Rapid Set Demonstrates Their Cement All And Mortar Mix

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hi my name is Sandra with rapid sets and that products from the manufacturer CTS MN which we manufacture our own cement to make our rapid we're going to be demonstrating a few of our products that they can write here bonanza which is our Seminole and our quarter when you can use for variously the person we're going to be demonstrating will be our mortar mix which that was a product that you can use for Snuggle repair or you could also use for conquer affair that's actually has a Halle R&R for a well coat stucco system so you can do your scratch of brown and one application and a couple hours you could do here color code and just finish your project in a faster instead of doing it the old way of doing your scratching Brown using your scratch wait three days neither your way to you do your Brown and you wait another food and you do your cutting holes it will be like a seventh day process you could get it done in one day all right just to go over the products right here just a little of what you can do with each product plus the Mentos right here which it has like a real fine sand in it and you're able to go from almost download zero all the way up to four inches in depth and this is a versatile product which you could do angry kasi over the crack repair spa anything that requires from zero all the way up to four inches in there and you get it you're going to get three thousand psi in the first hour and well over nine thousand psi after 28 days and our mortar mix that one has a quality wash plaster sense it's a little bit thicker sand so you're able to go from half inch all the way to six inches and depth and we showed up the wall six inches on a vertical all overhead patch and that product is good for any kind of a stucco repair or a concrete repair and it's going to give you 2,500 psi in the first hour and while over 7000 psi in 28 days okay we're going to be doing the water base and all the water ratio to this product if you're using the whole bag you would want to use anywhere from 3 to 5 quarts of water and pretty much like a green apple bag what's going to have force which that's what I've done right here to bring up a fan okay the product when you mix it just depending on what you're doing that'll be the consistency that you do it I mean if you want to go like if you're doing a patch we will take patch like say up to six inches in depth you want to use the mineral one for water that way it'll be a little bit more thicker and if you're doing like a thinner application you would want to you'll want to use more water like this is a thick when you're doing a big patch so this is a different city to put on the wall and what you want to do is pre wait your surface looking up the good thing about our product we don't need no clues or adhesives I have to do it that nice clean surface free when your wall that treatment service you can see how good it bounces walk that's a little blues or adhesions chuckle repairs and you could get on it what the Bravo and it's that Sam okay we're going to do right here this water mix you're going to bulk on half on the way six inches in there so which you could use it for vertical overhead catchy so I'm just to show that there's no sag in the product so you can see there's no sag in the product try that with any other products I mean you get that sack and just get it on the block or then you get it on the wall so this is our seminar which I went max water which you could go through the five four so I went five boards just so you could get it out of the a little bit more smoother and this would be after 30 minutes you can flip around and you get results like this which just has a real fine sanding this you get that fine detail and we'll find detail in your mold just going to let the sound that I had which is a real fine sand between a 36 and silicon so these are a few samples of our more decorative side of our industry which they use our products which you could use any of our products here from semana or motor mix just depending on the kind of aggregate that you're looking for and you could broadcast colored glass like we've done here and you can actually polish it and stain it and then you get that real nice look and this this group four legged the counter tops or the decorative glory which a lot of people are doing right now these days so you can see that you can add pretty much any colored glass and it's the polishes real nice you can add a concealer and you get a nice finish you
Channel: Bonanza Trade & Supply
Views: 187,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rapid Set, cement all, mortar mix, how to, apply, cement, fix stucco, fix cracks
Id: VAXqkZv1nmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2010
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