8 Things To Never Do In A Casino!

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you hi everybody Steve bori here from the american casino guide i am the author and this is matt bori and i'm the editor and today we have a little bit of a different video for you guys we're doing 8 things to never do in a casino we've done a lot of videos about things you should do in a casino but we thought we'd change it up a little bit and give you a list of things to never do in a casino ok and we're gonna start off with number 1 which is and and and this could be bad for a lot of people don't drink too much alcohol yeah so if you're going to Vegas on the trip I mean people that have never been there before sort of blown away that you can sit down at a slot machine or sit down at a blackjack table and as long as you're playing they'll just bring you free drinks and there's kind of a reason they bring you free drinks because the more you drink the worse your decision-making gets you know some people just love throwing around money when they're after they've had a few too many and there's just a lot of when you're dealing with that much money in a casino you know you've got a lot of decisions to make they don't go well together yeah and now some states they do not allow you to the casinos to serve free drinks there's a few in the in the Midwest like Illinois Iowa Indiana they do not allow free drinks but if you go to Vegas or Atlantic City Bahamas the the drinks are free and when speaking of Bahamas reminds me one of my first experiences when I went to college I had a friend that while he actually was my roommate and we went to the to the college roommate we went to the Bahamas because my my uncle was working there for an airline so we got a free trip and my uncle liked the gamble and my own fortune my uncle was not a good gambler he would get drunk and lose a lot of money so so that was a learning experience for me because I could see that he was not good but my friend who one afternoon we went to them we didn't have much money we had like $100 he had been playing blackjack and he was drinking and he built this up to like $1500 it was crazy he kept winning but he kept betting more money because because he was drunk and and and I kept telling oh that's good come on let's go and now get out of here this is I know what I'm doing so anyway of course we lost it all back but yeah you really don't want to drink too much alcohol when you go to office you know it could be very bad and we're not saying don't drink at all like go ahead go and enjoy yourself but just don't get drunk in that don't cuz if you get drunk then you end up doing something stupid alright so number 2 on our list of things you should never do in a casino is get a credit card cash advance what you can do is you can go up to the cashier cage at a casino you give them your credit card and then they'll charge the credit card and give you cash for it and it's a very expensive thing to do if you look on the screen right now that's a picture we took at one of our local casinos of the fees they charge to get a credit card cash advance and if you look at that if you were to take a $500 cash advance you're paying 6% there and then we looked into it and then you have to pay another 5% your bank is gonna charge you 5% on the other end so that's 11 percent right there plus you have to pay interest on any money that you take which can be anywhere from 15 to 25 percent depending on your bank so if you're in a casino playing a negative expectation game that you should expect to lose on and then you're paying at least 11 percent upfront with a $500 cash advance you're starting off fifty dollars in the hole right off the bat like would you ever go into a casino if you went into a casino and gave them $500 cash and they only gave you four hundred and fifty bucks for you to play with you would never do that so you should also never you should never take a credit card cash advance because it's pretty much the same thing yeah so so with credit card cash advance fees it's very exorbitant but we're not talking about an ATM youyou can go to the casino and usually the fee to use an ATM is probably not bad you know to two to three bucks but you just don't want to use your credit card to get a cash advance in the casino okay number three in our list of things to never do in a casino is over bet your bankroll now let's say you're going to Las Vegas for five days and you have $500 bankroll you'd probably want to break that down into you know $100 a day for the five days you don't want to blow it all in one day but also when it comes to the individual games and how much are you're betting on those individual games there there's a sort of a formula for that that sort of a rule of thumb that that you can follow yes so what they say is on penny slots and nickel slots because the house edge is so high if you want to be able to play for three hours and not lose your entire bankroll they say that you should have 250 times your bet and bankroll so if you're at a penny slot machine and you're betting 50 cents a spin 250 times that is 125 dollars so that's what they say is if you're betting 50 cents a spin on a penny slot machine and you want to play for at least three hours you should have at least 125 dollars in bankroll the same goes for nickel slots it's the same 250 times your bet but once you get up to quarter slots and above since the house edge is smaller they say you only need about 200 times your bet for quarter slots and the same for