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you have prepared in the name of jesus christ amen you may be seated all right we began a teaching yesterday i took it from my research archive well for those of you that were not here i want to bring you up to speed so you may wish to go to the book of genesis chapter 26 so that you will understand where god is taking us as a people and this is our story and this scripture most graphically illustrates our journey into 2021 as a people and as a ministry and isaac's sevens genesis 26 19 for those who were not here isaac's servants digged in the valley and found there a well of spring in water and the hedge man of guerra digged strife with isaac's head men saying the water is ours and he called the name of the well issac because they strove with him next verse there and they digged another well and for that also he for that as true for that also and he called the name of it sitna we have passed through these two places as a ministry isek talks about strife sitna talks about contention we have gone beyond strife we have gone beyond contention and i had the release to share some personal experiences that i've had along the way but all of that was necessary for that which god was about to do that's 22 cent and removed from dents and digged another well and fall that destroys not and he called the name of it rehoover and he said for now the lord has made room for us and we shall be fruitful in the land so that's what 2021 is for us we're entering into a room or entering into a place that can adequately support our corporate calling we're entering into a season where there will be reinforcement and support for the mandate that god has given us to be expressed full strength but the lord has made room for us so that's the mind of god for us next day that's why we're praying that's what our fasting we're fasting so that we can break loose from the limits that have vocation themselves as barricades that seek to stop us from entering into the room that god has given us now that you understand that we did a lecture yesterday and we began to talk about witchcraft was a presentation and part of what we'll want to manipulate to you so that you don't enter into what the season holds is called witchcraft we began a study on what witchcraft really is and from my research and after the service yesterday there were so many whatsapp messages pleading that i should continue this study even though i had wanted to put an end to it at this point but um how do they say it again in football they say based on popular demand we have decided to all right so no it's a lost will for us to continue so we will continue we began to talk about paganism and what did i say mechanism was what if you are bold and you know you know what you're talking about you may wish to raise your hand and then we'll give you an opportunity but all just make sure you put them on mic give them a microphone so that we can put it on record that there were people that were partakers of the lecture but they were absent-minded so the subject matter they had no grasp on the subject matter yes what is mechanism somebody happens if you ah all right you know you don't just sit down sit down and what do you understand by paganism praise the lord okay yesterday um according to what he taught us he said that mechanism is the name given to your religion other than the abrahamic faith did you hear him okay paganism is another name for religion other than the abrahamic faith which include um the judaism islamic and christianity in your dad any of that religion paganism is not a religion so you are not following see you you understand what i thought but in order for you to communicate what i taught you must understand the core points the powerpoint the context in which these power points exist and the registers by which they can be communicated it is one thing for you to know something is another thing for you to have the ability to communicate it all right it's uh not necessarily a religion even though we can say religion but it's beyond religion they are practices that are contrary practices and beliefs that are contrary to the beliefs of the abrahamic faith exactly religions practices and what beliefs that are contrary to the abrahamic faith and the bottom line of these beliefs is that they entertain what is called polytheism many gods and many gods scenario and the reason for this many god possibilities is because there are many spirits and we were able to present a very critical scripture that in any synagogue you visit this scripture must be read out and that is deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 4 which is a clarion call to all of israel to acknowledge how that our lord is one lord whereas the pagan believes in spirits as deities and the pagan had discovered by reason of experiential interface how that spirits do not have abilities in the same area so they have spirits of the river you must have watched who do do decios poseidon spirits of the river so you need to make sacrifices if you want to travel to the spirits of the river so that they can ensure that there'll be no wind on the river for you to have a smooth sail they everyone have a god of love i think that's aphrodite so if you is the one that manipulates somebody to love you may the lord give give us understanding so so if you want somebody badly you go to afrodity and you offer a sacrifice and you know that deity knows what to do to secure the affection of the person in question so that was paganism and the civilization that paganism produces civilization of manipulation dominion and utter wickedness and that was the state of things until our lord jesus christ decided to come upon the scene paganism is by no means in short of types there are different types of paganism consistent with regions and areas of the world in which it is practiced are you with me you're not with me now listen let me give you one scripture before we continue the scripture we read yesterday before we begin to make progress micah chapter 5 verse 12. mike chapter 5 verse number 12. and now we cut off witchcraft out of thy hand and thou shall have no more soothsayers so witchcraft we have the same plural if you want to notice it means there are many ways of achieving witchcraft and witchcraft is a broad spectrum of spiritual possibilities that occasion manipulation that location control the location of dominion and they are in the plural because there are no shortage of types just like there are no shortages of types in terms of witchcraft there are no shortage of types in terms of paganism because spirits are many right and we see some practices i hope i can pronounce all these things i wrote here all right in modern america and um yeah this is associated with america mostly and mexico mexico they call paganism weaker i i don't have time to give you the historical perspective of how it evolved until it became weaker okay so they call it weaker in the caribbean islands we're talking about the bahamas said kids and navis and all those caribbean places paganism is called rugeria b-r-u-j-e-r-i-a bulgaria in french is exeria in german is striking area and then we have the one that we grew up in which is african paganism now because of the broad spectrum i had to study in order to find the common denominators so that i can bring some light to us and how to defeat this kind of practices according to the revelation of the word of god now the bible says that we should not be ignorant of the devices of the enemy so i'm going to take i'm going to take 35 minutes to run a lecture are you with me just a lecture then when i'm done with the lecture in 35 minutes time we will pray so affordability five minutes for a lecture the next topic on my research material is called demonic supernatural phenomena demonic supernatural phenomena once upon a time the chief executive was given an appointment are you with me and he happened to be a member of our church the church i attended in abuja at the time came to church celebrated the appointment gave thanksgiving him and his wife where they saw they see the church prayed and he went to the office on monday and when he sat on the seat of his new status he became crippled what's the name of that it's a miracle or it's a demonic miracle you know in a miracle somebody can walk you pray for the person who walks that's a divine miracle it's just that you think that only miracles only exist in the divine side that was a demonic a demonic miracle he lost the ability to walk just because he sat on his head and seats don't make people crippled but it's a demonic supernatural phenomena are you with me now my objective is to give us enlightenment there are many aspects of this operation that i found in my little journey preaching the gospel so i decided to do a good study on all of those aspects and to also provide the antidote for any such operation from the limits of my revelation of the word of god the first one we see in africa is called magic and i need to define what magic is what is magic magic is looking to spirits and invincible forces to