No BS Guide to Improving at CS2

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I started playing Counterstrike 2 September 27th 2023 exclusively on the face of platform shortly after my first few matches I dropped to 900 ELO which is where I'd like to say I began my journey fast forward 7 months later I found myself at 2008 ELO and competing at fa at level 10 face its's highest rank outside of top 10,000 Challengers during this time I maintained a healthy marriage with my wife worked a full-time job took care of my family and finished my college degree what I'd like to do with this video is share my journey and the things I've learned along the way so I can help speed up your improvement dude this guy is insane he just one Taps me Cat every time during my journey I discovered a multitude of different areas that are key to improve on in order to become a better Counter-Strike player I've categorized these things as the three pillars of improvement these three pillars are mechanics utility usage and game sense the first three things I want to talk about in regards to mechanic is aiming first raw aim everyone understands to compete Counterstrike you need good aim however being good at aiming has multiple layers which you may not be practicing properly there's your ability to stand still in AIM or raw aim which almost everyone can do with a reasonable amount of practice tools to help you advance your ability to Raw aim can be either standing still in AIM Bots and shooting Bots or using thirdparty programs like aim Labs it's important to note that having incredible ra aiming ability will not result in Improvement if this is the only skill you practice however having good RA aim is essential Crosshair placement is something I'm sure you've heard of and understand its importance how however when I began my journey I acknowledged this importance and then neglected to practice it during one of my several periods of plateauing I discovered simply leveraging pre-fire maps to help improve my crossover placement resulted in me finding easier kills entering sites more effectively and ultimately increase my ELO by a few hundred to this day I practice pre-fire maps and review my demos to analyze my Crosser placement no matter how good you think you are at this scill there is always room for improvement good pre-fire maps can be found on or refrag I link to both of those will be in the description below spray control this is the last thing I want to mention before moving on to different aspects of mechanics Counterstrike is a chaotic game and because of this things don't always pan out the way we envision we will miss our first shot in the enemy countless times whether it be because of bad aim or weapon inaccuracy this will lead us into spraying our weapon more times than not feeling comfortable spraying your weapon and controlling it accurately will result in countless kills and overall make you a deadlier player there's a workshop map to help improve this ability which you should use to learn patterns and master them it's important to note though when you spray your rifle more times than not the enemy will be moving so I recommend using aim Bots as well and turning on bot movement to help control your spray on moving targets once you feel comfortable with the spray there are countless subcategories for removement but for players who wish to leverage this skill to improve the most important thing to practice is counter strafing this is closely tied into aiming but because it's relative to you moving your player model I've decided to put it under movement in Counterstrike you are not accurate when moving I expect most of you to understand this however I challenge you to review your demos and see how often you properly counter strafe I promise unless you're playing higher than 2 2400 ELO and face it there are going to be countless times where you fail to stop when moving and begin to shoot this skill can be improved in tandem with crossair placement on pre-fire maps which I mentioned earlier if you master this fundamental you will see incredible leaps in your skill rating skill jumps on every map there are locations where you can practice skill jumps to speed up your rotations or put yourself in optimal positions to pick a fight with the Enemy start learning skill drums on your favorite map and practice them in offline mode Austin CS made a video a few months ago explaining how he improved and what he does in order to maintain his skills in practice in this video he explained that he dm'd for 1 hour during his practice sessions he does note though that starting off with doing DMS for an hour a day can potentially be physically harmful if you're not used to that level of intensity for an extended period of time I took this video to heart and several months ago I decided that I was going to DM for at least 1 hour a day every day to improve no I do not recommend dming on servers in the game client based on your region there are different platforms that you can find populated DM servers if you're an NA like myself is an excellent place to get your hour in if you're from EU I recommend looking at xplay Dogg immediately following this training schedule I saw massive improvements I went from, 1500 ELO on fait to 1,800 in under 2 weeks I continue to DM every day for at least 1 hour what I've discovered though is dming for an hour straight can be mentally taxing so breaking this up into three blocks of 20 minutes and taking a break in between is very beneficial especially if you struggle to maintain a high level of intensity again I cannot stress enough just how important dming is I know it can be rage inducing boring and overall something that just doesn't sound like fun but if you can buckle down and get your hour in every day I promise you you will see improvements in your game learning lineups for utility is an excellent way to start improving there is an abundance of YouTube content on CS2 utility usage one of my absolute favorite content creators is CS tactics he has countless videos on every map showcasing creat ways to use your utility to create Advantage for yourself and your team Austin CS also has several shorts showcasing utility sets that can do the same dedicate some time in learning these lineups go into an offline match practice these lineups and then Implement them in your game playay failing to do all three of these things from my experience resulted in me for getting the lineups all together so be sure to learn the lineups practice the lineups and then apply them hold on if you're enjoying the video consider leaving a like it really helps out the Channel all right right back to the video during my journey I discovered just how difficult it is to effectively use flashbangs I also learned once you develop any level of proficiency with them how incredible they actually can be learning flash