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yo guys it's patri back with another video today I'm going to be teaching you lot how to do the window to cut jump and also the vent hop oh I just messed up and also the vent hop just like that I'm going to start with the window to cat jump this one's actually pretty easy to learn it just takes a little bit of practice uh firstly you kind want to get into window and hug yourself against this little table thing and then you just want to start running forwards and then you kind of want to go like across this line if you see it like this line here and then once you hit the edge of these oxes or the end of this box here you want to air strafe right if you don't know how to air strafe I'll do a little demonstration here so what an air strafe is is this which is when you jump and as soon as you jump you want to let go of w and hold d as well so I'm going right so I'd hold D cuz you go right and if I wanted to go left uh you go a so you let go hold D and you also look to the right if you're going right and then for a left a strafe you jump hold a and also look to the left just like that jump let go of w look to the right and press D at the same time as soon as you let go of w and jump you want to hold D and look to the right but you don't want to do it really sharply kind of go like kind of like that cuz you're going to go into there do it like a smooth curve kind of like that like like that and then you kind of want to line your crossover up with like this line I think it's better to look more like up kind of like up here and you as soon as you hit this you want to press W again you want to run forwards and then as soon as you jump you want to let go and do another right uh air strafe kind of like this oh not like that I recommend you actually learn this one cuz it's going to help you in a lot of uh game situations you know when uh you need to rotate quickly or anything like that so yeah so for the vent hop I recommend you kind of start around from the left here so you're kind of moving into it from the left uh you kind of just want to go down here you left air strafe and then as soon as you hit here you want to crouch and then you just Spam your jump button like this you want to go like that and it shoots you out the other side uh I recommend for this you set your jump bind as scroll wheel cuz that also help you with like bunny hopping and stuff and basically everyone in CSO does it there some be hops like that so I just recommend you choose it so here's a little lineup for it um you kind of want to wedge yourself in this corner here in kitchen and then you want to stare it kind of this brick in the middle like the middle of that brick so go back kind of stare there and then as soon as you're about to kind of reach the end of The Shadow at uh this line you want to air stra left and then you just you don't want to crouch in the air otherwise you're just not going to make it because you kind of slow down see I didn't even make it hit like as soon as you're about to hit it you want to crouch which takes a while to get the timing right you kind of just got to practice it like that see boom just practice going through it like that like that boom and then kind of as soon as you hit the hit the window and get in the right shift you just want to spam your scroll wheel and you'll just shoot through like that um this is I think from here is probably the easiest way to do it but a lot of different angles are harder a little lineup for this way so if you're in the kind of left side of window here and you want to get into to vent from this way uh you want to hug up uh against this wall and just have your crossair like against this like uh part of the like door frame or whatever and then in the middle of this thing kind of like along this line that's when you want to jump so just like that and then you just Crouch and you spam your jump bind just like the other one there you go that's how you do that side and then if you're in Jungle and you're trying to get through it you kind of do the same thing but it's just in the opposite direction so have your Crosshair kind of lined up with this and you kind of want to hug like this side the wall and then kind of when you hit around this bucket like the middle of the bucket uh you want to just strafe to the left strafe to the left and then do the same thing Crouch and spam jump so I'll show this one for you guys there you go guys that's how you do that that one thanks guys for watching the video If you enjoyed and this video helped you make sure you like comment and subscribe and if you have any ideas of what tutorials you kind of want me to do and stuff just leave a comment down below and I'll make a video on it so yeah thank you guys for watching and I'll see you guys later
Channel: partridgio
Views: 43,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gI5THwdP40g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 1sec (301 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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