influence events effect changes in natural conditions or to present an illusion of change come again magic is looking to spirits and invincible forces to influence events effect changes in material conditions or present an illusion of change you get that sometimes are you with me you know i added something to this definition i said sometimes magic presents an illusion of change an illusion of change just like a man had admission to study in georgia the admission letter came to him he received it through post but he never read it because every time he read it it was not admission letter i was saying seeing was saying something else was an illusion that he was saying he was under despair of magic it was when the window of the admission passed that he now discovered three years later that that document that was on his table was actually an admission letter now you know are you with me okay now i want to the reason for the education you'll find out i want you to gain mastery to be master of of of turning over attempts at managing and manipulating your life using spiritual influences i want you to gain mastery of them and i will tell you symptoms that suggest that you are being manipulated they are symptoms some of these i never experienced others i know by scripture are you with me now types of magic before we go into practices that are classified as magic i need to show you quickly types of magic we have the first type of magic is what we call the protective magic protective magic so in the protected magic what happens is maybe the first born died the second born died the dead born died and the only person that was left they now take the person to fortify the person against death that's protective magic exactly the second one is called productive magic the kind of magic that can produce something like they say okay you kill your first child put the person in a room in a coffin and then when you go into the coffin you light a red candle and make some incantations and then that dead child will begin to vomit money that magic produces something are you with me and then the third type of magic is called destructive magic now so we have two are you there the first and the second type is what we call white magic the protective and the productive kind of magic is called white magic because there is an attempt are you with me there's an attempt in the current time to make you feel that there is magic has a good side make you feel that satan has a good side we can benefit from satan so the protective and the productive aspect of magic is what is called white magic and there is a desperate attempt to sell this aspect of demonic possibilities and many pastors so-called pastors have brought into church white magic and if you are a victim of a church that is pastored by a spiritist that uses the handle of white magic what happens is that he places a curse upon have you realized okay no i won't say that then the destructive magic is what we call the black magic so even in civilized societies they don't do this one openly they do this one in hiding but meanwhile in africa this is the type that is predominant in africa it's called black budget and they do it purposely for destructive purposes so that people will not marry so that in just in case you get married you'll not be able to take in something that is destructive and so people that do this destructive aspect they do it under the cover of darkness so hidden until recently where another name for destructive magic is what we call satanism it's it's a religion it's a worship it's a worship so they have now brought it into full view at this time most of our movies have a color of magic because they are trying to reintroduce magic to cell magic so that we will be able to decipher between magic and accept that not every aspect of magic is bad you must have heard that magic yes my audience in the uk can confirm that magic is was taken as a course in university in the united kingdom and the first graduates came out in 2020 i know you don't read your news they are just moving around in gurukul may the lord give you understanding all right so are you are you there i don't want to press for that because there's a lot of these practices that have been brought to church right now a lot of it has been brought to church meanwhile you must understand that the nature of witchcraft is that it manipulates it dominates and it controls even we as pastors when we want to suggest a lady to someone to marry we don't impose the best we do is to recommend so that the person can go processes process it by his own spirit and get a witness from god because in new testament theology a believer doesn't rule another believer by his spirit the economy of god that is in your spirit is unique to your spirit and it has all the potential that is needed for the infrastructure of divine direction the best another person spirit can bring to you is a confirmation are you with me so even when you are recommending something you don't press it too hard so that it doesn't become controlled doesn't become dominion hallelujah meanwhile it's easier to get people to do what you want when you apply dominion meanwhile you have gone out of your boundary and what you are doing can no longer be supported by the spirit of god have you ever heard a person say don't travel nobody should try you make he has gone off and if he begins to open his spirit and wants to achieve that again and again and again you will not even know when he becomes an instrument of control and that and at that point where you are controlling in a situation where the holy ghost is not controlling what you are practicing is witchcraft and it's so soft too there's a thin line except you know jesus and you decide that you will not manifest anything that is not consistent with the nature of god that's the only way you can have a ministry that is a wellspring of life the devil seeks to pollute to confuse and to contaminate and in situations where he cannot destroy what he does is that he contaminates and reduces the value so there are many ministries that started with great potential that were brought to a point of total irrelevance it was because of contamination as we guard against the excesses that are associated with our office and our mandate god ensures that he gives us more of his resources to prosecute the enforcement of his will upon the face of the earth and so every believer must understand that we need to keep the boundaries of the holy spirit so that would not become a guilty of trespass all right so we have what protective magic we have productive magic and then we have what destructive magic i met a lady before and she was in a fellowship in the choir and she was doing very well in the choir and one day we prayed the way we we normally do not pray in fellowship that day we prayed in fact we started the fellowship two hours before the time and we started it with prayer by the time she came for fellowship she didn't know that the environment our corporate collective hunger had drawn the hand of god missed us and it was trapped in that meeting and why we prayed intensely the hand of god descended upon the lady first of all for two hours she was knocked out and after two hours the parents came and because it was a police barrack they arrested me and said revive this this lady was alive before she came for hallelujah she was alive before she came for your fellowship do you keep people here so i myself was taking her back and began to ask god for mercy have mercy on myself so when we did that mercy prayer for like 3-5 minutes she sneezed and she revived and then the police people now left so when we interviewed her she said she had the power and that power was in her eyes that if you make her angry she will afflict so her mother has received the most impact from that ability because her mother makes her hungry almost all the time so you have freeze out with with sickness there are some sicknesses that you may be experiencing if you go to the doctors they won't find anything it's not plasmodium fasciparum may not give you understanding [Applause] and she was in church now believe me believe me if there is anyone among us here right now that has a power that is demonic induced and you have retained that power you are not born again don't deceive yourself you know i told you that i'm from the field i'm a field martian theologians that are in the seminary don't know what i'm teaching you to lord jesus we say hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah that's not what i brought i brought practice may the lord give you insight hallelujah we had to lead this girl to christ again when she accepted that he was willing to give up that ability right we had to lead her to christ and she wept when the power left her that ability left that was when we admitted her again into our fellowship as born again for your information her father was a pastor just in case you need the anger father was a pastor so all the prayers at home didn't affect the commodity she can do something like praying as if she's praying i shaved his brain and she she was able to beat