wrapping around as possible because you'll have I think much better results like less um this wobbling but now that we have these two wires here together traveling at the same time we can actually weave them together with a bit of a weeding pattern that we otherwise might not have been able to do so to do that I thought I just proved something to Austin apparently oh there it is it's not quite enough I'm gonna do another arm span because this weaving is going to use up quite a bit sometimes that happens especially whenever it's a brand-new spool like this but that's alright if you know to expect it you can keep an eye out for it before you get some kinks and this isn't something that's like every function of Perak wire or anything any spool of 28 gauge I've ever gotten from anywhere has a tendency to do that it's just a fresh spool thing [Music] okay so I'm going to do on our outermost wire this one here I'm going to do I think ten rotations down here at the end so that's one two three four five six seven eight nine ten go back to that down and I'm actually gonna I hate to waste it but I'm not wasting because I put them in a little bin to smelt down later into little balls for doing metal work that's for a different tutorial but yeah just trim off that tail go ahead and smush the wire down there we go and now I'm gonna take this and slide it down the whole length of our wire all the way back to the core of our project so we have our ten rotations I'm gonna try to clear up the background a little bit for you guys without being too loud about it so now we have our ten around one so now I'm going to do one and two around both and then I'm gonna do ten rotations around one trying to get the tail of my wire to stop being so rowdy fortunately the kitten fell asleep so that's good too you know I'm just gonna do five I don't think I said ten but I'm just gonna do five rotations how many was that - three so then there's four and by around 1 and then 1 2 and you could replace this weave with any weave that you prefer and you could do a figure eight weave you to do I mean wrapping around both of them if you want some size difference to 3 [Music] it's not very quick at this point but it's better to be careful to not kink your wire to not tangle to not do things that you're gonna be lamenting later go ahead and be slow and patient with it put a good show on and just lose yourself in the weaving and I like to weave the two inches that sorry I didn't mean to go off camera I like to weave the two inches that we're gonna be using and then bend it around just because it's less stuff in the way so I am going to I think do this off cameras and so I have a tendency to water any wander anyhow at least until I get up to around the halfway point and then I'm going to show you a trick for stabilizing just to really make sure that that cab doesn't come out so I've done it looks like one two three four five six seven eight eight repetitions and I've started the ninth right there you can see of the two around both and I'm gonna go ahead and start shaping this in closer to the rest of our pendant because I do kind of one undertake across the back here if I can um I think I may actually do and you can see the tail of my wire was just driving me crazy getting in the way so I just loosely spoiled it up a little bit and that enables me to to get around it easier two three and there's four there's five rotations around one and so now from here yeah I'm gonna bring that across and you can see here on the back hopefully I'm just going to slide this wire through it's a little bit more easy to get it between the cabochon and the back wire then I'm gonna grab that feel free to use your pliers here to hold on to the wire but I'm just gonna pull this and this is why it's so important to make sure that your enamel is fully cured because otherwise you could just be scraping it off of the back of your cab if you're using a gemstone cabochon it doesn't matter a bit okay but I'm gonna go ahead and we've just got that one little wire spliced in so I'm getting hooked on everything and I'm just gonna tighten it in and then continue on as though this never happened so we're going to do the two around both so I have the wire exiting and then there's one and two around both and now we're gonna do one two three four five around one and one and two oh no I guess I was just one since there's the second two around both so you can see how we're kind of building the frame out even further but were grounded there and that's nice and honestly if I weren't doing a tutorial and worried about time I would have gone from this one spliced one splice two spliced three probably splice again on this one but just the more you can have it connected the less tension it's putting on each one and the more secure and stable that your cabochon is going to be but that's entirely on you you put in the work that you're wanting to put in on your piece and you know just however will make you feel most confident in your work but um I'm going to continue this weave around and then I'll meet you guys back here that's four and whenever we get to the crossover point because I think I'm not entirely certain what I'm gonna do for the crossover point yet so I'll meet you guys back here for that okay so we've gotten to where I finished on just five rotations this is one two three four five six seven eight