How to Warm up Your New Klaviyo Account

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You've just signed up with Klaviyo and you're all excited because you want to start sending emails to the 30,000 person mailing list that you've been using with your other mailing provider. But hold on. You have to warm up your Klaviyo account first, and that's what we're gonna cover in today's video. So let's get into it. Hey, I'm Rod. Welcome to the channel. The reason that you need to warm up your Klaviyo account is because when you first start, you don't have any sender reputation. You're really starting from a clean slate. And the procedure that you should follow to protect your sender reputation does depend on whether you are going to use Klaviyo shared infrastructure, which is the standard account set up, or you are going to use a dedicated sending domain. So if you were using a dedicated sending domain in the past, and you've had that registered for at least 30 days, then you won't have to go through a warmup or ramp up process with Klaviyo. You can start sending to your whole mailing list from the get-go if you want to. So for the purposes of this video, I'm just gonna talk about those who are using Klaviyo's shared sending infrastructure, and you've already been sending emails in the past. Klaviyo break up the warming process into two different types. There's the standard account warming process, and that would apply if you're bringing across some data from your previous email management system. So you've got engagement data. For each of the profiles that you are introducing into Klaviyo you've got when they last opened an email, how many emails they been sent, when they last clicked an email. If you have all that data, then you'll be able to go through their standard warmup process. If you don't have any of that data from your previous system, then you would go through what they call a platform introduction process. So if you're bringing across all the engagement data from your previous EMS, as you create campaigns within Klaviyo, it will automatically guide you on the number of emails that you should send, and how engaged the subscribers are that you should send to. With your first email campaign, you should really send that to anyone who's opened or clicked an email in the last 30 days with your previous email management system, up to the number of people that Klaviyo recommend. So that's generally gonna be around about five to ten thousand for the first email. Klaviyo will recommend for the first couple of weeks that you just send to your most engaged segment only. So stick with those who have previously engaged with your brand in the last 30 days. And then as long as your open rate is above 20%, then for the next couple of weeks you can then expand that engagement criteria out to 60 days. And then if your open rate is once again above 20%, then for the fifth and six weeks you can expand to 90 days. Then 120 days and then 180 days, and then the rest of your list. And as you send those emails, if at any point the open rate drops below 20% after around two or three days after the email has been sent, then you may need to strengthen your sender reputation by going back to the more highly engaged segments and just emailing those people for a while before you try to expand to less engaged segments. If you don't have any engagement data, you go through what Klaviyo calls their platform introduction process, which is a similar kind of idea to the guided warming process but you just need to do it manually. And because at this stage you've got no idea who's engaging with your emails or not. Then you need to first of all, generate some engagement data. And you can do that by creating a preview sample that you can then send an email to to start generating some engagement data. So I'm gonna jump on the computer and show you how you create the preview list. So here we are in Klaviyo, and all you need to do is go to your audience, then list and segments, and then pick the list that you've imported from your other email system. So let's select this one, and then you click on manage list, and then you go to sample list members. And by default, it'll give you a sample size of a thousand. You click on Create List and it'll take a couple of minutes for that list to be created. Then if you go back to the list and segments, you'll see that you've got a new list that's created there, so that's the one that you can use to send your first email campaign to if you've got no engagement data from your previous email system. So how many people should you send emails to when you've got no engagement data from your previous system? Well, Klaviyo's got an article on what you should do. I'll put a link to this in the video description. Once your account is fully warmed up, then you really should clean your email list. To learn how to do that, have a look at this video. I'll see you in the next one.
Channel: Rod Bland
Views: 1,189
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Id: kjCzVGF6zhA
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Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 04 2023
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