all our defenses in terms of discernment until that day when the hand of the lord came and when it came the truth came out so the yoke was broken she became released many years later i saw her in her matrimonial home living in peace and people were not falling sick on the account of a man all right so that thing she was doing was destructive magic the thing about magic is it is addictive when you begin to use it you would like to use it that's why someone that has gone to com to consult an oracle the the appetite to consult oracle is more addictive than cigarette he has gone to consult the truth is that the person has been going to consult thereafter they don't consult once if you have already started just like someone that goes to gamble there is nobody that has faith more than a gambler he has lost ten thousand he believes that the next ten thousand is going to and so we came to church here one day and one person visited us here after church he just came close to him and said i have not eaten my wife has no idea what i gave him ten thousand and he went straight to gamble niger bet champions league was was was on so the voting possibilities were abounded and instead of him to gamble 5 000 he can put 10 000. then he came back again and said yes he was bold i was sick counselling people he had gambled and lost the ten thousand annie annie and he came back and said i made a mistake somewhere here if god the reason why they keep going back is because it's addictive you will need deliverance we need deliverance from that appetite in order for you to be free if not the moment you have money in your pocket the spirit of gambling will just come on you and you will find yourself at og winner magic is addictive that's why people that start never stop it will take a whole lot of spiritual energy in deliverance to dissociate someone that has begun to seek wisdom knowledge from demons to desist part of the reason why there's so much contention in africa yes the poverty wasn't the matter but beyond the poverty our people on the continent of africa decided to seek knowledge through spirits and there happens to be a generational possibility behind that kind of enterprise and so people that take care of shrines that speak to spirits when they're about to die they look for someone to continue the trade a woman was speaking to me that her mother-in-law was told by the spirit that she was going to die and she began to say who will help me pardo my keno who will help me pardo my what so she did not understand the language of the wise she thought it was a physical canoe because when when you when you enter the school of magic they will teach you the language it goes with a language may the lord help us in jesus name if you are not initiated you know you won't know what they are saying you will see three old men say cry we are feeling cold what they are telling you is that it's been long since somebody died we need to put one firewood one firewood one firewood where can we find firewood meanwhile they fire wood everywhere that's destructive destructive kind of witchcraft let me read something to you from my notes quickly practices classified as magic include number one divination number two astrology number three alchemy number four sorcery number five necromancy necromancy divination astrology alchemy sorcery and necromancy are you still with me all right so what is divination talk with me in your bible to the book of acts chapter 16 what is divination what powers do is diviner have 16 verse 16 acts chapter 16 verse 16 and it came to pass as we went to prayer a certain damsel possessed with a spirit of divination met us which brought our masters much gained by suit saying now i need to explain to us quickly are you still with me please stay with me the lecturer just wanted five minutes when i'm done we'll begin to pray whether or not i finish it's not the issue someone possessed with the spirit of divination can operate like a prophet because the closest relative to prophecy that the kingdom of darkness is capable of it suits saying and so saying is the expression of the wisdom of spirit of divination exactly now give me that scripture let me educate us before we go forward so first of all one of the things about susan is that it is an avenue through which you can the practitioner can gain a lot of money money get that you're not with me i know now we need to take a very good inventory because somewhere on the continent of africa there was there became a saud of people claiming to be prophets so we need to run a check because the bible says that we should test all things and hold on to that which is good part of the abilities that this lady had because she was possessed with the spirit of divination was the ability to make money a lot of gain for her masters so you need to take note when the whole thing is about seed raising seed raising fund raising stuff you have not yet raised man there's no man you have raised but you have raised so many seeds we don't have an inventor of people that came to you and after being with you for a while they were so influenced that they began to prosecute destiny as god has mandated them because they prove that we are doing ministry is life transformation it is only the holy ghost that can transform a life through a mandate that he commits to a man in a ministry when you see transformation is evidence of the fact that there's a valid call that jesus has bestowed upon a man and he has a bountiful supply of the spirit of grace to prosecute it that's the only way transformation can take place are you with me second point when someone is operating with a spirit of divination the spirit feeds on immorality do you understand what to talk about it does what it feeds on immorality so when you hear of a prophet that has a bag a bag of secret immoral testimonies which which you cannot hide which will eventually come to limelight anyway it's a proof of the fact that that person is not operating by the holy ghost operating by the spirit of divination because the more you operate in the inside that comes from that spirit of divination the more the appetite to indulge in immorality for his expression in fact at some point in your operation you need to have a lady station before you go to the altar and another station when you come back if not the spirit will make your own mind so there are a lot of ladies in the enterprise wounded battered but you know all kinds of ladies just to feed the insertable appetite of the spirit of what divination when the bible spoke about the prophet samuel the first thing the bible said about him was his character so we check prophets by character before we look at the gift because the gift if you don't have discernment of spirit sometimes the oppression of seeming prophetic oppression by the spirit of divination sounds and looks like prophecy so don't look at the gift you can be confused look at the life first you understand look at the life and that's why we cannot accept anybody in the body of christ to be a prophet if he doesn't have at least a track record of holiness purity for at least 10 years the bible says not a novice lest it be puffed up and he falls into the snare of the devil if you have like 10 years of accurate walk with god under the supervision of leaders and they have seen the projections of your spirit in his capacity to use the handle of revelations then we know that upon you the spirit that reveals your number among the prophets it doesn't happen suddenly you're not with me there's someone that became sick so they took the person to the village believing that the person would die so when the god got to the village people came to greet the person all kinds of people came to greet the person and suddenly the person recovered recovered in two days someone that was near death and with the recovery was this was the ability to see things the person came back and started the ministry and crowds gathered you know i told you that a prophet doesn't just suddenly appear in fact in the first six years of your journey in the lord you will not be gifted you just see dreams sparingly little dreams sparingly that are weak so weak that you can despise them satan will make advances to you to make you love money initially if you pass that first test god will give you something more of the grace then the second attraction will be women they will come massively anywhere you go you'll find one that is willing to lead you astray and that test you continue for like seven years i know there's no way men left so let me not afflict you much more santa i know you want to come and say okay the prophet of the land that demons will look for you in the night you know that thing we do on facebook um worry we come in the name of the lord hallelujah divination it is a practice of determining the hidden significance of things because of events and sometimes for telling the future let me explain because in most of our cultures the use of divination is when someone dies maybe the person is believed to have died prematurely so the elders want to find out the reason why the person died so while