How to Use Woocommerce Plugin 2021 (Everything You Need to Know!)

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what's up everyone it's jameson from nyc tech club and in this video tutorial we're going to show you how to use the woocommerce plugin for your wordpress website so you can see right here that we have an online store with wordpress and this uses the flatsome theme and so it integrates the woocommerce plugin so that we can run an online store so the woocommerce tutorial is going to cover all the settings we're going to show you how to create a bunch of different types of products including simple products variable products affiliate products and downloadable products we'll even talk about the extensions that you can buy from woocommerce over here and how you can integrate them so if you want to learn how to use the woocommerce plugin for wordpress keep watching this video tutorial because we're going to show you how step by step and the first thing that we have to do is we need to install the woocommerce plugin so if you already have it installed then you can skip to the next step but if you don't have it installed i want you to log into your wordpress website and on the dashboard right here we want to come down to plugins hover over that and click on add new and once we're on the add plugins page all we have to do is go to the search box right here and we can just type in woocommerce and just push enter and once the search results come back you should see it right over here so what you want to do is click on the install button and then you want to click on the activate button i've already installed and activated this so i don't need to do that but go ahead and do that and then once you're ready we're going to move on to the next step and once the plugin is installed what you can do is go through the setup wizard so on this page right here let's just click on yes please and once you're on this page right here what we're going to do is just go through these tabs so that you can set up your ecommerce business with the woocommerce plugin so the first thing that you want to do is put in your address for your business or your ecommerce website so if you need to you can pause the video i've already typed this in and then once you're ready go ahead and click on the continue button right here and then you have the option to opt in to let woocommerce track your data but i'm gonna skip this so i'm just going to click on the continue button right here and what you can do in the industry tab right here is you can select what industry your ecommerce website's in or you can select other right here so i'm going to select fashion and apparel and once you're ready click on the continue button and once you're on the product types tab what you can do is select the type of products that you're gonna sell on your ecommerce website so i'm gonna select physical products and downloadable products if you're gonna sell subscriptions or memberships or any of these other things there are extensions that you can purchase from woocommerce to help you sell these items so if you want to learn more about them you can click on these links right here and also check these boxes right here but that's really up to you but i'm just gonna select these two and once you're ready let's click on the continue button and once you're on the business details page what we can do is select the number of products that we're gonna sell and then if you're selling on another platform or another ecommerce website you can select any of these options right here i'm gonna disable these because we're not going to be using these for our ecommerce website and the goal here is to really just show you how to use woocommerce so i'm going to unselect these but if you need any help integrating any of these options let me know in the comment section and then we can go over them and show you how to integrate them to your own e-commerce website using woocommerce okay so once you're ready go ahead and click on the continue button and once you're on the themes page what you want to do is select the theme that you want to use for your ecommerce website and i've already installed the flatsome theme and if you want to use this theme which is the number one e-commerce theme for wordpress i'm gonna link you to this page right here so you can come and check it out and if you like it you can get it and install it i also have a video tutorial on how to build the exact website that we're using for this tutorial i'll link you in the video description and if you don't have a woocommerce compatible theme already you can use the free storefront theme or you can scroll down here and you can see some premium options if you like any of them you can just select it and use them but again they are premium and the free one is right up here so i'm using the flatsome theme and i'm gonna just click on the continue with my active theme button right here and now you should see this page right here and we want to click on yes please so that we can set up our store management automate our taxes and then improve our speed and security so let's click on the yes please button and you're going to be redirected to the wordpress website right here and all you have to do is create an account or log into your existing account so you can see right here i already have an account so and once we're logged in all we have to do is just wait for everything to connect and you should be redirected to the woocommerce dashboard right here and if you're not on this page you can always click on woocommerce and you should come to this page right here what we're going to do is really quickly finish the setup so we're going to go through these tabs right here and then we're going to go into the woocommerce settings and then we're going to talk about the orders dashboard creating coupons creating products and all that stuff so let's come over here to the finish setup section and we already have the check mark next to store details so let's click on add my products and what you can do on this page is you can start adding your products manually and we're going to show you how to do this in the product section down here so when we hover over products and go to add new we can start creating some products we're going to do that a little bit later and you can also import your products so if you have a csv file or an excel spreadsheet with all the details then you can just go and click on import i'll also show you how to do that in the product section and you can also migrate your products if you wanted to so there's really nothing for us to do right here because we're going to add some products a little bit later and talk about importing so let's click back on the link to the woocommerce dashboard and now what we can do is go down to personalize my store so click on this and we don't need to import our products right now so we can skip this and i assume that you guys already have a homepage created and since we're not showing you how to create an ecommerce website here this is just a tutorial on how to use woocommerce we're not going to create a homepage with you but again i do have links to creating an ecommerce website with the flatsome theme so you can check them out in the video description so we're going to click on skip right here and we're also going to skip uploading a logo and we don't need to put in a store notice so we're going to click on complete task and once we come back to this page let's go and set up the initial shipping rates so click on this and what we can do here is set the shipping cost so if you want to leave this as free shipping for your ecommerce website just leave this as is but if you want to put in a flat rate you can put in a dollar amount right now and this is the flat rate that's gonna be charged for this region and i will show you how to add other regions in the settings section over here in just a few minutes but right now let's set up the flat rate right here if we wanted to and then we can have a catch all for all the other regions that aren't this region so if you want to do that we can just turn this on right here and you can charge the same amount or you can charge extra if it costs you more to ship to another country or anything like that so it's really up to you so you can see right here i'm gonna charge five dollars flat rate in the us and then for the rest of the world if i have to ship something to i'm gonna charge ten dollars okay so put in whatever you want or leave it as is for free shipping and then click on complete task and now what we can do is click on setup tax rate and what you'll notice over here is that we already have the jetpack and woocommerce services integrated into our ecommerce website so that's going to automate our sales tax for us so we don't need to do anything right here we can just click on yes please and if you get