How to use Zoom

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hi everyone my name is Kevin today I want to show you how you can use zoom video conferencing what I'm going to show first is how you get zoom video conferencing onto your computer then I'm going to give a quick walkthrough of how you can use zoom video conferencing and at the very end whether you're new to zoom or whether you're an existing user I'm going to show some advanced functionality that you might not have known about for example when you turn on your video how do you add a virtual background or how do you smooth out your skin so you look really sharp in the video before we get started what is video conferencing well with video conferencing what you can do is you could be a host of a meeting and as a host of a meeting you create a virtual meeting space and then you can invite others to your meeting space once you invite others into the meeting space you can talk with one another you could view each other via webcams you can also share content with other people so you could share your computer screen you could even share a virtual whiteboard where you could write on the whiteboard and then everyone else in your meeting room can see what you're writing on your whiteboard you could watch videos together and everyone will see the video simultaneously with the audio for the video so it really allows you to meet and collaborate effectively so if you're a teacher and you're trying to run through a lesson plan or a lecture to your students this will work effectively if let's say you work for a business maybe it's a small business a large business you'll be able to meet with your co-workers very effectively using zoom video conferencing ok well enough talk why don't we jump into it and first off I'll show you how you can get it Here I am at my PC and what we're gonna do to get zoom is we're gonna go to a website called zoom dot us that's the home page of zoom video conferencing and we're gonna head here you'll see this page right here and what we're gonna do is it's actually very easy to get zoom onto your computer over here on the right hand side of the page you'll see a few different options one of them is join a meeting so let's say you're a student and you're trying to join a class that maybe your teacher created or maybe you're trying to join a meeting you could just click on there and what that'll do is that'll bring up a prompt where you enter the meeting ID or a personal link name I'm gonna go back and let's say that we want to host a meeting what you can do is you click here and then you have a few options you could start hosting a meeting with your video turned off you could host a meeting with your video turned on or you could start it with your screen sharing on what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna go ahead and click with video on what will happen now is zoom is launching if you've never downloaded or used zoom before you're gonna be prompted to download and run a installation for zoom I recommend going ahead and doing that I've already done that and so at this point my browser is asking me if I want to open this application so once you've installed it and you've gone through that simply click on open zoom so now that I've clicked on open zoom what it's doing is it's connecting to my meeting that I just created and I get this prompt that appears that says do I want to join with my computer audio and all go ahead and click on yes and I could set that so it just automatically does that in the future as well so I'm gonna go ahead and click on that now I'm in the main interface of this zoom meeting so I'm gonna go ahead and just expand it so it uses up the full screen within the interface probably the first thing you want to do is it's a little lonely if you're just meeting on your own and first off there I am in my webcam you can see the room that I'm sitting in here and what you likely want to do is you want to invite other participants so I'm going to go ahead and click on invite and what you could do is if you have contacts already you could select them from here or you could click on email and you could send out an invitation I'll show a quick example with Gmail what it'll do is it'll open up my browser window into Gmail and it'll create an email with the invitation so you see here it says please join this zoom meeting which is in progress and then there's a URL which your participants can click on to automatically join the meeting so I'm going to jump back in to zoom that's one way where you can invite other participants what you can also do is you can copy the URL here so if I copy the URL that'll add it to my clipboard and then I could send it to someone let's say via instant messenger maybe I want to send it through my email program or any other way that you want to share the meeting you could also copy the full invitation so similar to the invitation that we saw in Gmail that's how you get other people into your meeting pretty simple to do now what I want to do is now that we've talked about how you invite more people to your meeting the next thing that I want to show you how to do is some of the controls that you have so we're gonna go from left to right across the bottom here so what you could do is the first thing that you see here is you can mute your microphone that's one of the options that I have so if I click on that that will mute my microphone a really neat little trick that you can do and it says right up here in the text here but let's say that I'm on a large call with a number of people and I want to make a quick comment but I don't want my microphone to just be on continuously what I can do is press the spacebar and that'll temporarily unmute you and then if I let go of the spacebar that'll mute me again so I'm gonna go ahead and click on that if you click on these little caret icons what that does is this exposes additional options so if I click on that let's say I have multiple microphones hooked up in which case I knew I could select the microphone I want to use I could also select the speaker that I want to use for this call so maybe I have a headset on that I want to direct my audio through I could select that here and now I'm also gonna jump on to this next setting here I could turn my video on and off so I'm gonna stop my video for a moment and there you see my nice little profile picture that I have here and then I can also start my video up again so I'm gonna go ahead and start the video this also has a carrot icon where you can select the camera if you happen to have multiple cameras hooked up additionally you could also set other video settings or choose a virtual background we're gonna have some fun with a virtual