How To Win At Chess #15 (1300-1700)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to win a chess a series where i take on my twitch subscribers in 10 minute games and i go up the raiding ladder in every episode walking you through the opening middle game and the end game before we get into the games today i'd like to tell you that this episode is sponsored by surfshark surfshark is a vpn or a virtual private network which allows you to encrypt your connection to the internet so that you can browse it privately and anonymously we edit this part in by the way so i'm wearing something different sorry a vpn is great if you travel for business or pleasure you'll be able to access certain websites abroad that might be restricted otherwise you can also log into sensitive portals like bank accounts without any concern if you're just a regular user at home you can access certain streaming websites like hulu or netflix and get catalogs that are not available in every single country also using a vpn could allow you to avoid ads if you select the right countries but i probably shouldn't tell you that we can just edit this part out and the best part unlimited devices not three not five not ten unlimited something that other vpns cannot promise you you interested in surf shark take a look at the link in the description below use the promo code gotham and you'll get 83 off and three free months that comes out to 2.49 and if you hate it you got 30 days to get your money back let's get back to the video isn't that crazy how i recorded that like just a month or two ago and everything is different now we're in a totally different place well it's the beauty of editing now let's jump into the games uh we've got a lot of very strong opponents today um the first of which is going to be 1200 rated mag martini uh you all know the drill e4 okay i think i'm going to begin with my uh gambits course for black um scandinavian with ed5 and knight f6 queen d5 scandinavian defense standard is always completely fine uh knight c3 is uh is a reasonable move now some people here make this trade yeah no now it's a scandinavian without the knight here so it's actually completely fine for black generally i like to play this like this just getting my queen side developed although the pawn in the center can be an immediate target for the move e5 but i'm just going to play knight c6 i don't want to trade too many pieces yet and already black is taking over the initiative uh because white kind of played a little bit too solidly um now i personally enjoy playing this in a little bit of a just every every move i'm getting something developed i don't just take to double the pawns although that's also completely reasonable um and really you set up everything for a potential lashing out with e5 if for example my opponent played but actually that's a great example like a very slow move like this e5 is it can be very very powerful in a lot of these positions so that's my first consideration um but i know that when e5 happens i don't want to trade all the pieces so i have the option to like trade the queen and i don't think i want to do that bishop e2 played okay so if i take on d4 knight can never take because g2 is hanging so i think i'm gonna do that and if cd4 now my bishop gets a turn to attack the king all right there it is so if i take now then opponent takes here with check so i've got to play bishop e2 first taking here also doesn't make sense because the bishop takes first so i play bishop takes here uh knight takes queen takes or king takes my next move is queen takes on g2 oh now it's even now it's even worse because the rook is hit and the queen is hit and we see the devastating effect here of the uh of the black gambits course kind of taking taking action yeah that's just a very soft spot there for the uh for for the opponent also i've just realized that i've been recording for about two minutes now with no clocks so that's good um well hope let me let me hope some clocks appear all right there's white's clock and uh black's clock is clum is uh i added an extra l there we go outstanding professional youtuber by the way uh just in case anyone's curious i hope that looks okay i really would hate for it to not look okay the gotham audience deserves the best quality content um although i think they used to be and in the meantime my opponent has sacrificed with check i guess i'll take with the knight i mean i don't really like my king in the center i'll probably just take with the knight and i'm still desperately trying to crop the clocks so that they look okay we'll put them like this live cropping here on the gotham chess youtube channel usually something just reserved for twitch but i did not realize that i had actually hidden my clocks from view but that's okay we can have this moment where i just act like i'm a stupid guy okay um probably important to just finish my development at this point i mean i understand like you know you might be tempted to play moves like this actually this is a very funny move uh the bishop anytime it wanders over here can be trapped with a move like b6 if bishop takes pawn takes and then rook takes bishop let's not forget that the rook is actually currently protecting this uh now we can play king to b7 and the bishop is just trapped this is how fisher got his bishop trapped versus spawsky this is the uh the very famous bishop takes corner pawn um i guess i can take this because right or this i like this because the night is under fire and this is uh this is pretty clean so far um so queen takes knight king takes bishop is threatened and we we will analyze a little bit in the opening this really was kind of an opening catastrophe uh from the but listen that's that's the benefit of studying openings right you you get certain advantages and still this is impossible uh now okay i thought i would have some like check check to win this rook but i think i'm just going to bring my rook to the center really when you're up a lot of material you don't care so much about pawns you you really want to go for the good stuff or down here if i can team up my rook and my queen together they will bully the king into a checkmate for sure and as long as you don't blunder anything absurd you should be completely winning now then um yeah this was this game was really just lost out of the opening for white but white is clearly a strong player 1300 rapid just goes to show you how strong of an initiative you can build when every one of your moves your your your foot is on the gas even at a red light uh that's not actually how you should drive though um yeah rookie two is on the way and there isn't a whole lot that can be done here but having said that i will i will gladly continue to fill the dead air with random topics of conversation rook takes d6 um i have a check which attacks the rook as well my opponent will have to come back with the rook to block the king and at that point i will add pressure to that rook with my rook or they will just give me this and that is completely fine with me and if they take my free pawn they can't take this one then i have queen g6 and i pick up the other rook and if they go there i will threaten oh they want rook here i guess i'm trying to find the fastest checkmate so queen d1 is a mate on the back rank but here my opponent can play rook d2 of course if you want to end the game in flashy style you can always sacrifice the queen for the rook and that's not even necessarily flashy as much as it is just completely simplifying because even though you lose your queen you still have rook and knight you can make a new queen um king here there is probably mate mate and uh if king b4 knight c6 king a3 and rook 2a1 is a mate we do not even need to take the rook on g2 so that was tough um that was a tough game now so first things first knight c3 is not white's best move but it's not a move that uh that like gives away a huge advantage or anything it's just just allows black to equalize now here there's bishop c4 which actually