redirected to this page right here this is the settings page and what i want to do is just quickly go over the last tab so i'm going to click on home right here and once you're back on the woocommerce dashboard let's click on setup payments and what we can do here is integrate some payment options with our ecommerce website and there are other options such as square apple pay and a bunch of others in the extensions tab over here which i will cover in just a little bit but you can see right here we have woocommerce payments so if you want to use or allow credit card payments there's a small transaction fee right here so i'll leave this up to you and all you have to do is click on the setup button and then you can integrate it with i believe stripe and there's also stripe right here so again if you want to use stripe just click on setup and you can set up as many different payment options as you want to give your customers options what we're going to do in this video tutorial is just show you how to set up paypal so what i'm going to do is click on the setup button right here and all you have to do on this page is just put in the email for your paypal account and then click next and all we have to do once we're logged in is click on the button that says agree and connect and once we're signed up we can go back to the woocommerce website so click on this button right here and then just click on this button that says redirect me back to my ecommerce website and once we're back on the woocommerce dashboard now we have paypal set up and you can set up stripe and the woocommerce payments if you want and i will show you how to set up some additional options a little bit later in the settings and you can see over here there's also cash on delivery and direct bank transfers these ones i do not turn on but if you want to use these you can also select these and set them up once you're ready click on the done button right here and once everything is set up now you can see we are done with the finished setup and don't worry about the product section because we are going to have an entire section on showing you how to create products for your ecommerce website using the woocommerce plugin what i want to do now is underneath woocommerce over here i want to go to the settings just to make sure that i show you how to set up the rest of the settings so click on this link right here and once you're on the settings page what you can see is we have a few different tabs here for our woocommerce settings and we're going to go through these just to show you what's in each one of these so on the general tab right here this is where you can put in your business address so if you need to you can update it and then you have your general options over here of where you're selling and we already enabled our taxes so we have this box checked and we're enabling coupons for our ecommerce website or at least that's what's set up by default if you want to disable them you can and down here this is where you can choose the currency for your business so you can come into this drop down and select the currency that you're using i'm in the united states so i use the us dollar and then you can put the positioning for the currency and then your separators right here so you can go ahead and update this stuff on your own and then once you're ready click on the save changes button and once everything is saved now what we can do is go to the products tabs and once you're on the products page what you can do is you can come in here and select the shopping page and by default woocommerce creates a shopping page for you but if you want to go and create your own page and customize the layout and everything you can go into this drop down and select that page and down here in the measurement section what you want to do is you want to put in the weight units for whatever country or whatever you sell them in and then also the dimensions right here and this is important if you're going to use an extension to calculate the shipping rates but it's also good just to put in the right units so go ahead and do that if you want and then down here in the review section by default these are already selected for you to enable reviews and then if you wanted to only let people leave reviews if they purchase your product and they're verified owners then you can check this box right here so once you're ready click on the save changes button and once everything is saved you're also going to notice underneath the products tab that there's inventory and downloadable product let me just go to those two really quickly just to show you what they are so this is the inventory page and what you can do here is you can enable the stock management so when you create a product you can put in the number of products that you have for that item and then when it runs low it'll show notifications on your website and also send you an email so it's really up to you if you want to do that you can disable this if you want but by default this is enabled and then for the downloadable products over here on this tab this is what you're going to see and what you can do here is you can select the settings that you want for when you sell a downloadable product so if you want to require a login or grant special access then you can check these boxes or uncheck them by default woocommerce actually selects something for you and i like to just leave everything as is for the most part woocommerce already has all the correct settings but if you do make any changes click on the save changes button right here okay so once you're ready let's go back to the dashboard right here and now let's go to the tax tab and once you're on the tax tab there's really nothing to do here because we already enabled the automated taxes so you shouldn't have to change anything here but if you do go ahead and click on save changes and at the top over here we don't need to go into these links right here and input our own tax rates because we have the automated taxes already enabled so we're just going to move on to the shipping tab so click on that and once you're on the shipping zones tab what you're going to see are the two zones right here that we created in the setup wizard and if you want to go and change the prices or the rates for shipping for any of these zones you can just click on the edit link and you can see right here that this is for the united states and we can go into the flat rate and click on the edit button and then you can change the cost right here and what's really cool with woocommerce is you can actually charge based on quantity price or a percentage if you want so to do that you can hover over the question mark right here and you can see this little pop-up that you can enter a cost or a quantity or a percent using these short codes so let me just show you right now we're charging five dollars and if we want to charge based on the quantity we can type in asterisk and then the shortcode qty and have that bracket right there and you can see right here that it gives you everything that you need so now if a customer orders three items what they're going to be charged is five dollars times the number of items so that's gonna be three so they're gonna be charged fifteen dollars for shipping instead of just five dollars and you can do this with cost or that fee percentage so if you guys want to do that instead go ahead and put in the equation that you want to use and then you can just put in the dollar amount also but it might make more sense it really just depends on what you guys want to charge for some people if people order a lot of stuff then they want to charge more but if you just want to charge a flat rate you can so i'll leave that up to you but i want to show you that you do have that option and again you can add as many different regions as you want you can just click in here and then you can add other countries or states and you can just charge the same amount for this entire zone if you put in more regions right here so let's go back really quickly and what i want to do is i just want to show you how you can add more zones so all you have to do is click on the shipping zones button right here and then let's add canada right here and i'll just type in canada to find it and you can add regions or the entire country and then we'll just add shipping method right here and for canada i'm going to be nice and just go with the free shipping option so i'll just click add right there and that should save it so now if i go to my shipping zones what you're gonna see is we have the united states which is gonna charge five dollars and then for anyone that buys anything in canada they're gonna get free shipping and then if someone orders anywhere else we're gonna charge them ten dollars okay so that's how you can add rates and also how you can charge by quantity cost or a percent and you can