How to Build a Print On Demand Website with WordPress (2020)

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hi everybody it's elliot here and in today's video i'm going to be showing you how you can create your very own print on demand website using wordpress now you might be wondering what print on demand is well it's basically the process where you go and connect products from a third-party fulfillment company you can go and add your design to these products so any designs you want to and there are loads and loads of different products that you can go and connect to your store and when you go and make a sale on your store the third-party fulfillment company will go and fulfill those orders for you so it's very similar to drop shipping except for these products are completely custom and you can go and add any design you want to them and you're not only limited to one type of fulfillment company you can go and use multiple different fulfillment companies and like i said there are loads and loads of different types of products that you can go and connect to your store and the really great thing about this is it's really easy to set up all you need is some hosting and a domain and you can create a beautiful website like this with completely custom products and another thing is that you can go and connect loads of different variations of products so just like you can see here and also all of the shipping is automatically done for you so if we go to view the cart over here we can go and see that the shipping rates are automatically taken from the third party fulfillment company so you don't have to worry about doing anything else except for creating your designs and promoting your store and i'll be showing you how to create all of the necessary pages such as the contact us returns refunds privacy policy and how you can go and create a beautiful looking store just like this one and if we go and click on any of these categories it brings us to the category where we have a slider with all of our different products and i'll be showing you how you can do loads of other cool stuff like going and creating a logo how you can go and create beautiful mock-ups like these for your designs for your print on demand products and also how you can go and fulfill your orders once they come through and then you can go and collect your profit so if you've been wondering about how to create your very own print on demand website using wordpress then this is going to be the tutorial for you so let's begin the tutorial by going and purchasing some hosting need a website try pretty press we make affordable beautiful websites we can build your website from scratch within four to six weeks want to get your idea off the ground quickly then why not try one of our pre-built websites if you already own a website and it's not converting how you'd want to try our website reviews or if you just have an idea that you want to discuss then why not try our web consulting service head over to today the first thing that we need to do in order to start building our print on demand store with wordpress is to purchase some hosting and hosting is basically what allows your website to be live on the internet now i use siteground to host all of my websites because they're really reliable and they're relatively cheap so if anything ever goes wrong with your website or if it's ever down you can always contact them and they fix it right away they have a live chat option so you can just go and send them a message and like i said they usually fix it right away so there is a link in the description to siteground and if you click on that link you will be brought over to this page over here now from here you can go to hosting and you go to wordpress hosting and we can go and have a look at the different packages that they offer so with siteground you have the startup package grow big and go geek so with startup you can just go and create one website you get a free ssl certificate which means you get this little padlock over here to tell that your users of your site that your site is secure and you also get a free professional email address so that's the startup plan and then if you want to make more than one site you can always go and upgrade to the grow big plan where you can go and create unlimited sites and then if your site really starts to take off you can always go and upgrade to go geek when you start getting a lot of visits so if this is just your first website that you're building and you only plan on building one print-on-demand website for now then you can just go and click get plan for the startup plan when you click on this you will then be prompted to choose a domain name now when choosing a domain name i always like to use a site called lean domain search and you can basically just go and type in a word and it will come up with loads of different ideas for domains that you can use so for example here i've just typed in figure and then you can go and sort it by length so the shortest domains will come up first and then you can go and decide whether you want the domain to start with this term or end with it so i've just picked starts with term and you can see that there's loads of different domains that come up with the word figure so we've got figure guy figure tech figure cat so you can go and think about picking one of these domains now with print on demand obviously you're going to want to pick something that maybe is relevant to the niche of the type of products you're selling or the type of designs you're selling or you can just go for something completely random it doesn't really matter so for example redbubble doesn't really mean anything it's just completely random so you can go for something like that so once you have gone and decided on your domain you can just go and type that in here so if we just say let's just go and have a look at one of these ones let's say figure sky so if i just go and type in figure sky in here and i do always recommend just picking a dot-com domain because they're the most popular then you can just go and click on proceed now once you click on proceed you will be brought to the last step to purchase your hosting so basically this is where you're just going to go and fill in your details and create your account so just go and choose the email address and password that you want to link to your hosting account then you're going to go and put in your information so your first name last name and your address and phone number and then finally you're going to go and enter in your car details so that you can go and pay for your hosting now over here you can go and pick how long you want to go and sign up for your hosting so you can just go and try out for a month if you want to you can go for 12 months or you can go and go completely all in and go for three years but most of you will probably go and sign up for 12 months now after that you can go and purchase domain privacy and the sg site scanner as well so domain previously basically just means no one can see who's registered your domain it's not really that important it just means that if you don't have this seo companies and web design companies that might contact you offering you some services and then the sg site scanner just scans your site to make sure that it isn't being hacked but to be honest with you the siteground hosting is really good that you probably won't ever get hacked anyway now once you have done that all you need to do is confirm that you've read the terms of service and then all you need to do is click on pay now now once you click on pay now you should then be brought over to your siteground dashboard and it should look a little something like this now don't worry if it doesn't look exactly like this because that's not a problem all you need to do now is go and click on websites over here now when you click on websites you should see your new domain that you just purchased over here now from here we can go and install wordpress onto that domain so all we need to do is find your domain and then go and click on site tools then when we click on site tools we'll be brought over to the site tools dashboard now before we install wordpress the first thing that we need to install is an ssl certificate so that we can get the little padlock in the url so that we can tell our customers that our site is secure and this is really important especially if you're running an e-commerce website because you need your customers to know that your site is secure so that they feel comfortable paying for things so you're going to go over to security over here and you're going to go to ssl manager now from here you're going to go and choose your domain and then you're going to go select ssl and choose let's encrypt and just go and click on get once you click on that it will take a few moments and then it should say let's encrypt is installed for your domain so now that we have done that what we need to do is click on https in force and then just go and make sure this is on so now that's on the little padlock should show once our website is live so now what we're going to do we're going to go and install wordpress so go and click on wordpress and click on install and manage so we're going to do is we're going to go and select wordpress over here and now from here you're going to go and choose your domain installation path just leave it blank then you can go and choose your language of course and then from here you can go and choose a username and password and email address now for the username and password make sure this is something that you're going to remember because this is the credentials that you're going to use to log into your wordpress website so what i recommend with the password is that you use the generate feature within siteground so that you can go and generate a random password and this is going to make your website harder to hack so it's very unlikely that somebody would maybe want to hack your website but if you have a harder password to guess then like i said it's going to make it more difficult to hack or for people to go and log into it and try and do weird things to your website so just go and hit generate password and then you can just go and copy this and save this in a notepad file or in a word file somewhere and then make sure you have access to this email address as well because if you ever do forget your password or lose your password you can always go and reset it with the email address over here so that you can go then and log in to your wordpress website again so i'm just gonna go and fill in these details so once you have picked a username a password and entered in your email address just go and click on install once wordpress has finished installing you should just see this wordpress is installed on your domain and now from here we can go over to our wordpress dashboard so what we're going to do is we're going to go and click on admin panel over here and when we click on this we should be brought over to this page over here now this is just the siteground walkthrough for wordpress to be honest with you you don't really need to go through this because i'm going to be showing you how to set everything up so we can just go and click on exit on this and once you click on that you will be brought over to your wordpress dashboard over here now from here i'm just going to give you a little walkthrough of wordpress just to show you what everything is down the side over here so first you have home so basically anything to do with siteground updates or wordpress updates will be under the home section then you also have updates so when you update a theme or any plugins on your website that will be an update so anything that needs to be updated will be in here then you have posts so because wordpress was originally a blogging platform you would create blog posts so within here you can go and create new blog posts now we probably won't really be using this very much in the tutorial next up we have media so every time you add any images or any videos to your site they will go into your media library now you can go and upload images and videos directly from the front end when you are building your site so once again we don't really need to use this very often then you have pages so we'll be using this quite often so this is where you can go and create all of your different pages so your home page your about us your privacy policy all of the pages that you need for your site you can go and create them within pages next up we have comments so once again again because wordpress was originally a blogging platform people would leave blog comments and this is where you can go and approve them now for a e-commerce store it's generally going to be reviews and things like that which will go into the comments section then we have appearance so this is where you can go and choose a theme you can go and update your menus so your homepage menu and things like that next up we have plugins which is a very important part of wordpress this is basically what allows you to go and add a different functionality to your site so you can go and add different plugins that allow you to do different things so for example when building a print on demand store we can go and connect a third-party plugin that allows us to go and fulfill our orders which we will be doing in today's tutorial then we have users so you can go and create new users so if your print on demand website starts to take off and you're getting a lot of orders you can go and hire a virtual assistant set them up as a user without admin rights so that they can just log in and have a look at the orders and go and fulfill them for you then we have tools so this just allows you to import and export data once again we probably won't be using this very option very often and then we have settings so in here you can just go and change some general settings about your site so we'll be going and doing this just in a moment so that is basically an overview of wordpress so from here we can actually start going and building out our print on demand website so the first thing that we are going to do is just go and change some general settings within our wordpress website so if we go to settings over here and click on general and we're just going to go and change some things now firstly we've got the site title so the site title is going to be the name of your website so basically your domain name so for example my one i can go and call it silverstreet and then you've got your tagline so for your tagline it's going to be basically about whatever type of products that you might be selling so i'm going to say iconic figures from from history so i can just go and say something like that so i'm selling products with iconic figures from history or you can say the best t-shirts for this type of design or something like that now you don't even have to have a tagline but it is good to have it and basically this is what shows up in the tab over here so whenever you go onto a website and you see in the tab you see the name of the website and then you see the tagline so that's what's going to be with these two so once you have done that you can just go and hit save settings and then from here the next thing that we are going to do we are going to go and change our permalinks so go to permalinks over here and basically your permalink is how your links show up in the url so you want to make sure that it's set to post name and basically what that means is it will say your domain and then it will say the post name so it will say about us or home or whatever it is you don't want to use any of the these other settings because it just looks a little bit weird and when the settings look weird then that puts customers off so make sure it's set to post name and just hit save changes so now that we have done that the next thing that we are going to do is go and install a theme so let's go to appearance over here and we're going to go to themes now from here we're going to go and add a new theme so just click on add new and from here we're going to go and type in astra so you will go and see that we've got the astra theme over here now this is one of the best free themes that you can get for wordpress so just go and click on install over here and once it has installed just go and hit activate so now our theme is activated now we're going to go and just delete some of these other themes because they're just taking up space on our site so we can just go and click on it and hit delete over here and once again we can click theme details and hit delete and just keep one as a backup so if this theme if it goes down we can always just have this theme as a backup over here so now that we have done that what we're going to do next we're going to go and install some plugins so that we can start building out our home page so if we go to plugins over here and click on add new now the first plugin that we're going to