🎰5 Secret Slot Tips that most people don't know.

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okay hi everyone want to present a new video from  run horse calm sport and it's gonna be 5 secret   tips that most slide players don't know about and  I'm very excited to present this video I want to   get right into the tips we've talked to a lot of  slide managers people that worked in the casino   they know it and some insiders and we've gotten  this information and we want to share it with you   now ok let's get into the tips and tip number  one is look first machines that are new in the   casino and this is an interesting tip because  a lot of the slide managers that we talked to   say that the new machines in the casino will pay  out in a higher percentage than the machines that   have been there for a while let me explain this to  you the casinos want to promote those new machines   so whatever machine is new they generally have a  higher ratio payout ratio on the machines or set   to pay when they're new so you have a little bit  increased odds of winning now it's no guarantee   in this but those newer machines are generally  a lot of people want to play those new machine   first of all they might be interesting and they  also attract a lot of players but they also have   a higher probability of paying out when they're  new usually the first month or two is what we've   been told they will pay at a higher ratio and it  could even be six months or so depending on the   casino and then they will start to lower the  payouts so that's so a good tip and that's a   secret tip that's tip number one okay let's get  into secret tip number two and that's to trying   to change your betting amounts and let's talk  about this one you want to sometimes fluctuate   those bet amounts I've noticed that okay let me  explain this to you say I'm in a bad that's what   I like to play with a lot I like to start with  that could be 25 cents it could be 45 cents on a   machine I'll play that minimum of Ed for a while  if it's not hitting sometimes I'll raise it up   I'll try to play maybe the next amount of the  90 cent bad for example if it's a 45-7 machine   I'm going 90 cents I'll play that a little while  and if it doesn't hit maybe I'll even go up to a   little higher amount and then I'll lower it back  down I'll try that I'll fluctuate the beds and it   did at times this will really pay off I've seen a  machine that's 45 cents it's just not paying it's   not pain always so now I move up to that higher  higher threshold the higher payout I don't like   to go real high on these beds I like to keep  them around two dollars or less because it gets   expensive to play that high amount you know the  top top amount on the machine so I will fluctuate   sometimes I'll go up to 90 cents and I'll go up to  a dollar 50 wherever that arranges dollar twenty   five to twenty five sometimes at the maximum  amount and I'll play a couple of pulls there and   sometimes it'll pay off sometimes it'll hit right  away you move up to that 225 and boom you'll get a   good hit you'll get to a bonus even and that's  what we're always looking for so it seems that   those fluctuations sometimes will pay sometimes  a machine is paying on that higher amount and   sometimes it's paying on that lower amount so if  it's paying on that lower amount and it's paying   there I would just stick with that until it stops  why can't greedy and go up to that higher amount   so something you want to keep it keep in mind now  if you are playing at higher amount a dollar fifty   say a pole and it's not pain you might want to  try to lower the amount there's times that I've   seen that work as well after you put in fifty a  hundred dollars into a machine sometimes you'll   go to a lower amount and it'll it'll hit on that  bonus and it'll give you some of your money back   so it just doesn't want to pay and then higher  amount there's some days I've seen that on a   machine and it's just it's just weird how that  works and so that's a secret tip that's secret   tip number two okay ladies and gentlemen moving  right along here we'll go to secret tip number   three and this is what I like to call the last  coin phenomenon and let's explain that to you   if you think about this how many times have you  been playing in the casino where you're down and   you've got another real good hit all of a sudden  you're almost out of money and all of a sudden   boom the Machine gives you a nice hit keeps you  playing okay how does this work we noticed this   a lot and we've talked to a lot of people and  they all have stories like this I'm sure you   have your own experience if you played slots or  you've definitely heard about this I like to call   this the last coin phenomenon and it seems to us  that the machines are programmed in a way that   when you get down when you say you've put in 50  dollars into the machine or twenty dollars when   you get down toward that very last amount when  you're almost out of money the machine will give   you a higher odds of hitting I don't know why that  is but that seems to be the case almost every time   talk to a lot of people they've lost three four  five hundred in a machine all of a sudden they   get down that last five dollars they get down to  near that last we're almost out of money and boom   they'll hit something and no sometimes they'll  even get close to even or recoup or even a little   bit ahead and I believe the machines are designed  like this because it makes sense if you've lost a   lot of money in the machine they like to let you  get you know close to even maybe you know that's   what they're gonna do or maybe you get a little  bit ahead and then they'll start taking it back   slowly and that's how these machines work a lot  of time so what I like to do is I like to put in   I don't like to play with those high denomination  bills I guess you don't have good success with   those I like to put in $10 bills $20 bills into  the machine and I like to play it down to the   lowest amount and sometimes I will strike on those  late amounts now sometimes it works in the reverse   sometimes it pays quickly the machine when you  put in a new 20 or a new 10 sometimes I'll just   put a 5 in the machine there's no reason that  you can't feed it five dollar bills it accepts   those just as well as the higher amounts and you  can go from machine to machine with five or ten   play it down even if I I bet sometimes I bet a  dollar a pole and I put in five and I got down   to a dollar and I had a nice hit sometimes 150  $200 hit on a five dollar