8 Things To Never Do At A Blackjack Table!

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hi i'm steve bourie and i'm the author of the american casino guide and i'm matt bori and i'm the editor of the american casino guide and today's video is 8 things to never do at the blackjack table okay number one on our list of eight things that never do at a blackjack table is don't sit at a 65 blackjack table now if you're not sure what 65 blackjack table is Matt's gonna explain it to you so traditionally speaking if you were playing blackjack and you were dealt a blackjack which isn't in a 710 value card you get a blackjack and you would be paid at 3 to 2 or 3 units for every 2 units that you're betting and in layman's terms that means 4 if you bet 10 dollars you would win 15 dollars at a 6 to 5 table however it's a little different while the numbers are bigger and it sounds like it might be better if you break down the math on it it's really not you get paid 6 units for every 5 units that you bet so if you bet 10 dollars you would only win 12 instead of a $15 at a three-to-two table yeah this started years ago at single-deck games in in Las Vegas and and people always sort of knew that a single all things being equal the rules being equal single deck games are better for the player than multiple deck games so people thought it was a better game and yes it is a better game but not if they pay 6 to 5 if on most blackjack games if you use perfect basic strategy it's around 1/2 of 1% of the casino advantage when they only pay a 6 to 5 that adds 1.4 percent approximately to the casino edge so instead of playing a game that is you know about 1/2 of 1% you're playing a game that's almost 2 percent so it's like 4 times higher by that one change so you never want to play at a blackjack table that pays 6 to 5 only play it once a paid 3 to 2 and and also we have a video on this our good friend Henry cam Buren who's an expert on blackjack he did a video for us so you can look for it on our channel and it's called why you should never play 6 to 5 blackjack games number 2 on our list is don't play at a table with a continuous shuffling machine now if you don't know what a continuous shuffling machine is that's different from a regular shuffling machine that the dealers use say if you're playing on a game with a 6 or an 8 X shoe once the deck is done they take all the car and then a little thing pops up they put the cards in it goes down and the other side pops up they take out the new set of cards put those in the deck after they cut them and play with those a continuous shuffling machine on the other hand it sits up it's big it's generally black and it looks like a giant snail it's like shaped just like a snail and what it is is they play with a much smaller number of decks and what it is is it continuously shuffles the cards while you're playing so the dealer will deal out the cards to the table once that hands done they take them they put them in the back and then it's continuously shuffling and it spits out new cards and now while you might just think that it's bad if you're counting cards it's actually bad for all players in general yeah blackjack is a negative expectation game which means the casino has an advantage over you in all situations unless of course you will do or a card counter whereon sometimes you can turn it around get an advantage over the casino but whenever you play a negative expectation game the faster you play the more money you are expected to lose so the problem with a continuous shuffling machine studies have been done on these machines and they deal about 20% more hands per hour than with again with a regular shuffling machine so the more hands you play the more money you're expected to lose because again it's a negative expectation game so so you should avoid these number one if you are card counter you would never want to play because you can't count cards against it but number two even for the average player you're gonna play more hands per hour and you don't want to do that because you're gonna lose more money so two basic reasons why you don't want to play against a continuous shuffling machine okay number three on our list is don't hand your money directly to the dealer when you sit at the blackjack table yeah and it's it's sort of just if you've never played any table games before this is just what you do at all table games it's it's a standard operating procedure for the casino you don't hand your money to the dealer you've got to put it down on the table and then the dealer picks it up off the table and then they count it out very deliberately and space it all out so that the cameras can see everything and then they take the chips that you're gonna be given they put the chips on the table and then you pick the chips up it's they they cut out the handing people handing stuff to other people so that there's no like collusion or anything between you and the dealer or something like that yeah casinos are always a little paranoid about cheating whether it's cheating on the part of a dealer or collusion between a dealer and a player and one thing they don't want to do is have the dealers steal any chips so it's interesting that the uniforms that the dealers have they have no pockets so they can't slip up a chip in there and when the dealer has done a blackjack you'll see they they always they clap their hands and go like this to show to show that there's no chips being taken from the table so again casinos are very paranoid about that so when you sit at the table just make sure you don't hand your money directly to the dealer just put it down and the dealer will count it out in front of it in front of you on the table and in front of the overhead camera number four on our list is don't touch the cards and this is another one that goes back to the casinos being paranoid that everyone is trying to rip them off they think that if you're touching the cards you're somehow marking them or anything like that and that then this only applies in blackjack games that are dealt out of a shoe it's a little different for hand pitch games which I'll let Steve go on about yeah and hand pitch the same single deck or double deck games the dealer will throw the cards to you right there on the table and then you can pick them up but one thing to do is only hold them in one hand you're not allowed to hold them in two hands again they're a little concern that you you might be switching cards on them so be sure that you only hold it in one one hand the other thing is don't move the cards over the edge of the table or down towards your lap because they don't like that again because possible you know playing around with the card switching cards so be careful of that number five on our list is don't touch your bet once the hand starts and what we mean by once the hand starts is once the dealer starts dealing out the cards and this goes back to that same theme about casinos always thinking everyone is trying to rip them off where they think that if the hand is started and you're getting you're touching your chips or putting your hand near your chips that you're either trying to take chips away because you saw something bad in the first card or put more money out because you saw something good in the first card and to just avoid this whole headache entirely from getting in trouble from the casino just just don't even touch your cards or touch your chips once it starts like even if you if you notice that your chips are a little off off-centered or on the edge of the circle some people are anal and like to have their chips right in the middle if the hands of has already started just don't even bother touching it yeah there was a famous case recently where an ex NBA star named Charles Oakley if you want to google it he evidently had changed his bed after the hand had started and he did it several times and he did this in Las Vegas at the Cosmopolitan he was accused