install is going to be this classic editor plugin that's just a personal preference of me i always use this classic editor plugin they basically changed the editor for wordpress but i just prefer the old one so just go ahead and click on install now for the classic editor i just personally think it's easier to use and just go hit activate so now we have that installed we're going to go back to add new and next we're going to go and install a plugin called elementor so go and type in elementor over here and just go and click on install now so we're gonna go and install this plugin this is the page builder so basically what you can do with this we can go and drag and drop elements so that we can go and create all of the pages for our site so then just go and hit activate on elementor as well and you should be brought over to this page so now we have elementor activated so the next plugin we're going to install so let's go back and click on add new and now we're going to go and type in woo lentor so go type in woo lentil and this is just another plugin that we can add with elementor that will allow us to go and add our products in a different way so just go and hit install now for wu lentor as well and then just go and hit activate and then finally we're just going to go and add in a few more plugins so go back to add new and we're going to go and add in a plugin called printify so just go and type in printify like that and you see this one over here printed fire for woocommerce so just go and hit install now for printer by and hit activate and then we're also going to go and add in another plugin called printful so go and type in printful and you'll see this one over here printful integration for woocommerce just go and hit install now and then just go and hit activate so now we have got all of the plugins set up now one last plugin that we are going to go and install now is something called woocommerce and woocommerce is basically what allows you to add e-commerce functionality to your wordpress website so come over here and type in woocommerce so just go and type that in and from here we're going to go and install woocommerce so just go and hit install on woocommerce over here and now we're going to go and hit activate once again now once you install woocommerce it will say that you want to go through the setup so let's just go and click on yes please now once you click on this we will go through the woocommerce setup so firstly it's going to ask you where your store is based so if you're just running your print on demand store from your house you can just go and put in your home address so once you have entered the addressing you can just go and click on continue and if you receive this message just click on continue once again now from here it's going to ask you what industry your store operates in now for a print on demand store you can pretty much go and sell loads of different products within fashion and apparel and home and furniture so depending on which one you will be selling you can just go and choose them or it might be art music so just go and choose the ones that are relevant to your store and click on continue then it's going to ask you what type of products do you sell so you're going to go and choose physical products and if you're doing downloadable products so some sort of downloadable pdf art then you can always go and choose that but obviously for print on demand it's always mostly going to be physical products and we can just go and hit continue once again then it's going to tell us then it's going to ask us to tell us about our business so how many products do we plan to display so you're probably looking for the region of 11 to 100 and are you currently selling elsewhere you can just hit no unless you are already selling elsewhere now from here you can go and add some of these if you want to so you can add market on facebook mailchimp and google ads so these will just go and install the plugin it's totally up to you but for now i'm just going to go and turn all of these off and hit continue now from here it's just going to recommend some themes but i recommend just using the theme we already have so just click continue with my active theme and then from here it's going to ask you if you want to go and install jetpack so jetpack basically allows you to go and view your site statistics like where your traffic is coming from so i recommend setting this up so just go and hit yes please now when you click on this it's going to ask you to create a jetpack account so just go and choose a username and a password and once you choose a username and password just go and click on create your account now once you click on this you will be brought back to your wordpress dashboard you might get this message over here don't worry about this you can just go and click x on this so now we have woocommerce setup and like i said that basically allows us to add e-commerce functionality to our store so now that we've done that what we're going to do is we're going to go and set up our home page so we can start building out our home page now from here we're going to do is we're going to go to pages i'm going to go and click on add new and then from here we're just going to go and type in home and then just hit publish over here now what we need to do is we need to make sure that every time somebody clicks onto our home page it actually comes over to this page so what we're going to do is we're going to go over to settings i'm going to go to reading and from here where it says static page so your homepage displays currently has latest posts but we want to choose a static page go to home page and then just go and click home and click on save changes so now that we have that page as our homepage we can go back over here which is all pages and from here we can go to home we can click edit and we can go and click edit with elementor so let's go and click on this and now elementor will load and as you can see now we have our home page ready to start building now the first thing that we're going to look at before we start designing our home page is actually picking some fonts and some colors for our website now if you're looking to pick some fonts i recommend using this website over here called font joy and basically what this allows you to do is go and generate font pairings now when it comes to fonts you want to think about the type of audience that you're marketing towards and so you know it could be a more feminine audience or it could be a more masculine audience so you're going to go for a font that kind of suits your audience so over here you can just go and hit generate and it will go and generate some font pairings for you and then you can just go and pick one that you think looks nice and looks appropriate so don't go for anything too outlandish and over here you can go and go for a contrast so you can go over here let's say very similar you can say i want two fonts that are very similar and you can just go and keep generating fonts so if we just go and hit that and then you can always go and lock a font so let's say you like this one but you don't like this one you can go and lock this font and then we can go and hit generate again and we're just going to go and regenerate now don't worry about having three fonts just focus on having two fonts there's gonna be one font for your headings and one font for your main body text so just worry about two fonts don't worry about having three different fonts and then once you have found some fonts you're gonna go and have a look at generating some color palettes so we can go and generate color palettes using this website called coolers dot co and basically what you can do with this website you can just go and hit the space bar and it will keep generating different color palettes for you so this is a color palette that i'm going to be using and you can just go and lock the colors that you like and then you can go and keep hitting the space bar now once again i would recommend just maybe focus on three to four colors maximum don't worry about having five different colors so for me i'm just going to focus on these three colors here and generally black and white is usually the best way to start with and then you just have a few other color colors to supplement your site so i'm going to go for black white and this blue and then i might use some of this red and gold somewhere throughout the site so once you have chosen your font and your colors what we can do is we can go and add that to our site so if we go over here and we click on these three little dots the three lines sorry and hit view page what we can do is we can go and hit customize now the customize area is different to elementor so elementor is the page builder that allows us to add elements and the customize area is actually where we can change overall things with the theme so for example the fonts and the colors so if we go to customize over here and from here we can go and firstly change our font so if we go to global over here we can go to typography and then you've got base typography so like i said that's going to be the main body typography so you can see for me i'm going to be using this font over here so let's just wait for this load so i'm going to be using the montaga font so i'm just going to come over here and i'm just going to go and type in montaga and just go and choose that font and then for my headings i'm going to be using the font at the top over here so that's let's have a look at what this one's called so i'm going to be using the overpass font so i'm going to come back over here go back go to headings and over here i can go and type in overpass and i can just use that as my headings so now i can just go and hit publish so now that's my fonts done next up we have the colors so don't worry too much about the colors because you can always go and change them with elementor as well but it is good just to have your base colors so we just go to base colors over here i'm just going to go and choose my base colors so text color is going to be this black over here so i'm going to go and choose this and then for the actual theme color i'm going to choose this blue color over here so let's go and choose that and the same with the link color i'm going to choose that and the same with the link hover color i'm just going to choose the black color as well so just this same black one so you can see the link color is when you hover like this so let's go and choose that and you can go and choose your heading color as well if you want to so i think for heading i'll just choose the black one as well but like i said you can always go and change this using elementor so then we can just go and hit publish and we can just go and close our customized area for now so now we can see i've got my heading fonts and i've got my body font over here now the next thing that we're going to do we're going to look at creating a logo very briefly now when it comes to creating a logo for your print on demand website i do recommend having something that's related to your niche or the type of designs that you will be selling so you can go and purchase a logo from this website called graphic river and i do recommend going and purchasing a logo because it's just going to give you a better quality and make your site look better and build the brand around it so for example if you are creating your print on demand store around dog designs then you have just gone to graphic rubber and typed in dog logo and you can see there's loads of different dog logos that i could potentially use over here so there are loads of different types of logos so let's just go and type in something else so let's just say for example we're doing lumberjack clothing for a print on demand store then we can just go and type in lumberjack logo and you can see there's loads of different cool logos that you can go and use now another thing with these generally you're going to have to have either photoshop or illustrator to go and actually edit these so if you don't have photoshop or illustrator and you have no interest in actually using that which you probably will be if you're running a print-on-demand store you probably should have that but for whatever reason if you're not then you can always go and purchase a logo from fiverr so you can see over here i've just gone and typed in logo design and there's loads of different cool logos once again and you can always send them a picture of the logos on here so you can say i want a logo similar to lists so you can go and send that to somebody on fiverr and they'll go and make you a logo so once you have your logo what we can do is once again we can go and click on customize again and then from here we can go to header we can go to site identity and we can go and upload a logo so just click on select logo and then go and click on select files and then just go and navigate to where your logo is logo is so just go and pick your logo and we're just going to go and upload it now within the alt text i recommend just going and putting the name of your website so you can see over here i've just got silver street power logo and that will just go and help your brand name actually be boosted in the google search rankings so then once you've done that just click on select then you can go and crop your logo so you can see over here i'm just gonna go and crop it so it's like that we're gonna hit crop image over here and once it has finished cropping then you should see your logo cart here now you can see my logo is coming up really massive so you can go and change the logo width so let's try 200 or we can maybe try 220 something like that now if you scroll down you will see display site title so just untick this because we don't want our site title to be shown there we just want our logo like that so now you can see i've got my logo over here and i can just go and hit publish now you can also go and add a site icon in here now that is the little icon that comes up in the tab in your browser and generally these will be 800 pixels by 800 pixels so if you just go to select site icon and we can go and upload a site icon so if i just go over here and i just it's also referred to as a favicon so i've just saved it as a favicon and we can just go and save that so we'll just go and paste that in there and hit select you can go and crop it once again so you can see over here that's how it's going to come up so you can just go and crop the image and now that's done so that's going to be our site icon we can just go and hit publish so now that we have done that we can actually start building out our homepage but before we start building our home page generally we need to look at the products that we will be selling because if we don't have any products then we can't actually go and display anything on our homepage so in order to go and create some products firstly we're going to go and start designing the products in a third-party fulfillment company so the first one we're going to be looking at is called printify and basically what print if i do they have lots of products you can go and upload your designs you connect it to your woocommerce store and then they basically will print it out for you so when somebody makes a purchase on your store then you come over to your printify account and you can go and fulfill the orders and like i said they will go and fulfill the orders for you so if we just go and have a look at their catalog we can go and see that they sell loads of different products that you can sell on your print on demand website so you can go for clothing so we've got men's clothing and there's loads of different categories that they have so you can obviously go for the main one which is t-shirts a lot of people go for but there are loads of different other ones that are kind of untapped and a lot of people probably aren't selling as often as people are selling t-shirts so if you go into accessories for example you can go and sell bags you can sell laptop cases rucksacks phone cases socks loads and loads of different things aprons face masks hats and also in home and living we have a few different things that you can sell so for example posters clocks you can go and sell things like shower curtains and mugs and loads and loads of different things that you could potentially connect to your store stickers so like i said there are a quite a large range of options for things that you can sell on your print on demand store with printify and you can just connect this directly to your woocommerce website so with printer5 what we're going to do is we're going to go and click on sign up and from here you're just going to go and enter in an email and a password so once you have signed up with the email password just go and click on sign up over here now from here it's just going to ask you what describes you best it doesn't really matter so you can just go and pick whichever one you think so