applies a little bit of pressure this move releases all pressure in the position i've had some people play like this against me queen f3 here um that's a pretty reasonable move and after something like this this i mean you just you play chess uh but uh yeah the way my opponent did it allowing me to kind of get a very very quick initiative with e5 um if d takes e5 were to be played probably i would have gone here to not trade queens and just keep applying some pressure and then for example if queen e2 then after 95 black is already winning because of how powerful this pin is now with an extra layer of pressure it's completely winning for black because you're threatening to just destroy on f3 so um yeah that's uh that's a little bit about scandinavian uh and uh e4 d5 kind of the the uh delayed scandinavian now for this next game i'm actually jumping up to play one of the 1700 rated players because this person actually has to go uh i'm gonna play g6 for this game e4 g6 my little bit of my modern repertoire i don't want to repeat all the same openings i want to give you all kind of fresh fresh stuff d6 my opponent has played knight f3 already kind of negating some of their options they don't have f4 anymore which can be very dangerous and i also don't know which my which way my opponent is going to castle but in the modern system i stay flexible i kind of look at which way they're going to go this is very common to play a6b5 delaying this development because you don't necessarily know where you're going to put your knight will you put it on f6 or e7 um okay a3 is not always necessary but it's a very common move because people don't want to get hit with b4 it's actually already a slight inaccuracy very slight though i mean nothing nothing you know unbelievable knight d7 because the bishop wants to go here and that's actually one of the reasons that people play this a3 move but it's actually a waste of time it's better for white to just play here and this move they can always rotate the knight over there in fact white plays a4 in a lot of positions the move a4 to get you to play b4 to rotate the knight around now i'm gonna play bishop b7 okay this battery is pretty useful to trade off my dark squared bishop if i ever move my knight which is one of the reasons it's good to delay moving your knight um now my opponent might play the bishop and still maintain flexibility of which way to castle and at some point i will just have to play my knight to f6 oh okay long castle all right so now we have a very simple plan we actually don't do this at all we play rook c8 and we try to play for c5 that is the entire point here um and actually this pawn on a3 advancing one square is a big benefit to us because it is something called a hook and in the future if i ever get a pawn to b4 i'm going to be knocking on that pawn to do something whereas if that pawn had never moved forward right that wouldn't be the case now because i've also not really committed my king my opponent cannot launch a counter-attack because i don't have a king over there that doesn't really do anything that doesn't scare me so in modern positions if white overcommits the king early we have this very clear plan of c5 and opening up this file now i'm just telling you how to play the position i'm not trying to say this is winning for black this was winning for black chess would be way too simple c5 d5 c5 doesn't really matter even if on poisson is possible um because this could have happened anyway right like for example if my opponent plays h3 now they could have played h3 c5 d5 so just because on poisson is playable that just still opens up the c file for us and we're justified in putting our rook there and if they don't take because they don't want to open up our rook well that's fine we have space we're taking away bishop d4 and everything in the center now rook c6 is actually not a terrible move but i don't like that the rook will just be targeted so i'd rather take with the bishop um and by the way some of you might be wondering aren't we just like winning a pawn here no because number one we lose our rook and number two this bishop is instrumental in our attack bishop d3 is not a bad move i would have anticipated a bishop trade and now is our first moment in the game we really need to think about what to do so naturally i just want to play queen b6 oh sorry this is not my brain fused two ideas queen b6 hangs a queen in one move but what i was going to say is knight f6 and then i jumped ahead in my brain i was going to say knight b6 to try to maybe come here and if bishop b6 then queen b6 i skipped ahead like 10 10 sentences or something knight c5 is also an idea and if bishop takes pawn takes queen a5 is an idea what i don't like about queen i5 is that if this knight ever moves i probably have to trade queens and uh i if i ever want to attack my opponent i'm not going to be able to trade queens i can always pack my bishop up also by the way just and and and kind of add something here very interesting position don't know what to do if i play knight f6 do i have to worry about bishop h6 that's something i need to worry about um very tough very fluid position norm i'm thinking i'm thinking knight c5 is is my best option here's why if the bishop is traded my dark square bishop is supreme on the board right if the bishop is not traded then i can just take white's bishop uh giving me the bishop pair uh not to mention the fact that then i can maybe play a5b4 um but let's put it this way white is fully developed so white's position is actually pretty reasonable and bishop h6 will lose a lot of its sting if i can trade some pieces off the board whereas if i allow my opponent to infiltrate here with the queen and then i well they take see that's now there's also this which a lot of people forget about one of the other benefits of keeping my knight on g8 in a lot of these positions that that is a big loss for white white probably just went from very very very slightly better just because of the lead in development um and just the inherent benefit of playing white and going first um yeah white with that one trade of dark scored bishop from my knight just tanked the position uh which which is crazy and we'll take a look with the computer afterwards obviously not during please no no computers during another benefit is that c4 will kick this bishop out and you might say well have you blocked your queen side now you don't have the attack yeah but it's like in fighting right if you fake a punch and they like block you know and then they fall because they're so scared of how hard you're gonna hit them you succeeded right i mean that's just the truth if they like fall then you were successful right now we are actually straight up threatening to win the game bishop h6 the knight will come block and we will just attack the knight pinned piece right so if king b1 is played which doesn't look completely unreasonable to get out of bishop h6 stuff uh okay so that that move actually kind of stopped it didn't not no not really but also this bishop has no moves and i can just play c4 yeah i can just play c4 and the bishop is trapped and this is crazy this is a strong player this is a very strong player interesting i can trade queens and then take or i can just take if i take uh of course this is protected but if i take this queen can move somewhere if i take knight takes pawn takes knight takes and i guess i just take this pawn let's do that first let's simplify the queens off the board this is a strong player just unfamiliar with the the little wrinkles of the of the modern defense uh and uh for that reason we are obtaining a winning advantage now of course if knight takes bishop takes my opponent might throw in this my opponent did not throw in that also do i have this and maybe the knight then i can attack it again oh i like that yeah i like this too but this at least guarantees i trade some pieces and um because i've been delaying my development simplification is good for me more pieces i