they are doing the burial on the left-hand side you'll find some people under a mango tree on the right those ones are the two warlocks of the two families and they are asking how did this death take place and the person that is responsible we own up in that assembly all right you have taken from where you have no right it means we have two entrances into your family and the destinies of men are decided under the tree and the only comma during barriers that is it's they come out with a regalia they come out fully kitted because there's going to be a discussion and that discussion is going to create an enrolled into another family just because somebody is not as if they love this person that died but the debt is an occasion for them to make demands i speak as one that has been on the field all right and they discussed that there it means they have two seasons to come and bring debt and the reason for which they need to press to get opportunities to bring debt is because the altar that is in the family that they have used to sponsor somebody's wealth needs blood every other year so those negotiations are to clap opportunities where they can clear the kind of killing that has the support of the elders of the family such killings are like mysteries so there is this thing that divination provides is a possibility for you to find knowledge and it is the lust for knowledge that drives people into the search of divination just like in the garden of eden satan wanted to bring an attraction that would make adam to want the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and he told adam he said in the day that you eat of this food god don't know god is aware that there is a layer of knowledge that you cannot access until you have access to this fruit is this fruit that is going to be the gateway into that knowledge bank it means that the advertisement that satan brought to adam was an advertisement about a hidden knowledge that's what divination gives anyone that subscribes to it divination promises to give you access to a hidden knowledge you know why your father died you know why the first born of the family died at the age of two you know what happened why is it that there's only girls that your mother gave it so divination promises to be able to give us explanations for why events took place and it also have the potential to foretell the future if you begin to travel around maybe you will start buying things from a lot of places you might find stumbling a diviner you came there to buy something and you say can i check your palm mind you if the person reads your palm it cuts falls on you if the person does you might feel okay there is that same lust for knowledge is what was in your heart i said what yeah it doesn't look bad there's no scripture that contains that it will affect my salvation but what you have done is is as good as going to consult a happiness in your village because divination always comes with the promise of giving you access to a certain kind of hidden knowledge are you with me meanwhile the bible says that eyes have not seen he his ears have not heard neither neither has he entered into the heart of man the things that god will do for them that love him the true custodian of secret is the holy ghost but he has revealed this thing unto us by his spirit and he went for that to say we have received not the spirit which is of this world because he's trying to make you understand that hey just in case you came from a family of divineness what we are talking about is not the abilities of the spirit which is of what of this world because the wisdom that comes from the spirit of this world the bible says it commits over time you will know that you wasted life and wasted time in pursuit of the knowledge that comes from the devil over time you will find out i preached like this before and when i reached those topics i saw some people just took their bag i've seen it everywhere not they'll just carry their bag and go out it doesn't even happen today because i was i was expecting the person that would go i see that everywhere when i raise these matters some people we just see lest we come into an environment we don't understand it happens everywhere may the lord help us in the name of jesus christ part of what the devil is trying to do is to infiltrate the church because we all have a loss when you hear somebody is a prophet it means he has secrets to give we don't care to check the source of the secret so this girl she came to paul and his companions in the hour prayer these people that are diviners that i speak about can actually think every the highest levels of spirituality it will take only the discernment that comes by the spirit of god to be able to know them by any other means you will you cannot know them are you with me all right so that's what divination is the next practice classified as magic is called astrology no i was too fast let's see rest on divination i find out that in africa it's one of the commonest expressions of magic this divination is encountered most frequently in contemporary mass society in the form of one horoscopes who knows horoscope they don't do it again those days in newspapers what do they call those your star are you leo are you sagittarius huh scorpio spices which one again what cancer now and then they will tell you that on tuesdays this kind of thing is going to happen to you those are horoscopes viewing through satan's lens and because satan knows that there is an appetite in every man for knowledge that is secret it will always say thank god for christian publishers that began to rise in nigeria and became head of publishing houses and they deleted coroscopy if not euroscopy was becoming big business in nigeria it's not in every newspaper around the world that there were such people it has grown from what it was it is now a system horoscope so you wake up buying the newspaper just because you want to check your staff for the day so the first manifestation of of divination is horoscopy and most of you still do it online they come and say um there are some things i saw on facebook it's the introduction of horoscopy because divination wants to manifest again and you'll be amazed the number of believers that subscribe to those things in in the name of it will not affect your salvation the second expression of divination that is in contemporary my society is what we call pam reading palm reading palm reading so we don't shake up our possibilities on horoscopes we don't read palms the third is what we call bible toning by botany when we were in secondary school there was a bible turning priest in our dormitory he was very dedicated to the to the articles of bible terms very he was very dedicated so whenever something gets missing they call the priest the priest will first ask all of you are you are you guilty are you and he will take a very bad confession before he begins his act and you know those days in the hostel that i was there's a place they called box room that's where all the boxes are supposed to be but the house captains will remove all the boxes and say you'll take care of your box and he uses the box room it's own personal apartment so when they want to do bible turning is in the box room so you have limited access you will sit outside it's when the results come out that you'll be talked about so it was a hard note it was a very hello thing and it came to pass one day that they did bible tonight and one guy sander that was lost since our ss1 they used bible tony to find it the moment they found it they believed that bible turning was the way to gain wisdom so anything that happens they will just go pay the guy money he will just say are you are you guilty are you is there guilt on you and then they'll be waiting for the key of box room you'll receive people 20 people waiting for the answer what's happened because there is a lost in the heart of humankind to seek secret knowledge meanwhile the bible says that jesus is the compendium of all wisdom and knowledge all the riches of wisdom all the witches of knowledge are encapsulated in one person well this one is no longer too um common here crystal gazing there's something that that is called the crystal ball where the african version of a crystal ball is in form of a color calabash that water is in it and the spirits of sciences are invoked and the platform of the the face of the water becomes a screen where you can watch people the people of interest i'll show you that they are going to the market show you then are you with me and somebody was in the heart of of new york in america and he refused to come home to visit his mother for 17 years and his mother called him on the phone and he called him he said i can see your dog is close to you say yes the mother took something like a toothpick and struck the dog in the water the dog died and said i can see your dog has died the man checked and then the mother told him if i had wanted to kill you the way i killed this dog that's how i would have killed me so you think your mother i said which that's why you are not coming home don't you know which can tell