lineups is good and can be an effective way to support your teammates but if you're mostly solo qu like how I am learning how to pop flash for yourself can n you several kills per game Wilson CS2 has an excellent video covering this and helped me improve my flashbang usage I strongly encourage you check that video out link to description well that was was learning how to play CS2 I used a site called leify to track my progress and give me advanced analytics of my gameplay one of the tabs that they have is a tracker on utility what I noticed for myself was I was exceeding the standard in a metric that they called unused utility on death this number during the early stages of my journey was incredibly low I thought this was a good thing until I started to realize that I was just dumping my utility immediately every round and in turn not using hardly any of it effectively being able to identify which situations to use your utility and when you shouldn't is key to effectively leveraging this equipment to become a better player a few examples of this would be holding on to a smoke to diffuse a bomb or using that smoke to retake a sight the same thing goes for flashbangs you can also hold on to H grenades unless you have a lineup or you absolutely know where the enemy is where you're about to lob the nade as a te it's also beneficial to hold on to your smoke until your team wants to execute a site there are countless ways to use your utility and a good place to start to learn is to watch High ELO streamers and see how they're using their grenades something I want to mention before we move on is lurk smokes these are smokes that allow you to pass by the enemy or catch the enemy off guard resulting in Easy kills these smokes are very useful especially in lower elos or in Solo que after I started implementing lurk smokes in my gaml I noticed just how effective they are and just how often enemies disrespect them similar to learning traditional lineups on YouTube you can find countless lurk smokes for every map it's important to play around with these smokes and find out what works best for you developing game sense is one of those weird skills that is difficult to measure outside of decision- making and enemy prediction the best way to develop this skill is to continue to play the game if you're relatively new to the game there isn't one thing I can tell you to instantly improve this skill this is all developed over time outside of playing the game a great way to develop game sense is to watch your demos if you have never watched your demos before I strongly encourage you to start a great place to start when you do watch your replays is to begin with your deaths always ask yourself why you died was it a mechanical issue did the enemy catch you off guard why were they able to catch you off guard was my position good start to ask yourself this when you get to review and I promise you you will see results once you start watching more of your demos start looking at the decisions in game examine your crossair placement study your movement identify patterns with the Enemy break down key rounds and finally set specific goals based on your discoveries I was blown away just how fast I improved once I started reviewing my gameplay I discovered just how many subconscious mistakes I was making if I started watching my demo sooner I would have made it to level 10 much faster map awareness understanding what is happening in the map whether your teammates are communicating with you or not is important for maintaining good positioning a lot of problems with map awareness can be solved with effective settings to help maintain complete visual of the map here are my settings this is all your preference but the most important thing to keep in mind is that you should always be able to see the entire map while you're playing play style there are countless styles of playing Counter Strike some players find great success in almost exclusively being aggressive while other players find equal amounts of success in maintaining a passive play style I myself discovered that for me maintaining a healthy mix between these two is best for me as a CT I will sometimes test the limits of what the enemy will let me get away with like pushing through main on the respective site that I'm holding when plays like that work out for me it helps to remind the enemy that I'm capable of being aggressive which requires them to put a Crosshair on my potential push mixing that with being passive and always changing angles you holding is very important for keeping the enemy guessing that's it for my three pillars of improvement but there are a few more things I like to add that aren't directly related to gameplay first of which is consistency you can practice all the things I mentioned before as hard as you possibly can today but honestly that won't really matter you'll see minor improvements today maybe but honestly what counts is continuing to practice these things over a long period of time and remaining dedicated if getting better at Counter-Strike is something you take Serious iously then you need to hold yourself accountable to your routine and be sure to practice consistently personally my routine consisted of killing 1,000 Bots a day death matching on PR for an hour and then playing face of games followed by a demo review like I said at the start of the video outside of Counterstrike I work full-time maintain a marriage and since I began my journey in September last year I've completed my college degree some days I wasn't able to play fa and matches but I was always able to get my bot kills and death match for at least one hour now with all that said please focus on your mental health and do not neglect personal and professional responsibilities I found during periods where I improved the most it was when all the things in my life were accounted for and my mental health was good at the end of the day Counter-Strike is a game and it should be enjoyed so if that passion to get better dies or the game becomes unfun then perhaps it's time to move on or at the very least take a break thank you for watching my no BS guide and improving at Counter Strike for those of you that stuck around and watch the entire video I want you to know I really do appreciate it if you want YouTube to put this video in front of more people give the video a like if you want to share what you've done to improve at CS please add it to the comments lastly if you want to stay up to date with my content be sure to subscribe and hit the Bell thanks again
Channel: RyderDie
Views: 221,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS2, Counter-Strike 2, CS:GO, How to get better at CS2
Id: GdbP0N7wmFY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 18sec (678 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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