How to PATCH a LEAKY basement wall

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[Music] got a leaky basement I'll show you how to fix it I hope [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so spring is officially here the the birds are chirping the weather's great things are thawing and now your basement's leaking but don't worry not All Is Lost got a quick easy fix for you with a hydraulic cement called rapid set water stop a hydraulic cement is the only way you're going to be able to stop an active leak but I built a wall special for this demonstration so let's get started so let's simulate an extreme situation we're gonna learn a lot from this wall by the way in the next couple months [Music] uh mixing this stuff couldn't be easier it is three parts product to one part water now with your typical Rod hole League uh definitely use all the water but with a very active leak like the one we're gonna plug up I only use a partial of that water for your typical leaks you're gonna go for more of like a soft Play-Doh consistency for very active leaks you're going to want to go for more of a clay consistency now before you do anything make sure that your work area is free of anything that will inhibit the bond like a paint oils uh loose debris mix it up real good make sure there's no dry spots okay right now we got like a Play-Doh consistency so I'm gonna play with this in my hand for about a minute and wait for it to heat up a little bit stop giggling that's not what I meant now I've got a good clay consistency going so I know it's ready to go so from here on out we're gonna do real time so no cuts no punches in and out no music cut the music uh all right so now we're gonna I'm gonna take this plug out water's gonna come rushing at me I'm going to work this in the hole best I can and then plug it and keep my hand there for a couple of minutes are you ready if I can get the cork out working in there all right I've worked it in there really well oh timer all right time we're going can you see it no now that I take my glove off anyway so what do you want to talk about for two minutes I know my four my four major pet peeves uh pet peeve number one people that don't use their turn signals can't stand it it's literally next to breathing almost the easiest thing in the entire world use your turn signal not a big deal the pet peeve number two people that have used their windshield wipers going way too fast for how much it's sprinkling you could have a like like a little mist and people will be driving by you with their windshield wipers going like this I don't get it why pet peeve number three puppy number three Crocs there's this rage that bubbles up inside me when I see cracks can't stand them I hate Crocs cannot stand them why again why why crap oh yeah when people use the phrase a minute to describe a long length of time you know like they'll be like oh hey man it's been a minute you haven't seen me in years it's been a lot more than a minute what are you talking about 37 seconds what are your major pet peeves comment down below honestly I think we're I think we're pretty golden at this point at this point if it's still pliable you can take a trowel [Music] smooth it out [Music] I know stop cancel [Music] that leak has been stopped now quite a bit of water rushed out before I was able to plug it so let's put some more water in there just to just for funsies and just to make sure I'll try to do this one-handed [Music] not that much water not bad [Music] can you see it we're still good that was quite a bit of water now just to be clear the whole holding your hand there for two minutes that is only in situations where you've got a really bad leak and let's be honest if you gotta leak that bad you've got other problems but in your typical situation with like a leaky Rod hole or a crack uh that you know leaks when it rains real good just mix your hydraulic cement up to the manufacturer's specifications get your trowel and pretty much as simple as that next time you have a good rain that's not gonna leak Maybe maybe clean it up a little make it look nicer one of my favorite things about the rapid set water stop is that it feathers around the edges very nicely now something that I want to make perfectly clear right here in this video that I did not make perfectly clear in the the waterproofing mortar video is this foreign products like these are tools like these are not meant to be a permanent solution these are Band-Aids until you can afford to fix the real problem that's going on which is usually on the other side of the wall beneath the Earth which can be a very very expensive fix that not everyone can afford at the moment but a rotted Rod hole is an extremely common issue in a hydraulic cement is the perfect fix for a situation like that and this will last you years before you'd have to do anything rotted Rod oil is not that serious of a situation now I know it sucks that most Hydraulics cements come in either a really big box or a really big tub and you only need a little bit of it but just think of it this way this is now a tool that you are going to have on your shelf for the next time this happens because it will happen again now you're not going to have to go run to the box store real quick to go get this while your basement wall is actively leaking so get in that basement fix that leak and I'll see you in the next video no seriously what are you waiting for it's leaking right now all that junk that you have in the basement that you know you're gonna use someday is getting wet right now foreign
Channel: Michael Builds
Views: 59,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leaky basement wall, hydraulic cement, leak, basement, repair, plug, patch, rapid set, waterstop, water stop, stop, water, hydrostatic, concrete, Michael builds, concrete countertops, cement, how to, diy, do it yourself, fast and easy, fast, easy, cheap, fix
Id: WrQVyfDlJ2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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