you where you are that's how the young man started coming that's what we call crystal gazing now all these things i'm teaching you're going to form objects of prayer points this night i've woken up before and i knew i was being watched so i know the prayers of prayer and i brought blindness upon that facility if you do it properly the person gazing will lose fiscal sight if you do it do it properly i brought blindness hallelujah all right so we have crystal gazing and then we have you will not know this one how many of you went to the investor of ibadan it was in the library okay no ui person here it's called the ujja board ujja board the ujja board is like scrabble it's a board game are you with me but you play the game with the spirit and there are rules to follow when you follow the rules then the spirit is going to help you give you some information that you never knew before so what's the name of your great grandfather the spirit meanwhile there's a candle light that you need to to light and then when the spirit comes the candle will they can do the light will move like this so you know the spirit has come together what is the name of and the thing has a b c d e f to z do you know what i'm talking about um we can you uh use your internet to find an uja board o u i j e board and then put it on the screen for the people to see so i will show you something about okay no don't put it on the screen they will go and look for it somebody will try it so it's better for you to know it just know it there's something like that now it has abcd to say so when the spirit comes the spirit when asked okay you ask what is the name of my grandfather the spirit will now spell a is that this this this that it's not the human being play no the thing the wisdom is coming out this this and then you write it down then this is the name of and you can go and conduct a research you find that same name it is divination what the devil is doing now is trying to make magic user-friendly builds it into games builds it into movies builds it if i watch a movie and i see something i know them but you don't know meanwhile divination is more effective on you if you don't know it if you can't identify it and i've seen many people there what do they call this cartoon there's one cartoon okay you okay there are so many names now there's one common one it's just occultic just fully occultive because wizards and warlocks are no longer patient they are coming out of the hiding they are writing best-selling books have you heard of the 48 laws of power very very intelligent warlocks wrote those books have you heard of the act of saying reduction is an improvement unfortunately power so they have they are encapsulating the wisdom from darkness in books right now and pastors are rushing it as manuals for the administration of ministry so you can ex you can understand how the corruption is coming the act of seduction how to make people do things with different influences you know something i'm talking about all right so those are five contemporary um manifestations of divination the horoscopy farm reading bible turning crystal gazing and ujjabor did you succeed we you found it can you project it please try please try it it's more prevalent in in the west in the us in europe but if you if you access a very good library you'll find a lot of them because they ship them across the world to literary centers to aid education so it's an educative tool you know how to use it you find the name of your great grandfather the devil's invitation tribes on an inner lost in humankind to seek secret knowledge all right next job let's jump quickly oh my time is up so bad um where are we okay if you allow me i take more time do we have a popular vote in that regard all right so we have astrology astrology it's the belief that an understanding of the influence of the planets stars and moon [Music] have on earthly affairs and the accurate interpretation of the alignment of the sun moon and star and the planets gives the astrologer the ability to predict and to effect destinies of individuals of groups and nations now listen to me listen to me most of what we are suffering in nigeria is as a result of astrology how many of you have studied the note before stated in northern nigeria before how many of you stayed in zarya before zarya did you visit kuspa do you know that there's a place like kuspa that's the congregation of some of the most the strongest astrologers of stature most of the dynamics of our failure as a nation is tied to the use of astrology as an instrument of control you still with me okay you're not with me now let me try let me try let me try let's try to go to deuteronomy chapter 33. let's try are you there deuteronomy chapter 33 from verse 13 13. this is the blessing of joseph all right you say and of joseph he said no who is he moses moses is blessing the tribes before his death so this is what the blessing that came upon joseph what did moses say and of joseph he said blessed of the lord be his land for the precious things of heaven for the dew for the deep that couched beneath next verse there and for the precious fruits brought forth by what the sun and for the precious things put forth by what now according to this arrangement the moon is the investment platform the sun is the return on investment platform you didn't get that all right so during that that's why astrology is in the night so the incantations they do in the night it programs the coming morning oh okay don't worry let's forget about it you see if you want to stay if you stay where astrology prospers the first symptom that you are going to find in an area that is rigged up by astrology is that you can make money but you cannot take the money outside of that place you will spend it there when you go to a place like singa in kanu you will see money outside like this but is protected by astrology boko haram can't visit singa because it is protected by astrology in astrology encoding takes place through the moon and the coding takes place when the sun rises so an astrologer can program tomorrow this night because in the moon he he puts forth so that he can bring forth through the sun oh my okay leave that if you didn't get it forget about it forget about it there are several prayers and several times of prayers that if you are going to survive in an area that is rigged with astrology at least you must wake up before 5 a.m that's not mandated here in my country but if you are living in some places you must wake up before 5 am before they pollute the atmosphere you must gain your grip of the parachute that will take you beyond the influence of that which is used to manage the place and manage the space in regions where astrology prospers we find a very wide gap between the rich and the poor and the rich will use the riches their riches as an instrument to manipulate the poor and perpetually we find that there are some families that wallowing riches and their families that their destiny is poverty have you ever heard that scripture when they said there's an evil under the sun how that servants ride on horseback and princes walk on foot is called astrology that's what astrology does it's it it um it invites possibility okay check nigeria now the peop the person ruling in nigeria is is that a person that has the capacity to rule a nation like that but it doesn't matter whether it has the capacity or not when those factors are put in place you will find scholars professors people that have what it takes to drive the land their place will be to walk on servants i don't hospital are you with me okay you don't you don't okay you want me to come with this girl and say god bless you amen that's what you want when you get old you know the past of the safety that next week something you will see and a lot will just come that's not how god blesses people if god is going to bless you he's going to add walk to the equation that's why gambling gambling you see you see he said he said forgive us our trespasses is it not jesus that said that once it was trespass using a shortcut because if you're going to use a shortcut you are going to pass through my compound you are transpassing my boundary is that true so in gambling there's a shortcut the work element of success is removed so the person just comes and then he does something then it goes beyond it trespasses work at the work element to get an instant result most of what we preach as prosperity is something that is instant result-based it is trespass that next week you receive a phone call something that doesn't have work involved if god wants to make you prosper what we do is that he'll give you an idea of what to do whatsoever i laid his hand upon to do he shall prosper so he'll give you an idea what to do meanwhile our concept of prosperity is a phone call a text message so we say amends to phone calls next week amends to text messages the work element is still gambling it's trespassed please help me tell your neighbor smell the coffee wake up even if there's a supernatural anointing upon your life for prosperity god will reveal to you what to do if