How to Win in a Casino - GUARANTEED! - Even if You Know Nothing! • The Jackpot Gents

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hi everybody steve bourie here from the american casino guide this is our annual guidebook to all the casinos in the United States and hi and the author and I'm Matt bori I'm the editor and today we are going to give you guys some advice on how you can win money guaranteed in a casino 100% without losing money yes we get emails all the time and everyone wants to know you know is there one way that I can win money in a casino and it's a very difficult thing to do because casinos have an advantage and mathematical advantage on every game they offer in the casino but we are going to tell you today I forgot to tell you two different things number one we are going to tell you a guaranteed way absolutely even if you know nothing to leave the casino as a winner and number two we're going to tell you a secret method that will help you to win money in the casino and you should win money using this other method also unless you are the unluckiest person in the world which I'm sure you're not alright so first thing we're gonna start off with is we're gonna talk about signup bonuses and the way casinos work is they have I guess you can call them loyalty programs they're called Players Club accounts you they give you a little credit card like this and you go and you sign up at the booth they take your name your address and your email address so if they can send your stuff in the mail and they find that very valuable and in order to entice people to sign up they give little bonuses when you sign up so for instance there's some places you sign up they'll give you ten dollars in what's called free play or there's some places that'll make you spin a wheel and whatever the wheel lands on you win that much it can be anywhere from $10 to like a thousand dollars you can do it at a kiosk where there's a bunch of different icons and you pick one and it'll randomly give you a an amount that you've won really all the different casinos do different things but generally speaking they'll give you a bonus of what they call free play and the way free play works is the amount that they give you say you won $10 on your little spin thing you go sit down at the slot machine that you want to play you stick your card in you put in your PIN number that you set up at the beach buthe when you signed up and then it'll upload however much money you have into the machine now you can't just hit cash out take the money and leave immediately because that's not how it's programmed to work what you have to do is you have to wager that money through once before you can cash out now you don't have to lose it all but if you won ten dollars or if they gave you ten dollars in free play you sit down at a dollar slot machine let's just say to make it simple if you're betting a dollar spin you'd spin hit the spin button ten times that means you bet ten dollars and whatever you won you can just walk away and leave and it's yours to keep you just hit the cashier on the way out and then leave I know one thing if you're not sure how much you have left you can always push the cash out button at any time so let's say you were given $20 and you lost track of how many spins you had you don't know if you've put all 20 through yet you can just push the cash out button and then it'll spit out the amount of money that you've won and you played so far and what you've won and then a little sign will come on it and probably say let's say it spits out $5 and a little sign will come up and say promotional credits cannot be cashed out and it'll show your balance maybe a $12 left so that lets you know if you're playing a dollar spin you should hit the button 12 more times but you can do that every time so you don't have to absolutely keep track the machine will keep track for you just keep hitting the cash out button until it won't let you cash out anymore and then you know you've played your entire free play through the machine and then it's not like there's gonna be somebody standing over your shoulder that works for the casino making sure that you're not gonna cash out and leave generally the casinos expect most people to not keep strict count like that and they'll play until they run out of their free play and then once they run out of their free play they'll put in another $5 or $10 their own money and that's what the casino counts on but if you want to be guaranteed to win money just as soon as you're done with those spins cash out and leave and then go to the next casino and do the same thing over again now granted you're not going to win a lot of money because you're probably going to be getting $10 at most of these places but you are guaranteed to win money now I remember a few years ago my wife and I we took a trip from Washington we went to the flew up to Seattle and we drove down to a Napa Valley in California and we visited all these Indian casinos and and we we signed up we went into every every casino and sign up for the card and then we just played and then we just cashed out when we were done and we probably made about $100 each and it was fun you know you kill some time and have some fun and you know you laugh and you joking and you're not gonna lose any money so it's something that you should look into and again there's no obligation no no need to gamble so so that is how you win money in a casino absolutely positively guaranteed so the next thing we're going to talk about is it's not guaranteed way to win money but it's it puts the most guarantee almost guaranteed this is the only way you can lose here is pretty much if you're the unluckiest person in the world which hopefully you're not so and this is using gambling coupons and there's some great places to get gambling coupons one of which is our book the american casino guide we update that every year and another one is called the las vegas advisor if you subscribe to them they'll give you a book of coupons every year you use as well and they've both got great gambling coupons in them as well as dining coupons like there's two forms show tickets two-for-one buffets two-for-one attraction tickets all sorts of stuff so it's not just gambling coupons that we should say