dollar slots okay now one of the reasons they say you should do this for three hours trying to make the bankroll last three hours especially for slot player is that there's a lot of volatility in the game so you're gonna have a lot of losing sessions and then every one so all you're going to get lucky and and and you're gonna have a good win so you want to make sure that that you'll you know you don't wanna lose all your money in ten minutes and never have the opportunity to get that big hit so three hours is probably a good time frame to go with so because you're gonna have a lot of losing spins but everyone's well you're gonna get that winning spin to help bring you bring you back up or actually put you ahead so that's why they go with that three hour number so the thing about slot machines is you play them extremely quickly you make about 500 to 600 decisions an hour playing a slot machine if you're on a table game however it's a much slower game because there's other people playing with you the dealer has to deal the cards when they're done they have to shuffle the cards so it slows down the rate of play significantly so you're only making about 50 to 100 decisions an hour playing the table games such as blackjack or ride or three-card poker or something like that so they say that to fill in that same three hour window of play you need a bankroll that is 50 times your bet so if you're a five-dollar blackjack player you need at least two hundred and fifty dollars in bankroll to last for those three hours so like he said if you go to Vegas for five days and you only bring $500 that's $100 a day you don't even have enough to sit down and play [Music] blackjack with that bankroll five dollar blackjack so what you should really do is if you're gonna be there for five days and you only want to bring $500 you should really only set aside maybe two days to play that you're gonna dedicate to playing for three hours because I mean if you want to play $5.00 blackjack to play for at least three hours you need to $250 bankroll so I mean the hundred one hundred dollar bankroll is not gonna last you very long all right number four on our list of things you should never do in a casino is chase your losses yep I chase their losses that that means if you're having a bad day in the casino and you're losing more than you expected no matter what you do it's and isn't working very well then you get mad and you get upset and you you you start betting more money and say oh I'm gonna get this money back so that that's not a good idea yeah they have a term for it in poker it's called going on tilt like if you'll see it every once in a while if you watch these World Series of Poker things on TV where one guy has a winning hand and there's only three cards on the board and there's the still the turn in the river and the other guy has one card from the entire deck that he needs that he'll beat that guy with and he gets it on the river and then the guy who ever lost a hand it's a bad beat will get pissed and it'll start throwing his money around you know he's angry he wants to make his money back so he starts raising when he shouldn't call in bet she shouldn't making bets he shouldn't you know so it's kind of the same thing when you're not playing poker just on in a casino like if you're playing blackjack or you're on the slot machines you know sometimes you got to just admit it that it's not your day and just cut your losses and leave and save it for another day to come back and win it again I'll give you a little story here my worst day ever gambling had not been gaming for fifty years I did the math on this this play to go to a casino and do this particular play and my expected loss was supposed to be a hundred and fifty dollars and did didn't quite work out that I lost five thousand dollars but that's what happens you can have a bad day it's gambling even though I know but the casino advantage was and I did the math on it and this is what I expected it but but if that's a long-term number because you know over thousands and thousands of hands that's what's what's the your expected loss $150 I just had a really bad day in lost $5,000 so you know I didn't get mad and you know so I'm gonna get this money back and chase it down I said hey you know III had a bad day but in the long run I know expect what I'm expected to lose in this game and and you know I kept playing or either there somewhere else the same game and you know what averages out in the long run so anybody can have a bad day and if you have a bad day just say you know it's not your day and whatever you do don't go getting angry and try and make more bets and bigger bets to try and chase your losses except they had idea all right number five on our list of things you should never do in a casino is get a line of credit from the casino now this one's kind of debatable you know it's if you trust yourself you can go ahead and do it but you know there's some people out there that once they get the money they just have to bet it and they can't be trust themselves if you're one of those types of people then you definitely should not get a credit line from the casino but this one's definitely a little debatable this is the only one in the list that could go either way now I've gotten credit lines in casinos and years pass I've got one in the Bahamas and Atlantic City in Las Vegas and they are somewhat convenient well what you do is you just apply for credit and they'll contact your your bank whatever the banking information make sure you