probably artist or designer and are you already selling so you can just go and say where you are so you can just go and pick that for now then we can just go and hit next now from here we can actually go and start setting up our store within printerfi so from here we can just go through the printify store setup checklist so firstly we can go and add a store name so it's just going to be the name of your website so you can just go and name that and then you can go and add in your personal details so you're going to go and add in the name of your business your contact details your address all of the stuff that we already went through so i'll just go and enter that in so once you have entered all of this information and you can just go and hit save and then it should say save successfully now we're not going to design our first product yet what we're going to do we're going to connect our store first and then we're going to look at designing the products so go to connect store and from here you can go and click on connect then we're going to go for woocommerce so go and click on connect and then what you're going to do is you're just going to go and grab the name of your website so just go and copy it and we're just going to go and paste that in there now once you've done that just go and click on connect and once you click on connect you will be brought over to this page so for me you can just go and click on approve once you click on approve you will be brought back to your printed fire dashboard so now our woocommerce website is connected to our printf account what we can do is go and design our first product so go to design your first product over here and from here we can go and have a look at what products we want to design now as i mentioned printfire do have a very wide range of different products that you can go and sell on your print on demand store so we just have a go and have a look through men's products you can see there's loads of different men's clothing we have females clothing children's clothing so i'm going to show you how to design a few different products but basically the principles apply to all of the different products so it doesn't really matter which ones you go to design because it's a really easy to navigate design process so what i do kind of recommend is because there's so many sites selling t-shirts at the moment i would say go down the route of selling something else so accessories kids clothes home and living something else that's not so saturated but if you do have some really great designs you still can sell t-shirts if you market them in the right way and obviously it just depends on what you're trying to sell if you're looking and following through this tutorial you probably already have an idea in mind of what you want to sell so what we're going to go for we're going to go for home and living and we're just going to go for posters so over here we're going to have go and have a look at these posters over here so we're just going to go and choose this poster and from here you can go and start designing so over here what you can see is you've got it and it fulfills from two different destinations so you've got one that feels from the full fields from the united states and one that fulfills from the united kingdom so depending on which country you are targeting then you can go and add that to your store so if you're mainly targeting the united states then you can go and start designing with this one if you're targeting people in europe then you can go and start with this one over here so like i said it really just depends on who your target market is who you plan on target marketing your store towards so let's just say for argument's sake we're going to go and use the united states one we can go for start designing now also in here you've got the shipping and details so if you have a look in here you can see if we just scroll down these are all of the different sizes of the posters and then you can see that we have all of the shipping rates down here so you can see there's all of the different shipping rates so once you go and have a look at that like i said we can just go and hit start designing and from here we can go and add in our design so over here you're going to see it's got the print file requirements so maximum file size 50 megabytes recommended size is 7200 pixels by 10 800 pixels so that's a pretty big canvas now when it comes to actually creating designs like i said if you're watching this tutorial you probably have in mind the type of designs you might want to create so you can just go and create this within illustrator or within photoshop whatever you're deciding to use so you can go and create a canvas this size and then you're just going to go and create your design within illustrator using this this size and then you're going to go and add it over here so what we can do is we can go and click on add design you can go and choose your device and then from here you can go and upload your design so let's just say for argument's sake i want to go and add this clint eastwood design over here this is going to be my first poster on my store so you can see over here this is how it is going to look and you can go and make it larger if you want to now as you can see because my design is fairly small it's not the 7200 by 10800 it's coming up as medium resolution so you can go and add in a design that's a bit bigger and it will come up with a high resolution so i do actually have this in a bigger design but just for the purpose of the tutorial we're just going to go and leave this now what you can do is you can go and align your design so i'm going to go and just align this to the center like this and then you can go and add a layer as well if you want to so add another different design so something that could be on top so if i wanted to go and add some text i could add a layer and put the text over the top of this you can also go for your background color so you can go and choose your background color whichever one you want to use now for this poster i'm just going to go and stick with the white one so now that you have done that you have got all sizes as well so you can go and choose all of the different sizes that you want so you can see we can go and redesign it based on the size so for example for this one i might want to go and bring it down to that sort of size so now you can go and choose which sizes you want to have so we i'm just going to go and take all of them so we'll just go for this one we'll go for this go for this so you can see my design sort of fits basically on all of them and except for maybe one of them it was quite close to the edge was it this one i believe so this one i'm just gonna go and change it a little bit for this one as well now you can also go and have a look at the preview as well so if we go and look at the preview then it's going to go and come up and we can see what it looks like so this is what the poster will look like and you can go and look at the preview for all of the different ones that you have designed so we can go and look at the preview for that and go and look at the preview for this one as well and you can go and save these images if you want to so then you can go and use these on your website so now that we've done that let's just go back into edit mode and just make sure we've got all of these ticked so let's just have a look so you can see for some of them it's now saying low resolution because my print file is quite small now like i said i do have a larger version of this but like i said just for the sake of the tutorial i'm just going to continue with this one over here so now that we have ticked all of these so we've got all of these different ones that we want what we can do is so let's just go let's just untick some of these so some of these it won't let me continue because of the low resolution so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go and change this so let's just go and delete this i'm just going to go and add in the larger design so let me just go back and add in a larger design so you can see here this one's a lot bigger 7200 by 10800 so if i go and add this one in now this should come up with high resolution so like i said i recommend obviously when you are adding your designs to add them in with this high resolution because it's going to come a lot come out a lot better when it actually prints and if the resolution is too low you won't actually be allowed to go and create your design so now we can see where i've uploaded that it's saying high resolution over here now once again i'm just gonna go and make this a little bit smaller and once again we can go and just tick it for all of them so now it's saying high resolution for all of them so now i can actually go and save the product as you can see so once again you can just go and preview them make sure that it looks good so you can see this one over here might want to change it because it's being cut off so let's undo that that i just done and we're just going to resize it to something like that like i said make sure you've checked all of your designs now this is for every single product so for t-shirts for example you probably won't really have this sort of problem because t-shirts it will just print for example if you just put it on the side of the t-shirt no matter what size it will just print there so now that we've done that we can just go and hit save product now from here you can go and pick the main image so this is going to be the one that shows on your site so you can go and pick the main image that you want to use so i'm going to go and go for the portrait version or maybe this landscape i don't know anyway but i'm just going to go for that one because i think it just looks nicer and we can just go and hit next now from here you can go and add your product title now obviously i recommend don't just go with the default title over here because that's really boring now i'm going to go for clint eastwood good the good the bad and the ugly no name poster so in that film clint eastwood plays somebody called no name so we can say uh the good the bad and ugly no name poster because that's the film now i don't make these too long once again so as a matter of fact i might actually just get rid of clint eastwood and just put the good bad and the ugly no name and i'm just going to go and put in that like that now over here we can go and add something in our product description so for my description i'm just going to go and put a quote from the film so there are two kinds of people in this world those are guns and those that dig you dig unless you buy the poster so that's just a little play on one of the quotes from the film and then we can just say beautiful and minimalist poster of no name from the good the bad and the ugly so like i said you want to just don't make them too long but it's going to be something to do with your design and then over here we can just go and keep this one in every room deserves to be special these supreme quality posters in various sizes serve statement pieces creating personalized environment to be honest with you probably could just get rid of that and i don't like this bit here so we can just say for indoor use get rid of these colons and full stops and you can go and leave in the 2 265 gsm so people know what it's made from now also over here don't worry because the fonts are different when we actually post it to our website all of the fonts will be on using the fonts that we already set on our website earlier so now we can just go and hit next now from here is where we can go and set the pricing for all of the different variant sizes so as you can see it's got the cost for all of them and then over here we've got the profit so these prices here are looking a bit random so you want to go and obviously make them fairly rounded up so i would say go and have a look at some research and see how much the product that you're trying to sell is selling for and then you can go and try and price it around a similar sort of price so let's just say for this one for example i'm just going to go and sell this for let's say 9.99 and this one as well is going to be 10.99 so as these sizes go up i'm just going to go and put the prices up so this one's going to be 10.99 and then this one can be 13.99 this one can be 15.99 and so on so you can see we've got 17.99 and i'm just going to go and round all of these prices up so let's make 25.99 and then once again we can do the same pricing model for these ones as well so the 455 ones will now be 9.99 so let's come over to here and the next one so you can see this is how you can just go and change all of the pricing it's pretty simple so i'm just going to go and quickly change all of these ones so let's just change this and this one and this one and finally this one now obviously you can go and put whatever price you want if you think you have really nice designs and they're worth more than the pricing that i'm putting in here then or you want to make a minimum of ten dollars on each one then you can go and put the prices up so it's perfectly fine you can go and decide test it out see what works so now it's going to go and hit next and from here we can finally publish the product to our store so if you just click on this you're going to see published product to your woocommerce store if you go and hit publish over here and now that is going to be in our woocommerce website so if we go back over to our website so let's just wait for that to finish publishing and now what we can do is if we click on see in store over here it's going to bring us over to our store now we can go and change this page later so don't worry too much about that for now but as you can see we've got our product over here so you can see we've got our product and the person can go and pick their size whatever size they prefer so someone go for this size or this size or whatever they like so as you can see that's really great now if we go to edit product over here that will bring us back to the backend now we can go and edit the product more within here if you want to so once again you can go and change the product description so what i recommend doing is actually putting your product description is copying this and putting it into the product short description and that's actually going to be the one that shows up at the top of the product page so i'll just show you what i mean by that in a moment now also if we come over to shipping over here we don't have any shipping setup for this product so we will have a look at setting up shipping in a moment but like i said just with the product description you can see i've put the product short description in here so if i hit update now and then once that's updated if we just go to preview changes over here so let's just click on preview changes now we can see the description comes up here as opposed to it was coming up down here before description so actually i would recommend doing is just putting this part in the description down here and then you can keep this bit over here so if i just show you what i mean let's go back to edit product and from here we can go and grab this bottom bit so let's go and grab that and we can put that over here in the description and then if we scroll down we can just leave this where it is so let's just go and leave that hit update and now if we go and preview the product again and now you can see we've got this part over here and then down here we've got a smaller description as well so that is how you can do that now next up what we will look at is adding a category so let's go and have a look at adding a category so if we go to edit product again and from here we can go and add a category so over here we're going to go so you'll see product categories we can go to add new category i'm just going to go and put this as posters and click add new category and now you can see that it's added the posters category and i'm just going to untick it from the anch uncategorized category now it's really important to categorize your products because when we display them on the home page we can to go and display them based on their category so now if we just go and click view products we should be able to see that it's got the category so it's got posters over here now if they click on posters it brings them over to the posters category and obviously we've just got our one product in here so as you go and add more products from printify you can go and expand your categories add in different categories adding more products for each different category so now that we have done that what we will have a look at next is going and just changing our product page layout so if we go to customize over here and from here the first thing i'm going to do is get rid of this sidebar so we go to sidebar over here and instead of having right sidebar we're going to go and choose no sidebar so now we're going to have a full