see under the shippings tab that we have these additional links right here and for shipping options we don't need to go into it because these are just the settings and we don't really change anything and i don't recommend that you change anything and for shipping classes what you can do is you can create different classes for different shipping prices or products so it might make more sense if i show you this when we create our products but let's go over it right now so in the shipping classes page this is what you're going to see so i'm going to add a test class right over here so we'll just type in test and we'll just type in test and then for the description test shipping class and i'll click save right here and now if i go back to my shipping zones page and i click on edit what you're gonna see is if we go into the flat rate option we have our default up here but now you can see right here we have shipping classes so for when you create products you can select the shipping class or just have no shipping class so if you select shipping class we can charge a certain amount so maybe we'll charge seven dollars and 50 cents and then if we have no shipping class we can charge the default amount which is five dollars if you guys add shipping classes this is going to override what you see over here so when we create a product i'm going to show you guys this page a little bit later in the product data section when we create a product we're going to have the shipping tab here and down here where we have shipping class by default it's going to be the no shipping class option so it's going to charge five dollars but if we say we want to create a product and have the test shipping class if we select this right here and we create our product then whatever product that we're making is going to be charged seven dollars and fifty cents okay so hopefully that doesn't confuse you but if it does let me know but this is how you can create shipping classes what i like to do is just use the default option and then if you guys wanted to add a percent or times quantity or anything like that but again it's always up to you guys and you do have this drop down over here also so i'm going to click save right here and i guess we can go back to the shipping zones page i'm going to go back to shipping classes and remove this because i don't want it on my ecommerce website so i'll click save right here but that again is just for you guys because this is a woocommerce tutorial so i want to make sure i cover everything and then the last thing is woocommerce services if you click on this what you can do is you can actually print shipping labels through woocommerce right over here by adding your credit card and adding packaging that you guys want to use but if you guys want to do this i'm going to link you guys to this page right here which is the woocommerce page and this is a document that really talks about woocommerce services and it has everything that you need to walk you through how to set up to print shipping labels so it'll show you how to add your credit card payment and then also come down here and choose your packaging and then you're going to be able to use usps to print out your shipping labels and we already have the jetpack installed so you don't need to install any plugins but again it's really really easy and this whole document will just walk you through what you need to set up the shipping labels if you want to have them printed by yourself instead of going to the post office okay so pretty much that covers everything with shipping and now we can move on to the payments tab and once we're on the payments tab what you're going to see are the different payment methods and we already integrated paypal checkout so let's go and click on that really quickly if we click on the manage button right here everything is already set up for you including the api credentials all i want to do here is i want to come down to the button settings and if you want to customize the checkout button for paypal you can do that right here but i like to leave everything as a default since they are the paypal colors and then down here there are some additional options for the layout size and the label so it's up to you if you want to change anything just click save changes if you do and again this is for the paypal checkout button so that your customers can check out with paypal directly so i'm going to go back to the payments page right here and now what we can do is we can talk about paypal so what we can do here is we can turn this on and then we can go and set this up so click on setup and once you're on this page right here this option allows your customers to be redirected to paypal so they can enter their payment information and what you want to do to integrate paypal is you want to put in your paypal email so whatever email address that is associated with your paypal account you want to put that in right here and then what you want to do to allow for refunds or process refunds is you want to go and create some api credentials so that you have a username password and signature from paypal that you can put in right here so if you want to do that what you want to do is you can click on this link right here to get instructions or you can just open up a new tab and go to your paypal account and log in and once you do hover over your username and click on account settings and you'll come to this page right here and this is where you can go and create your api credentials so i've already created mine but you can see right here it says api access and if i go to the update link right here you're going to come to the api credentials page and what you want to do is come to where it says mvp soap api integration and you want to create a username password and signature so i've already created mine so if i just click on manage api credentials i'm going to come to this page right here and you can see that i have my username password and signature and all i have to do is click on show right here and you can see that i have my username so i can highlight this and then go back to my ecommerce website and paste that in right here and then i can go back and get the password and the signature so i'm not going to go and get these two because they're unique to my own paypal account and what you want to do is you want to go and access your own so you want to make sure that you go and create your own so go ahead and do that and then you can paste in the information right here so that you can process refunds via paypal so once you put everything in all you have to do is click save changes and once everything is saved now we should be good to go and paypal and paypal checkout should be integrated with your ecommerce website and if you want to access any additional payment methods what you can do is under woocommerce click on extensions and you'll go to this page right here what you're going to notice is you have a bunch of different payment methods such as stripe amazon pay square braintree and a bunch of others so if you want to use any of these payment options on your ecommerce website you can just click on the button and then you can go and get the extension and you can integrate them with your ecommerce website so i'll let you do that on your own but there are a bunch of different payment methods that you can use for your wordpress website okay so we're going to close this and close this and now we are done talking about payments so again let's click on save changes just to make sure that we save everything and now i'm going to go to the accounts and privacy tab and once you're on the accounts and privacies page what you can do here is select your guest checkout and account creation settings and by default they should already have some selected for you so there's really nothing much to do here but down here in the privacy policy section this is where you can select the privacy policy page so by default there should be one already created for you and then you can update the registration and check out privacy policy if you want over here and this short code just gives you a link to the privacy policy page so make sure that you keep that but you can update whatever you want over here just remember if you do make any changes click on the save changes button and then once you're ready let's go to the emails tab and once you're on this tab there's also not much to do here everything is going to be set to your admin email address so for new orders cancelled orders or failed orders you're going to get an email to this address right here if you want to update this you can just click on manage and then for all of these other notifications they're going to go to your customer or their email so again there's nothing to do here but you can come down to the sender options and if you want to change the from name you can change it to your business