How to Win at Slots - Interview With a Professional Slot Machine Player • The Jackpot Gents

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hi everybody i am steve bourie and i am the author of the american casino guide and i'm matt bori and i'm the editor of the american casino guide our video today is a little bit different we're gonna do a Skype video interview with a man named Peter Liston who is a professional slot machine player ok today we're gonna do something a little different like matt said rather than Matt me talking about casino gambling we are going to interview a professional gambler his name is Peter Liston and he's written a book called million dollar slots and Peter says that he has made millions of dollars playing slot machines now Matt and I have done a lot of videos on slot machines and we say it's very difficult to be a long term winner on slot machines but we do point out that there are particular instances where if you play certain kinds of machines and in certain playing conditions you can be a long-term win it yeah and I am I'm very interested to see how he does it so let's go to the interview Peter Liston how are you today very good thank you Steven thanks very much for welcoming to your program here well we're glad to have you wait we we have a quite a few questions I've heard about your work I know you you have a book called million dollar slots yes and you're the the story is that you start with a $500 bankroll and you built it up into millions of dollars by playing slot machines so can can you give us first of all give us a bit of a background about how you got involved in this and what you did earlier in life okay well first off I wasn't accountant and then I became a mediocre teacher the rather bored with what I was doing this so the casino opened across the road from me about twenty four years ago was and I'm not a gambler but I happened to go across there and one around looked at the different games there looked at the slot machines banks of slot machines looked at the poor people playing the slot machines the thing that I noticed was that above the slot machines they had these displays showing progressive jackpots now I ask yourself the question those progressive jackpots obviously as they rise they're worth more to the player could actually rise to a point where they're worth more to the player then they can lose on the slot to get it so that took that got my brain work working for about three months I but in teach to well for about three months I worked very hard on that and I developed the formula and the formula enables me to calculate how high the jackpot needs to go before I have the advantage so once I have the advantage then the expected losses of the slot machine should be less than the the the jackpot that I'm playing for so I have the advantage doesn't mean to say I win all the time but if you only play when you have the advantage then in the long run you're winning okay now I have a question for you so this was you said 24 years ago that was just the regular progressives now and one of the newer things are these these must hit by slot machines that they have all around you do you play those or you still only play the regular progressive now you can make money on the regular progressives you can make money on the massive progressives you can't make money on the fixed jackpots and you can't make money on jackpots that rise to assert to a an upper limit and then stay there you have to you can only make money on certain jackpots all right so the ones that keep going so because it has to get it has to get past that break-even point where it becomes an advantageous for the player right yes okay and then so I've we've heard we've been writing about this for years and we've been we've heard about like slot teams so is it something similar to that probably probably is there are slot teams here in Australia I don't think I think in America they're just starting to get a bit of a handle on the to realize that you could actually make money on the slots in my honest opinion slots are the new blackjack so slots are easier to play and better to play than the what blackjack blackjack is and for me it's far more lucrative and then working where can you find these machines you can find them pretty much anywhere right they're very easy to find or it's I would assume that the machines are easy to find it's just finding them in that advantageous state it's probably the harder way to do it right so wherever they were slot machines you can make money salesman with a South Africa Panama North America Australia New Zealand but the machines have basically very very very similar so you can gather those machines you can find the slots that have the advantage then you've got to be very patient so you it's like any any form of professional gambling is about patience and you wait for that window when the jackpots reach a point where where the jackpot value is greater then the expected cost of getting it now Peter are we talking about individual machines or are we talking about a bank of machines it applies to both the banks of machines and individual machines so the banks of machines are better from the point of view that you can wait tool till the jack reaches the optimal hit point which will give you a very good return your returns on a bank of machines will average between eight to twelve percent return on turnover now you compare that with blackjack which gives you about a 1% return returns on a standalone machine will probably be lower than that because you might find it hardest to get on that machine at the right at the particular point you want to get off with so with that you'd have to get up earlier okay well one question that when you have a bank of machines let's say there's ten machines and and it says say it's you and your partner or your your wife and you're playing the machines and there's only two of you and there's ten machines isn't there a chance that someone else is going to win that jackpot before you do of course but you can multiply your chances by increasing your bits so that's never been a problem look the local people they law get maybe one in five jackpots against me it doesn't worry me so I'll get four out of five that's that's fine that's fine for me but yeah I multiply my chances by increasing my best okay now I have a question so I is this because I know a lot of other advantage plays like blackjack it's sort of frowned upon by the casinos is this like do the casinos know what you're up to do they not like it have you been and from any casinos how does that work from that perspective okay look there's no rule that says you can't walk into a casino walk up to a slot machine a sit on the slot machine and play the slot machine but if you want to a blackjack if you sit down the other stoplight start kept getting the cards very quickly you'll be tapped on the shoulder and either restricted or evicted so basically casinos don't know they really don't know that you can beat this loss that's the first thing secondly they don't worry because the money that goes into the progressive jackpots belongs to the player so you don't take the money from the casino so you're not a threat to the casino so they won't be watching you now the question is have I been banned yes I have and why was I bad in crowd casino in the early days absolutely mark there's no competition making absolutely squillions and then I got some competition so instead of having two or three people on the machine so I had to have a few more he had a few more and so forth so he got to be going to be too awkward and then and then on the front page of our local newspaper in letters to speak some journalists have written pokey gangs in casino so that was rather through our just harping for me so anyway the the the maze Makeda means to take a holiday we're going to be a big two for six months I hadn't broken any rules but they just basically wanted to clear the air because that wasn't good policy for them all right that's understandable but now you were talking about competition now do you you obviously you say you go around the world looking for these advantageous machines yes and and and if so you there must be other people that know similar