width page like that see that looks so much better already so let's just go and hit publish on that and now i mentioned the shipping earlier so with printfire because we installed the printfire plug-in earlier on in the tutorial it just picks the shipping up for us so i'll just show you what i mean so we don't have to set up any shipping rates because it takes the shipping rates directly from printed fire now for some of the products the shipping rates are fairly high but basically what you need to do is you need to look at where you are going to be marketing towards and then you can go and create the product based of that so basically what i mean by that is i chose the one that is fulfilled in the united states here so if i go to go and ship this product to the uk now it's going to cost me a bit more whereas if i go to go and ship this to united states it should be cheaper so if we just go over to here and i go and add this to the cart and basically then when i go and add this to the cart we can go and have a look at the shipping rate so now that that product has been added to the cart we can go to view cart over here and then from here you will see it says shipping so we've got 1150 because i'm in the uk if i go and calculate this and i go and change this to let's say the united states and hit update we can see it's become cheaper so or i can go for express if i want to so that is how it can go and update the shipping so let's just say say i wanted to go and pick another country let's say turkey let's see what the shipping rates are for turkey we can go and hit update over here and once again you can see 1150 for turkey so it has connected the printf shipping rates to this product because it knows that this product is connected to printfire so that's the really great thing about using printfire you don't have to worry about setting up all of the shipping yourself so basically now that we have done that what i am going to do is i'm going to go and just add a few more products from printfire so then when we are actually building out the front end so the home page of our store it just looks a little bit more full so i'm just going to go and add in a few more products from here now so i'm just going to add in another poster but let's just go and have a look at designing another type of product so we've looked at designing posters but i just want to show you how easy this process is to design different products based off of the same design so if we just go back over to catalog over here and if i just go to home and living let's just say i want to go and design a mug this time so just your generic normal sort of mug so i can just go and pick this over here and then once again i can go and choose where i want to fulfill it from so let's just say i want to go for the us version again and then once again i can just go and add my design so i'll just go and upload my design and from here i can go and have a look so let's just go for who should we go for this time let's just go for ron burgundy so we're going to go for a nice ron burgundy mug so we're just going to go and add this over here and once again this one is high resolution and then you can go to the preview to see where what your mug is going to look like so you can see that's right at the front of the mug so you can see we've got left and right and then we've got that right at the front like that so if i just go back to edit i think i'm just going to make it a little bit smaller because it's like quite flush close to the edges so something like that so now if we go and preview this now we have this cool romberg in the mug that looks pretty cool so let's just go to edit so now we can go and save the product once again and like i said it's that simple to go and design another product so now we can go and pick the image that we want to use so sometimes printful can take a little while to load the images but i'm just going to go for the front one so let's just go and hit next and then from here we can go and once again add in our description so i'll just call this one burgundy mug and then i can just go and once again i can put in a quote or something so i can say let's say that's escalated quickly how did i end up with this mug so we could say something like that just you know taking a quote from the film and then we've got over here perfect for coffee tea hot chocolate bloody bloody blah and once again with these dots i said i don't really like them but that's just my own personal preference so let's just go and get rid of those like that and then we can go to next over here and from here i can go and just adding the pricing so because this one doesn't have any variance it's just a simple mug i can go and add in whatever i like so let's just say we're gonna make this 15.99 and we'll go to next again and then finally i can just publish it straight to the store so i can just go and hit publish so they're just asking me to write printer file we'll do that later on let's just give that a moment to publish to my store so now that has published my store i can go and click on see in store over here and we can see we've got this rom burgundy bug now for some reason it's coming up with the big smoke image so maybe i have added in the wrong image so let's just go back over here so i was testing out my store earlier and i was using the big smoke image quite a lot so it's probably just crossed over with some of the old products that i had and i deleted so that hopefully shouldn't happen for you but if that does happen i recommend just go and delete the product so you can just come in here and delete it and you can just go and redo the product if that does happen for you now once again like i said this is why we go and change the description and put a product short description because i prefer when the description comes up here i think it looks a lot nicer so once again if we go to edit product over here and we can just go and grab this so let's just say this bit over here we can go and copy that and then you can just go and paste it down here so let's just go and paste that down there now once again like i said you can see this image over here is coming up with big smoke so what we'll do is we're just going to go and change this to the wrong burgundy one so i'm just going to go to upload an image and i'm just going to go and change it to my wrong burgundy mug now you can see these are different images i will be showing you how to make these in a moment so let's just go and upload this one over here and then we're just going to go and click on set product image so let's just click on that so now we've just got that one burgundy one instead and if we just hit update and now we can just go and preview this so let's just go and delete these and just hit update now another thing just to mention is that the images that are connected from printify will always be the ones that show so even if you go and change your images here so this one will show in some places but when you actually go and click on the product it's probably still going to show the product for with big smoke on because it's connected to this and like i said because i was messing around with the products earlier it's still going and taking that image so like i said that hopefully that probably shouldn't happen for you if you're setting all up from scratch now over here i can go and add a new category again so let's just go and add mugs and hit add new category and untick it from uncategorized and just go and hit update over here and now we can just go and preview the products so let's just go ahead and click on preview over here and now we can see we've got our own burgundy model like i said it's still coming up with the big smoke picture because it's taking it directly from print of fire and i had that product published earlier but i deleted it but now you can see over here this this looks a lot nicer when this description is up here as opposed to down here so now we've had a look at creating another product within printfire i recommend just going and creating all of your products because later on we are going to go and put them in the front end so in the home page of our store but what we are going to go and look at next we are actually going to go and look at publishing products from printful as well so printful is another company that's similar to printfy a third-party fulfillment company that does print on demand so there will be a link in the description to printful and when you click on that link you will be brought over to this page over here so from here we can click on start selling from here we can go and sign up for printful so once you have entered in your name and email and picked a password just click on sign up then it's just going to ask us why you want to use printful so you can just say start my e-commerce business and click on finish and once you sign up for printful you will then be brought over to your printful dashboard now from here the first thing you need to do is confirm your email address so you can see i've already done that so just head over to your emails you will see an email from printful and just go and click on that and then you should be brought back over here and if you're not just go and click on my printful and you'll be back over to here and it should say you've confirmed your email now the next thing that we are going to do is connect our store so click on connect your store over here and then from here we're going to choose the platform then we're going to go and choose woocommerce and from here we're going to go set up for an existing store so if we scroll down you will see all the things that we need to do so firstly we need to go and set up this legacy api which is really easy to do so we're just going to go back to our wordpress dashboard go to woocommerce and click on settings over here so go click on woocommerce settings and then go to advanced and then from here we're going to go to legacy api and then we're going to go and tick this on enable the legacy rest api and click save changes so now that we've had done that we can go to printful over here so go and click on printful and then just go and click on connect and then once we click on connect we should be brought over to this page and from here just go and click on approve now once you click on that you might be brought over to this page so i'm just going to go and hit continue over here and then you should come over to this page where it says confirm connection so then just go and click on connect to store and then you should just see this green bar saying hold on product data is being synchronized now i'm just going to quickly show you for whatever reason if you do click on authorize and it gives you an error message and it says something along the lines of make sure that the url is correct in your settings then what you need to do is you need to go and change your settings within here so sometimes with printful it doesn't recognize the url and one of the main reasons that that can be is within settings if you go to general over here if this is still set to http so not https then it won't recognize it because our url is https but the url in here is http so just make sure that you go and do that if you are getting that error message so now over here you can see that it says your woocommerce store is now linked so now that we have done that we can actually go and start creating some products now you can see over here it has synced not synced some of these products so it's got some of these products in here and it's saying not synced because these are our printify products so we don't want to go and sync our printer fire products with printful because they're fulfilled by a different company so it's perfectly fine if you go and see that they're not synced just go and leave them that's perfectly fine let's go back to our printful dashboard over here and from here we can go and finally now have a look at creating a product so from here we can go and click on create a product template and then from here we can scroll down and click on create your first product template and then the printful catalog will open up now similar to printfire they have a very large product catalog so go and find the product that you want to design and just a small word of advice maybe you want to think about having similar sort of products on your website so think about your target market your niche market and what they might be interested in instead of just going and trying to design every single product that you can get so from here i'm just going to go and choose a product so let's just go to accessories and let's just go and choose some socks so we're going to choose a pair of socks and then we can go and choose this now from here you can go and set the sizes that you want and then from here you can go and upload your design so where it says drop your design here we can go and click on this then we can go and click on upload just accept the terms so click i accept and now we can go and upload an image so i'm going to go and upload the image who shall we pick this time let's go for jim morrison so we're gonna go and design some jim morrison socks so we're gonna go and upload this so once your image uploads you can just go and click on choose and then from here we can go and design our socks so as you can see this is so the dpi basically just means if it's good then the print quality is going to be decent so anything lower than that you don't really want to use it now as you can see here this is a little bit too large so i'm going to go and try and see if i can make this smaller so what we're going to do is let's just have a look we should be able to make it smaller so if we grab this blue and we can go and bring it down then you can go and align it so we can just go and align it in the middle so let's just align this to the middle like that there we go and you can go and make a pattern if you want to so we could go and do loads of jim morrisons so that's the cool thing about printful is you can go and create different designs like this so we can go and do this tomorrow just everywhere all over the socks but i think as a matter of fact let's go for that looks pretty cool actually so let's just go for that and click on continue and then what we can do is you can go and click on save product template so now that we have done that we should see that we've got our product template here now if we go and view this we can see somebody wearing the jim morrison socks so that looks pretty cool now if we just go and click add to store we can go and add this to our store now so with printful a lot of their products ship from the us and from europe so you can see over here we've got us and europe for the sox so you can just go and have both of those ticked if you plan to go and market to both of those regions and then we can just go and click on proceed to mock-ups now from here you can go and choose the mock-ups that you want to go and use so if you want to have somebody actually wearing them if you want to just have the flat mock-up design like this so you can go and choose whichever one that you want to go and use so i would just go for the flat ones personally but you can always go and download the extra mock-ups if you want to so i'm just going to go for the flat ones now what i recommend is i would recommend going for the png and that just basically just means that it's going to have no background so transparent background because later on we want to have transparent background for when we are adding them to our home page now you can also add additional mock-up styles so if you click on this you can go i can say i've got this over here and i also want to have somebody wearing it so let's say i wanted to go and have this female wearing it here like this so i can go and add the additional ones now we can go and click on proceed to details now from here we can go and add in our titles we can go and say jim morrison socks and then you can go and add your description once again so i could go and say something like this quote from one of the doors songs show me the way to the next whiskey bar and then i could go and say in these socks so just something silly like that and then after that we've just got the specs of the actual socks so what they're made from and how they can be washed and things like that now once again we can go and add that to the small description down below now for some reason this print file area is still here don't worry if you've got that as well that's just a small glitch now over here you've got the size guide as well and then you can go and pick your category so this is being added to mugs now obviously i would want to go and create another category called socks but you can always go and change that later on so that's perfectly fine let's just go and click on proceed to pricing now from here what we can do is we can have a look at the prices so as you can see you can go and see