name if you want or update the email address maybe you have your own web domain email and then you can change the colors for the email template if you want also so that's just a quick overview of the emails tab and there's nothing to do on the integrations tab so we're going to skip that and just go to the advanced tab and once you're on the advanced tab there's not much to do here you can see that there are already pages created for your cart page checkout page and your account page and once you create a terms and conditions page you can come in here and select that page so make sure that you do that and all this other stuff you can leave as is so just remember to click save changes if you do make any changes to these pages but these are special pages that woocommerce creates for you so you probably want to leave them just like this okay and you can see down here there are some links to some other stuff and these aren't really important and they don't really affect your ecommerce website and you don't really need to do anything here so we're not going to go over them but if you want you can click on them and check them out there's a little description about what they're about so pretty much we are done with our woocommerce settings and if you guys have any questions about these settings let me know and just remember that you have the extensions tab right here so i'm going to open it up again and you can see that there are a bunch of different options from marketing payments product type shipping and store management so if you guys want you can look into the extensions and add them to your ecommerce website it's really easy but i'll let you guys do that on your own and if you have any questions about them let me know otherwise let's move on to the next step so the first type of product that we're gonna learn how to make using the woocommerce plugin is a single product and that's what you see right here so this product is just a t-shirt or jeans or whatever you're selling but there's no different sizes no different variables you can see right here all you can do is add the number that you want to add to your shopping cart so we call this a single product and what we're going to do is show you how to insert a featured image and then some additional images right here we'll put in a title price and short description and just remember that the layout of your product pages really depends on the theme that you're using and we're using the flatsome theme so this is one of the settings or page layouts that you can use with the flatsome theme so if you want to use this there is a link in the video description to the flatsome website so that you can get the flatsome theme but really just remember that your webpage might not look like this if you're using another theme okay so let's go and learn how to create a single product let's go back to our wordpress website right here and the first thing that we want to do on the dashboard is we want to come down to products hover over that and click on add new and once you're on the add new product page this is where you're going to go to create all your different types of products so you're going to fill out pretty much the same stuff on each of your products the only difference is you're going to go into the product data section and select the type of product that you're going to create so we'll talk about that in just a little bit but the first type of product that we're going to learn how to create is a simple product and you can see right here that this is a simple product so a simple product only has one option there's no different variables different sizes different colors or anything like that there's only one product and one option so the product page really depends on the layout that you select for your theme that you're using and just remember that this is the flatsome theme so this is the layout for the flatsim theme and we have our title at the top for the product our price and then the short description right here and then down here this is the long description and then we have related products right here that populate based on the category names and the product tags so let's show you how to create a simple product just like this the first thing that we're going to do is we can actually take the product name right here and copy and paste it into our page just to save some time so this is where you put in the product title and then down here is where you put in the long description so just remember on your product pages with woocommerce this is the short description and then down at the bottom this is the long description so what we're going to do is just take this text just copy it all and this is just to save some time because we're making a tutorial and we're going to paste it in right here and then we can come down to the bottom to the product short description and then we can go up to the top of this page and just take this text and copy this and then go back and paste it in and once we do that now what we can do is come to the product data section and talk about how to add the price and then go through these other tabs so the first thing that you want to do is you want to make sure that you select the type of product that you're going to create and we're creating a simple product so let's just make sure that that one's selected and then this is a physical product but if this was a virtual product you can select this box right here and then the shipping tab disappears and then if it was a downloadable product if you click on this box right here then you're gonna get this little pop-up to upload the file that you can sell or get downloaded by your customer okay so again we're gonna talk about virtual and downloadable products in just a little bit but right now let's talk about a physical product like a t-shirt or jeans or anything like that and let's go through these tabs really quickly in a little bit of detail so that you know what they're all about so in the general tab right here this is where you can put in your price so i'm gonna type in 19.99 and if you wanted to you can put in a sale price right here and then you can also schedule this so if you click on this you can put in the dates for the schedule so that it'll just update on its own and you can also just cancel this so that's really up to you and once you're ready let's go to the inventory tab and what you can do here is you can type in an sku number for this product and if you don't know what any of this stuff is you can always hover over the question mark and you'll get this little pop-up to explain to you what this section is and you can also enable the stock management if you check this box right here and all you have to do is put in the quantity and then you can get a notification if you're low on the product over here so you can see if you hover over this it'll tell you that right over there okay and you can also change the status right here for the stock if it's in stock out of stock or back order so it's really up to you but that's just a little information on the inventory tab we're not going to do anything here but you can if you want to for your own ecommerce website so let's go to the shipping tab and on the shipping tab what you can do is put in the weight and the dimensions and you want to make sure that you do this if you have an extension that's calculating the shipping rate for you and you can also select a shipping class so if you remember in the woocommerce settings we showed you how to make shipping classes so if you do have a different class or different rates for certain products you can go in here and just select that class but if you don't then it's going to use the default settings so we're using a flat rate option okay so let's go to the link products and on the link products tab what you can do is you can add some products to upsell and cross sell so if you don't know what these things mean you can hover over these question marks but you can see on the woocommerce tutorial right here that we have a tutorial on setting up related products upsells and cross sales so if i scroll down here you can see that this is the upsell section so if you add some products to the section right over here then on the product page you're going to see the product that you're selling and then you're also going to see this section that says you may also like and these are products that you include in the upsell section and then for the cross sale you can see over here in the shopping cart that before you check out you can also see some cross sell items over here and then for related products this shows up based on the category name and the product tags so again in this tab right here all you have to do is just put in the product names and you can search for them by typing them in and then they're going to show up on the different pages okay so that's just some