have enough in there and say you want a five thousand dollar line of credit and then it'll contact the bank and make sure you have five thousand dollars in there and when you go to the casino if you if you play a table game they will come over with a marker you say you want a marker and you sign this and they'll give you a chip say so you draw it five hundred or thousand dollars at a time and I'll give you the chips at the table and and so it's convenient because I didn't have to bring cash with me to the casino now when your trip is over say you're at the casino or your vacation destination for whatever for five days they would like you to pay it back now you don't have to pay it back at that exact time but if you don't pay it back they'll they'll send you a bill in the mail yeah and you should pay it and you should pay that but if you win it's it's very easy because if you win money then you just if you took out a five thousand dollar marker you won $1,000 you have six thousand dollars you just give them their five thousand dollars back and then they close out the marker and you're square and that's that but it's when if you lose money is when it gets a little complicated alright so if if you don't have the money well do should probably bring a check with you to pay off the marker before you leave on your trip but but you don't have to they will they give me about 30 days to pay it off so they'll send you a bill on the mill expect you to send them back a check and pay it off now if you don't pay it off this is where it could be troublesome because in Nevada and and I'm not sure how it is in other states but in Nevada when you sign that that marker what it is is basically you are signing a check so if it says in there whatever you got $500 or $1,000 so if you don't pay off the marker that they will take that marker and they will submit it because it's basically a checked with your checking account number on there and they will submit it to your bank and if it goes through if it does not go through if it bounces you have committed a felony and they will issue a warrant for your arrest and they want their money so don't so so a credit line can be a serious thing especially if you can't control yourself so if you had the money and you don't want to carry cash with you it could be good but if you can't control yourself and you know you're gonna write a marker for money that you don't have in the bank it's a bad idea because you it could lead to some serious penalties okay number six on our list of things and never doing a casino it should be pretty obvious to everyone and that is do not cheat or even try to cheat don't even think about it yeah I mean I gotta say that a casino is one of the worst places to ever attempt to do something illegal or something you should not be doing there are cameras everywhere there's probably cameras covering every square inch of a casino I don't think there's anywhere you could be in a casino with not and not have at least one camera on you now one thing I was going to give an example of a way someone could cheat is possibly there's a thing called past posting say you're at the roulette wheel then the balls spinning around it lands in a number and the dudes not paying attention someone could take a chip and try and put it on the number after it's come in that would be that would be called past posting but again like Matt said if there's ever any question the part of the casino they can all they can always go back and look at the video it would be rather obvious that that someone was trying to cheat at the game now one thing we need to clarify here a cheating is not let's say it's not the same as a deal or error say you're playing blackjack and the dealer accidentally pays you for a losing hand or a hand that tied and they shouldn't have paid you for if you take that money and you put it back in your in your and your chip trade that's not cheating it was it was a legitimate dealer error and you can't get in trouble for that but actually trying to do some form of cheating like I said past posting or another example when you play yeah when I play at the craps table I've seen I've seen people do all sorts of crazy stuff and if you've ever played craps you keep the chips up on your rack that goes around the table and when you're done you put them all down on the tables in a stack and you say I want to color up and then the dealer will put a button on it that says off so that everybody at the table knows it's not a bet and then after the dice is thrown they'll take them and color you up and give you back bigger chips but what some people will do is they will take a big stack of chips and put it on the way out somewhere that is also a place where it would be a bet if it was just a regular like two chips bet and what they'll do is they'll set the chips down and they won't tell the dealer that they're coloring up and the dealer will just see a big stack of chips and assume that they want to color up but then if the dice come out and the dice hit numbers that would have one on wherever that bet is people go oh no no no no I wasn't colouring up though that was a real bet or if they'll they'll try and say that if they put money down and that the dice come out and it loses they'll say oh no no no that wasn't a bet I was trying to call her up and I mean it's just it's it's just a dumb idea I've seen a lot of people getting some serious trouble for that before another thing you should never do is if you're playing any of the carnival card games