How to create a 30-day engaged segment in Klaviyo

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hi I'm Gemma and today we're going to learn how to create a segment using the segment Builder we're going to use the example of a 30-day engage segment segments are a great way to create Dynamic groupings of your subscribers according to their behavior or their profile properties the segment we're going to build today is made of people who are in your list and have engaged with your emails in the last 30 days and it makes a great base sending segment for your Weekly Newsletter or other regular Communications more specifically you will learn to create a segment definition add conditions to that definition and use and or connectors first we're going to navigate to the lists and segments section of your clavio account then we're going to click create list slash segment and select segment the first thing you'll want to do here is name your segment I'm going to name this 30-day engaged audience let's start by clicking on the select a condition drop down segment definitions are made up of conditions conditions can best be described as the criteria that someone will have to fulfill to be in the segment the first condition I'm going to select here is if someone is or is not in a list I only want to include people here who are in my primary list so I know I'm only sending to people who are opted into my email marketing you'll see here I have a choice to select and or or before moving on to the next condition these are called connectors and they allow you to further refine your Audience by either combining or separating your conditions I'm going to choose and here because the first and second conditions are so important I want to combine them and exclude everyone who does not fit both of those conditions the second condition I want to look at is that someone is not suppressed for email I'm going to be using this segment for campaign sends and I don't want suppressed contacts to be included in it as it will skew the data I'm going to select my and connector again as for this segment to be useful someone needs to fulfill the first two conditions and one or more of the following now we are going to move to the engagement conditions for this segment we want to Define that people are engaging with my emails and we can measure engagement by open and clicks so my next step will be to select the condition what someone has done or not done I will choose the metric opened email from the choose metric drop down and it will automatically add the qualifier at least once although I can also change this now I want to include people who have only engaged within the last 30 days so I need to change the time indicator to in the last and then 30 days appears as the defaults although I can also change this if I want to now we come to our first or connector in this segment I want to capture people who have opened an email clicked an email or both people don't need to have done both actions to be in the segment they only need to have done one so I'm going to use an or connector to separate my conditions making this segment less exclusive and capturing a wider net of people now we come to our final condition again I'm going to select what someone has done or not done but this time I'm going to choose click to email us the metric and I'll use the same time period of 30 days now all you need to do is Click create segment and wait for the segment to populate and that's it now you have a segment of engaged email subscribers built out and you're ready to make them your default audience for your most regular campaigns [Music]
Channel: Klaviyo
Views: 2,271
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: engaged segment, engagement tiers, engaged audience, engaged subscribers, subscriber engagement, crm, customer relationship management, email marketing, email strategy, klaviyo
Id: cDQbAxBn8nA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 6sec (246 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 17 2023
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