of this and he was charged with several felonies so it's something you want to be aware of so don't touch your bed once the hand starts mm-hmm number six on our list is don't tell the dealer what you want to do you have to use hand signals like if you want to hit don't just say hit if you want to stand don't say stand there's several hand signals you have to use yeah if you saw the one of the Austin Powers movies when he was in Las Vegas so you don't want to say hit me baby you want to use your hand signals so there are standard hand signals if you want another card you would tap your finger on the felt if you want to stand you would wave your hand over the cards that you have there if you want to split or double down you would just put more money out on the felt but again don't don't tell the dealer and the reason they do this let's say you said you said hit me and then the dealer gave you cards oh I didn't say hit me I said I wanted to stand so so they want to have a record of this so by using your hand signals it's it's recorded on the overhead security cameras so if there's ever a problem they can go back and see what your intentions were by looking at what your hand signals were because there's no audio in those it's just video so it's a security precaution for the casino and actually I guess it would protect you because if you ever had a problem and your signal was misunderstood you could always go back to the tape and prove what you of whether or not you wanted the card so again don't tell the dealer what you want whether or not you want a card use hand signals number 7 on our list is don't guess how to play your hands yeah if you've ever heard us talk about blackjack before or watch any of our other videos about blackjack we always mentioned what's called basic strategy and when you hear that blackjack is a good game to play because it has a half a percent house edge that's if you're playing your hands perfectly yeah basic strategy charts are derived from computer simulations of millions and millions of hands and through these calculations they find the best strategy for playing your hand in any given situation now the average person if they were to sit there and guess they'd probably be given the the house or closer to a 3% edge but if you follow these basic strategy charts and again it depends on the number of decks used and the rules in force in any particular game but it's about 1/2 of 1% now and and one thing to keep in mind how good these basic strategy charts are that even if you're a card counter where you vary your bed so based on the you're tracking the high cards and the low cards and there's a lot of high cards it's better for you so even as a card counter you are using basic strategy but probably about 80 to 90 percent of the time they they only deviate in rare situations when there's more high cards or more low cards or remaining in the deck so again that should be a good indicator to you that it's really good to use basic strategy because even our counters use it most of the time and now even if maybe you're going to Vegas soon and you don't have the the time to commit the whole basic strategy to memory you can get it on a little printed out card we have them on our site on PDFs you can download you can buy them on a lot of websites even most of the gifts shops and the casinos have them and you can just keep that in your hand while you're playing and look if you don't know how to play the hand you can look down at it and figure it out as long as you're not slowing down the pace of the game the casino really doesn't mind yeah but just keep one other thing in mind please that the strategy will change depending on whether it's single deck or multi deck and whether your hits it's off 17 or Stan's off 17 so like in our book we have six different charge and actually we also have those same six charge you can download them for free on our website in the blackjack section of the american casino guide com website and the last thing on our list of 8 things to never do at the blackjack table is there's sort of a few things in here and we've encompassed it all into one and that's pretty much just don't be a dick yeah you can find some nasty people at the blackjack table some sometimes it's a little intimidating for some people their first first of all they'd rather sit at their slot machine and not have to worry about any table etiquette or interacting with other people but sometimes if you sit there then usually it's someone who knows basic strategy or thinks they know basic I don't you know because sometimes they are wrong and and you make a move that they don't approve with they'll say you know why'd you hit that no and so some people at the blackjack table can be abusive so so just keep that in mind and the next sort of bit on this is blame others for your losses like a lot of people will get pissed at the dealer if they get a bad card and you know it's it's the old saying goes don't shoot the messenger and that's really what the dealer is is they're just the messenger they're not they're not like they're using a machine to shuffle the cards they're just handing the cards to you in the order they're supposed to be dealt it's not like they can choose which card they want to give you so I mean it's it's they're just doing their job you don't you don't want to get mad at somebody for doing their job and yeah and the other thing is sort of to go back to to the first one where the people trying to tell you how to play your hand a lot of times is David there was oh well you took the dealer's card and and if you hadn't done that the dealer would have busted them we all would have won but you know that person who's making that decision over there they don't know what cards coming next you don't know what cards coming next so in reality whatever that person does in the long run it doesn't matter because sometimes what they do will hurt you sometimes what they do will help you but you you have a tendency players have a tendency to remember what hurt them and and they forget when something something that the other person did that helped them so and again in the long run there's a lot of people who disagree with this but it's been proven that in the long run it doesn't matter what other people at the table do because sometimes it will hurt you sometimes it will help you so don't be a dick at the table and start abusing other people about their play it's their money let them play whatever way they want and another thing on that is that don't forget you're going to the casino to have fun if you're sitting at the blackjack table and getting mad at the dealer and yelling and everyone sitting around you it sort of defeats the whole purpose just remember that you go to the casino for entertainment purposes and that if you win money that just happens to be a bonus and that's it for our list of the eight things never do at a blackjack table don't forget to like video and subscribe if you want to see great other videos from us thanks again for watching and best wishes for good luck in the casinos don't forget that you can see more of our educational gaming videos on our youtube channel just go to youtube.com slash american casino guide
Channel: americancasinoguide
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Keywords: steve bourie, casino gambling, casinos, how to gamble, blackjack tips, black jack, beat blackjack, blackjack basic strategy, blackjack strategy, how to count cards in blackjack for beginners, how to count cards in 21, blackjack tips and strategies, blackjack tips for beginners, blackjack tips from the pros, blackjack tips to win, blackjack tips for vegas, blackjack tips when to hit, blackjack 21, blackjack basic strategy explained, how to play blackjack in a casino
Id: aCvLfvaFGeg
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Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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