like three-card poker or ultimate Texas Hold'em is try and trade cards with somebody else like if you're sitting next to somebody you know and you're playing three-card poker and I have two cards to the Royal Flush and he's got the third card to the Royal Flush and the dealer looks away we can't just trade cards real quick and then have the dealer pay me at the end because you think that would work but what lot of people don't know is that the continuous shuffling machines that they use that they it'll stick out the three cards and they take it and give it to the first person then it gives another three cards they take it and give it to another person those machines actually scan the faces of the cards and if you have a big payoff like a royal flush like that or something that pays a lot of money the pit-boss will actually come over and go over to the you'll see them press some buttons on the shuffling machine and they're actually going back to make sure that you were actually dealt those cards so that you weren't you didn't trade cards with somebody else at the table so a lot of people don't know that I was sort of blown away when I saw that the first time it was because I asked the guy what he was doing and he said oh it scans the faces of the cards I'm going back to make sure nobody was cheating alright number 7 on our list of things you should never do in a casino is unlike number 6 this is something that a lot of people might not know you're not supposed to do and that's take credits left on a slot machine by somebody else you have the money on a slot machine and usually belongs either to the casino or to this state so they don't like it if you if you take credits that are left on a slot machine now if you want to find something interesting you should Google what's determined Colorado's slot ticket arrest yeah yeah what happened in Colorado in the mountain towns they're Black Hawk Central City they were arresting people for taking credits on the machine some people may not even have known that the credits were on the machine but there's an article you'll read an article about a guy got arrested for 76 cents and he has a criminal record now for taking 76 cents from a machine now we understand that sometimes I've been in casinos where you see people that look like that might be homeless or something going around looking for credits on a machine so I could understand them hassling people like that but this was evidently someone who was playing in the casino and just happened to find that on there and probably put it in with his money or cash it out I'm not sure what he did but he was a regular casino player so you don't want that to happen to you so be aware that if there are credits on a machine don't cash him out don't play them to see if go just ignore it and go find another machine just so you never find yourself in a situation like this or what I'll do is if I'm ever playing on a machine and I noticed that there's a ticket in there there's some change left in the machine I'll press the cash out button and then I'll take the ticket and I'll put it on the top of the slot machine just so that the surveillance all the cameras will see that I took it and just put it away and didn't want so that I didn't keep it I mean that's one way to not get in trouble for it but there's actually multiple cases in Colorado where that happened there was one guy who I think this was the guy he was talking about it was a ticket for 76 cents he was playing on one slot machine looked on the next slot machine oversaw it had 76 cents so while he was playing on this one he hit cash out took the ticket put it in his and then he left and he didn't get caught that day but then he said he came back a second time and he put in his slot machine or his players Cardon as he started playing he said the security guards came over and got on their radio and said all we finally got him and we're like treating him like a felon just for taking 76 cents and there was another person who claims that they didn't even notice that there were ticket that there was credits left over in the machine it was like it was same thing less than a dollar was sitting in the machine and then they put in their money and just started playing it without even noticing that and the same thing happened they came over and got arrested for it so I mean Colorado seems to be the only place that actually enforces that rule which is kind of a it's it's a stupid rule for people like that but it could be enforced technically any casino could enforce this if they want to so so just be careful yeah all right which brings us to number eight on our list of things to never do in a casino and you see a lot of people do this and they really shouldn't and that is to blame your losses on other players or on the dealers okay so you'll give an example of some dealers yes I mean I every once in a while when I'm in a casino I like to play three-card poker or ultimate Texas Hold'em I mean I know it's a bad game I just have fun playing it and there was one time where I some player was not doing well they were losing money and they got real nasty with the dealer and the dealer was just sort of laughing it off and then he kept going and then so the dealer finally says he looks at him and goes hey man don't blame me for your your bad cards blame Sam and the guy looks at him and he's confused and he's like who the hell is Sam and the dealer points at the continuous shuffling machine he said Sam the stupid ass machine he said I'm not shuffling the