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yo what's going on guys today I wanted to do a video on nuke and I wanted to do a tricks video about things that people just maybe don't know about the map I tried recording this video multiple times and I am going to switch the flow into showing you guys things that I feel like you guys don't know about rather than things that you may know about um you know I feel like a lot of people maybe know about this Edge bug and you know like just certain things that are very common I don't want to show you guys cuz you probably see them somewhere else but I want to show you guys things that I feel like don't know exist so let's get right into it on asite there's a pixel jump that gets you up into heaven um and the way this works is is you run off the end of Hut and you basically try and get this jump right here and you don't want to perf when you go for this jump uh because your your hop height will be lower than if you don't get a perf and then from there uh so the way I actually hit these two jumps is I put my finger at the top of of my mouse wheel and then I bring my my finger down slowly enough to get two full jump rotations like in succession cuz this this jump is very close to your first one and then after that you're just going to want to tap a Crouch and look to your left and then you're going to clip onto this here uh and I'll post a clip of it being hit right now up on CT roof you got a couple pixel surfs you have one right there you have one right here but they kind of mess this one up up a little bit I don't really know why but it's still hitable you just can't hit it back here because it I don't know like it drops you down and then you lose all your speed um there's another one right here and that's a perfect setup for an edge bug there's also a surf right here if you strafe this corner uh you can kind of like Glide off that there's a downward surf by credit card it's kind of cool you can get a bunch of speed out of it you can hit an edge bug on t- roof really easily by just walking into this ladder um you want to be looking at the the ground and you just want to hold W until your character stops moving you can Crouch or you can stand it's more easier to do when you're crouching and then you just hit your jump key and most often you're going to hit that edge bug off that corner right there if you get on top of red and you aim for this uh post right here this beam and you basically strafe into it so that you're parallel with it and then you hold W and D you get like a really fast uh downwards um ramp that gives you a bunch of speed you can also do that what I just did there I don't really understand why that happens but it's kind of like a invisible ledge uh that you can like hop off of but as you can see that's the ramp right there that kind of shoots you out with a with a bunch of speed T roof has two pixel surf you have one right here and then there's another one right here on this pole here you can straight for This little light right here and you can get a little surf off of it as you can see I hit it right there it's a great setup to try and go for ladder or hit an edgebug on this thing if you'd like a lot of people fast ladder like this uh but there's actually a faster way um there's something called ladder sliding and basically the way it works is uh you do something kind of like this um and the way you do that is you want to get uh on an angle to the ladder and you want to be looking downwards and then you run up to the ladder well so I'm holding W and then as soon as I touch the ladder I hold space bar and or your jump key so you need an alternate jump key other than your mouse wheel if you don't have one bound um so you could run up hold W and jump and it's going to shoot you up the ladder like that and you can get on top of blue box that way and I'll have it posted right here there's also this one right here uh you can get up on top of this ledge really fast or you can uh come off of it and kind of do something kind of like this your fastest r on top of Silo looks something kind of like this and the way that I'm doing this is by coming around on this thing like as you can see I do like that kind of like curve and I loop around and then you want to crouch jump for this and then just keep holding Crouch and uh go for like the edge um you you just want to jump Crouch and then keep going to hit the edge bug off top Silo to the ground here uh all you have to do is basically straight for that Surf and then hold d as soon as you touch the surf uh I think it's a lot easier than people make it out to be um but it's pretty consistent once you understand that like the spot on the CF you need to hit and just holding D is super important um last thing I'd say is just like if you're coming off of the surf don't like stay off of the surf cuz then you're you're going to hit the ground here there's another Edge bug right here off top Silo and the way you hit this one is just by walking off the ledge uh kind of in line with this corner and you just stop holding W uh and then you'll get that more often than not I've had people in my videos asking me how to hit the red box surf uh it's pretty easy all you have to do is basically be hop your way up and then hold your surf Keys um you can't do this from a standing jump because if you're just standing then you're going to get a jump high enough to just Gap onto the top and that's why you need a be hop conserve CT rail as soon as you come out of CT spawn pretty much all the way through and if you get really good at it you can just have consistency going into like there's a surf here on ramp uh and basically you can get it all the way down perfectly but it really just comes to like your spacing and how you hit it as you can see I got it perfect right there but we got to be hop kind of from far away and then straight into it you got this invisible staircase on B uh I don't really understand it but if you just hold your pixel surf Keys like w and D you just go b boom bo boom um there's also one right here uh you have to be hop into it and then you can get up on you can get on this rail here as you can see right there in secret you have a bunch of pixel surfs you have one right here like a Tony Hawk rail that you can go down you can get it like higher up like right there you have one right here one right there went on an invisible wall here yeah so that about does it for nuke um I hope you guys enjoyed I wanted to do one that really showed off all the movement things like everything that people have been hitting on this map but I figured the video would be too long but if you guys want to see that I can upload that one um but yeah I hope you guys enjoyed I'll see you in the next
Channel: sleepychris
Views: 14,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: edgebug, movement, csgo, cs2, counterstrike, counter strike, montage, tripp, franzJ, movement mastery, pixel surf
Id: YpYpNjSDcs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 06 2024
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