trade the less danger i'm in and then i would be able to play like knight f6 and castle and we're probably gonna have to win an end game where we have a piece for a pawn or a piece for two pawns but that's life i mean there's there's nothing you can do about that that is just how it goes sometimes the only move here is actually b3 uh bishop c4 now rook c4 of course just don't get mated somehow if the rooks were doubled this is the threat knight f6 and castles if i can get those two moves i get my second rook out whether to c8 or b8 with pressure down these files some isolated pawn weaknesses here definitely don't help white uh and uh just need to make sure i'm not gonna like do anything too stupid i can always bring my knight back i'm just in time let's say short castle and we are ready to go and the reason i'm looking over here um [Music] is that we just had some crazy breaking news at the world cup uh indonesian grand master susanto meganto tested positive for coronavirus in the middle of a game and so social media is on fire right now saying how could he test positive in the middle of a game they don't check results before the round so yeah crazy stuff is going on right now and at the time of recording this july 15th 2021 extended tax deadline in the united states by the way so this defends this but after the move e5 there is certainly no hope of defending that pawn in fact the brutal reality is that this knight has nowhere to move which means it must return which means that after i take on c2 it is a check wow now folks i promised you some analysis here okay um so after bishop d3 uh i had calculated a few things number one i had calculated bishop b7 i had calculated uh queen a5 knight c5 and just talking about knight f6 so remember how i told you you don't want to make this trade well the computer is such a scumbag it thinks this is the best move and after this knight f6 volunteering your dark scored bishop for being captured uh the computer thinks there is no way to guard against a capture on e4 and the opening of the c file and actually the computer is completely correct because if this bishop moves this is under attack so if the queen moves you still take on e4 um now bishop b7 is the computer's second choice just applying the pressure and my move knight c5 uh it it the computer just wants to give away this bishop basically it thinks that black has lost a little bit of time and if black does in fact go for this this doesn't really damage white's position because white has all of the development and it thinks that the position is more or less balanced um so knight c5 was maybe mildly inaccurate in view of the fact that there was better things like bishop take c3 but after this the position is now almost almost lost for white immediately basically there is one move here that doesn't lose the game on the spot and it doesn't even looks like it how does this make sense queen to e3 targeting this and what happens if i pin then knight g5 and if i go here then bish look at this bishop b5 because when you move the queen here you actually opened up that is insane yeah this is what i mean like computers will find this stuff and then yell at you um and then we'll just say like crazy stuff like hey you should have seen this no and by the way by the way by the way we only looked at bishop h6 queen b6 and black is still definitely it computer saying minus one so that one trade really just set white up for failure and immediately blundered on my next move uh and you know that's that's that's how it goes so uh two different games two different gotham courses and now we will play daniel i am going to play d4 and i will play a london or a trompowski depending on what my opponent plays so we have a london and again i'm i'm playing stuff that i recommend to people all the time uh i am playing i might play c5 dc5 very tricky system where you take on c5 early yeah this is a super tricky line um against e6 you play b4 and you just defend this pawn although my opponent displaying moves very quickly at least that one and this can be a very menacing system if they don't know what's up if they if they play c5 and they don't know what they're doing against a5 you need to not reinforce with your a pawn because then you would lose your rook you need to reinforce with your c pawn uh because then takes takes and that's it you're basically like dude do something about it now here the move b6 loses in spectacular fashion to a very very nasty trick you can get a winning position in six moves i'm very sad we will not get it i will show you after but basically you see how my opponent played knight c6 um if b6 were to be played then bishop takes b8 so that you can give a check but we'll take a look at that after now here i believe the best move is bishop to b5 uh pinning the knight and disallowing it from applying any pressure here now i think the best move here for my opponent is then to play the move bishop to d7 and um there i think what i do is i need to come in support of my pawn here with a move like queen yeah queen to b3 i think but i don't remember i can also maybe play a4 here here here here b6 that might be something that might be something but maybe not maybe that is definite maybe that is not something maybe i'll just play queen b3 and be quiet just defend my b4 pawn and now all i need to do is to play knight f3 knight d2 actually knight f3 in castle let's just let's just okay i just need to get my king out of the center of the board as i try to hang on here of course this comes with drawbacks you know uh playing like this because i'm delaying my normal development so and my opponent has a good control of the center so pluses and minuses for example i've had grandmasters play e5 here and try to take the full center but black also can't overextend here in desperation mode [Music] um you know black like shouldn't play this like you know e5 and d4 and go completely nuts okay so i'm thinking to just play like a3 and make sure i have no real problems anymore uh but i don't think there's anything wrong with putting my knight on f3 i mean it's like the most universal developing move i control more of the center my opponent is pretty passive and if we both castle and then we proceed with the battle i am still up a pawn that pawn has not been reclaimed now there are some tricks maybe i should have played a4 actually so that everything is kind of defended over here i was thinking there was a trick like if my opponent moves this night right now if they move the knight a move ago and i took here it would be czech right but if in this position they move the knight then i can't take the bishop with a check so technically they could play take take knight a5 and that would be a problem so here if i castled and take take knight a5 could be a little menacing oh no but then b takes then just b takes and i'm protected oh interesting my queen is okay so do i castle or do i play a4 what does my heart of hearts tell me what does it tell me it's telling me to play a4 or a3 to completely shut down play on the queen side i think i'm gonna go with that i think i like completely shutting off my opponent's queenside counterplay could be totally mistaken there could be now a very timely move punishing me for not castling um but i don't see it and now there are no tactics associated with knight moving because my a pawn protects my bishop against all tactics and the longer the whole queen side stays defended the better it is for me now there is one undermining move b6 but it's very bad because i take take and i can move my pawn up and if i can create a b and c with pawns the game is over for black black is completely lost so that's the very like tricky thing about this position black trying to undermine me um and uh and me trying to not get undermined so yeah very tough position this is this is not what a london player signs up for let's put it this way and by the way this is just a little bit of a prep advantage this dc5 uh i've had to face this with black and you know i know