there's no doing element it is mmm may lord give you understanding so when we think prosperity we think productivity what can i do that god is willing to bless that's how to pray that prayer and then god showed me opened my eyes and showed me my own you know i have not started what he showed me it's very easy to prosper when you know the holy spirit he will tell you what to do sometimes he can tell you if god borrowed dollars and then next week a servant comes on horseback and one dollar becomes 500. and you sell without doing anything what you did was that your head took strategic action what wisdom does is that it removes sweat from the walk but walk cannot be removed from the equation you don't understand wisdom does work god doesn't have there there's no value for your sweat he doesn't need to accumulate it to form good will [Music] are you with me that's where we don't go wisdom will tell you when to stand when to walk away when to run to tell you what to do and when so to do but you cannot take walk out of the equation of prosperity if you check the story of the children of israel they were in the land of bondage and in their captivity they learned skills is that true learnt how to do things and then when they went into the promised land they have already gotten skills and the promised hand land had raw materials raw material plus skill is what productivity that's how it works you don't want to produce anything you don't want wisdom in any area i want to tell you that even as a public servant i prayed more than most of you most of you believe that your occupation now is prayer but i'm telling you that as a public servant i prayed more than you because prayer is the christian culture that's what we do right we also have a calling towards developing their state in which we find ourselves and for that we need the wisdom of god so you cannot take a walk outside of the equation of prosperity and it's a god that makes rich and he has a solution did you get that all right so let me try to round up astrology astrology this type of divination this is the type of divination that involves the forecasting of earthly and human events through the observation and interpretation of the fixed stars and by fixed stars i'm talking about the sun the moon the stars and the planets sun the moon so that thing you are seeing on the screen is called the uji board somebody say uji board now when the spirit comes and begins to play that lever we begin to move can we have the first the first uh example that lever there will begin to move over the letters eh you know there is no name that you cannot spell with the alphabet the alphabet contains every name is that true so the leaver there begins to spell out the name corresponding to the question that you're asking and when and it will not be done by human hand it will be done by something mysterious a spirit of divination will come to share fellowship with you and you begin to unveil hidden knowledge and i said that the human soul part of what led to our fall and part of the trappings of the human soul in the fall is a desire for such knowledge that is secret that is beyond our reach and when you begin to see that such a facility has access to such knowledge you will find that it is very easy for you to become addicted to it and you'll be entertaining demons unawares entertaining what being even in the prophetic if you come to the stage with an intention to say something you are already wrong you want to show the people that god has spoken to you you are corrupt already you are not a vessel that is pure the flesh has stained your outlet the outlet has been burrowed satan can flow through the vent and the way to close the power of the flesh before you preach is to speak in tongues and speak in tongues long long long and i found out that one hour speaking in tongues before you preach is a good antidote good attitude to ready you as a vessel the people listening to you will hear the voice of god again and again and there's a texture there's a texture that the voice of the lord sustains and when you hear your heart of us we know that this man's vocal cord is communicating the mind of god if you're going to be like that then you must pay the price of intercession this intersection we're talking about is not so that you can receive the word of the lord there's another practice with which you can receive by which you can receive the word of the lord i'm talking about preparing your heart to become a conduit through which god can pass after you have secured the word of the lord you still need to go for another round or one hour of prayer so that i can blot out every outlet of the flesh and if these practices are not sustained the time can come when the presence of god lives and everything we'll say about god this will be in the past some time ago god some time ago that would not be a portion in the name of jesus astrologers believe that an understanding of the influence of the planets and stars on earthly affairs allows them both to predict and effect destinies of individuals of groups and nations and so what astrologers do is that they check the alignment of the sun moon and star and they get understanding of the things that about to happen upon the face of the earth should i tell you where they got that from genesis chapter one that's where they got it go genesis 1 14. please help me quickly and god said let there be lights in the firmament of heaven to divide the day from the night and let there be four sides the primary purpose for which the lights were set up there was not to give light it was to give signs so when you hear of these signs you know in the book of of joel jordan chapter 2 when the bible says and there shall be signs in the heavens fire and pillars of smoke for the sun shall become darkness and the moon into blood you know the moon becoming blood that's a blood moon it's a sign the sun becoming dark that is an eclipse it's a sign so astrologers can interpret these science meanwhile in the new testament the bible reveals that science follows us if something is following you it means that the thing is behind you following we don't look to science what do we do signs follow an astrologer looks to science and begins to operate by the interpretation of science we are ahead of those science so the bible is full of the miscalculations of the devil because if the devil needs to operate it is operated by science but we science followers we are ahead of the science we move before the signs form we pick what is happening the heavens from the mouth of god before the circumstances in the heavens that need to collocate to bring it to pass begin to form we're ahead of astrologers they can't read us from the chats from from the crystal ball from in the instruments of darkness they will be short of giving your full description and so the bible indeed is full of miscalculations where the devil made attempts but the bible says that if the princes of this world had known that wouldn't have crucified the lord of glory it means that jesus was operating in an economy of reality that was far removed from the stands and the glimpses that witches that mata and sciences that people have access to walking in the spirit is the greatest insulation the greatest covering the greatest insurance that a believer has because signs follow us we do not what follow sin i'm looking for a scripture to close with scripture is coming to me now let me look for it in a moment give me two minutes two minutes please i'm jeremiah chapter 10 verse 2. i'm going to end it jeremiah came into a city where the children of israel had begun to subscribe to astrology this was his message to them where are you he said don't say the lord learn not the way of the hidden and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven for the hidden are dismayed by them they learn not the way of the hidden and be doubt not what dismay but the science of heaven astrology operates through science and when you find a very good astrologer he only sees the sun in every 17 years because it takes 17 years for a blue moon to come and a blue moon is when the full moon appears in one month twice takes 17 years cycle for that to be accomplished and the astrologer doesn't see the sun fall until the blue moon comes it means his ministry ends after 17 years then a younger astrologer will be taught the act and he will go into the control room it is from there that they give prophecies to kings they give instructions to monarchs they give pathways to princes but jeremiah said we shall not be dismayed we shall not be overtaken by the signs of heaven because we ourselves are the science have you read the book of isaiah oh you have not read since you have not read it let me not let me not take you there okay but you understand when the bible says from the time of john the baptist and until now the manifestation of john the baptist was an initializing of a certain season as long as john was in the wilderness that season had not started but when he came timing began and so when you want to count the time or take inventory of the time when violence was