math and and are you trading on their territory and then and and you know what happens if you go into a new area and they see you play in their machines what happens the worst situation will have was in New Zealand Auckland New Zealand I had the casino over there absolutely brilliant jackpots I had been there I'd come back I was busy over here and then I went back there with a team but in the meantime there was a team of Chinese family had learned how to do this and they learned how to do it well when I came in they weren't too pleased to see me so that was awkward and my players got death threats from them it was a very awkward situation but there was money to be made so we just had to stay there and do it but generally speaking now this competition here in my home state of Melbourne there's there's 13 families who have been doing this for years and years and years and living off the living off the slots so we have arrangements we basically divide Melbourne up into 13 areas and we have our own areas and big jackpots we we joined forces so it's all pretty pretty civilized to you now now here's a question if you're making all of this money playing slots why would you want to teach other people how to do it okay well I certainly won't teach anybody in my area that's the first thing second thing is I'm happy to teach people in other areas now I call myself the slaw King if I'm this lucky I need to know what's going on everywhere so I'm happy to have people in the United States that I'm teaching and the the feedback is two-way so obviously I'm giving them information the whole time they're bringing up asking questions but I'm getting information from them so I'm in a learning situation that's it goes backwards and forwards and I've found it to be very upbeat changes for me I've also had situations where my students have been a little bit scared to play last jackpots so they've caught me if I've got and played the jackpot and giving them a commission on that so it's it's worked well for me now is that is that on like really big jackpots where you'd need a large bankroll to win that they're afraid to play or a large back they call all right son now you have a website where people can contact you and and you offer a course what is it it's an individualized course for players yes I'll come to you so I'll come to you and spend three days with you I'll teach you how to calculate when a jackpot can be hit and then I'll go around with you to the to your casinos identify the particular slots that could be beaten and and set you up so you know which slots can be beaten you know how high the jackpot needs to go and and you're set to go so I'll do that for three days with you and then you've got me 24/7 by telephone you can ring me 3 o'clock in the morning I'll answer the phone for you and you've got any problems any doubts what it does take your calculations on the four that's a lifetime that's the thoughts about Oh that's very that's great actually now another question is do you let people know if they have more competition of people you've trained near them I won't teach people if they are in the same area as someone I'm talking for that would not be ethical Oh all that well it seems like you've got all your bases covered there you seem to be very honest here ok I got a question for you here now what kind of bankroll do you need to get started in this I mean at this obviously you got to have some money this is not for the average person so so what what kind of bankroll does someone need to you know get your services and to get going and in this endeavor of trying to make money off advantageous slot machines ok I'll check my services I chose nine thousand nine hundred and is that us or is that Australian and what is that u.s. you it's okay my Canadian student made 160 thousand dollars a year before last you may 6 2010 Saverio I've had people do my course and made nothing so just to forewarn you about that okay so what sort of bank well I started with $500 I would suggest more than that now when I started with $500 so I was filling around with very small small jackpots and it took a few months to build up a jackpot now I don't think you want to hang around for three months and wait and wait and lose good opportunity so I would suggest I suggest a bankroll of $15,000 would cover you for pretty much all of the opportunities with coming away okay now is it I would assume it's got to be pretty volatile right there's good there's got to be where you go on real bad streaks until you hit one of those big jackpots right and then that sort of just makes up for all the bad streaks is that is that sort of how it works it's not nice not that volatile on a day-by-day basis you'd be up when we lose lose whatever but at the end of the month I've really had a losing month and I've never had it but losing you of course because you have when you have an eight to ten percent advantage on turnover I'd like blackjack where you've got a 1% advantage with an ancient m % advantage doesn't take long before you get ahead and once you get ahead you never get behind just build up all right now on your website or in your notes there somewhere there was a notation that you had made a presentation before the world gaming protection conference yeah and and I assume that's a gathering of all the casino people and dirty people so so what did you tell those people at that conference I probably told them too much that's other what I do and how I do it but I thought that would be the start at my speaking career and that was the start and the finish of my speaking career said I once nobody's contacted me for an encore but there was 400 at there at that I was one of the two keynote speakers and there were 400 in that session they were security hits from the the various casinos and and did they invite you to that to talk there and how did that come about the guy Willy Willy who runs him he he saw my website he saw my claims that make money other slots he said this is unbelievable so he contact the cracker sino spoke to the security people the cracker suno he said this guy for real they said you use for real he makes money here makes a lot of money here so Willie said we've got to give Peter as a as a keynote speaker so I was one of the the two kiddo kiddo speakers there oh that's great now a question for you now if people want to contact you or learn more about you what where can they get more information about you or get in touch with you at I go the best place to contact me is on my email site which is slots King that's where the Z slots King at I certainly recommend you have a look at my website which I think you'll be putting on the screen that's poker machine school pom dot a you at spoke one word poker between school calms a tie you alright Peter listen thank you very much for spending time with us today I guess even met thank you very much for giving me the opportunity to to speak to your views okay thanks alright so that does it for our interview with professional slot machine player Peter Liston if you liked the video don't forget to subscribe so you never miss any of our other great videos when they're released and if you also like to give it a thumbs up and if you had any questions go ahead leave them in the comment section below we'll be able to clarify anything you might have been confused on yeah thanks very much for watching and best wishes for good luck in the casinos don't forget that you can see more of our educational gaming videos on our youtube channel just go to slash american casino guide you
Channel: The Jackpot Gents
Views: 411,457
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Keywords: steve bourie, win in casinos, how to win casino, how to win in casino, how to win slots, how to win slot machine in casino, how to win slot machine, how to win slots every time, how to win casino slot machines, how to win at slots, slot machine strategies, slot machines how to win, how to win jackpot on slot machines, slot machine strategy tips, progressive slot machine strategy, how to beat the slot machines, how to win at the casino slots, slot machine strategy to win
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 21 2018
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