How to use Zoom for Remote and Online learning

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hi my name is siti and welcome back to the channel where we make educational technology easy for you in today's video I'm going to be looking at zoom and how you can use it to have video meetings with your students when forced to teach online now let's dive into it with another flipped classroom tutorial now many schools are moving online and so zoom is one of those platforms that is now being used more often many of us however have never used them before now what is zoom was zoom is video conferencing software that will allow you to have a meeting face to face with video and audio as well as a chat now the first thing you'll have to do is go to the zoom website and download their application now you can see here I'm on their website and what I can do is I can click on that sign up it's free button now as soon as you click on that button the first thing you'll be asked for is an email address now one of the big benefits of many modern applications and websites is that we can just click on sign in with Google so I'm going to use that button and then it's automatically going to register that account for me now I do have to click on create in accounts because I have to create an account with the zoom as well as having my own accounts Here I am now inside zoom now you can see a couple of things straight away now at the top we have a couple of menu options so we can schedule a meeting we can join a meeting or we can host the meeting now hosting a meeting that's what we'll be looking at today and I'm going to show you in a minute what that looks like now we can also have an overview of all our upcoming meetings our previous meetings and we have a number of templates we can use now the upcoming meetings these will be pulled in whenever you are scheduling a meeting this is great for when you have multiple classes and they're all happening at set times well you can go ahead and schedule them ahead of time and then they'll appear right there so now let's go ahead and host our first online meeting I'm going to click on the host a meeting and what we're going to do is we're going to host a meeting with the video on now that way you'll see what it would be like if I was presenting a meeting with other students in that meeting room you can see it's downloading the application need it and then you can install that they also have a Chrome extension so if you are using Chrome and you would have to install that chromic tenshun the application is being installed and then as soon as everything's installed is going to open up that application for me and there we go we now have access to everything we just have to give it permission to access our video and audio so I'm going to join with computer audio there we go and we are now using the computer audio now you can see this is my camera view and on the computer you can see the webcam view this is what the students or the other members of the meeting will see when using zoom now the first thing we're going to do is look at some options within zoom so let's go fullscreen now I'm going to hover over this and then I'm going to click on enter full screen and here we are we are now in full screen view and as you can see the webcam is being used for these zoom conferencing and then I'm using the camera to explain everything that happens on my screen now a meeting is not a meeting unless we have more people present so we're going to add some participants now in order to do that go to the bottom and invite people now you can see we have three default options we have email Gmail and Yahoo Mail but we can also invite people by sharing a URL with them in order for us to do that so we're going to go to the bottom here and click on copy URL that invitation URL can now be shared with anyone you can use any messaging platform or any email clients don't forget to share the meeting password with them because without that password they will not be able to join your meeting this makes zoom an incredibly secure platform and you can really control who joins your meetings in who doesn't this however does not stop them from forwarding the URL and password but once they're in there you have some additional controls that you can use now we're going to close this box and I'm going to show you some other options now when you go to manage participants what you'll see is you'll see everyone present in that meeting room now one of the great things about this is that you can mute them and you can also turn off their cameras so let's say that something happens and you really have to explain it what what you can do is you can either manually mute them up here or you scroll down and you simply mute everyone now muting everyone means that you can give your explanations and there are no distractions there when you click on that more button you will see that there are a number of additional features that I find super helpful especially that first one because this mutes participants on entry so as soon as they enter your meeting room even when they've forgotten to turn their mic off they will still be muted and so you can just carry on and then ask them a question and unmute them manually this makes a huge difference in large groups especially when you've got classes with let's say 15 students plus what you don't want them to just enter with a microphone turned on and just having this option makes a huge difference in how you can run your online classes you can also allow them or disallow them to unmute themselves and sometimes with especially with younger students you might want to uncheck this and then you have to manually unmute them and then we can obviously add some sound-effects or lock the meeting we're going to close this right now and then I'm going to show you the screen sharing options