spiritual violence was legalized it was with the rise of church it means every son of the kingdom that comes into his full age of manifestation is actually pointing to something that heaven is doing it's a sign from heaven i'm going to stop you i have a lot for us to learn first prayer point if if anybody has ever gone to inquire about you from darkness and they use an instrument they use a crystal ball they use um the gaze upon water through the spirits that peep spirits that mutter have spoken wickedness into your future if that has ever happened oh you know with me then we are going to pray just in case it has happened oh my you are going to give me 30 minutes ok because i want us to travel today the atmosphere is good today jesus see korea oh may your eyes not be blind humorable santo so if they've ever viewed you through an instrument through a crystal ball through an instrument a monitoring instrument sometimes a monitoring instrument can be a living creature a pet and all and it's used to the person is a work that uses the eyes of that all through witchcraft to view to create surveillance in the night around your area if there has ever been a time where people monitored you and they took information on the strength of the things that they saw let them become blind [Applause] [Music] these are days of spiritual warfare so we are going to pray that prayer let blindness come upon anyone that used any form of an instrument to monitor to look upon you to see your possibility to see your potential so that they can fight you from the advantage of insight let blindness lead blindness net blindness that blindness head blindness [Music] that blindness red blindness [Music] you are not praying [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign anyone that saw you will destroy the instrument [Applause] we destroy the vision [Music] we bring blindness [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] ah [Music] la la la [Music] ah [Music] [Music] wow [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] woman [Music] oh mama [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] papa [Music] me [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] in the name of jesus thank you lord listen listen the lord said it shows me it shows me three people in this auditorium and what it says is these ones have been seen that means they have used instruments to see you he instructs me to ensure you are covered all right so i will ask him to show me the ones that have been seen just be calm don't pray don't pray lord in this congregation those three that have been seen already that you have sent me to cover i ask that you show me show me the ones that have been seen show me this the next one the next one put your hand on the next one put your hand on the next one show me the third one how many are there now he said three how many there are three okay bring three of them let's cover them let's cover it and those of you online that are implicated by my words [Music] i send the power of god your way maybe someone is using an instrument to monitor you in the office an instrument of darkness i destroy the potency of that instrument and i bring blindness upon them these ones have been seen the lord said [Music] they have been seen they have been seen they have been seen bring them bring them they have been seen eyes saw you saw your possibility saw your destiny so i stand in the name of jesus i stand in the name of jesus to retrieve every picture to retrieve every instrument every garment every piece of hair every fingernail that is used as a point of contact and i cover you i retrieve every instrument every point of contact fingernail hair garment clothing that was withdrawn from your body and is used as an instrument in the name of jesus i cover you samoko meriskov i retrieve every instrument garment fingernail hair used as a point of contact to tie you to darkness i say come out come out come out come out for the lord jesus sends me that you might be covered oh my oh my god help me help me help me he's here he's here in tongues i demand your release now i command you to come out come out from surveillance come out from coverage come out from the coverage of the crystal ball come out so that you can live out your destiny come out so that you can enter into the place where god has prepared come out i say come out second prayer point are you ready all right so when i taught you now we finish the exercise okay you are free [Music] next prayer point your point of contact things like that can be drawn from your body your garment your hair your fingernail the shoes you used before i have even seen where they use your footprint you know astrologers use that when you step on the sand and it makes a shape they place towards your heel not where your toes are they pick that side it's an instrument it's it's a point of contact can we pray tonight if someone has in possession that point of contact that links to you that will make spirits who know your address smell your scent and they can send them on errands to come discover where you are to manipulate your surroundings manipulate your timings your possibility can you destroy the ability of that instrument to be traceable to you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my to the family of yahweh [Music] who is [Music] in jesus name just like i suspected some of you unknown to you some of your resources are somewhere instruments of monitoring point of contact point of contact and i even see that as one of you an image of you was carved and it's in a place of power and they are striking at it and you have something like an everlasting headache incurable headache where are you incredible because you'll be killed now you'll be killed now you see that's why a prophet is needed in the company that's why a prophet is living that's why a prophet is needed the things that the devil has kept secrets certainly will be this everlasting headache will leave now it will leave so can you sing now can you say i am of jerusalem [Music] through [Music] singing i belong [Applause] i am [Music] [Music] who is [Music] now these people out here their situation is not medical images of them exist in places of power [Music] now the prayer is simple we want to disconnect them from the images such that they can continue with the images but it will not translate to any implication can we do the disconnection this night can we pray can we pray [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Music] career [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the name of jesus it's all right it's all right now this night i stand with you lord to enforce the disconnection and let the headaches cease i enforce the disconnection and i demand that the headaches cease let the headaches cease that they had exceeds that they had exceeds that they had exceeds that they had exceeds that they had exceeds let it cease let it cease [Music] [Music] cease cease [Applause] [Music] cease cease [Music] i command you see more can tell you [Music] i am [Applause] [Music] i am standing on the altar [Music] i command the change to break [Music] let our soul be released [Music] [Music] i am standing [Music] [Music] [Music] singing i belong [Music] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] my jesus can you help me shake your head just shake it i'll remove it in the name of jesus i remove it i remove it in the name of jesus in the name of jesus go [Music] you are free now you are free now [Music] i belong [Music] i am [Music] [Music] [Applause] alone [Music] i am i am [Music] no one will be able to use witchcraft to destroy you see i'm seeing people whose marriages have been tied tied and so not tonight a company of your people will make demands yes the angel of the lord has come and one of you whose marriages have been tied is about to experience deliverance in a few seconds show me that one for which you came show me that one for which you came show me that one for which you couldn't show me show me that one for which okay show me somebody here the fear of death has been on your heart for three days three days where are you come death sensation of death the fear of it the family of yahweh [Music] they don't come to the house of god to die all the chains all the chains operances curses that have been invoked over you and in your family [Music] we turn the tide we turn the would turn the tide would turn the tide with tons of time [Music] foreign [Music] what [Music] one of you here your case is an emergency what you see me do today you will do you will do so i'm giving you lecture now lecture lecture your eyes will see secret things so that men can be delivered [Music] [Music] one of you wears the cloak of death the hand of god will come upon you in a short while you see people are coming out of that that chain of yeah they're coming out they're coming out they're coming out because next year you'll be married they're coming out the bondage the curse they're coming and if the devil is using a sin you committed in your last relationship by the blood of jesus by the blood of jesus that ground is