how much profit you want to make so i could just go and change this let's just say to 16.99 and i make a nine pound profit so i'll just go and paste those in there and then all you need to do is hit submit to store and then it's just going to say adding new product to store so just give it a few moments so once you've left it for a few moments just go back over to your store and click on products under woocommerce and now you will see that i've got my jim morrison socks over here now what we need to do is we can just go down here and like i said i can go and change this to socks if you want to so over here i can just go and add a new category now you can see we've got it over here with the transparent background like that which is really cool and then we've got this other one over here because we added those extra mock-ups so as you can see like that and also the great thing about this one is you get the size guide so when you import it the size guide imports with it as well and now like i said we can just go and take this over here as a matter of fact we're going to leave that in there we're going to just go and grab this and we'll just paste it down below so in the product short description and then like i said if you want to add a new category i've already shown you how to do that so let's just go and hit update and now we can go and preview those changes so let's just go to preview changes and we can go and see our product over here so that looks pretty cool and if they click on here they can go and see the jim morrison socks being worn so as you can see there you go and they can go and choose their size and that is basically it for adding products from printful so you can just come in here and you can go and add another product template and just add it to your store it's pretty simple now obviously i will be showing you how to go and fulfill orders with printify and with printful later on in the tutorial but for now i do just want to show you how we can go and enable the printful shipping as well so if we just go over to our cart right now we can see no shipping options were found so what we can do is we can go back to our wordpress dashboard we can go to woocommerce go to settings over here and then if we go to shipping over here so just go and click on shipping and then from here we can go and enable print printful shipping as well just like we've done with printed file so if we go to printful shipping over here and we can go and just tick enable shipping method click on save changes and now hopefully if we go back to our home page and we just go and click on our cart over here and we should be able to see let's have a look if we just go and try a different shipping area so let's try united arab emirates and hit updates there there you go now you can see it is updating this so if we go and change it back to united states and we hit updates and it's saying no options found so that's probably because this one over here is shipping so let's just try united kingdom let's try that and hit updates and see what happens so now we can see it's updating so it could possibly be because within printful we are just fulfilling this one from the europe one so that's why we have no shipping rates for the us so that is how you can go and enable the shipping rates for printful with woocommerce as well but for now the next thing that we are going to go and focus on is building out our home page so go back to your store and click on your home page and then from here we're going to click edit page and then from here what we are going to do is we're going to go and click on edit with elementor and now from here we can actually start designing our homepage so the first thing that we're going to do for our home page is add in a hero image over here so with most websites you see you've got a hero image so that's the big sort of background image especially on e-commerce websites so we're going to go and click plus over here and then we're going to go and just add in a single section like this so with elementor you just add in section by section so we're going to go and add in a single section now from here we're going to go and add in a background image so if you click on this over here these six dots and it will say edit section now from if we go to style we can go to background click on classic and click on image now from here i'm going to go and add in this image over here so this one over here as a matter of fact i'm going to go and upload a different one i think i've got a better one than that that i've just sort of modified so we're going to go in here and let's go to posters let's have a look this is the one over here iconic posters so we're just going to go and upload this and i'll show you how you can go and get an image like this in a moment so let's just go and upload this first and then once again you can just go and put your brand name in and some text like this and just paste it into the alt text and like i said that helps a very tiny bit with google seo so let me just go and click on insert media now obviously you can't see it over here but don't worry about that we're going to go and fix that so what you can do is you can go back to layout over here and you're gonna go to height and you're gonna go and change this to minimum height and you're gonna go and make this as large or as small as you want but i recommend we're gonna go for something like six we're gonna go for something like 650 650 like that now if we go back into style over here we're going to go to size i'm going to go to cover so now you can see it's covered like that now you can see when i go like that it starts to cut this off a bit so what you can do is you can go to position and we can change it let's try top center let's try center center so center center and now you can see that looks a lot better now in order to create images like this which i definitely recommend that you do so because i've just got the posters so these are just plain posters and over here we can go and see that they're in the frame so when i actually create the products within the product description i want to say it doesn't include frame so it's just poster only if you're going to go and do this but this is a great way to go and display your posters with what they would actually look like in a frame now if you want to go and do this what you can do is you can go back to graphic river and once again you can go and create some mock-ups so if you just go and type in frame mock-up or whatever you type of product you're looking for t-shirt mock-up then you can go and find this from graphic river and you can just go and download this and you can just go into photoshop and you can see over here i've just gone and created it it's really easy to do so i'll just show you very briefly so you just go and click on your design over here and you do get instructions with this and you just go and paste your design in there and when you close it it will come in sharp in the middle over here now another alternative to using graphic river is to use place it so place it will allow you to go and create these types of images as well so if i just go to upload image over here and from here i can just go and upload an image so let's just say winston churchill over here we're just going to upload this and you can go and crop it however you like so let's just go for something like that and we'll just hit crop and from here now you can see that's how it's going to be now with this you can go and download it or you can go and pay monthly so i think it's yeah 14.95 a month so 15 a month or you can pay 90 a year and you basically get unlimited mock-ups and there's so many different mock-ups that they've got hoodies mugs tote bags all different types of things that you can get and finally what you can also do is with printfire for example you can just go and download the images so you could go and get the images from here so if we just go and click on this and if i just go and right click this you can go and save this image then you can head over to a website called and basically just go and upload the image and remove the background now the only problem with that is sometimes the quality isn't great so that's why i recommend using either graphic river or place it because when you go and remove the background from the images directly from printer file or even from printful sometimes the quality cannot look that great and if you're doing a large image like this and it starts to look a bit pixelated and fuzzy then that's just going to bring the quality of your website down quite a lot so now i've shown you how you can go and create this just go and add your background image over here and then what we're going to do is we're going to add an overlay so go over to your color palette and choose one of your main colors i'm going to go and add an overlay to this so over here we're going to click on background overlay and i'm going to go to classic color i'm just going to paste our color in there now i'm just going to go and make that one notch darker so opacity just means basically how transparent it is so 0.5 is obviously more transparent than 0.6 so i just like it a little bit dark like that now next up we're going to go and add a heading in here so let's go and just drag a heading in here and we're going to go and center align this and from here we're just going to go and i'm just going to say a main heading so i'm going to say iconic people so actually i'm going to go and change this to all caps iconic people if i can spill it there we go iconic people iconic posters i was going to say something like that and this here is supposed to be a comma now from here we can go and change this if we go to style i'm going to go ahead and change this text color to white then in typography i'm going to go and change the weight and i'm going to make it a bit thicker like that now you can also go and change the size so let's see what it looks like like 50 50 pixels like that so that looks pretty cool iconic people iconic posters and then what we can do is we can go and add in some smaller text so text editor will just add in some smaller text once again if i go to style i'm just going to go and center align this and then i'm just going to go celebrating iconic figures from pop culture history music and film so we could just go and say something like that now obviously depending on what products you're selling this is going to be completely different but like i said just short and snappy so from here we're going to go to style and i'm going to go and change this to white again and once again i'm just going to go and change this to bold and we can just go and change the size maybe maybe let's try 20 something like that that looks pretty cool and now we're going to go and add a button in here and once again center align the button now with the button i'm just going to go and make it this black color just to add some contrast so let's go and go to style and then we're just going to go text color can still be white but the background is going to be black and then with typography let's see if we can change the weight if we need to yeah so that looks pretty cool and we're just going to say shop now okay so now we've got our first main hero image so when they come straight onto our site they just see this now that looks pretty cool now what we're going to do next is we're going to go and add some product sliders so from here we're going to go back over to here and what we are going to do is we are going to type in universal so go and find universal product layout now this is from the plug-in that we installed right at the beginning of the tutorial called woo lentor so if you haven't activated woo lentor or installed it then you won't see this so make sure you go and do that so now we're going to go and paste this in here now now you can see there's some products coming up so what i'm going to do is i'm just going to go and make sure that i have all of my products categorized correctly and then we're going to come back in here and finish this off so i've just got to make sure all of my products are categorized correctly in their correct categories and now we can actually start going and editing this area here now what we're going to do is we're going to create an unlimited product slider for each of our categories on our home page so people can go and look at all of our different products so from here what we can do is you can just go and click on this and firstly we can go to layout settings now we can go and change this to a slider over here so now this is going to become a slider and then from here if we go to query settings we can go and choose category instead so we're going to go for category let's just start off with mugs over here and then we're going to go and change this so you can change this to however many products you want so i think i've got let's say six mugs so we can just go and change this to six so now you can see the arrows come up so if we just go and click on this so this little arrow just lets you see how it's going to look full width now we can see we've got our mugs like this so that looks okay so far now what we want to do is we want to make this area full width so if we click on this section over here instead of having boxed we can go full width like that then you can go and add a little bit of a gap because right now you can see the arrows are getting cut off so i'm just going to go and add a little bit of a gap so over here it says column gap i'm just going to go to wider so now if we go like that you can see the arrows show a little bit now we will go and sort that out in a moment now let's just go back and click over here and what we can do is we you can go to where it says content settings you in here you can go and change all of this so if we go to title hide we can get rid of the title we can get rid of the price i'm just going to go and hide the category and just have the title and the price like that now also you may notice over here we've got this action button so this basically allows them to do a quick view and they can go and add it to the cart now this is a really cool feature i think it's actually quite nice but the only thing about this feature is is that when we go to the mobile version so if you go to responsive mode you can go and have a look at what your site's going to look like on a mobile so you can see over here here's mine on a mobile now let's just go and see on a mobile it's actually okay to be fair as well now all of these weird scrolls won't come up on actual real-life mobile so this will probably be quite squashed so like i said it's totally down to you test it out and see if you want to use it on a mobile but personally i just think sometimes it can cause more trouble than it's worth so i'm just going to go and you can go and turn these off so if we're clicking here we can actually go to action buttons and just click to not show them so it'll just be like that now if you go to image settings you can go and change how the image is going to look so if i go to gallery tab now obviously these ones only have one image but if you've got more than one image it will show all of them in a gallery tab or you can go for a slider so they can actually slide the actual images now still personally i prefer just the single image like this now you can also do a countdown timer but once again i really don't think that these are that necessary now within the slide options you can see how many products you want to go and add to your slider so i want to to add four i think four looks nice like that and i think that the quality of the images come out a little bit better when it's a 4 like that so now you can go and see that it's like that now we can go and change the actual colors as well so if we go into style we can go and change the colors of this which we will be doing for our next category so border color i would just recommend having the same color as the background now i'm just going to go and get this sort of off-white color i'm going to have for this bit here so you can go and change the complete background by going to the section go to style and we're going to go and change the complete background to this sort of off-white and then we're going to go and change this as well so let's go and click on this and from here we're going to go and the border color is going to be this color so make sure you add in your hashtag in there and then you've also got your background color so if we go to background color you can go and change that as well so now you can see that it's looking like that so it's looking really good now we can also go and change the typography color so i'm going to go for the black that i'm using so let's come in here so we've got the product badge so i don't think let's try product badge so i think product title is the only one that we've got and product price yet so we can come in here we can go and change the product title color