cards don't blame me blame this thing so I thought that was pretty funny yeah that well that's what happens people say oh I you know I was winning until this dealer came in and he's unlucky he brought me all this bad Luck's but it's not the dealer all the dealers doing is just just dealing the cards the other thing is say in blackjack what will happen is people sometimes and I I tell people I said if you don't know the basic strategy it's really not a good idea to sit down at a player at a blackjack table with other players because there's a tendency for them to to blame you for their loss is if you do something that they think hurt the table and the reality of it is it doesn't matter how anybody else at the blackjack table plays their hands sometimes it will hurt you sometimes it will help you and in the long run it balances out and it doesn't matter what they do so so if and then people I was I remember one time I was in I was on a casino boat here in in South Florida it had to be about 15 years ago or so and this guy was a terrible blackjack player and everybody wanted to yell at him because that's what they want to do they want to lose a hand say well you took the dealer's bust card the dealer would have busted if you didn't take that card and it was the only time I ever saw it like this like five times the guy made a stupid move you know definitely against basic strategy and everybody won all five times because of because of this dumb move that the guy was making but you could see everyone everyone and everyone knew that they don't look at each other like this but everyone got lucky so so just just know try and control yourself don't blame it on them it's their money let him play you let them play their money whatever way they want them to lose loose you know it's their money let them lose it and I think the other thing I'd tell people it's good that there are bad blackjack players because it makes it better for you because they'll lose their money because they're bad blackjack players and you will not lose your money weld you you'll lose less money if it's yours a much smarter blackjack player so don't let bad players in on you and the most infuriating thing is people the blackjack table will yell at you and call you an idiot even if you're playing perfect basic strategy even if you do a move that they don't agree with even if they don't know how to play blackjack and you do know how I've had it happen to me all the time you know usually the the most common case is when you hit a soft 18 against a nine ten or a it's your basic strategy says to hit that and then people say well you're stupid you had 18 you should have stood and well no but basic strategy says to hit that so that that to be is the most common one for that I know alright so number eight our final one now is don't blame your losses on other players but Matt you will let Matt finish with his one story about the hard rock when he was there with the guy over the table oh yeah I forgot about that one this was the craziest thing I've ever seen in a casino hands down and definitely exemplifies one the extreme of blaming other people for your losses so I was at the Hard Rock in Vegas and it was a very there was a concert that night I forget what concert it was but there was a very interesting mix of people that were there for that concert and anyway so I'm sitting there playing blackjack and I'm over on the left-hand side and there's another guy sitting right across from the dealer his second base and we're playing and the guy is losing a few hands in a row and he looks at the dealer and says if I lose one more hand I'm gonna kick your ass and the dealer laughed it off I laughed it off the other guy at the table laughed it off because on top of that being a really stupid idea the dealer had to have had at least a hundred pounds on this guy so sure enough the next hand he loses and without saying a word he dives straight over the blackjack table at the dealer and it was the most insane thing I've ever seen in a casino and I mean of course the dealer had a hundred pounds on him so the dealer just picked him up and slammed him onto the ground and just started standing on him and waiting for a security to come over but I mean it was insane like you should never do that it wasn't the dealer's fault he's just dealing the cards to him man I mean he he's just doing his job you can't get mad at somebody for doing their job but that was the most extreme case I've ever seen okay well that concludes our list of the top eight things you should never do in a casino thanks for watching and best wishes for good luck in the casino don't forget that you can see more of our educational gaming videos on our youtube channel just go to youtube.com slash american casino guide you
Channel: americancasinoguide
Views: 1,875,339
Rating: 4.5217357 out of 5
Keywords: steve bourie, casino gambling, casinos, how to gamble, las vegas, casinos don't want you to know, how to gamble in casino, how to gamble and win, slot machine secrets, slot machines tricks, casinos slots, blackjack strategy, blackjack tips, slot machines, slot machine, las vegas strip, casino strategy, casino strategy slots, casino wins, casino gambling scene, how to gamble slot machines, blackjack tips and tricks, blackjack tips to win, 8 Things To Never Do In A Casino!
Id: vXCIoWqvt-4
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Length: 26min 38sec (1598 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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