DIY Wire Wrapped Crystal

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hey everybody I'm Yvonne Williams with back to earth creations and in this video I'm gonna show y'all how to wire wrap your own quartz crystal that if you follow along with our craft along club that we sent out in September of 2019 craft among kids and if not go find yourself a rock and let's get rappin everybody it came to my attention while I was editing this but I actually unbox one of our $30.00 kits I'm so sorry for the inconsistencies but the project still remains the same so that being said let's get going so if you are a member of our craft alone Club you should be receiving September's craft alone kit any day now if not we do sell these on Etsy um in our Etsy shop links for that will be down below as well as if you just want to see a list of the different tools and materials those are listed down in the video description as well so go ahead and pop the box open we have a thank you note we have a little earring kit but you can either piece them together just directly to the ear hooks or add in your own wire components or beads or just what-have-you it's just a fun little bonus we have you may have received depending on the tier that you participate in or how large your quartz crystal was you may have received anywhere from one to three cabochon and we try to include some that glow-in-the-dark and fluoresce under a blacklight so the camera's not really picking up on it right now but this one all the light colors in this style glow-in-the-dark so there are those and these are entirely made out of polymer clay they've not been sealed so you can still bake them again into your own polymer clay creations or you can sand it sand and buff it however you like you can dome them with resin you can you'll use a urethane or anything like that and kind of finish it your own way however makes you happy then we also have you may have eighteen or twenty gauge wire um for your thicker wire and then eight gauge for your thinner wire um and then also now these came babies in a lot of different sizes um they're from our mining trip down to Mount Ida in Arkansas so everybody got a piece or two depending on the size of quartz crystals in with their kids now some of them like this would be a honkin huge pendant for a necklace but you could also hang it for like a Sun capture in your window or like your rear mirror so that's an option they also make a really great base for doing 3d wire tree sculptures and so that's what we're going to do in today's video I want to show you guys a very easily kind of classic wire wrapping design that we're going to be doing with our 28 gauge wire and I'm just gonna pull this out to about two maybe two and a half feet worth of wire and I'm gonna be pulling off four links and this is also a really great design to do if you don't have a lot of tools on hand and especially if you don't have a whole lot of experience with wire wrapping because it's very very easy on your fingers there we go so now I'm gonna line up the four ends and again this can be done on any size of crystal and you could even use more wires or thicker wires or you know just whatever so we are going to find roughly the center of all of our lyre and we're going to come in holding two we're gonna cross them and just pinning right there I'm gonna go one two and three rotations and I doubled up on the thickness because it is such a thin wire you don't have to but if I were using a smaller stone I'd have stuck to a single thickness with the 28 gauge but since this is such a large point I went ahead and just used two thicknesses so I'm lining it up so that I don't want to be above this point where it starts decreasing in size I want to come just a little bit down from there because we're going to come across here and I think like right here is where we're gonna have our second cross be so I'm just holding with my fingernails you could also use pliers or a clamp one two three and I want to be consistent about how many twists I'm doing at each connection point and so now from here you can see this kind of hugs the tip of the pendant or the tip of the point without sliding up over like the body of the crystal so we're just bringing that up like this you could use tape at this point to hold this into place and we may actually do that except for I don't think I have any tape directly on hand oh no so here I'm gonna take these two crystals to the front or these two wires sorry words words are hard and now we're gonna come and do this same thing right here we go one two and three rotations and we're going to come to the other side and we want to keep this nice and nice and snug if we can manage it but if it gets all loose and floppy Anya I'll show you some techniques for tightening that up so I'm gonna take it and one two three and this is a design I've been seeing this stuff like forever like since before the dawn of Internet I've been seeing there was a piece of like a piece of glass that I had gotten when I was like seven or eight Adam gosh old-timers day festival in people's Ohio from like their craft booth was in like this and up by the railroad tracks and then it was just so cool but it was wrapped in the same style is the very first style of my rapping outs ever exposed to so I don't know who to credit it to but this is how I go about it three flipping it around and LA is very like natural-looking somehow like I don't know two three and it's also very similar to how you can Cage crystals and things in macrame instead of doing twists you would do like a cute little knob and so now we're gonna come up to here I think this will be the last one that we can fit on and you could be very careful and have them all be really really in line with each other or I'm going to do four five six seven eight nine ten twists eleven twelve yes because I want to bring it up to like the top center so now these two wires we're going to come around and there's one two three four five and something that you could do if you have some beads on hand that have a large enough hole is you could thread a bead over these four strands and have it secure right there now I didn't include any beads in this month's kit but if you've been following along with our crafts alone Club for a while you might have some extra beads on hand here I have this is just a six millimeter tree agate from I think Fire Mountain Gems so I am going to show you how to do it even though it wasn't included in the kit