background roll real quick this is kind of one of the fun features of zoom so I'm gonna go ahead and click on that and you see all these different virtual backgrounds that you can choose some of them are video backgrounds which move which are kind of neat here you see I'm on a beach and you see the waves going back of me but today what I want to do is I'm actually gonna show you my bedroom here this is my bedroom it's a sea check it out there's my bed back there there's some fish swimming out there I don't know why they're not moving but this is my bedroom down here so very very cool but it's kind of neat that you could add these different virtual backgrounds especially if you're just sitting like me in a in a basic room and you want to spice things up it could even be fun in a video conferencing everyone comes in with our own virtual background you could kind of have some fun with it okay so I'm gonna go back to the main screen here so we walk through a few of these functions the next thing on that I want to show you is how you can manage participants in assume the do conference so I'm going to go ahead and click on manage participants and it brings up this frame on the side now this room is pretty empty because I'm the only one here but I'll still demonstrate what you can do so I'm the host here and what I can do is I can mute the individual or I could rename the person or change the profile photo so you have a few different options that you could do for the different people who are in the meeting now a few controls down here which are nice let's say that you're you're running a meeting and you're presenting a presentation and you don't want to hear noise from different participants on the call this happens a lot in meetings where someone might not mute their microphone and you get background noise you could simply mute all and so this will go ahead and mute everyone and you have the option to allow participants to unmute themselves if they want to say something or you can check it off and force everyone to listen and not give anyone the opportunity to jump in what you can also do is let's say that you finish up a lecture and you want to give the opportunity for everyone to talk you could unmute everyone and then you also have this more drop-down with a few different options some of them are nice where if someone joins a meeting you just mute them by default when they enter here once again you could set whether you want participants to be able to unmute themselves if you want them to be able to rename them though in themselves in an educational environment this could be interesting if you allow renaming because people might come up with interesting names that you might not approve of so use caution with this option there's also the play enter exit chime in the meeting environment for work this could be very annoying if you have a larger meeting where you constantly get a chime every time someone comes or goes so also use caution with that as well and then you have the ability to lock the meeting so a few different ways that you can manage your participants in a meeting the next one this is very very nice within zoom video conferencing what you could do is you can share your screen but you could really do a lot more than just share your screen I'm going to go ahead and click on and within here you see all the different options that you have so I could just share my entire screen here and you can see everything I have on the screen you could also share a specific window so maybe you have things on the screen for example here on my screen and have some notes on the side and maybe I don't want to share that so I could just share a specific window instead what you can also do is you can share an iPhone or an iPad screen using this option here and this is a very nice option where you could share a whiteboard I'm gonna go ahead and click on that and let's see what this looks like so here I am within the whiteboard view and what you could do is you could draw on the whiteboard you could type text on the whiteboard so I'll say hello world you can also spotlight on something so lots of different controls here where you could demonstrate points or draw things let's say you're a math instructor and you want to draw equations on here you could do that very easily it's very nice if you're on a laptop with a touchscreen that you could use because then you could just draw right on the screen and everyone can see that okay so I'm gonna go ahead and stop sharing there I'm gonna go back to share screen and just show a few other things that you could do as well let's say that you all want to watch a video clip together you could check this box that says optimized screen sharing for video clip and then it's also going to share your computer sound with other participants so just another thing you could share as well there are a few more tabs here advanced sharing and there's also you could share specific files so lots of functionality hidden under this sharing option so now I'm going to go back down what you also have you have the ability to chat with other participants you could specify whether you want to chat with everyone or with just an individual within the room down on the bottom as well you also have the option so if I click on record what that'll do is I don't actually kick off a recording of this meeting what I can do is let's say I want to pause the recording maybe we're taking a short break I could go ahead and pause it and now I'm gonna click on play again and that'll resume the recording you see the little recording icon up here next to my name and then I could stop the recording so let's say that maybe you're a teacher and some students weren't able to make the class today well then you could share the recording with them or similarly in a business setting maybe some attendees couldn't come to the meeting and you share with them after the fact the last thing that I want to show before we go into breakout rooms is reactions so let's say that you know I'm a great teacher and all my students love what I'm sharing I'm sure I'm gonna get a big round of applause at the end of my lecture so let's go ahead and give the clap and there the clap appears within the screen and you could have different participants share their reaction now I also want to show something this is a neat one especially if you're in teaching you have something called breakout rooms I'll show you at the end this is an advanced feature I'll show you how to turn this on so with breakout rooms I can click into that and what that will do is I could say let's say I have a class of let's say 30 students I could set up three breakout rooms so you have 10 students per classroom I could either