information for you but we're not going to put anything in there and once you're ready let's go to the attributes tab and on the attributes tab there's really nothing to cover right now because we're going to create some attributes for our variable products so we'll cover this in the next section so now we can just come down to the advanced tab and what you can do here is if you want to disable reviews so your customers if they purchase a product they can't leave a review then you want to uncheck this box otherwise by default it should be enabled for you so that's pretty much all you have to do in the advanced tab and then in the get more options tab this is just some recommended extensions that you can add to your ecommerce website so you can explore these on your own and if you want you can click on these buttons right here to learn more about them so i'll let you guys check this out on your own and once you're ready let's go down to the product layout and on the product layout tab this is a new feature from woocommerce and it just lets you change the product layout page so you can customize it with some of these things from the drop down right here and if you want you can add some top content and bottom content you can see what it's all about by reading these little descriptions right here so play around with this if you want there's really nothing for us to do but i just wanted to show you this and now if we go to the extra tab right here this is where you can select to add a custom bubble if you wanted to just enable it and then you can title that bubble you can add some additional text you can also add a product video right here and you can change the size of video and make it pop up or open it in a new tab okay so again creating a simple product is really easy you just have to come in here select the simple product option and then if it's virtual or downloadable you can check these boxes and then just go through these tabs and add the price and then if you wanted to enable inventory management or your shipping rates and all that stuff you can do that right here but really the main thing is you want to just make sure that you put in the price okay and once you're ready now let's go down to the product image section and let's add our images so all we have to do to add our featured image is click on the set product image and you should see the media library right here and you guys should already know that if you want to upload your own images click on upload files and then just click on select files and find the featured image that you want to use i have some images already uploaded so i'm going to go to the media library and just select this image as my featured image and click on set product image and you should see the product image show up right here and now what we can do is if we want we can add some additional images for the product gallery all we have to do is click on this link right here and in my media library i can just select the images that i want to use so i'm going to select a few of these so i have three of them right here and again you can upload as many as you want and we'll click add to gallery and you should see the images show up right here and if you want to remove them you know how to do that you just click on the x right here so that's how we can insert our product image and then our gallery of images so you can see on the product page right here we have our featured image and then all these other ones right here that we can go through and the last thing that we want to do is we want to add some category names and product tags so for the related products section if we scroll down to the bottom of the page you can see that we have our related products right here so if you want to do that you want to make sure that you put in some product categories and we already have some populated here but if you want to add some additional ones you can click on this link and then just type them in and then you can also choose a parent category and i already have a bunch listed so i'm just going to check some of these right here so maybe we'll go with clothing and we'll go with women and jeans and then what we can do is add some product tags too so we can do women jeans tops and just push enter and these help with the related products and also with filtering okay so you can always remove these and you should know how to do that and you can always go to the categories and remove your product categories there also so we'll talk about that a little bit later we'll talk about how you can go into these tabs and edit everything that you input so at the top of the page all we have to do now to publish this product is click on the publish button right here but before we do that sometimes and it really depends on the theme that you're using you might have the catalog visibility and if you do you can click on the edit button right here and then you can choose where this product is going to show up and you can also make this a featured product if you want so it really depends on the theme if you have this i think so if you do then you can go in here and check it but if you don't then all you have to do is click on the publish button and once the product is published if you want we can go and check it out and you can see right here that i have a different product page layout but we have our simple product right here with our featured image and then our title price short description some category names and tags some social share buttons right here and then down at the bottom we have our product gallery and then our long description and then the review section which is enabled right here and then also we have some related products which don't really have products because this is a demo website so we don't really create any but again just remember the product page is really dependent on the theme that you're using and this is just one of the flat some default pages so if you do like it go ahead and check it out and there's a link in the video description to the flatsome website and we also have tutorials on how to use this theme okay so if you guys are ready let's move on and show you how to create some additional products and now what we're going to do is show you how to create a variable product so the difference between a variable and a simple product is really right here where you have different options so you can create whatever type of variable that you want and you can put in whatever values that you want so we're going to show you how to create a single variable product with just one variable and then we'll show you how to create another one with more than one variable and we can also have different price points based on the variable selection so first let's go back to the woocommerce tutorial and we've already put in the title and the long description and pretty much everything else you can see we have the short description the product images the product tags and categories because we already covered that in the simple product and it's pretty much the same thing so we don't need to do that again the only difference with a variable product is in the product data section so you want to go into this drop down right here and you want to select the variable product and the main difference when you click on a variable product is the general tab is going to disappear and you have these other tabs but you don't really need to put anything in there and it'll make more sense after we create our variable but again you can see right here in inventory you can put in an sku manage your stock and all that stuff same with shipping right here you can put in the way in the dimensions if you want and you should do that if you have the extensions plugin and for the link products you guys already know with upsells and cross sales so again if you guys need a reminder you can go back to the simple product tutorial and we cover this in a little bit more detail what we want to do for a variable product is we want to make sure that we go to the attributes tab right here and to create a variable you want to go into this section make sure that you have custom product attributes selected and then just click add and once you see this section right here all you have to do is create the variable so we'll go with a size variable and you can see that you want to separate the values with this line right here so we're going to go with small medium and large and then you want to check this box that says use for variations and click on save attributes and once that's saved that's pretty much all you have to do to create a variable and you can add more variables if you want but let's just go with one right now and now we want to go to the variations tab and in this drop down there's a bunch of different options but all we need is the add variation so the default option and then just click go right here and once