just if you have a bead you just thread - how many can we fit in there three cool or even better okay so yeah you can just bring all the beads through or all the wires through and now we've got that little bead sitting there and it hides the little wraps that we've done and you could even wrap around a little bit I'm going to show you - now I'm going to cut all of these off at the same length so that we can come in from behind the thread all four of these thin wires through right there and it's kind of pull up and through because I just went a nice little kind of decorative frame just there around that bead and now we can come up and get some twists going one two three four five six seven eight nine and I'm basically just gonna be twisting this I'm not even gonna keep track anymore I'm just holding it and twisting the crystal to make it be as though it were one single wire and I'm just twisting this down quite a ways but yeah if you had some like flat coin be coin beads you could put those on and kind of decorate that way I think I may do another tutorial showing how to wrap like this but have like a bead for each chakra or you know different things you can use whatever stones that you like but just kind of show how I would go about doing that and you can see I'm starting to run out of wire down here that's okay because I'd rather twist further than what I need then get into this next step and not have enough wire twisted on if you can hear my knuckles poppin there we go and so that's making a much more substantial almost rope of wire and I'm gonna come through with probably my favorite pliers and these are stepped mandrel pliers and I'm gonna use the eight millimeter section you could also use like a knitting needle or literally anything and I'm just going to wrap twice around there cuz I like that you could do once but I like it twice and then wrapping around if this is the body of the pendant and this is the head I want to wrap around the neck so removing my pliers and now I'm gonna come around again you're just kind of stabilized to this bead and now this is gonna put us into a position where we have kind of a lot of loose ends just in one spot so I actually like to split the bail and bring that around just one side of the bail you can hook your pliers through just kind of pull everything through in this way it's gonna be I'm gonna snip them excuse me and it's gonna be a lot less likely to get snagged on anything because it's deadly sorry it goes there on the inside it's not gonna be rubbing against your neck it's not gonna be as likely to catch on anything in the front and I'm gonna come through with my bent nose pliers and just smush the heck out of that not hard so much as just diligently pressing it into the twists and then you can test for any pokey Otte bits make sure there's nothing gonna snag your skin or your hair and there we go like this is it's pretty honkin like I'm not gonna lie this is big it's a big boy but it's like rocks and sometimes they come big so it's definitely gonna be a really nice like long pendant or even you know like a Sun catcher or something like gosh the light through that one's really nice as a high clarity um but yeah and so if you've followed along and you want to share pictures of what you've made there's a link down to our discord where you can post pictures or you can post a like Instagram and tag me and do like hashtag craft among with Vaughn in that way not just me but anybody who searches the hashtag will be able to see your stuff so it's pretty cool we can kind of see what each other are up to now also I mentioned if things are a little bit looser it's a loosey goosey um I'm going to do this on the back just in case like if if you like the nice straight lines there in the front if I were my runs pleasures they're there so you could take it here on the twist and just cinch so what I'm doing is I'm just grabbing the wire with my pliers and just kind of cinching so there's one plier nose on each side of the wire and it just kind of cinches that down and so now we have no movement and that's really nice that's what I look for and if you're wrapping something like malachite which is a very soft stone I like to keep the wire very snug on it that way there's no rubbing and it won't mark up the stone as much over time at least is a theory oh yeah I really like how that came out to you and I'll be doing a tutorial late I'll be doing a tutorial later this week on some different cab wrapping styles using your twenty or eighteen gauge so keep an eye out for that and be sure to subscribe if you like what we're up to like ring my bells so you get all the notifications and stuff hey y'all thanks so much for hanging out with me in this video I do hope that it was helpful to you I know I already mumbled some of this already but I have to do my end field there will be stuff popping up on the screen where you can see a most recent video and maybe like a recommended video and then like my channel and then maybe my personal bulk I don't know which side they go on but there's stuff on the screen you can click it if you like if you enjoy my free tutorials and would like to support the creation of more of them and want to come and have some exclusive Hangouts with us starting at just a dollar a month over on patreon we do exclusive live streams on Saturdays now at 3 p.m. Central Standard Time we also do behind-the-scenes content and digital download content in tab boxes those about to crab boxes no crap well maybe I don't know and then like the crafty one kits and all that stuff we have a lot of different things going over on patreon um and also just thank you for spending your time here with me today it's I really do I like crafting and I like sharing that with you guys and we've had a tremendous response to what we do here on YouTube so I really appreciate all of y'all's support and everything so until then live long and craft I don't know y'all thanks again for hanging out with me I'll see y'all in our next video and until then happy crafting
Channel: Yvonne Williams
Views: 57,479
Rating: 4.9451828 out of 5
Keywords: how to, beginner, wire wrap, wrapped, crystal, quartz point, gemstone, design, idea, wrapping, bead, beaded, beading, yvonne williams, back to earth creations, inspire, do it yourself, instructions, tutorial, home made jewelry, healing crystal jewelry
Id: jYakr39TKpc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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