now I can either share my entire screen or I can choose which application I share so when I click on share screen you can see here I can choose any of these screens that are currently open and I can choose which one I want to share with my students I can also go to the Advanced Options and then this allows me to share just a small portion of the screen or the sound only and then we also have some files where I can now go into my Google Drive and I can just share a file with them now I'm going to go to basic and I'm not going to share my screen as such but I'm going to open up a whiteboard and that's just so I can do some scribbling and explain something as we are having this online meeting now this is a function that many of the other platforms do not have so when I select whiteboard there we go I'm going to share that and now everyone sees my shared whiteboard they also still see me in that top right corner that means I can start drawing and I can start explaining things I can add text I can add stamps spotlights anything I want from my online lesson and this is what sets zooom apart from many of the other platforms because you have this whiteboard it is an amazing platform for online teaching and it allows you to quickly scribble something or quickly explain something to your students while they're still in that meeting then once you've done that simply go to the top click on stock share and your meeting is still going on so you haven't lost all your participants they haven't gone anywhere you've just closed down your whiteboard you can then carry on and again maybe share an application give a little bit of explanation and then open up that whiteboard again all these little features make zoom a powerful platform for online teaching then we also have our chats and this chapter is just an ongoing group chat so let's say that you have everyone muted and you are giving an explanation well you can still check that chat and make sure that everyone knows what's going on if they have any questions maybe tell them to drop that question in the chat now one feature of zoom that I really like is that you can also send a private message to anyone who's in your chest so let's say that you have a group of twenty children and one asks a question well you can either answer it to everyone or you can select that one participant and then just send a direct message to them you can also send them a file or some additional options here so you can see that participants can chat and then you can choose who they can chat with so if you're happy to have an open chat by all means leave it open but you can also say that they can only chat with you with the host in other words the other participants don't see their messages for younger groups this might be a good way of keeping them on task without having them distract each other with all sorts of emojis and text that appears in the chat and two more buttons on our main zoom screen those are the record button and the reactions now on the record button we are now recording and as you can see as soon as I click it this meeting is now being recorded and everything that happens in this meeting will be stored as a video file as soon as I'm done I can click on stop in the top left corner and there we go I have my video file is being converted to an mp4 file and then it can upload that to any video platform I choose I can also leave some reactions so I can just quickly give thumbs up and then they just see a little visual there in the top left corner and this makes it more interactive and students love seeing this feature so when they're all talking to each other and maybe bouncing ideas off of each other well you can leave little reactions there and it'll just reengage them into your lesson and then when you're ready to end your meeting using zoom you simply go to the bottom right corner and you click on end meeting so you can end the meeting for everyone or you can just leave that meeting now when you leave the meeting all your participants can carry on and just have a chat with each other or you can end it for everyone and they will be forced out of your meeting room so let's go ahead and click on end meeting for all there we go it converts that meeting recording and now I can choose what to do with that I can put it in a folder or I can put it somewhere and then upload it later for now I'm going to cancel this because I don't want to keep that file and there you go a very basic overview of how you can use zoom for live video conferencing for meetings and to get your classroom together working on a project and just carry on with your everyday teaching I hope you found this helpful if you did make sure you scroll into that comment section let me know how you are using zoom and what are some of your favorite functions within the zoom platform what are some things that you find challenging and what would be your tips for other educators looking to use a zoom as a platform for online meetings and that once you've left your comments on the way back up make sure to subscribe hit that Bell notification and I will see you in the next one thank you for watching and enjoy your online teaching journey
Channel: Flipped Classroom Tutorials
Views: 1,877,856
Rating: 4.9104018 out of 5
Keywords: how to teach online, How to use Zoom, How to teach with zoom, How to meet students with Zoom, Zoom tutorial, Use zoom for online learning, How to use Zoom for online teaching, Use zoom for remote work, Using zoom for online work, Meet people with Zoom, What is zoom, How does zoom work, Is zoom good for online meetings, Online learning, Online teaching, Remote teaching, Remote learning, Zoom Video Conferencing Tool Basic Level, Zoom Video Conferencing Tutorial, Zoom
Id: 9guqRELB4dg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 17 2020
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