though that it's it's basically basically all for Las Vegas the gamin coupons we have as well as Las Vegas adviser are only for the city of Las Vegas so anyways so the gambling coupons in here are there's pretty much two different kinds of gambling coupons there's one which are free play coupons which is pretty much the same thing as the signup bonuses but it's not for when you sign up it's whenever you bring in the coupon and those are for the machines and the other one is match plate which is for the table games and so first we're gonna start out with the slaw play coupons all right and what do you slop plate coupons you can get a bonus usually if you and if you go into the casino for example we have one play $10 and through a slot machine get an extra $10 free so what you do is you have to put your own $10 in and play that through once you've played it through then you go over to the players club and tell them that you put it through they'll look it up make sure it's valid and then don't add another $10 to your account and you go through the same procedure as before you put in your players club card just stick it in the machine you put in your PIN you download the free play and then you put the $10 throw in your and you're free to cash out whatever you win now what a lot of people don't understand about this is that you don't have to lose $10 to get the $10 bonus you have to just wager $10 through so again like I was saying before if you just to make the math simple if you sit down at a dollar slot machine or any slot machine where you're betting $1 or spin 10 spins that means you've bet $10 even if you win money you don't even have to lose money you could hit a jackpot and win $1,000 and then still on as long as you've bet to $10 through you can go to the Players Club give them the coupon and then they'll give you the $10 bonus on top of it now to do the math on this understand what it's worth mathematically speaking basically you're putting in $10 so you've risked 10 dollars of your own money but they will give you $20 in play so the casino advantage on the slot machine let's say it's about 10% so you put they're giving you $20 less they're 10% advantage so it's worth $18 to you and you've put 10 dollars of your own money in so mathematically speaking you should come out eight dollars ahead for that play so now we have several different ones different versions of those coupons in our book some of them are played ten dollars get $10 where some of the other ones are you have to earn a certain number of slots before you get the free play for instance you have to earn 200 points to get $25 in free play and the number the amount of coin in that you have to wager to get a point is different from casino to casino so those are a little harder to calculate but they're still worth more money in the long run yeah though those are just slot bonuses now one other thing though is mostly shoot you can also play it on video poker and video poker has a lower casino advantage it's much closer to 5% and it is 10% so the other thing is you should really know how to play your hands have a good idea how to play your hands if you're gonna use it on video poker but even though you just play a slot machine and you don't know anything just sit there and push that button you have a mathematical advantage over the casino and you should come out ahead using these coupons on slot machines and then the other kind of coupons that you can use that I was talking about before are called match plays and these are made for the table games so the way match play works is if you have a $10 match play coupon you go you sit down at whatever table you want to play it at you put down your $10 they give you $10 and chips and then you put the chips down on the table and you put the coupon down next to it generally some casinos will make you put the coupon underneath the chips and what it is is if you have $10 in chips and a $10 match play and you win your bet they'll pay your $10 chips $10 for winning that and then they'll take your coupon and give you an additional $10 so really it's like betting it's like getting a free bet pretty much now you can only use it on even money bet so let's say you went to the roulette table you couldn't put it on like an individual number it pays 35 to 1 you can only you can only use it on even money bets which would be red or black on or even higher low and if you went to blackjack if you got a blackjack and you put your $10 in the match play $10 they would give you and and let's say because normally it's 3 to 2 in blackjack some casinos nowadays nowadays pay 6 to 5 but if let's say it was 3 to 2 they would pay you three to two they'd give you 15 to your 10 but on your Match Play coupon they would only give you even money so you'd only get $10 for your 10 in there instead of 15 and the other thing is is that if you were to go and sit down at a blackjack table and use a match play sometimes the players are little superstitious and get a little fussy about if you hop in in the middle and just try to bet one hand they're gonna accuse you of all sorts of things of throwing the the cards off and making everyone lose so it might not be the best idea to do it at a blackjack table we generally tell people to just go and do it at a roulette table because blackjack you start to know how to play the hands correctly and the other players get fussy and a roulette tape also in blackjack you may have to double down or split so you're putting up extra money that you may not really want to do basically you want to get in and out and do it quick and get it over with yeah so that's why we tell people to sit down at the roulette table because I mean all the time at the roulette table there's people coming in making one bet and then leaving so the other players don't care and there's no skill involved you just pick you pick red or black high or low odd or even and that's it you can pick any of those any of those just whichever one sounds cool to you then okay now one other thing that well two other things here we go because you can also use it on craps you can bet pass or don't pass the problem with that is once the points establish you could be there you don't know how long you're gonna be there you can be there 15 minutes