nine 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 full repetitions of the pattern just in case you were wondering like I guess oh so I'm just shaping and positioning it thank goodness for dead soft wire and I'm leaving these two cut wires bare because these two on this side are bare but I'm making sure that they don't cross as I train them around rotating to the other side and so now I'm gonna take my weaving wire I'm gonna take the wire that's on the top and rotate around one two three oops the tripod five times and then do two rotations around both there's one there's two and now I'm going to repeat the same thing that I did on the other side where we continue the pattern around and when we get to about right here I'm gonna start splicing it in as we did over here the just to hold the stone a little bit more stable so I'll meet you guys back here when I start doing that okay so we've done the repetitions of our pattern until we've gotten to where we'd like to be and now I'm just gonna be threading our wire through and if I ever have any problems getting the end out I'll just put the tip in and then bend it in that way it gives it into like a little bit of a hook shape if you can see that and you want to make sure you're exiting on the correct side that way you don't like backtrack over work that you've already done come around we did our to around both so now we're gonna do one two three four five one two check it on the front side making sure everything's still right with the world it's looking pretty good then I'm gonna thread this through again coming in from a different position this time hopefully that still works I'm actually just getting my thumbnail in there lift that up a bit slide that on through if you're having difficulty do not hesitate to come in there with some pliers and grab the wire and pull it there's no sense in making your work more difficult for yourself then what it needs to be oh and I've made a tangled mess okay so again pull this down make sure we aren't getting any kinks in the wire it's beginning to get a little work hardened but that's okay now we're gonna do one two three four five repetitions around one and then I'm going to complete our two around both five around one pattern until we get up here to the neck I'm going to try to complete it on a repetition of five around one though so I'm going to do that and they meet you guys back here so we've completed our weaving to the core wire and I'm just gonna take this and make sure everything's lined up nicely and then just bend this wire around now you could continue to build you know outward from this but I think I'm actually just gonna come in here with my flush cutters and snip right there and then using my bent nose pliers I want to tuck these ends in in a way that they won't be snagging on anything and they're just as nice and closed as what we can get them so if you had purchased the craft Ilan kit that I sell on my Etsy there's a PDF that has written instructions for all of this and it'll also go through a few different ways of making wire-wrapped bead links to complete this into a bracelet or necklace the kit comes I think with just enough to make like um a bracelet with maybe a little bit left over but you can always incorporate in some of your own beads or utilize some of the extra wire left over for you know just whatever you like but so go ahead and make the links that you want you know to extend it with and then we're going to come in here I'm actually gonna do a wrapped loop on each end of our focal point so I'm just taking my flat nose pliers doing a 90 degree Bend and I'm going to come to the other side and do a 90 degree Bend in the other direction giving myself about three or four millimeters between the piece and my pliers and I'm going to be taking my round nose pliers and you could have it be all the way to the tip of your pliers you could have it all the way down towards the base just wherever you have it on the pliers is going to be reflected and you know the size of the loop I really like a nice kind of view 2 or 3 millimeter inner diameter loop which sits about there on my pliers but that's entirely up to you so I'm just gonna hold it where I'd like it like this and then I'm just bending this wire around it's getting a little stiff this is an 8 or a 16 gauge the core wire here so it's it's pretty sturdy but I've wrapped it all the way around like this and I'm keeping my pliers in there but not squeezing too hard I'm just using them to maintain their shape well I use my bent nose pliers to just grab and shape the wire around itself making some little coils then I'm just going to get in here with my flush cutters and snip then you can see that little bit of tail that's left over I'm gonna use my pliers again just smush that right on down in that way we have a nice cold closure you don't ever have to worry about that loop coming undone unless the wire itself is actually cut so now we're gonna do that same thing on the other side bringing it around grabbing with our pliers I tried to do two or three rotations it's just you know however many I can fit really this side I think I'm only gonna be able to fit two so I've brought that around bringing my pliers in or my flush cutters in snip and swish there we are and I always do like a test check rabbit on my skin make sure there's no snaggy bits I wear a lot of knit