the variable is added you should see it right here and in this drop down you have all your different values but we're going to stay on the any size option right here so whenever we expand this and you can see right here that we can put in our sku we can change this to a downloadable or virtual product you can manage the stock and you can even put in the weight and the dimensions here for this product which is what you want to do if you have the extensions plug-in or the rates the shipping rates option so you don't need to go and put them in over here but you can just in case but you want to make sure that you put it in here because this is a variable product so right now because we're on the any size option if we put in a price and we can type in 1999 right here whenever someone selects a value it doesn't matter what value they select they're always going to get this price if we decided to have a bunch of different variations so we had different lines like this we can just select small right here and then when someone selects small they would get this price and then if we had medium we could change this to another price like 9.99 okay so right now we're just going with one price so to do that we want to just go with the any size option or any whatever variable name that you have and you can put in a sale price and just remember if you are using a rates extension you want to put in the weight and the dimensions right here okay so all you have to do now is click on save changes and once that's saved now you have a price for this product and you have your variables set up so again you can add all this other stuff on your own and pretty much that's all you have to do just make sure that you come into the product data section and you select the variable product and then you go into the attributes and you create your variable and then you add the variation and then you go in here and then you add your price and whatever else that you want and then once you're ready just click on the save button and then come over here and click on the publish button and once that's published we can go and check it out and once the product page loads you can see we have our product page and now we have a size variable right here and you can select any option and the price remains the same so again you can select whatever type of variable you want to create and that's really the only difference between this and a simple product but now what we can do is we can create a multi-variable product with different options and we can also have different price points based on what the customer selects so if you want to learn how to create that let's go and create a new product so hover over new and click on product and once you're on the add new product page you can see right here i've already put in the title the long description the short description our images and then the product tags and the product categories and we're probably going to do that for each of our demo products that we create because it's all the same each time the only difference here is really the product data section so right now we're creating a variable product again and we're going to do more than one variable this time so we want to go in here and select variable product and you can see that we have these tabs right here and all we need to do is come down to the attributes and we need to create our variables so if you guys remember from the first time we did this we want to click on create custom attribute so click on add and you should see this section right here so let's go with size again and i am going to show you how you can actually pre-populate the stuff so you can save these variables down here in attributes and with a click of a button it can all just populate so i'll show you how to do that to save some time in just a little bit but right now let's just type all this in so we'll do small medium and large and then what you want to do is check this box that says use for variations and click save attributes and once that's saved if you want to add another variable all you have to do is come back up here and click add again and you can add as many variables as you want so we're just going to do two right here so now what we're going to do is do a color variable and we'll just do red blue and white and once you have the values and the name of the variable again all you have to do is check this box that says use for variations and click save and now we have our variables right here so now what we have to do is go to the variations tab and in this drop down right here you're going to see a bunch of different options so you can create variations from all your attributes and that just creates a combination of all the different types of combinations that you can have with the different sizes and colors so what we're going to do is we're just going to do a few different ad variations on our own so click on go right here and you should see the variation show up right here so what i'm going to do is let the customer choose any size that they want and then if they choose red i want to put in a certain price so i'm going to expand this and then i'll just type in let's say 4.99 for red because maybe red doesn't sell that well and you can put in the weight and the dimensions and also check these boxes if you need to remember this is important if you're doing an extension for the shipping rates but we're just going to type in the price right here so let's click save and once that's saved now if someone selects a size and red they're going to pay 4.99 for their shoes so i want to select a different color and have a different price for these two options so we're going to add another variation and once you see the variation right here now what i'm going to do is select blue so when someone selects the blue color they're going to pay a different price than the red color so we're going to go with 7.99 right here and this is all you have to do to get different price points for your different variables and you can actually make it so that they have to select a size and a color but i'm going to let them select whatever size that they want and they just have to choose the color to get a certain price so we'll do one more and again i'm going to go in here and just choose the other color and we'll make this one really expensive so maybe this one's like 14.99 so you can see how easy this is all you have to do is just go in add variations and then select the values that you want to customize for different colors and then select the different prices and then you're gonna have different price points okay so we've done that for all these and you can see it's 14.99 here and then we have 7.99 for the blue and for the red it's 4.99 so what we're going to do is just come up here and publish this and show you now what happens when we go to the product page so once the product is published let's go and check it out and once you're on the product page right here now you can see there's a range of different prices and if we select a size and then we go with red you can see that it's 4.99 and then if we go with white it changes to 14.99 so that's how you can have different price points for different variables all you have to do is just go in and select the different options in your variations okay simple super easy and let me know if you guys have any questions otherwise what we're going to do is just go over virtual and downloadable products in the next section so if you guys want to learn how to create that let's go and create a new product and once you're back on the add new product page creating a virtual or downloadable product is really easy so i filled everything out except adding a product image and a product gallery and again all you have to do is come to the product data section and select the type of product that you're creating so it doesn't matter if it's a simple product or variable product you can just go into the variations for a variable product and then check the boxes for virtual and if it's downloadable then you can just select these options so we're going to go with a simple product for this example and since this is a virtual product we can select this box right here and that gets rid of the shipping and then if it's a downloadable product which we are also selling we can select this box and now what we can do is go and add our file so all we have to do is click on this box right here and then you can put in the file name so i'm going to type in music and maybe it's a single or a song i can put in the title it doesn't really matter and then if i have a url i can put that in right here or what i can do is upload the file to my media library and then just select that so that's what i did so i'm going to click on choose file and you can see in my media library that i have this mp3 right here so i'm just going to select that and click on insert and now