and also the product price color so regular price is going to be this color like this now i just want to have a look at what the hover color looks so you can see it's coming up gold so if we want to go and change that in the hover color over here so you see title hover color now i'm not going to have any hover color i'm just going to go and have it the normal color that it is so now when you hover on it it's just a regular color now in typography you can also go and change the actual font so if we've got product price over here i'm going to go and change it to the font that i'm using so i believe that is montaga so if we go and choose montaga there we go that looks a lot better and then the product title let me go and have a look at the font i'm using for product title so let's come back in here so i actually remember it was overpass i believe it's called so let's come back in here and this might already be on overpass anyway if i'm not recognizing it correctly but i'm just going to go and do it just to make sure so overpass let's go and choose overpass yep so we're already using that so now you can also go and once again change the size so if i want to go and change this to let's say 20 and then go and change the price size to maybe let's say 15. so it's like that and that looks pretty cool so now we can go and also change our arrows so if we just go to action button style so not action button slider control style so over here and now you can go and change the color of the arrows so i'm just going to go once again and change them to this black color so let's go and change that and you can also go and change the background if you want to so you can see now that looks a little bit weird so we're going to just change it back to white and you can also go and change the border color as well so i'm just going to go over to border type over here we'll just go to solid and let's just see if we change that to black yet so now you can see that's gone to back black around the outside so let's just go and have a look if we just hit update over here that just makes sure that your site is saved so now we can see we've got our product slider that looks pretty cool and they can slide all of the different mugs now what we're going to do is next we are going to go and add in a title over here so let's add a heading above this and we're just going to go and call this iconic mugs so that's a bit of a play on words in the uk we use the word mug to sort of as a disrespect so it's kind of like iconic mugs but also iconic mugs and it can also refer to somebody's face as well so that's why that's a bit of a play on words but anyway that's just for this specific site um so what we can do is we can also go and add in a spacer in here and that just sort of leaves a little bit of space over here so it's not all crammed up together so now that we've done our mugs next up what we can do is really easily we can just go and right click and we can click duplicate section and basically that just means we don't have to redo redo everything that we just done all of the work now we can just go and change the category so we just come over here and we go into query settings i'm just going to go and change this now to posters and now we have our posters category now that looks really cool and like i said for these ones i've just used the mock-up with a transparent background so the frame mockup from graphic river and just with a transparent background so you can see it's just like that so that looks really cool i'm really pleased with that but what we are going to do is we're going to go ahead and change the color of this section so we're going to go and make this one the blue color so let's go and copy this and we're going to go to the background here go to style and then color and let's change it to that and then we're going to go and change this as well so we're going to go and change this so we'll go into style over here so let's just click that again and i'm going to go to background change that to that and also we need to look for the border color so border color over here i'm going to change that and now we need to go ahead and change the product category not the product catchy the product title so i'm going to go ahead and change this to white and when it's hovered it's also going to be white and the price so like i said you don't have to just do everything again you just have to change a few little things and we can go and change this one over here as well so let's go and change this to white as well so now what we're going to do is as well actually i'm going to just go ahead and change this so some stuff is just trial and error on your site so i'm going to go and change this to not too thick like that maybe let's try 700 700 i think looks pretty cool and we're going to do that for this one as well so we'll come in here we'll go to weights and change it to 700 and this one is going to be iconic posters so now let's open this out our homepage is coming together it's looking pretty cool now this is just one way of doing things i actually really like this style where we've got all of our marks all of our posters and each different category and like i said you don't have to go and do this but i personally just think it looks really cool and then finally what we're going to do is we're just going to go and add in one more so we're just going to go and duplicate this again and this time we're going to go and add in the stationary section so i'm just going to come into here and i'm just going to go and delete this poster section and now we've just got our stationary over here now as you can see we need to just go and change a few things on this but we don't want to have so i never recommend you always want to have a contrast between each of your sections so as you can see we don't want to have just a massive blue area here so i'm just going to go and change this to a sort of grayish light gray so just this one over here so this section is going to be a sort of light lighty gray so once again we can come into here and we can paste this sort of light gray in so we're just going to go for that and then we need to just once again just change a few things so we can go and click on this and we can go change the border color so like i said with elementor it's really easy to go and just change things like this very simple and then we can go and change all of these colors here so let's go and you just want to keep your consistencies and make sure you're using the same colors throughout and this one and we've got the regular price and we've got the sale so let's have a look for sale price that's one over here so that's like that and finally we can just go and change this one to black so now we have our iconic this one's going to be stationary so now if we hit updates and let's just open this one out now we can see we have our iconic station now this one here i've just put in recent products so when we scroll it's showing all of the recent products but what we can do is if i just come into here i can just go and change this slider so that it's only going to show four products so if we go to slider options sorry let's go to this one product limit we could just change it to four so that is how our homepage is going to look now the really great thing about this as well is if you go to mobile you can see it still looks good on a mobile and you can go and change the amount of products you have on a mobile as well so for example if we come into here as a matter of fact let's go into this one we can go and change this and it's really simple so what you can do is if you go to content over here you can go to slider option and you will see mobile phone so you can see slider items on the mobile phone if i change this to a two and now we can see we've got two slider items so now if we just have a look here on a mobile you can go and see that it's got two now personally i think it just looks a little bit too small like that so i would just leave it as one because the arrows indicate that it can be slided so people can scroll through it now one last thing that we want to do with these sections we can go and add some padding so basically padding is something that you can add around any element so if we just come over here and we just click on this this whole large section if we go to advanced and basically where it says link values together that basically just means if i type 10 in here it adds 10 padding all around the edge now if i want to just add to the left and the right so let's go and delete this we can unlink these values and what i'm going to do is i'm going to add some right padding and some left padding and you can you see the arrows moving like that so as a matter of fact let's have a look one more time let's try maybe 15 each side so we'll try 15 and now you can see the arrows are just a little bit more complete so what we're going to do is we're going to just do that for all of our sections so we'll just come in here now i could have done this earlier and just duplicated it but i just wanted to show you this separately so we can unlink the values and we can go and do 15 and 15 and finally this one as well so unlink the values and do 15 and 15. so now we can go and hit update and we should be able to see oh so this one doesn't have any arrows because i've done a maximum of four products and there are only four products so you can't actually scroll on this one but for the other ones you can see now let's just go and view the page let's go and have a look at how that actually looks so you can see our homepage is looking really good now like i said you can just keep it simple with your print on demand store we don't have to do loads of fancy things with our homepage now what we can do is we've got iconic posters over here and i want to link this button up so we're going to go and link our buttons up now to each of these different areas so we're going to have a menu and in the menu we're going to have all of our different categories we're going to have mugs posters stationary and as many different categories as you want and we can just link them straight over here let's go to hit edit with elementor over here so from here what i'm going to do is what we are going to do is add in an anchor menu so let's type in anchor so a menu and cart is basically just a link to any part of your site so if you just go and drag that in here now we're going to call this one mugs so that one's going to be mugs and then we're going to go i don't know if that's added into there has it no just wanted to make sure so now we're gonna go and add another one in so this one we're gonna go and add in so once again just type in anchor and this one is gonna go and be called posters and then finally you can just go and duplicate things so if we just right click and hit duplicate and we can just go and drag this above stationary now and then just make sure you change the name to stationary so now if we just go and hit update what we can do is we can go and add a button in so firstly let's go and do our shot now button so over here we're going to go and grab our url so grab your url and then in link you're going to paste it and then after that you're going to put hashtag posters so that's going to link to this one over here the posters id so let's go and hit updates and let's just make sure that that is working so we go to view page and now they can see iconic people iconic posters they click shop now and it comes straight down to the posters so now what we can do is we can actually go and do that for the rest of our menu over here so in order to go and change our menus just make sure that you remember what you named it so we called this one stationary we called this one here mugs and obviously we called this one here posters so we're going to go back over here and we're gonna go and create our first menu so we're gonna go to appearance and menus over here now we're gonna go and name our menu so this can just go and be called main menu that's why i always call my header menus then we can go and click on create menu now from here we can go and add in some custom links so the first one is going to be this so you always have to go make sure you put in the name of your domain with the https and then we're going to go and put hashtag posters and then the link text can just be posters on its own then we go and add that to the menu so that's our first menu link then the next one we're going to go and paste it in again this time we're going to put hashtag mugs and we can go and add in mugs so let's go and hit add over here and then the last one we can go and paste in and this one is going to be called stationary now you can do this with as many menus as you want to so let's go and hit add and then over here display location is going to be the primary menu now also you can go and add in other things so for example i could go and add in my account so i can go and add that to the menu and that can be and you can go and drag these so you can go and drag the menus however you like now you can also go and add in the cart the checkout if you want to so i recommend maybe adding those in so let's go and add those in as well so that way people can always just go and access their cart and their checkout so let's go and hit save menu over here now if we just come over to the front end of our store now we can see if i go and click on posters it comes down to here if they click on mugs it comes to here if they click on stationary it comes down to here now you can see these are coming up blue and that is because in our customize area if we go to customize and then within the global settings so we go to global and we go to colors and go to base colors and we can see our link color is blue so if i change the link color to black that should change to black so let's go and do that and we should see you can see now they've come up black instead so that's looking really good now one thing that we are actually going to do instead of having this checkout and cart like this we just want to have the little shopping cart so let's go back over here so click back and click back again and back one more time then we're gonna go to header over here and we're gonna go to primary menu and where it says last item in menu we're just gonna go and choose woocommerce and now you can see we've got the little cart like that so now where it says hired last item in menu or mobile just untick this because we want to have it also on the mobile menu so if we just go over here now when they click on the menu so you can't see it from here oh there we go we've got it over there as well now let's just go and test this out last item on menu outside menu so let's just go and choose that so we should be able to see that it comes out like this so you can have it like that if you want to on your mobile version but personally i think that just looks a little bit strange so we're just gonna go and get rid of that and then just go and hit publish now we're just gonna go and remove those menu items that we don't need so we don't need the the cart and the checkout so once again if we just go back to our dashboard and we're going to go to appearance and menus over here and we can just go and actually just remove this so let's go and remove this remove the checkout we can keep my account because i think my account's pretty important to have so now let's go over to our home page so now we can see we've got this over here they can go and view the cart and check out if they want to and they can go and click to the posters and they can also go and click to the mux now what you might notice here is when we scroll the menu actually goes away now we can go and add a sticky menu so if we go back over here and then we can go to plugins add new and from here we can go and type in sticky header so go ahead and type in let's try that again sticky header and from here we're going to go and add in this one over here so sticky menu on scroll so just go and click on install now and then just go ahead and click on activate and once this has been activated if we go to the home page of our website now we can see we've got our sticky menu so people can just go and click on any of these as they scroll so now you can see that's basically our homepage done and it's looking really good really clean it's got all of our products on and from here what they can do is they can just go and pretty much click on any product they want so for example if they were to go and click on the good the badly ugly poster and it just brings them over to here and you know they can just do the rest add to cart view the cart and you can see the car updates over here we've got the shipping over here so they can go and change their address so let's say i live in spain we can go and update this and once again it's still the same price even to spain but as you can see really simple now if we just go back to our homepage the next thing that we are going to go and