clothes in the winter rub it around a good bit make sure there's no nothing snagging that's excellent like that makes me really happy we can do some last-minute fidgeting with our piece here but um before we start assembling I'm gonna bare some of my wrists and take this and press it around on my wrists we can't bend the cabochons but we can take our sides here and bend them around something you'll want to watch out for here is if you made the wrapping a little too loose if the stone wants to pop out to the front side fortunately I don't think we have to worry about that but it is something to just you know poke it a bit see if you can get the stone out because if you can get the stone out intentionally it's gonna pop out unintentionally whenever you're wearing it you'd be surprised how much people move their hands around and kind of whack the wrists into things and so erring on the side of more secure and more durable is always a little better I think so now from here you should also have just a few jump rings in with your craft along kits and these are an 18 gauge 1/8 inch ring that Randy and I coil and cut ourselves and I'm going to use these little jump rings to assemble our bracelet so I'm just taking one hook and through and if I made my loops a little bit larger I could actually double up on the jump rings and that makes for a really nice like solid looking bracelet which I think I may be able to do that anyhow because sometimes even if it's a thicker ring size sometimes just doing two looks nicer to me for my own preference at least so we'll just open the jump rings like this then loop through putting our next bead on and closing trying to get as clean and close of a closure as we can if you're into it you can solder it but that's a tutorial for a different day gonna double up on this one as well and and then our last loop now you should have in the craft alone kit you'll have enough 16 gauge wire to make your own clasp or I think I may have actually made the clasp already for you but if you have enough left over you can make your own get some practice in have an extra clasp see this loop doesn't quite have enough space to do too so I'm just gonna leave it as one said something to keep in mind in your own project but that's how let's pretend that we've done the other side just for the sake of time that's how it'll come together yeah it's a pretty nice bracelet not too bad and then we can use our clasp here or some of our either 16 or 18 gauge wire you're in preference and I'm going to come as close to the tip of the pliers and was closer to the tip of the wire as I can and make a half loop like the end of a candy cane and then I'm gonna come in with the Box hinge of my pliers and just smush that down Katie I see you wanted to jump up here you better not but yeah just smashing that done and I'm gonna take my pliers around the thickest part you could use a mandrel or a knitting needle for this as well and just bend it around into a little hook I'm gonna snip about 15 millimeters from the end of the hook and that's just gonna give me some space - sorry didn't mean to bother camera bring that up into a little hook like that you could hammer this if you wanted you could use nylon jaw pliers to harden it up a little bit but I'm just gonna open that loop hook our last bead link on and then close it and then this would hook through the loop that we have at the other end the instructions for which will be in the written tutorial but yeah this that's that that's how we make a herringbone FocalPoint bracelet and you could totally go through and do herringbone beads along this part here but I really wanted to focus on how to set a stone that does not have a hole in it for whenever you want to do a herringbone wrap hey y'all thanks so much for hanging out with me during this video I do hope that it was helpful to you if you have any questions comments or ideas please leave them down below there are links to the tools and materials used here but also predominantly there's a link to my Etsy where you can actually purchase the craft along kit so you will have all the materials none of the tools because that would make it like really expensive but it does come with a PDF of this project as well as like a totally material list also but yeah it just I don't know I'm really excited to feature the the you know the written tutorials as well as the crafts alone kits to you guys cuz this is something that a few folks have been requesting for a while and had a lot of fun in my last one but so be sure to check those out there's also links to my patreon word enjoy my free tutorials would like to support the creation of more content as well as get access to patreon exclusive behind-the-scenes content digital download tears as well as the monthly craft crates please consider checking that out but until next time you guys happy crafting bye
Channel: Yvonne Williams
Views: 56,492
Rating: 4.9597764 out of 5
Keywords: how to, wire wrap, copper jewelry, tutorial, herringbone, weave, weaving, wrapping, idea, inspire, create, creative, cabochon, wrapped, bracelet, necklace, boho, bohemian, hippy, inspired, yvonne williams, diy, do it yourself, instructions
Id: PD44891ysiE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 15sec (2475 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 05 2019
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