you should see the url right here and that's pretty much all you have to do if you want to add some additional files just click on this button right here and then you get another line to add some additional files to be downloaded and you can remove them just like that and we can put in our price so let's do i don't know how much music sells for nowadays but let's do 4.99 right there and again you can schedule a sale if you wanted to and over here you can have a download limit so if you want to let a customer download as many times as they want you can just leave it as unlimited or if you want to let them download it maybe three times before they have to contact you then you can put that in right here and you can make the download link expire or you can just leave it as never so you can put in the numbers of days that someone can download something after they purchase the product okay and pretty much everything else is the same like we've already talked about all these other things so we don't need to go through them again the big difference is just checking the boxes right here putting in the price and then uploading your file and you don't have the shipping tab and again just remember that you can also do this when you have a variable product when you add the attributes and then go into the variations and then over there you can put in the check marks for these options right here okay so pretty much that's it so let's go and check it out so let's click on publish and once it's published let's go and check it out and once the product page loads you can see we don't have an image right here because we didn't insert one but we could have if we wanted to like a cover image or something like that and all the customer has to do is just add this to their shopping cart and check out and then they're gonna get a link to download this product so if you guys have any questions let me know but again really easy just like the other products i know a lot of people sell ebooks music and a bunch of other virtual products so if you guys have any questions or anything let me know otherwise let's move on to show you how to create an affiliate product so this is the last type of project that we're going to learn how to create so let's go back to the add new product page and once we're on the add new product page now what we're going to do is learn how to create an affiliate product so i don't know what type of affiliate programs that you're a part of but this is amazon associates right here and i already have the product page so you should probably know how to search for your links and all that stuff so what we're just going to do is show you how to create an affiliate product with woocommerce so i already filled everything out and all we're going to do is just come down here and in the product data section we want to choose the external or affiliate product option and then what you can do is just put in the url right here so just note that this image i just took this from the amazon page so you don't have to populate this on your own but if you can with a link you can do that so amazon does give you the option all we're going to do is just take the text link so you can do the standard link or the short link i'm gonna go with the short one and i'm just gonna highlight this and copy it and then go back to the woocommerce page right here and we can just put in the affiliate link right here so where it says product url just paste that in and then you can change the text for the button if you want which is going to redirect them to the affiliate page but i'll just leave it as the default where it says by product and then what we can do is put in the price so we can come back to this page right here and we can see what the price is so we can come over here and we can see the price maybe you have the product page that you can actually check it out so it's 29.98 so we'll just type that in right here and that's pretty much it so let's go and just show you what it looks like so we'll click on publish and once the page is published i do want to note that down here in these tabs you'll notice that there is no shipping tab so that goes away because you're going to purchase the product on the affiliate page and you do have these other options that you can go through on your own but you don't need to so all we're going to do is just go and click on the view product page and once you're on the product page you can see right here that my image is really large and i probably could have scaled this down a little bit for this example but i didn't so you'll probably want to do that but you can see right here we have our title and then we have our price and our short description and i believe down here we also have the long description and product images and everything so again the layout depends on the theme that you're using but if we click on this right here it's going to redirect us to the amazon page and you can see that we have our product and now we have used our affiliate link so if someone purchases this we get credit so that's pretty much it super easy and now we're gonna go back and maybe we'll talk about group products really quickly so let's go back to the new product page so click on this and once you're back on the add new product page now what we're going to do is talk about group products so i'm not even going to fill out this other stuff over here all i want to do is come down to the product data section and you can see in this drop down that you can select group product and all you have to do if you want to bundle or group products to show up on a product page so if there's a lot of different products that your customers should purchase you can put them all on one page so they can add everything to their shopping cart all at once then if you want to do that you want to select the group product option and then just come down to link products and you can just type in the product names right here and just input all of them and then they'll they'll show up on the product page so really easy similar to upsells and cross sales and if you need some additional information i'll link you to the woocommerce page on bundling and there are some extensions but if you just want to group them you can do that for free using woocommerce okay so that's pretty much it with learning how to create different types of products so we learned how to create simple products variable products multi-variable products affiliate products virtual and downloadable products and also group products so if you have any questions about that stuff let me know otherwise let's go down and learn how to create some attributes that we can use for our variables with a click so we can save a lot of time if we have a bunch of variable products so let's click on attributes at the bottom over here underneath woocommerce so i'm going to click on leave page and once you're on the attributes page i think i told you that this was under woocommerce but it's actually under your products so just make sure that you click on that to come to this page right here and this is where you can create your different variables and values so that whenever you create a variable product you don't need to type in all that stuff each time so if you want to do that just to save some time then you can come over here and we can type in a name for our variable so let's just create one called size and you can put in the same name for the slug right here and you can change the ordering if you want but we're going to go with the custom ordering option and click on add attribute and once you see the variable show up right here now what we want to do is add the values for this variable so click on configure terms and what you can do here is you can add the different values for this variable so this is a size variable so we're going to go with small medium large so we'll just type in small right there and you can leave the select blank if you want or you can just type in the same name so we'll type in small and then medium and then we're gonna go with large and i'll show you how you can rearrange these if you need to also so we'll just type in that and click add and now we have our items right here and i don't know the correct order so let's actually just try to rearrange these really quickly and then we're going to go to the product page so we have everything uploaded over here and we have our variable with our different options so now let's go to the new product page so just click on add new over here and once we're back on this page right here i'll just type in a name so we'll just go with variable product and i'll leave all this blank because i just want to come down to the product data section and just show you how this works so we're going to go in here and select the variable product and now if we click on attributes right here you should see where it says custom product