some tricky lines for black to play to equalize but it's it's annoying if you don't know what you're doing it's definitely can be super super annoying anyway a4 and uh we await a response from my opponent take a sip hope you're all doing great by the way um as we sit back and relax uh 27 minutes into the video i'm gonna let you all know that um i've been hitting the gym i don't know probably can't see it that much my arms did get a little bit bigger but been hitting the gym a lot the past past month past three weeks uh not because i want to be a bodybuilder but because it actually just makes me feel good i tweeted about this and i said that um on days you feel lethargic actually like the gym can help surprisingly even though you would think you need energy for the gym which you do can sometimes even give you that boost so the question is do i trade or do i not trade um i don't see anything wrong in trading and now i can finish my development and keep it going the thing is this is actually very smart the way my opponent has played this i can't play b5 without losing my c5 pawn so we kind of have like a permanent tension now my opponent can't play b6 because i literally just take it for free uh but yeah this is like not there's nothing conclusive yet there's it's still all very tense on the queen side now if i can successfully break through of course i'm just going to be oh no no no we were having such a good game no no no now i'm up a rook for a bishop well now i'm now i'm definitely winning uh but still still there is chess to be played uh believe it or not there's well believe it or not the chess just chess video uh there's still a lot of chess to be played there's still many pieces on the board and it's never too late to do something extremely stupid i'm going to oh i actually can take either pawn because that's pinned but i'm gonna take this so that my b-pawn can go up you see i've been trying to play b5 the entire game right and i've never had a chance because either my bishop was in the way or i would lose my c5 pawn now that i've successfully moved my beep on here and it's guarded the game is probably over just because now i can bring my rooks to d and c and you would say why like this why why not this work well because this rook will control the d file and the circle control the c file and that is the way you have to determine which oh i had a fork oh my god i just played too fast oops yeah pawn up and just i mean c5 just wins on the spot oh man i know that discord is going to be crazy going i'm crazy about that folks in discord like to watch these games live and talk about them okay well this time i will not oh and the worst part is it's not a fork the rook is completely trapped it has no moves it's actually nuts that the second i said that there's still plenty of chess to be played my opponent hung all their pieces this chest is such a brutal game i was like there's still plenty of chess and then and then it all fell apart um i guess i'll go down the c file let me just not hang my rook rook c8 always possible if the queen goes away right now the thread is rook c7 which attacks both the thread is rook c7 yeah this was uh this was this was very tough but uh often oftentimes if you don't ever get off the ground uh from the opening standpoint it it's it can really be a downhill slope oh no my rook but b7 b8 is coming so my b-pawn actually triumphantly made it through which is nice the little pawn that could knight c5 is actually a very good move i completely forgot about this uh attacking my queen and my rook and stopping stopping me from pushing my pawn so easily i would have had to give a check there now i'm threatening rookie 8 threatening rookie 8 anyway even if it's not check and i will make a second queen and of course my opponent did not have to resign when they blocked it we're gonna play this out i have two queens my opponent did not have to resign when they blundered the rook but when when that fork lands that's probably game over but even at 1440 i wouldn't i wouldn't resign so quickly i mean at 1440 people still have to prove to you that they know how to checkmate well here here we have an example of how to checkmate uh i think queen takes c8 is a double queen mate let's quickly analyze this uh i think everything we did in this game was pretty much part of the game plan uh bishop b5 here is a good move is queen b3 the right move yeah it's showing queen b3 is the right move and yeah computer can't actually decide between castles and a4 so it thinks that both of them are good uh even on well my computer's thought my cloud computer stops at depth 20 which is nothing you should go to like 35 but knight a7 was already a slight inaccuracy my opponent should be trying to come forward more than backward because here there's there's sort of a tension that's inherent and what they need to do is they need to go find an advantage and they have their advantage in the center they can put their bishop on f6 and really pressure my diagonal even f5 and g5 taking some space with the king side pawns while i try to figure out what's going on over here because again like i said it's never too late to blunder something one wrong mistake i give back my pawn and the bishop goes to safety black is much better because i spend so much time on the queen side right now of course there was a one move blunder and that happens and um yeah this transformation with b5 is so important i cannot stress enough if you can get a protected pawn in your opponent's side of the territory uh that cannot be attacked with the pawn it's protected and it can't be hit with any pawns it just kind of stands there so powerful because it's so annoying right so this next game is against the foxy 38 uh a player from uh israel and is that an actual fox all right fox is a fox i guess c4 so i would go g6 uh but let's play e6 b6 i haven't played that course in a while like my e6 b6 actually technically i should have started with b6 oh man that was actually very dumb especially if my opponent oh oh no oh no i'm so upset oh i should have played b6 bishop b7 ah because now if i play bishop okay let's think about how we can turn this into something we know okay i'm gonna play malachov system i'm going to play e6 g6 and this is actually back to some one thing recommended in my g6 course it goes bishop g7 97 and d5 just slightly different um slightly different setup very unique setup and little bit strange considering every pawn is on a light square but it's it's totally okay knight e7 i'm gonna go for d5 ah c4 b6 would have been nice i really would have liked to play an e6b6 it's been a while uh let me play d5 i'm actually not castling because believe it or not if you castle too quickly they can just not castle and play the h pawn at you yeah so the meta is to at least play in the center first uh if cd5 of course we take with the pawn if uh if they they should play d4 yeah this is super common uh taking on c4 is not like excellent it just gives a normal game kind of like a queen's gambit accepted game or a catalan game where black needs to really bend over backwards defending this pawn now i might throw in a6 and a6 sets up the capture so that i can quickly play b5 and hang on to it but you don't you don't need to do that and now i really need to figure out what's next um if they take we have a very specific pawn structure um where i need to play in a certain way and otherwise i can probably just play b6 and bishop b7 so let me do that let me play b6 and bishop to b7 now we see that how delicate this diagonal really is right white is always a little bit better here better control in the center better development but we have a very combative system we haven't traded any pieces we are looking to slowly get back into the game the most critical approach for white is something with bishop f4 rook c1 cd5 try to attack on the c file or bishop before queen d2 you know yeah this is not it that's just a little bit this is i'm happy to see this let's put it this way and if the