manually distribute people to those rooms or I could just let us zoom take care of it for me and what that'll do is it'll put people into separate rooms where maybe they're working on a group project and then they'll be in a separate room where they can do that and then as the leader of or as the host of the zoom session you can also bring people back in when that breakout session is over so kind of a very nice feature that you have here so this is a lot of the primary functionality within the main zoom screen now I want to show some of the exciting and fun functionality that you can leverage and to do that I'm going to click on this carrot and what I'm going to do is I'm gonna jump into some of the advanced settings here so here within settings what I want to do first is let's start at general so we're gonna start at the top and one of the neat ones that I kind of like is you could set your reaction skin tone so it's the Simpson's yellow by default but I can go from a light all the way to a dark skin tone depending on how I want to represent myself so I'm going to stick with the just the standard one the next one I want to jump to is video so here you can see myself in the camera and one of the kind of neat features that you have here is there something called touch up Mike's my appearance so here you see my skin it's not a hundred percent smooth I could probably put a little bit of makeup on and look even better but what I could do is I could just let zoom do that for me so touch up my appearance you see my skin got quite a bit smoother and clearer so there's what I look like I'll just leave that on let's go ahead and leave that on so I'll just clear up my skin a little bit Oh what you can also do is there's another setting here called spotlight my video when I speak if you have a lot of different participants whoever is speaking will then be in the spotlight and everyone will see who's speaking in their video and then the other one we touched on was the virtual background which you could also select from here and you could choose your background kind of a fun little thing to have so you don't just see a plain room in the background you can even have competitions for who has the most exciting room that they're sitting in once you go through and you're done with your meeting you could simply click on end meeting down here what's interesting is when you're done with your meeting you could end the meeting for everyone and it's over or you can assign someone else as the host and then you could leave the meeting and someone else can continue on so some options here and what you want to do but I am done with the meeting so I'm just gonna go ahead and end it for all what'll also happen is once my meeting is over it'll take my recording and it'll create an mp4 file from that and here you see my video file that I can then go share with other people who maybe we're unable to make the meeting it gives you a few different here's the audio only and the full playback I could go ahead and click on that and we can see what it looks like so here I am with my recording within zoom once you install it you also get a zoom client on your computer so you can either start or join a meeting from the website or you could come directly into the client and create a new meeting from here or join a meeting and you also have the ability to schedule meetings as well so there's lots of stuff that you could do directly from within the client one more thing that I wanted to show is some of the advanced functionality for the breakout rooms and to get there what you do is on the main page of zoom us you click on my account and then within my account we're gonna go down to settings and within settings we're gonna click on in meeting advanced and then you'll see an option here for a breakout room and you could toggle that either on or off I'm gonna turn that on and one other thing that I also wanted to share this one's kind of sneaky and kind of interesting but if you're a teacher they have something called attention tracking or heck even if you work in a corporate environment this one could be interesting but it lets the host see an indicator in the participant panel of a meeting webinar attendee does not have zoom and focus during screen sharing so let's say your students are joined into the session but maybe they're watching YouTube instead of watching you you will know if they're doing that and you can call them out or maybe if you're in a corporate environment you could also call someone out but you know only do it to one of your co-workers who perhaps you don't like as much so that's some of the advanced functionality for zoom the next thing that I want to show are some of the plans and the pricing and how you could use this now zoom has some amazing free plan here here under the basic personal meeting you can host meetings with up to a heart hundred participants where they get you those they limit the meeting to only 40 minutes so if you want longer than that you have to pay but you only pay for the host so it's not bad it's pretty good value but you get a lot of this functionality for free and then you get even more functionality with the more advanced plans but even just for free you could basically do some pretty awesome video conferences alright well that was a quick tutorial of how you use zoom video conferencing it's pretty awesome software very easy to use you can either host a session join a session and it works pretty well anyway if you watch this video and you were able to either host or join a meeting and now you know a little bit more about how to use oome video conferencing please give this video a thumbs up if you want to see more videos like this in the future please hit that subscribe button that way you'll get a notification anytime new content like this comes out and lastly if there are any other video topics that you want to see me cover in the future leave a comment down below I read them all and hey hope to see you next time bye
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 104,320
Rating: 4.8894205 out of 5
Keywords: zoom, video, conferencing, conference, audio, mute, video conferencing, zoom video conferencing, zoom video, zoom meeting, meet, schedule, share screen, screen, share, unmute, webcam, web cam, communication, communications, videoconference, meeting online, online, virtual, web conferencing, web,, solution, solutions, teacher, education, student, business, crestron, webex, teams, microsoft, cisco, teleconferencing, software, conf, camera, mic, webinar, how to, help, guide, tutorial, lesson, how to use zoom
Id: rA3ZsY2vJfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 23 2020
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