while that people are rolling the dice once the points established they keep rolling the dice until that number is hit again or seven is roll the other now the other one you can use it on is baccarat you can use it on play or a banker in baccarat and the problem with that is if you think the people of blackjack are superstitious they're really superstitious at the baccarat table so you really don't want to go there because people may find it annoying but roulette players and they don't care a lot of people jump in and out of the game so roulette is always the best place I always do mine at roulette Matt does his roulette and and I just have some little simple system of whatever came in the last time you can I bet red or black that came in red I bet right again came in black had bit black again and this way if I lose I blame it on my stupid system instead of going there in Sanji which which one should I bet so I just use the same method all the time and that's it no thinking I on the other hand do the exact opposite of what he does if red came in all that black black came in all bet red just so that I can tell him that he was wrong and I was right anytime I win but my system is better all right we've explained what a match play coupon is but now let's get into the math to tell you what that the the value of that coupon what it's worth so the match plays the math is much easier to do in the match play coupons than it is on the other slaw play coupons where as a match play is worth half its face value minus the house edge so if you have a $10 match play it's worth just under $5 so half a ten is five dollars minus the house edge so you should win about four fifty four dollars and fifty cents for every $10 match play that you use now we don't only have $10 match plays in our in our book for instance we have twenty five dollar match plays we have $10 match plays so in a twenty five dollar match play half of that's 1250 minus the house edge you should win about twelve dollars on every twenty five dollar match play that use now once you you've got all these coupons either from us by the way you can buy this book on our website at it sells there for about thirteen dollars and 49 cents also you can buy it on amazon usually it's ranked number one or number two under gambling books in amazon and if you have the Prime membership you can get free shipping there but now once you have all these coupons you may want to consider doing a coupon run so what's the coupon run you asked I did this many years ago a lot a lot of people like to do them it's a lot of fun you'll win money I never lost money on a coupon run years ago when I first started in going a Las Vegas I didn't know that much about gambling I would go on a coupon room and I would gather all my coupons together and I'd put lay out a little list of places to go and I'd go there and use my coupons and at the end of it you know probably took a whole day to do it but it was fun because you got to see a lot of places you hadn't seen before and and you just wanted to go and gamble and make small bets and have some fun and at the end of the day when you added up both you probably may you know 15 20 bets at the end of the day mathematically you have such a huge advantage it's really hard to lose money I never lost money when I did it on the run and I probably did it for like five years and then as I learned more I moved on to different things but that is something that you may want to do and Matt yeah I remember even when we went to Vegas for my 21st birthday I remember doing one and I had a friend that came with us and he was not too keen on doing it at first he thought it was a stupid idea and didn't want to waste his time doing it and I dragged him along and made him do it and then I think we ended up winning like a hundred 150 dollars each and then he was much happier afterwards and thought it was the greatest idea ever and didn't know why everybody didn't do it all the time even though he was complaining so much at the beginning that he didn't want to do it but yeah it's really your mother used to do that too because I dragged her along mm-hmm but then we would win money and she'd be be happy and on top of it on top of winning money and also it does take quite a few hours like you have to block out some time to do this while you're doing the coupon run it keeps you from spending money elsewhere it keeps you from sitting down at a slot machine all day and God knows how much money you could lose doing that so it's really a double-edged sword you win money and it keeps you from spending money elsewhere and on top of it if you want to do a video of your coupon run will include it if you send it to us you can either comment with a link down below and we'll include it in the description or if you don't want to shoot a video you can write up a trip report of a coupon run you did and post it on our forum at forum dot american casino guide com we have a section there for trip reports and you can put it in there and share your results with everybody yeah so again we'll post a link to your coupon run video and we'll put it in the description box so if you do that let us know and we'll gladly put a link there and actually look down there right now because we have one from Tim Tim it's the first one and who did his coupon run and we have a link down there and we hope to add yours too so good luck and have fun in the casino and win lots of money on your coupon run don't forget that you can see more of our educational gaming videos on our youtube channel just go to slash american casino guide you
Channel: The Jackpot Gents
Views: 438,182
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve bourie, casino gambling, casinos, how to gamble, blackjack, gambling, blackjack strategy, win in casinos, henry tamburin, las vegas, 21, black jack, how to win blackjack, how to win 21, how to win casino, how to win in casino, how to win slots, how to win slot machine in casino, how to win slot machine, how to win slots every time, how to win casino games, how to win casino slot machines, how to win casino roulette, how to win roulette every time in casino, slot machine
Id: n8ar12geNgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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