bishop goes here it's not insanely dangerous we're just gonna have a very slow game which will be ultimately decided by the slightest imbalances ah bishop a3 interesting okay it's a very unique move i guess trying to what if i just sidestep so now i can move my knight bishop takes e7 is a horrible trait for white so that's not something i'm concerned about well there there's rook c1 so i i i did mention this and cd5 could come uh i'm thinking knight c6 or knight d7 i'm also thinking to take on c4 uh now taking on c4 is bad because i give my opponent complete center control something that i would really like to avoid and if i can't and if i do go for that i will really be suffering so here's what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put this knight on d7 very passive but i don't want to block my bishop i'm also probably going to play a6 ultimately so that this knight cannot get to b5 and then ultimately cannot attack my c7 pawn so for example if cd5 ed5 knight b5 is super annoying super annoying move so cd5 i think i'm gonna play night takes trying to trade this night i am lacking a little bit of space so i would like to offset that by trading a few pieces therefore my you know my my space disadvantages relinquished is uh not felt as much but if i can get one more move i will happily play this move a6 but we've played 10 moves and we haven't traded any pieces so a very complex game i've also had some breakfast over here i've needed to take a bite out of should give me gotta get your nutrients little english muffin egg tomato cheese the video didn't freeze i'm just chewing and i muted my microphone so you don't hear me chew so you can watch me chew in silence all right now i wanna take for two reasons one don't need to ever worry about knight to b5 two bishop is open actually there's a third reason which i just realized it's a so-so reason this is kind of in the line of sight here so i'm really thinking to play the move c5 but i really don't like the fact that and of course that's the idea i don't like the fact that rook d3 is playable i don't like the fact that my opponent can completely turn it around on me and be like oh you want to open the position sure about that but here's my idea if this were to happen i'm just going to move my queen off the defile so for example rook d3 queen c7 because rook t3 cd4 just night takes and everything comes alive and i just don't i just don't know ah i'm looking at it it doesn't look super scary oh e3 is a very welcome sight e3 is a very slow and steady move which makes me think i can now afford to probably just bring my rook to the center and reinforce and now we begin to see how the tension in the center is really starting to favor black uh this bishop is still under pin this knight cannot really move because i will trade off white's like the whole point of white's setup is that bishop and if i can get rid of it like literally white develops in the in the english opening with this bishop on g2 so if i can trade that bishop it's a big win for me because now i'm left with the good bishop this is super solid my queen can go anywhere c7 e7 f6 just not over here okay the rook has gone makes me think i want to take i think this is now a good moment to throw in the capture so that something on d4 might end up isolated if knight takes d4 of course i will take the bishop then i will figure out my life and if pawn takes d4 well i need to worry about it because it didn't happen i can also throw in this first i actually have no idea which one is better i'm going to take the bishop that was always part of my plan the only issue is we have completely symmetrical pawn structure literally look at it it's completely the same so it's going to be a little tough to create com like super legitimate winning chances what i mean by legitimate winning chances uh is uh without taking massive risk it's not going to be so simple um knight c5 bishop takes right pawn takes knight b5 queen b6 knight into d6 i have a rook d8 there 98 rook d1 takes queen to c6 is good for me i like this and i have a trick i have a trick knight d3 is my trick so for example knight b5 knight d3 supported by the queen and if rook takes c8 i have knight takes e1 check another drawback of the king moving up a square now opponent might be you know looking for this trade just to trade pieces but i'm happy because that gives me imbalance now i have an imbalance of a pawn structure and i will have an imbalance of bishop versus knight so in positions that are relatively symmetrical you need to try to find that degree of imbalance not to mention queen d5 check is always useful so that is the good stuff in this position that we have otherwise i'm gonna take a sip right so and now we wait for a move this thing is super wet this thing on the side of the starbucks cup eel ew and i will soon retire from starbucks drinking anyway as i will get a nice coffee maker b4 is a wow my opponent just does not want it's a good move oh it's a good move can't really complain how about bishop takes d4 is that crazy that might be a really stupid move wait a minute don't i have this check can i then play queen a2 i just spit because i got excited i'm like an ostrich uh camel camels are the ones that spit right queen d5 check and then like queen a2 that's something is that something i like it i like queen d5 check and maybe i don't even take maybe i don't even take maybe i just play knight to e4 maybe i just have my queen very active i like that i like activating the queen with tempo and i like that maybe i don't need to engage in some random tactics i can just be solid this bishop is super passive and my opponent blunders immediately that is very nice remember i told you about knight d3 a while back so now if rook takes c8 i have knight takes e1 check and i can take on ca to move later so queenie one is the only move we've emerged not just with an extra rook for a knight which is an exchange we've also emerged with this knight completely paralyzed to that king that we traded the light squared bishops on like in in that area also queen takes a2 is a thing so um but that actually defends everything very frustrating all right let's trade queens let's trade queens queen trade infiltrate win a queenside pawn or two and then promote that is the way we are going to win this position all right let's see it hello i am waiting there we go i should have removed it and now rook c2 rook a2 and we can pick up these pawns not to mention bishop of f8 or bishop c3 these are actually the the best kind of uh no one does this to get better like seven-year-olds will do this with their chess coaches but no adults really do this just practical training this is a very good position to practically train like if you're like a thousand i give you this position with black you should be able to beat anybody you should actually be able to beat magnus carlsen that's how that's how winning it is oh well if they resign it makes it a lot easier but practical you know conversion like a position like this for example with black you've just got to be really really clinical very you know simple straightforward simplifying it down trading at the right moment targeting the weaknesses and uh you should be in good shape yeah um i'm kind of bummed i didn't play b6 i would have really if if i have another chance i'll probably b6 later but the critical moment of this game probably came uh here when i told you about you know bishop f4 and all these ideas to put the bishop on f4 with the rook on c1 but this is a very tame setup and um you know this knight takes d5 is super important because if i had gone here there might be just all sorts of nonsense with knight b5 of course i can go here but everything seems so tangled if i do this and uh this was already the critical moment i believe at this point black has equalized position looks very good and um you know rook c8 uh the important moment to capture on d4 and knight c5 might not be the way to go but the computer likes this way takes uh if takes this