bill so you don't have   to put fifty $100 bills in the Machine it seems  to me like then you know the Machine whatever   you put into it it's you know it's trying to  its program to take most of your money to be   honest with you most of the time so feed it small  and let it work its way down and a lot of times   you'll see you've probably experienced it if you  think about it that last coin phenomenon that I'm   talking about where you get a big hit on the when  you're almost out of money so that's something to   think about and that secret tip number three okay  let's move into secret tip number four and that's   what we like to say we like to call this starting  small and betting up from there okay so start with   a small bet amount that's almost always how I  attack a machine I go in there I go in there   playing the minimum amount with a second lowest  amount and I will go ahead and I will try to see   if the machine is gonna pay and I'll get a feel  for the Machine I don't want to jump in there   I know some people they recommend these max beds  I'm not that kind of a player when we're talking   about a normal audience here you know we don't  focus on millionaires in this channel we focus   on everyday slot players so that's the kind of  formation that's what 95% of the players are   so let's talk about that we'll start with that  small amount played for a while if the machine   is hitting you can always bet up okay so that's  the thing to think about and I've actually heard   people talk about this someone coined it tickling  the Machine makes sense tickle the machine and see   if it's gonna laugh or your it's gonna pay you  so tickle that machine play a small bet amount   play that low bet amount 45 cents somewhere  in there 25 cents whatever the minimum is 30   60 played for a little while if it starts to hit  and it starts to give you some profit or you're up   10 20 30 $40 it might be time to raise up your  bet amount and I've seen this work really well   for some guys I've seen a guy I know that plays  this strategy and I've seen when a lot of money   starting with a small amount it's really amazing  I've seen him put ten or twenty into a machine   play small get up to forty fifty dollars start  raising the bet amount he might go from twenty   five if the machine is hitting goes all the way  up to like a dollar he thinks the machine is high   and it'll keep paying him and he'll get up two  to three hundred I've seen it a few times he's   done this it's really really impressive because  you got to think about it that's a huge profit   margin if you're only investing twenty and he's  walking away with three four I've even seen him   walk away with a 501 time he caught up to a dollar  he got a bonus and he actually went up from there   he went up to almost the max back after the bonus  was already at about 150 he played max bet and I   mean the interest keep paying campaigning I'm up  to almost four or five hundred now you can't go   crazy you can't play forever so he got up to about  four or five hundred I can't remember I'm close to   five hundred started to take his money and then  he cashed out wisely and he moved on and that's   what you've got to do ladies and gentlemen you've  got to take that profit and you got to walk away   with it so this is secret tip number four start  with a small amount and you can always bet up   okay let's go into the last tip here and this is  secret tip number five okay and this is what I'm   gonna tell you if you want to look for a big big  hit you wanna win big and you're a small player   this is a way to do it okay and you're not risking  a lot of money and follow this tip and you will   have some success at times and you were gonna end  up with a big hit eventually okay now if you've   been winning the casino if you had a good day okay  let's say you're up $100 or more that we can see   that a good day because again we're talking to  more smaller players so if you made $100 or $200   you're doing pretty well or you had a machine  you're up about a hundred hundred fifty on the   machine even if you've been playing small amounts  I recommend to try a few pulls on the machine   and maddux bet okay let's talk about this if the  machine is really hot I've seen it times where you   just walk in there it's been pain or you know it's  been idle for a while and you walk up there with a   maddox bet and you do a couple pulls and I've seen  really good kids I mean you can win a lot of money   on a max bad but it's rare so you've got to play  it smart and you don't know when it's gonna pay so   you got to have that extra money you can't go in  there you can lose a lot of money quickly okay so   this is caution you can lose though I don't want  it quickly if you stay with medics bets so if I   made 100 hundred fifty dollars there's a machine  I like or it's been paying I'll play a couple of   max bet and that's usually in the 250 to $5 range  I don't say go crazy the max bet is $20 okay let's   not talk about that let's stay away from that  but up to maybe $5 or some of these machines or   even up to eight nine dollars a pull it seems  pretty ridiculous to me on a penny machine so   I would try to stick to those ones max betting  is like $5 maybe and I would play a few poles at   $5 maybe put 20 in there play from three or four  pulls at $5 and if you catch a bonus or you hit   something nice you know you can then hit all the  big hit it happened to me one time in the casino   I was playing a smaller man I wasn't winning and  hit the bonus in a while I went up a little bit   didn't hit so I switched played a couple pulls at  $5 and I think it was the first or second pull and   I mean it's just the board lit up I got a lot  of $400 out of it you know I had a really good   pull and it wasn't even a bonus it just had a lot  of wild show up on the screen so this is a type   thing that you might see occasionally but only do  this when you are winning you want to do this with  
Channel: runhorse.com
Views: 537,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slot tips, slot machine secrets, winning slot machine strategies, how to win at slot machines, 5 slot machine tips, 5 slot machine, slot machine secrets revealed, slot machine winning strategies, how to beat the slots, casino slots tips, how to win at the casino, slot machine betting strategy, when to max bet slots, minimum bets slots strategy
Id: GqJ0UR0Ldg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 29sec (689 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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