attributes you should see the new variable that you just created over here so you don't need to go and type it in and all that stuff so we can just select it and click on add and now you should see it show up and again just imagine if you had to create a bunch of these products and you had to type this in each time it would take up a lot of time and what we can do is put in our values right here so all we have to do is just click on select all and you can see that they show up just like that and we can remove them one by one if we want or we can just delete them just like this so you can see how that just saves a lot of time if you create a bunch of different products with different variables so if you guys want to do this then all you have to do is come down to the attributes over here and input everything so whenever you create a variable product you can just go in here select it and then select the values and it's just going to save you some time so that you can go and create the variations a little quicker okay so that's all we're going to talk about with the attributes but if you need additional help let me know otherwise let's talk about how to edit the categories and the product tags really quickly even though you probably already know how to do this so we're going to go to the categories right here and once you're on the product categories page this is where you can go to add new categories or you can see all the categories that you just created for your different products they're all going to be added here and you can see the product count over here so you can make a different one a default one and then you can delete the uncategorized if you want super easy and really there's not much to talk about here and same with product tags so let's just go to this page really quickly and you can see the same thing with the product tags you can add some here or you can add them one by one whenever you create products it's probably better for you to use the same ones or similar ones for your different products so that you can populate that related product section but again you can come in here and delete any ones that you don't want so if you added something that you don't need to use then just come in here and delete it okay so pretty much that's all we have to talk about with product tags and categories but if you have any questions let me know otherwise let's move on and now what we're going to do is just talk about the default woocommerce pages so i'm on the woocommerce settings page and we were already on this tab earlier on the advanced tab and you can see that we have the cart page checkout and my account page and i have them opened up and i just want to make sure that you guys have them too so if you don't you want to create a page title it with the cart checkout and the account page and then just put in the short code that you see right here for the cart page and then for the checkout page you can see that it's a different short code and then same with your account page and what you also want to do is make sure that you create a terms and conditions page and select that right here okay so i just want to make sure that you have these pages you should by default but you never know so now we're going to move on and let's talk about how to create some coupons and then go through the order and reporting pages so if you want to do that down in woocommerce let's click on coupons and you can see on the left hand side now we have woocommerce products and then the marketing tab right here so if you want to create coupons or check out the ones that you created you want to click on these links right here and once you come to this page we can create a new coupon by clicking on this or if this is your first coupon we can just click on this button right here and all you have to do is just type in the coupon name right here so we can just type in coupon and then or you can generate a coupon code if you wanted to if you want a unique one and then over here you just want to select the type of coupon so there's a bunch of different options and then you can put in the amount and you can allow free shipping and you can also make this coupon expire on a certain date and all you have to do is click publish and then you can share this code with your customers or your visitors or anyone else and then they can use it to get whatever type of discount that you selected okay so really easy and again just remember that you can remove coupons by clicking on the overview button right over here so if you guys are ready let's talk about some of the other things that woocommerce does which is reporting so let's go over here and let's just talk about reports really quickly and once you're on the reports page you can see that you have different tabs here so you can see your orders your customers the number of items in stock or low stock who has paid taxes or what rates you're paying and then if you have shipping labels you can check them out too you can also see your sales by different dates products categories and what coupons are being used and what people are downloading so right over here you can filter the orders by different time periods and you can see on this website that i have some orders so you can just check out the analytics as the days go on so that might be good for you guys to do if you guys are analyzing your data so the woocommerce plugin does give you some good reporting so you can come here and analyze what people are purchasing when they're purchasing and so forth okay so this is just something for you guys and the last thing i want to talk about is the orders because when someone creates an order you want to be able to get those details to ship them whatever they ordered and also know what they're buying so let's go to the orders button right here and click on that and you can see on the orders page right here that you have a list of all your different types of orders so i believe that someone was watching one of my tutorials and they did some test orders just to make sure that my website worked you can see that the status right here is that they canceled those orders and then i also made some orders over here that are refunded because i was using them for demo purposes but we can go into one of these just to show you the reporting for whenever you get a new order so i'm going to click on this one right here and once you're on the orders page this is for the specific order that we just clicked on and you can see who purchased this item and where to ship it and you can also change the status of this item or the order over here for your customer and down here you should see the items that were purchased and this is important so that you can ship things out correctly and what you also want to do is make sure that your email is updated and the woocommerce settings in the email tab so whenever someone does make an order you get an email like this that says there's a new order so that you can go and check out the details and it kind of looks just like this and your customer is going to get an email like this that says thank you for your order with the details also but these two are different emails for different orders but i want to show you just so that you know and so that i can remind you guys to make sure that you go into your settings to update your email for whatever business that you guys have so that you can receive those notifications okay so pretty much that's all we have to talk about with the woocommerce plugin so let me know if you guys have any questions on how to use the woocommerce plugin but pretty much you should have everything that you need in order to set up your own ecommerce website with the woocommerce plugin we went over the settings how to create different types of products how to add variables and how to create coupons and all the reporting and everything so if you need any help with any extensions or if you want to learn how to build an ecommerce website you can check out our tutorials including one on the flatsome theme that you see right here so again let me know if you guys have any questions but i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did make sure to give it a big thumbs up and also make sure to subscribe to the nyc tech club youtube channel because we always come out with new videos just like this thanks for watching and i'll see you in the next video
Views: 4,485
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Keywords: woocommerce, woocommerce plugin, woocommerce wordpress, how to use woocommerce, woocommerce tutorial, woocommerce plugin tutorial, woo commerce, how to use woo commerce, ecommerce plugin, flatsome woocommerce, set up woocommerce
Id: QMW8yxWIxSc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 38sec (3698 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 21 2020
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