you see the computer gets a position of knight versus bishop with an isolated pawn that is how it finds the imbalance to try to create winning chances so there's always going to be something something with imbalance and yeah b4 we found the opportune moment to play queen d5 check and of course knight d3 was blundered but if kg1 was played i'm curious yeah the computer exactly it likes my idea it doesn't even want to go get involved in this it just thinks that white has sabotaged uh their own activity by blocking in the bishop and at any moment you can also take here or jump out this way and go for the king like that so an important tempo winning check and for the last two games of this episode oh i won't have a chance to play e6 b6 because um i am going to be playing with the white pieces uh let me just ping somebody the next person that i'm trying to play is not in live chess um but that's okay i'll kill some time see there we go outstanding and now i will play the move e4 so we played a d4 e4 e6 oops those are a bunch of people trying to join the subscriber club not realizing that they can just press a link we have a subscriber club on for people who are twitch subs e4 e6 that is a my little pony isn't it okay outstanding we know who we're dealing with here uh let's play b3 actually you know what i'm gonna do actually i don't know what my opponent is gonna play maybe they're gonna play b6 okay french defense uh let's play wing gambit no we can play like a in the wing gambit style let's play e5 i guess wing gambit would have been knight f3 i messed this up okay well we just have an advanced french fine c3 knight c6 uh knight f3 all standard stuff queen b6 and i'll play uh i'll play bishop to e2 and now black has a wide range of options black can play knight h6 black can play knight e7 to try to put the knight on f5 black can play bishop d7 and rook c8 there's several ways to do this this is a mainline french defense white has a big space advantage in the center of the board but black has maneuvering options and oftentimes good pressure on the d4 square with d4 pawn i should say with this uh the fact that my opponent is already thinking is kind of a problem because i've played only mainline moves um okay we take on d4 right away this is inaccurate because i haven't committed my knight yet you see in a lot of these positions i haven't i i will move my knight somewhere but because i haven't committed my knight i can actually play knight c3 and then i can probably play knight a4 if i'm not mistaken so i can go here knight f5 knight a4 or knight b5 and the thing about black's position is black needs to hit this pawn at the right moment so for example watch this knight to a4 right protected and now i deflect the queen away from pressuring this pawn now if bishop b4 check gets played here i can maybe even block with the bishop maybe but king f1 is not an egregious move to just sidestep the check with the king why because black has completely overextended like black has not dealt with the lack of space correctly yeah wow that is that is a violent retreating move queen to d8 wow okay so this is no longer a threat which probably means i can castle right there's also some lines here you can play like g4 to kick this night out but i think i'm just gonna castle my king so we've dealt with the with the pressure um and now another way to play from here is to play a3 b4 to take as much space as necessary on the queen side uh before you kind of do anything else now black oftentimes might play h5 to prevent g4 but that's really not that concerning for me because that bishop on c8 which is the bad french bishop is not getting into the game anytime soon so i can play pretty normally with moves like a3 b4 bishop out rook c1 to just take maximum space but my opponent will try to play for this at some point and then i'm thinking to go g4 i can actually go g4 even now even right now and um let's do it this is a super common idea against the advanced french because the knight on f5 doesn't have a home if it goes to h6 i can always take it and damage the structure and open up the king or i can play h3 now h3 is a very professional move because essentially i just take squares away from my opponent so i just go like this this knight cannot get back into the game and what many people do here they get very antsy they move the f-pawn play f6 f5 and i can actually take because if pawn takes they lose the knight completely and if bishop takes then my g-pawn now forks so serious problem um the f pawn can't move so king h8 knight g8 might have to be played like that that might be the way my opponent rescues the position that look at that right on cue now i'm thinking to take so now they did this for no reason but then it kind of stupid like why would i do that and allow rook g8 right maybe i just also put my king on the h file anticipating you know anticipating a battle over there uh i can also i have another idea to play like this right that's another idea um it's a very fluid position it feels like a lot of possibilities i will take you know what i will take and then i will play queen d2 i think to try to go for this now king g7 here is i mean you just played king h8 now you're wasting more time going to g7 i would anticipate bishop to g5 to try to counteract my attack at that point i will take and open up the f-pawn avalanche and i've got a lot of space and i've got i don't know i think i'm pretty happy maybe i'm not happy maybe i think i'm happy at the end of the day you know what this whole opening comes down to folks this bishop that bishop is not scaring anybody so if we do make it into an endgame at the end of the day i have the advantage of uh more development and i have the advantage of the bishop versus the knight now this knight does still continue to pressure my center that knight hasn't gotten anywhere and this knight's not really playing so i'm thinking b4 b5 at some point will be useful to just send this knight somewhere but of course bishop g5 here's it's got to be the necessary move right it it i don't know it does not seem like king g7 does not seem like it cuts it wow what okay um blunder stroke of genius probably blunder yeah because now now i will load up the canon onto h7 and this is just very bad for black i i don't see probably blunder right and and okay yeah i i figured this would happen queen h5 i could get trapped by the way this is very instructive queen to f8 and rook h6 and my queen is trapped i mean i understand i can kind of keep it around but i think i'm just gonna safely retreat to f4 to pressure this pawn defend my center and just not get trapped if i need to i can duck out either way uh and i'm safe position is position is good we are chilling um all right i don't know why i just went silent for like 30 seconds i was reading updates on the world cup situation and yeah i don't know i don't know if a player at the world cup test positive for coronavirus what do they do i mean i there's many players in that playing hall without masks on many players who are vaccinated but i believe also probably many players who are not were probably wearing masks what a crazy situation i guess you have to you have to respect the organizers for trying to put the event on and trying to follow health and safety protocols at least that's what i would imagine that they are trying to do but really unfortunate situation um this is the first thing that i'm thinking about i like it very much just a very direct activation of my bishop oh counter shot not not quite a counter shot but um okay so of course this is the most natural move by far just don't even question just take it and i'm thinking between f3 to play h4 right now if i play h4 i lose my queen the other option is to just play king h2 no i like i like f3 f3 seems pretty sensible and then h4 i just have a very solid position i mean again two pieces are not playing in the game at all and you say well yours aren't either yeah but but the pieces that are playing for me are doing a damn good