look at doing we're going to go and create some other pages that we can put in our menu so we're going to go and create the about us the contact us privacy policy terms of service and all of those necessary pages so from here we're going to go back to our wordpress dashboard over here and then from our wordpress dashboard we are gonna go to pages and i'm gonna go and click on add new now we're gonna start off with an about us page so just go and type in about us and then from here we're just gonna go and hit edit with elementor so from about us it's a pretty simple page to create so firstly we're just going to go and add in a single section and basically for all of these pages i always just like to go and create one image that i can use for all of the pages and just add a header in so i'll just show you what i mean so we'll just go to style over here and we're just going to go to a classic background add an image and we'll just go and upload an image and i'm just going to go and upload this about us image that i have created so i'm just going to go and upload that and now that that has uploaded let's just go and insert that and what we can do is we can go and change the height of this section again so we're going to go to heights and do a minimum height so we can do it like this and then we're going to come back in here and we're just going to go to size and just go to cover now let's just go and see what that looks like so it's looking like that so let's just go for a center center align so i'm going to make that just a little bit bigger so we come into layout and we're going to change that to 500 like that now you can see this is just an image i have created within photoshop so i've just gone and put the images that i've been using for the products just with this sort of grainy background so now if we come back over here i'm just going to go and add an overlay on this so just add this blue overlay just because it looks a little bit overbearing like this so let's come over here go to background and we'll add an overlay so let's just go and add an overlay like that so that looks much nicer now this time i'm going to make it even darker so i'm going to add it like that and now all we have to do is just add a heading and we can go ahead and center align this heading and just say about us and then once again all you need to do is just change your styling so typography let's change it to 80 like that and we're going to change this to 700 and that's basically it so now we need to do is just go and add in some text so you just go and have a look at some other sites that are similar to your site and to write an about us page it's not really that important so we'll just come in here as long as you've got something in there so for example i've just had a look at this one four walls don't make it home so you could go and do something similar to this so let's just go from here i'm just going to go ahead and paste that in like that and what we can do is just make sure you always add in spaces they just make your site look a lot cleaner so that's that and then we can just go let's say for example and just copy this bit here now i don't recommend copying any information from other sites always write it yourself but just to give you the sort of idea of what you can do so there you go there's a very simple about us page so you can just go for something like that now obviously this one over here the about page is a little bit longer so you might want to make it a little bit longer just add some extra stuff to it when you started the store what was your inspiration all those types of things should really be included on an about us page but as you can see i just wanted to show you so you can go and basically we're going to just replicate this image now so keep this open over here i'm going to keep this page open because now we can just go and copy and paste stuff so the next page that we're going to create is going to be a contact us page so we're just going to go right click and exit to the dashboard and we're going to keep this about us page open so from here we're going to go and install a plugin so go to add new i'm going to go and install a plugin called wp forms so go and install plugin called wp forms this one over here and just click on install now and once it has finished installing we're going to go and click on activate now once it has activated you will be brought over to this page from here we're going to go and click on create your first form now from here we're just going to go and click on create a simple contact form so we're just going to go and click on this and from here we can just go and have this simple contact form name email comments that's basically all we need now in settings is where we're actually going to go and set up the notifications so send to email address right now it's saying admin email address so that's basically the email address that you use when you first installed wordpress now if you want to go and send this to a professional email address you can go and create a professional email just so we come up to site tools again and we go to email and we go to accounts now from here you can go and create a professional email address so you'll see your domain over here so you can just go and call this something like contact and then just go and choose a password so go choose a password and then just go and hit create so oh so you can see i've already created this one over here so once you create it then from here you can just go to login to webmail and it will bring you over to your new professional email address so now you can go and start receiving emails into here so if we use this one over here and then we head back to our forms over here we can go and say send to our professional email address the email subject is just going to be new entry so it could be the name of your store so you can just say or say customer inquiry and then you could go and put your domain or something like that the from name is going to be from your domain the from email is going to be the admin email so you can go and just put in the email address again and that's basically it so now we need to just go and hit save and we can can go and embed this form so if we click on embed you're going to go and copy this so just copy this now what we're going to do is actually instead of copying this let's go back to our wordpress dashboard again so click back to your about page right click and open your wordpress dashboard again and from here we're going to go to add a new page and then we're going to go and type in contact us and this is going to be our contact us page and now let's go and hit edit with elementor and then from here what you can do is from your about us page we can right click copy this whole section click on the plus button and click paste now from here we can just go and change this to contact us now if you want to you can always go and make this section a little bit smaller so maybe that's a little bit too big so we could go and change it to 400 or 300 something like that let's just say 400 and now from here we're gonna go and copy the embed so come back over here into wp forms copy this embed code and then what we're going to do is we're going to go and add a text editor in here and we'll go ahead and paste that in there go to style make it to the center click publish and now let's go and view the page and now we can see that we have our form now it's looking a little bit weird and that's because i center aligned it i believe so if we go back to edit with elementor and then from here we can go and change this once again so let's click back onto this we can go and left align it let's just left align it like that and also you might want to go and say how long you're going to take so we will look to get or sorry we'll aim to get back to you in one to three working days so you can go and say something like that so let's just go and align it like that and we can go and add in a spacer again so let's go and add in a spacer and you can see that that just makes it look a little bit cleaner and maybe we just want to think about adding a spacer in at the bottom as well so the button just isn't as close down there so what we can do is let's just go and add in a spacer over here and i can see that just adds in a little bit of space there so it's not so close to the footer so now we can just go and hit update and now we need to do is just go and create a few of the other pages so finally let's just go back over here so let's just go and click on exit to dashboard and now we're just going to go and create our privacy policy now when you install woocommerce you do get a privacy policy already so they create one for you now just trash this one because this one has been created so that it's not created with elementor so we can't go and build it how we want to so let's just go and delete that one so we just delete it permanently and also you will see a page over here a sample page if you see that just trash that as well because that just takes up unnecessary space that we don't need so we can just go ahead and delete that and then let's go and add our privacy policy so we'll go over here and we're going to go and add in a privacy policy and then we're just going to go and hit edit with elementor now once again we can just go and copy this section as a matter of fact i'm going to go back to my wordpress dashboard and i'm going to copy this section from the contact us page so let's go and open up the contact us page so we'll just go and click to our wordpress dashboard again and from here we're going to go to pages all pages and then just edit with elementor on our contact us page and then from here i'm just going to go copy this section and just paste it in here and we're just going to go ahead and change this to privacy so try and keep consistency so you've noticed i've been using all caps on all the other pages so you're going to want to do that on all of your pages just to make sure everything's consistent now in order to generate a privacy policy you can use a website called get terms dot io and basically you can go and generate a free privacy policy now if you're going to be running your store to multiple different current countries then i recommend that you go and get this just pay 49 it's a one-off fee and it's a fully comprehensive privacy policy terms of service and a cookie policy and especially if you're doing facebook ads and you've got a facebook pixel or you're doing google ads and you're doing retargeting and things like that you're going to need this so for a one-off fee or 49 to protect yourself and stop yourself from getting sued i think this is worth it but if you're just starting out then maybe just go for your basic policy so we need to do is just go type in your domain com and once again your domain your email address and all of those things and once you have entered all of that in you just need to say i understand and agree and just click on generate terms and from here you can just go and copy your privacy policy so just go and click copy to clipboard i'm gonna come back over here i'm just gonna go and paste that in pretty simple stuff so we're just going to go and paste that in here so now you can see we've got our privacy policy now just what you want to do is you can get rid of that top bit there just adding some space here so where you need to go and add it in just go and add in the space so that the text isn't all cramped up together and you can just delete this bit here where it says generated by get terms just get rid of that as well and then once again just like all the other pages we've done we'll just go and create and just add in the space our top and you can do bottom as well if you want to and then all you need to do is go and do the same for your terms of service page so you just create a page exactly the same and just go and copy your terms of service and just go and paste it in there as well and just make sure that it looks good i'm not going to go and do this because we're just going to be replicating the same thing now one thing that i do want to show you is just with these pages when you go into the mobile view you'll notice that the text is very large so just come into style over here and you can go and change the typography for a mobile so over here if i go and let's say i change this to 25 maybe let's go a bit bigger 30 let's try 40. so you can go and do that so make sure you go and do that for all of your pages and once again also for a tablet so we can save your tablet it looks perfectly fine so make sure that all of your pages look responsive and you're double checking all of them so let's just go and hit publish so now let's go and look at creating a returns and refund policy so for returns and refunds so we're going to go and exit to our dashboard and we'll create a new page so just go and hit add new and we'll just call this returns and refunds and we'll just hit edit with elementor and then once again we're just going to go and copy that main header area so let's just go with the contact us one and we're just going to copy that main bit and basically for returns and refunds all of your items will either be returned to printful if you're using printful or printed file so we'll just have a look at their policy in a second so let's just go and copy this and we'll go and paste this in here and then once again we'll just go and write in returns and refunds and then like i said you can go and change this for a mobile so if we just come in here we can go to typography and let's just go and change this to 40 like that now for returns and free refunds you're going to want to have a look at the return policy for printful so basically the way printful works is they put their shipping address on it so if we go into settings and go to returns you can see all sent products are marked with printful's return address for your convenience now anything that is returned you still have to go and pay for the shipping so you don't think that they just give you free returns but their shipping address will be on there so it gets returned back to them then if you resell it again it gets sent out if there's a defect or there's something wrong with the product then printful will actually refund you all of it so you can go and put in your address if you want to so you can go and click change address in here if you want the items to be returned to yourself now with printify whatever you have in my account so whatever the address you have here is what will show as the returns address so make sure if maybe if you want to use a po box or a different address then that's going to be the address that is the shipping the sorry returns address that is over here so make sure you've got the correct returns address in here unless you want your customers to start returning it to some random place now with printer files returns all of the items get returned back to you and then you can decide if you want to resell them but unless there's something wrong with the product then printfire will not refund you the product for no reason at all and also if the customer puts in the wrong address or something like that you're still responsible for the returns and the refunds and all of those types of things so also we have over here where the returns are sent so you can see in here for america anything from printful that ships out from the us it gets returned to here if it's in europe it gets to return to here if it's spain it gets returned to here now also you do have the printful policies for your store that you can go and copy so if we just go and click on this i'll leave a link in the description to this and what you can basically do with this is if you scroll all the way down to the bottom so where is it not that far just over here you'll be able to download the free store policy so you just put in your email and you just download a pdf and it's basically just this pdf over here so you can see we've got returns so you would just go and copy this what is your returns policy and then you can go and copy this and then also you can also go and create an faqs page and a delivery page so delivery so you can go and copy just copy this information so i'll just show you it's really easy to do so for example for returns we can go and copy this so let's just copy up to here for example and we can go and put that in our returns and refunds page so if we go to desktop view over here and then we just paste in a text editor and you can just go and paste that in and then all you need to do so let's go and add in a spacer just make sure your text looks good so you can just go and do it like this and just bold everything up so just hit bold like that now also another thing that you can do if you really want to go the extra mile you can go and add in tabs so if we just go and type in tabs over here um so you could go and if i just go and put a tab in here you can go and do it this way so instead