rolled away so one of you here the hand of god will come upon you it's a cloak of death you are being decorated with a cloak let this ones be free if i taught you you go be free let this worst be free in the name of jesus we deny debt access be free be free be free be free be free be free be free you are covered you are kept [Music] they're free [Music] yes the holy ghost is already acting he's already doing the work he's doing the work he's doing the work there he's doing the work all right we removed the clock we remove the cloth that you are wearing we remove it we'll remove it we'll remove it we'll remove it we ask that it be bumped off it'd be burnt off in flames be burnt off be wanted be bountiful be bound off be bountiful be brought up be blunt off be bound up from the crown of your head to the source of your faith that she might be released from your power from your power from your power everything you gave her ceases to be operational we neutralize this effect yes yes we present the blood on our behalf that she be delivered that she'll be delivered that she'll be delivered she'll be delivered in the name of jesus i call you out of where you were chained i call your soul out from the cave where it was kept and i call you out right now in the name of jesus come out come out come out do me a favor put your hand on a public account look for it and pray pray right now so that she can come out from the place she's been kept there for long that deceived her with some things that give her yes look for it that's where the power is the demon will fall out to follow just being a victim a victim of the things that were released upon her thank you father thank you father thank you father thank you father sister just shake my hand [Music] let the work of the lord be perfected perfect be perfect be perfect in the name of jesus if one was small they gave you something to protect you to white witchcraft protection they gave you something when you were small let me see your hand to protect you maybe they say people are dying and they gave you please come let's release you release you so that you can fulfill destiny they give you something to protect to keep you today you are released and that destiny that looks impossible for you to fulfill you will fulfill it you fulfill it against all odds to come to pass to come to pass you are giving something today we disconnect you can you pray for them finally finally please pray please pray [Music] please pray isabella coronde elisso cabriata now you know what look for her umbilical cord just put your hand there play pray in tongues [Music] i separate you and i destroyed that instrument i destroyed that instrument i destroyed that instrument in the name of jesus is implication his power to monitor his power to measure and contain his power to manipulate is broken over your life step into your destiny access your destiny access your ordination in the name of jesus christ [Music] from your family you will rise as a sign that the yoke is broken that the yoke is broken you can shake me and go back it will rise as a sign as a sign that the yoke is broken as a sign that the yoke is broken that the yoke is broken its influence is broken now step into your destiny step into your donation step into your donation step into it step into it step it away step into it step into it now i want to conduct a lecture [Music] so what the demon is saying is there was a mark that gives it legitimacy to remain on her life when this thing happens don't take them seriously look for something to do look put your hand in your pocket or look for problems look for something just look for something to distract yourself because this is an attempt to draw attention and in the sanctuary of god is only god that should be magnified by the time the distraction stops then you use the smallest osha in this case which one is the smallest one who accepts no ah okay this the demon is provoked now so this is the best this is the best see this is the real this is the best that demons can't do this so you are ignorant if you are afraid of devils this this day even physically i can defeat the hour [Laughter] now when you make the demon ashamed they will be powerless like this this is when you start your ministry i call a symbol your [Applause] revolution don't give them attention look for something put your hand in your pocket begin to sing it song when i pursue that gun then you can come back now you two ushers let me show you what to do this lady is carrying something on her back like a knapsack so you lay your hand on your on her back and speaking of don't hear her instruction help her locate that helper help her don't stop praying in terms don't stop you know we don't have such momentum from so we use it for lecture now there's nothing more powerful than speaking in tongues with conviction you have conviction and you are going and you are not willing to stop that's it we knock off everything that is in the way see the person that was bragging if you speak in tongue with conviction you break it so this night by 12 midnight can you stand up where you are just for one hour we speak in tongues with conviction some things would we disconnect you with the spirit of the water we command you to come out of the water where you were kept and fulfill your destiny do the will of god become everything that god has ordained so now the spirit doesn't want to hear tongue now who is in charge now keep praying keep praying keep praying we say come out of the water come out come out come out come out come out of the place where you were kept come out of the place while you were tired okay leave her leave her so you cannot pray when you when this one finishes pray normal prayer what you want to see in her life me i want her to fulfill that destiny i want the delay in my life to stop because she had been afflicted because she refused to serve the spirit now be at liberty to serve the living god and be blessed be blessed be blessed be blessed in jesus name now that is how to cast out devils [Applause] [Music] so [Music] hallelujah please let's let your friend basket move let's cast our offering this is our online audience they hold on their account details and cast an offering continuation of your worship to the lord if you seek to be part of commitment to the building it's ongoing building project very massive building project that you are rightly in the midst of if you wish to be part of it take advantage of the account detail on the screen cast your offering the children department end-of-year meeting thanksgiving service is coming on this saturday by 12 e 12 by 9 am if you own children or you have relatives that are with you please make them available for the meeting it will be a moment of encounter situation from god we did bring to your notice yesterday equally that this weekend um this sunday the 13th of december will be gathered in this place to consciously give our thanks to god for all that he has done if you look back through this year you know that this year it had been much less in peril there had been parades of periods that sought to consume us but god has delivered us and he's still doing that so let's come and consciously return our appreciation to him okay and then tomorrow tomorrow again as against the normal tradition of meeting every thursday for i mean decentralizing the meeting so that we can filter into the various corners of this city to raise incense to god it is an addition to that program so tomorrow by 4 p.m we still gather in this place to pray and to fellowship with god so please don't go to any center tomorrow come back to this place let's still seek the face of the lord there's equally a worship meeting that is coming up on the 20th of december 4 pm and then if you are from immigration around the community secondary school road please there's an instruction here that you should draw close to reverend george after the service immediately and see him this is reverend josh here if you are from that axis please move towards him advance towards him he seek to engage you in a meeting a discussion please let's rise up as we bring the meeting to a close please don't forget make deliberate and conscious plan towards the thanksgiving thanksgiving service that is coming up and the time is still 4 pm make conscious effort come with your substance come with money come with resources to thank the lord but the bible says that it is a good thing to give thanks to the lord you want to know what exactly is good what should i do what exactly should i even do that is good you don't need to do much research then i will say one of the good thing to do is to give thanks to the lord so if you come just one day to do that you are doing something good but then is the kingdom upon the glory forever and ever amen
Channel: Apostle Arome Osayi
Views: 38,053
Rating: 4.9236774 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle, Arome, Osayi
Id: qv4D9BrF_7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 133min 55sec (8035 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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