job now this move comes with tempo by the way but i think i will i will just play this this was my plan forcing the rook back to this ultra passive square uh and then then i got i got even more bad news h5h6 and queen f6 is absolutely devastating i mean how do you even defend against this how do you even defend because f5 to counter attack me on poisson there's nothing i mean queen f6 if i play h6 can you stop this you have to play rook g6 and give up your rook wow wow okay um well that definitely is an option uh [Music] i'm trying to find the the best way to do this i can also stay patient uh rook takes h5 looks this is very funny i can set a trap here i can set a trap if i set my trap there is also a chance that this move happens let's just play h6 let's just play h6 i was going to say my opponent could play h6 my trap was that rook takes h5 for example rook h5 looks like you know you succeeded something but i have check we trade queens then i take your rook for free but i did i didn't want to play for a trick oh no my opponent has allowed oh this is this is like this is like being suffocated to death i don't even need to do anything i i can just like move on with my life i can play moves like knight c5 you know i'm not gonna lie folks i'm supposed to show mercy to my subscribers um like with swift execution probably just take the rook and get out of there but i can play any move here and black is completely paralyzed this is crazy what a position unbelievable position just suffocating i even want to go knight b3 to not allow knight takes d4 what i the way i want to win this game is like this to take on g7 and then at that next moment take on h7 so probably bishop e8 okay knight d4 has been played uh but i can take the bishop for free now yeah i mean my my my goodness this is uh this is not good let's trade rooks again black cannot move if black plays knight takes f3 and i take with the queen then black can move but if i just move my king black cannot move at all so the other game plan is to go the other way to go that way and at some point deliver checkmate in a very violent way so we will end the game and the next the next game of this uh the next game is going to be a challenge for sure uh the next game is that's checkmate wow uh yeah that french defense advance variation very very tough line um i've played the french with black so i i'm a little bit well versed in how to deal with this but this just shows you that strong players do not play well when they don't have a lot of space and we didn't do much crazy stuff i mean i deflected the queen off the board and at some point i took advantage of the awkward positioning of the night even at the cost of pushing pawns in front of my own king because it's okay to do that if you can restrict restrict pieces rather than chasing them chasing the piece here would have allowed a permanent knight f5 which is very bad for white but by playing a simple move like h3 uh and then taking and then playing like this i mean we just got a very pleasant position and didn't really look back and our final game of this video is going to be against a very strong player who was rated 2200 i am going to play e4 again and hopefully we don't have another french we have a sicilian defense um against this i'm gonna play the deferred wing gambit with knight f3 and b4 um this is a very fun system which can lead to some super interesting positions so if knight takes b4 we play c3 and then d4 and that trans that actually can transpose to a french defense which i was trying to play last game but if pawn takes then we will play d4 d5 is the best move here for black uh and play can get really wild actually like they can get super strange right so now we uh we take the queen is in the center and here there's a good move c4 immediately kind of taking advantage of the queen's positioning on poisson must be played if you don't play it then i just build up and then i push d5 so you can get a very terrible position very quickly uh there's a very venomous system this is the third wing gambit and there's a if i remember correctly there's a super tricky line in my preparation uh in in the course actually uh where after ompassant and takes queen a5 there's a move rook b1 i think the move is rook b1 i really think the move is rugby one just giving up the knight on c3 but i am not a hundred percent sure but i think it's the move and there's like one computer line for black where black can be okay and otherwise it's super scary so we're gonna hope for that it it basically has to happen um it basically has to happen because there's nothing else besides taking here if you allow my pawns to stand in the center they will overwhelm you that is the whole point of the gambit give up a pawn in this case the really nice thing about this gambit is you give a pawn up off-center there's many gambits you give pawns up in the center giving a pawn up off-center the presence of the pawn is not felt right and so if you don't take me what are these pawns even doing like what they're not participating in the game at all right so the board opens up for the person gambiting um i just hope my opponent isn't digging through an openings database i'm not saying that's what they're doing i'm just saying that uh that is one thing people do that they don't realize is cheating and if you do the if you're watching this and you do that stop like you have the course on this monitor and you're playing chess and you're like oh i forgot to move let me check the course interesting actually he doesn't take don't do that again i'm not saying my opponent is i'm just saying you shouldn't do that so i want to go d5 but i also want to go um bishop e2 right away if i play bishop e2 right away is there anything wrong with that i've like almost never seen this move actually so now we have to to play our gambit for advantage i think i'm gonna go here here in castle and and wait a little bit wait a little bit because the truth is if you prevent me from playing d5 you're not preventing anything i'm still gonna go d5 uh so and then i will put this bishop on p2 and it will be an absolute monster i mean it's going to see the entire board again the drawback of i would evaluate this position despite white being down upon at about 0.7.8 probably unless this is some sort of you know and then oh long castle is an interesting move long castle interesting okay so i guess the idea is to play queen e5 and like win my rook but what about bishop e3 queen a1 dc6 what is going on over there oh my god i mean i think i should just castle being honest just get my king out of the center of the board set up d5 long castle here would be the bravest move i've ever seen because that's i mean i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know to such an extent it turned me british although i gotta tell you if i play d5 and then i mean long castle d5 e6 is coming wow e6 and then i can't take the knight because i lose my queen very imbalanced position thinking maybe just bishop e3 then seems pretty reasonable but not an easy position i like i went from completely not believing in the move long castle to completely believing in the move long castle i'm like starting to actually think okay yeah knight f6 i don't think is good because i can just go d5 and i think now we are posing some problems to my opponent uh but what do i know about chess i only pretend there's all sorts of crazy lines where at the end of like a massive exchange i can go like queen a4 i gotta tell you knight e5 is also man no no easy nothing easy has come in this game huh nothing easy if i take there's bishop e2 with a fork but then i have queen a4 check yeah so 95 95 bishop e2 i jump out this way and that's completely winning for me must be mosby with some no but there's no mate this is not a checkmate because knight t oh uh wow okay okay and if queen takes knight this is trapped but i take the bishop wow i have no idea what's going on maybe knight e5 i'll just develop my second knight and just reinforce on f3 and threaten all that good stuff of course long castle here is a thing yeah okay so i i'm i'm thinking i'm thinking it must be this this must be this must be the way to go i'm also a little bit not calculating everything that well um a little bit tired at the end of all this um if knight takes night takes at some point i'm also i'm sure some of you watching at this point in the video by the way if you've made it 70 minutes in you are the best shout out to the ad revenue this is always a question because they can sacrifice but i i don't believe that they have enough firepower to to beat me here so definitely h3 is also on the cards oh wow that i think my opponent left their king in the center and moved too long but queenie 5 still attacks my rook it's like it's not clean i really also want to play this move but bishop b2 is also a thing pressuring the knight how do i do this in a in a coordinated way so bishop b2 knight f3 knight f3 bishop g7 h3 if bishop h3 gh3 queen h3 what is the threat there's a check threat but i can play queen a4 check myself and i also have knight back to h2 which covers a lot of the good stuff if i play h3 now then after well h3 now just looks very smart because h3 now here here queen h3 i mean i take a full knight and there's no attack and if h3 take take knight f3 i mean i'm safe i must play this move it must be the best move although although and i did again something a little bit stupid i only calculated bishop takes h3 yeah you just get a little bit you just get a little lazy when you play for a while get a little lazy like i only calculated this but my opponent doesn't have to take my opponent could just let me take like just play bishop g7 or something and then yes i get a bishop but it's pretty pretty scary bishop h6 that is either the smartest or the dumbest move of all time i have no idea uh wow can i go here is bishop takes d2 gonna happen bishop e5 my head hurts i think i'm i think i'm just gonna go here my head hurts i don't know knight f3 knight f3 what a fascinating game i've definitely screwed this up let's put it this way i i i definitely had something uh more uh relaxed than this um but uh i decided to to to do this in the most exotic way right i calculated this and here i was gonna go bishop takes e5 right can i also throw an agg form or is that completely idiotic if i take take and take on e5 take take take e5 95 queen d2 i'm up a piece if hg4 knight f3 bishop f3 i'm gonna probably be up a piece there too guys i i don't know i'm i'm scared um i can't go here because this there's so many pieces attacking so many things this is bad because knight takes f3 that was my opponent's entire point but i want to go bishop takes e5 if bishop takes f3 uh bishop takes f6 by the way um but no that's that doesn't work bishop f3 queen e5 queen d2 we might get that position and uh we also might get this position after i play h takes g4 uh and so here i calculated this knight taking on g4 because the threat would be knight takes f3 bishop f3 queen h2 mate this is very common the knight and the queen go for h2 and one knight deflects the other knight away but if this knight takes then i have this bishop takes this knight so it's a fire fight but i will be winning this fire fight um and uh yeah otherwise we're just chilling knight takes f3 check first bishop takes f3 queen g5 defending this bishop on d2 is another option for my opponent and frankly probably the only move probably the only move i do not see anything else and it looks like it is transpiring queen h okay that's all yeah that also makes sense um i was thinking to take to open up the king queenie ii is not the world's dumbest idea there's also a check i can give there's also d6 d6 tries to undermine the defense and if d6 bishop f4 threatening mate i go g3 bishop takes bishop takes pawn takes queen takes that might be it this could be it right here i'm going for it i'm going for it oh my god is there still long castle no no there isn't because i can take and take the rook oh my gosh but there's like ooo here bishop f4 take oh wow bishop c3 i didn't even consider this move i don't think it's i don't think it's great i just completely didn't even think that this move was possible uh okay i'll take now now i can never get mated we can celebrate i can also take here i can also take here bt dubs i can't believe i just said that out loud uh check this out it's also rookie one i mean i'm spoiled for choice here it almost seems like uh wow so many options what is the most clinical finish to this game that we can find it's like everything looks good finally finally things are starting to look good i'm going to take on b7 of course there is no knight takes g4 the threat of picking up material is pretty good so i was thinking to take because of this i have checkmate which is nice i also have bishop c6 king f8 and then this which i think is also nice luring the king out into the open can't be oh oh you don't even want to take but what if i pin you and threaten to promote to a horsey where i would attack both of your pieces that would be very rude in fact i can just do that right now uh but if i promote to a knight we sacrifice something it's maybe bishop d7 first this seems smarter because this still can't move and i'm threatening to win the rook yeah i mean there's no point just giving up a bishop for free i mean at least go and promote and take something right so the good really good thing for me is we saw this uh two games ago or last game two games ago against foxy this knight that gets pinned to the king it's really brutal to defend it and black is like just a move behind like black just wants some counter play but just is not going to be able to that is a really good move wow i didn't even see that okay i can try to hang on to the pin but then this all right i probably have to do this let's go here let's take the rook and let's just pick the pawn up all right we're gonna be up a rook for a night we're gonna be up in exchange uh but um could have been better could have been better okay we guard everything here here rook d8 ends the game in style so if take we have this move and we use our advanced pawn to disconnect the rook from the protection of the back rank e8 is a queen guaranteed or he takes rook and they resign wow what a game uh i gotta i gotta honestly review this line um yeah queen h5 uh bishop e2 was good castles was good and d5 was good so everything was good and here what did i miss no i played 92 which was good wait i played i played all good moves did you hear how much doubt was in my voice why didn't i take what was i afraid of ah computer basically thinks that there's no threat this looks scary though i played this and um still won was these things the best movie yes d6 was the best move i'm proud i actually played quite well interesting but you heard how much doubt was in my voice i was like i don't know i don't know turns out that we played with with a very cerebral you know calculating this you know this idea where you would be winning the night here so i'm happy with this and uh reminder that everything that i played in this video uh courses are in the link in the description all these openings and all these different ideas are straight up all courses and folks i hope you enjoyed and if you made it 78 minutes through this whole thing i appreciate you very much keep being amazing and i will see you in the next video take care
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 411,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess rating ladder, climbing the rating ladder, chess speedrun, daniel naroditsky speedrun, gmhikaru speedrun, e4 rating climb, d4 rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess lessons for beginners, london opening chess, how to win at chess, how to get better at chess, win at chess, winning at chess
Id: i0Y2X2PkON4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 32sec (4772 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 16 2021
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