of saying what is your returns policy you can go and have it as a tap so tab one what is your returns policy and then we can go and copy this and paste this in here and then you can say tab two do you offer refunds and you just put tab two in so it's totally up to you how you want to go and style it this probably does look a little bit cleaner so then if for example if we was to delete this we can go and do it like this now this is where it can get a little bit confusing so don't get confused so basically when it comes to returns and refunds if you're dealing with two different fulfillment companies so if you're dealing with printify and printful then you're gonna have to go and put in both of their returns policies so you can see over here what's your returns policy we don't offer returns exchanges but if there's something wrong with your order please let us know by continue at us and then obviously insert your email here do you offer returns a refund sorry then refunds are only offered to customers that receive the wrong items or damage if these apply please contact us and you can put email in with photos or wrong of damage so that basically both applies to printful and printify and then you just go and contact printful or printf with the images they send you or ask you for what is a return now if it's the wrong size then with printful because it's been sent with their address on it will get sent back to them and then they issue the customer refund but you have to pay for the packaging and with printify it will come with your address so it will get sent back to you so either way they'll have the address of the return so you don't really need to worry about that but you can always go and put in another question for example like this where should i return my item like this and then you can say please return the item to the address on your package if you cannot see a returns address then please contact us at and then just put your domain your professional email address that we created earlier so like i said because basically printify prints the returns address with your address so like i said the one that is in here and printful will have the returns address as their address so either way the customer will have the address that they can return it to but if you're using both of them so if using printify and printful then any ones that come to you you're going to know they're from printfire and any returns that go to printful obviously for printful so this is how you can go and just create a returns and refunds now you can go and have a look into more detail into this i believe if we have a look can you exchange they don't offer exchanges so you might want to go and obviously add this in here as well and then you can also go and basically create another page that's going to be in faqs so on the faqs page you can go and add in stuff about the orders of how my products made how do i track my order if i've received the wrong product so you're gonna go and basically create another page just like this one exactly like this with some tabs on and you can go and copy this and then it's the same with printify most of the same things applies the same for printful so over here if we have a look at printful where you can see if your shipping method includes tracking you'll see the tracking link via email that basically is the same for printful and also when you're creating your shipping page so you can go and create a shipping and delivery page over here it says it takes three to seven days to fulfill an order and that's basically the same like i said for both companies so you can just go and put this in because if we have a look at the shipping rates so let's go and just find some shipping rates so over here printer fire shipping rates it depends on which product you use but if we go and look at some of the rates so for example let's go and look at this one and then we'll go and look at one from let's go and look at this one from the united kingdom so once from the us so you can see here three to seven business days and five to eight business days so you can just go and copy this for your delivery page and then if we have a look at this one over here one to three business days and eight to 15 and then 10 to 30. so if you go and have a look 10 shipping is up to 30 days now within this policy over here is up to 20. so if you're using for example if you're using this prodigy one over here then you might want to go and change your shipping policy to say it's up to 30 days for international shipping so like i said but generally as a rule of thumb most of the printer fire and printful delivery stuff are pretty much the same so you can just go and have one delivery page and like i said you can just go and create it the same with this so it'll be delivery sorry shipping and delivery and then down here you can have a tab and within that tab you would have all of these different questions so for example over here where will my order ship from we work with an on-demand fulfillment company with facilities worldwide so that applies to both printful and printify so like i said you can just go and download this and just copy these into the tabs for another page for shipping and delivery the same as our returns and refunds page because the rules apply for both printify and printful so that's why i said don't really get too over confused with this stuff because the rules basically apply for both so once you have done that just go and hit publish so now let's just go and view that page so now that we have gone and created all of these pages so like i said you just need to go and create the shipping and delivery page just in the same way that you've created this so you're just going to go and add some tabs like this and now that you have done and created your privacy quality terms of service contact us and all of the necessary pages we need to go and add them to our footer so in order to do this we're going to go back to our wordpress dashboard over here and from here we can go and create some menus for our footer so go to appearance over here and we're going to go to menus and we're going to go and create some new menus so what we can do is if we go over here we can go and click on create a new menu and from here we're going to go and firstly call this one let's call this one legal so this is going to be the legal menu so let's just go and click on create and basically just for this one all we're going to do for this is add in our privacy policy and our terms of service and just click on add to menu so we'll just go and add that in there and i'm just going to put the privacy policy at the top so then just go and hit save menu and now from here what we can do is we can go and create a new menu and we can just go and call this one about and click on create menu so now with for this one we're going to go and add the shipping and delivery page the returns and refunds the contact us and the about us and just go and hit save menu oh so make sure you actually add them to the menu and then you can go and rearrange them however you like so you can go put the contact us at the top whatever you want to do so now that we have gone and saved that we can go and add in where we want to so you can go and put it as a footer menu but we don't really need to do that anyway so what we can do is we can go over to the front end we can go and click on customize and from here what we can do is we can go and add those menus to our footer so from here we're going to go to footer over here and then we're going to go to footer widgets now if we just scroll all the way to the bottom then you're just going to go and click on this so the four footer widgets come up over here now you can go and change the color of your footer so i'm going to go and change the color of mine to match the rest of my store so we're going to go and change this and i'm going to go to background and change it to this as well and then basically what we can do is if we go back now so click back and click back again and then we're going to go to widgets over here and this is where we can go and add in those widgets so from here we've got footer widget one so click add widgets and then we're going to scroll down i'm going to choose navigation menu and from the navigation menu we're going to go and select the menu that we created so we're going to go and select the about menu and then in here we can just go and type in about so now we've got about contact us shipping into returns and refunds and about us so now we can go and add in another one so go add widgets and go to navigation menu and then from here we can go and add in the legal menu so we just type in legal add in legal and you can go and do that and you can go and name these whatever you want so for example instead of naming about oftentimes you'll see websites where they just called it help or something like that so you can go and do that now for the other two areas i often just like to go and add in the contact form and a search bar so if we go over here we can just go and add in a search so you can go and add that in just to go and fill these areas up so we can go and add in a search and you can also go and add in your contact form again so we've got to add widgets and we should go to wp forms and then from here you can go and select your form so you have a contact us page but we also have a contact form down here as well so we can go and just change this to contact us and now you can see we've got contact us as well so that's another alternative and then finally the very bottom over here so if we go to the very bottom we can go and change this very bottom footer so let's just click this again and go to footer footer bar and then what you can do is you can get rid of this powered by astra if you want to and then you can go and change the background color so if we change the border color and change the background color you can go and do that now that's totally up to you if you want to you can just get rid of it completely if you don't think that having that is very necessary and you can just have your normal footer like that so i'm just going to go and hit publish now and then if we go and close this we can go and see if we scroll to the bottom we have our footer here so we've got our legal pages all of our pages a contact us form and a search bar and they can obviously go over to any of these pages so if they go and click on about us it brings them to the about us page and this stays on every single page and that is basically it for all of those necessary pages that we need to create now the last couple of things that we need to do is go and look at the woocommerce settings so we need to go and look at the emails that get sent out to customers when they make a purchase and also setting up the payment gateways and then we will look at fulfilling orders so from here just go and click back to your wordpress dashboard and then from your wordpress dashboard just going to go to woocommerce and click on settings over here now firstly under settings we have the general settings that we already set up so in the beginning so you've got your address and your currency so you can always go and change that in here if you want to now one thing that we need to set up is the emails as i mentioned so come into emails over here and basically every time a new order is processed on your store the new order email will be sent to this email over here so you can go and change this to your professional email address or you can just leave it to the email address that's already in here but just make sure that you have access to this email just because like i said this is where you will be notified that a new order has come through same with cancelled and failed orders so you can go and change this to whatever you like then over here you've got the from address so this is the one that gets sent to the customer when they actually purchase a product so the confirmation email so from you're going to go and put your domain in there and then the from address i recommend putting your professional email address that we created earlier so contact so the one that you can access through siteground over here so like i said the one we created right over here and you're just gonna go and put that in there now over here you can go and change the base color so what i recommend is just going and changing it to one of the colors from your store so i'm just going to go and change it for example to this blue color and then over here you've got the footer text so i recommend just getting rid of built with woocommerce and then just go and hit save changes then you can always go and preview this so if you click on click here to preview your template and you can see this is how it's going to look so it's pretty basic but you don't want it to be anything over the top as long as it just looks branded to your store then that's perfectly fine now one other thing that we need to do is if we go accounts and privacy over here we need to go and attach our privacy page so go to select page over here and then go to privacy policy and click on save changes so now that we've done that the next thing that we want to do is set up payments so if we click on payments over here you'll see that we only have paypal over here now what we want to do we want to give people the option to pay with paypal and with debits or credit cards so we go to plugins and then over here we're going to go to add new and we're going to go and add a couple of plugins so firstly we're going to go and add in stripe so just go and type in stripe over here and we're just going to go and click on install now on this one woocommerce stripe payment gateway and then we are just going to go and type in paypal so go type in paypal and we're just going to go and install this one woocommerce paypal checkout payment gateway now from here we're just going to go and click on activate on this one so click activate on this and then if we scroll down under our plugins we've got stripe so activate stripe as well so now that we have activated those we're going to go back to woocommerce and click on settings and now from the settings once again we're going to go and click on payments and from here now you can see that paypal checkout has been activated and we also want to activate stripe so just go and turn stripe on over here now in order to connect our paypal account we can just go and click on manage over here and then all you need to do is just go and click on set up an existing paypal account or sorry set up or link an existing paypal account so you just go and click on that if you don't have a paypal account when you click on that you can go and sign up for one so let's just go and click on it and i'll show you what i mean so you just click on this over here and then like i said all you need to do is go and enter in your details so you just go and connect your paypal account it's really easy and then people can go and pay with paypal now in order to go and do stripe let's go back to payments over here and then we're going to come over to stripe click on manage once again and then from here you're going to make sure strap is enabled now you've got test mode so let me just go and delete this because this is not what we need but over here you'll see the publishable key and the secret key so what you need to do is you can go and sign into your stripe account now if you don't have a strap account don't worry you can just go over to and just sign up it's really easy you just enter in your email pick a password and then once you actually sign up you do have to go and send them a form of id just so they can verify you're a real person and you may also have to go and send them a verification of your address so like a bank statement or something like that now once you have done that you can go over to your strap dashboard and what you're going to do is you're going to click on developers over here and then you're going to click on api keys now from here i'm in the test version so basically over here you can see if you enable test mode it's going to ask you for a test publishable key and test secret key but if you untick this you're going to see live publishable key and live secret key so basically you need to just come into api keys untick test mode and then you get the publishable key and the secret key and all you have to do is just paste them in here so we've got live publishable key you just paste it in here live secret key you just paste it in here and all you have to do then is just hit save and that's it so then once you have done that then you will have your stripe account and your paypal account connected to your store and people can start making payments so that's basically it so now that we have done that let's go and have a look at how we can fulfill orders so in order to fulfill an order you can just go to orders over here and you will see all of the different orders that you've got from your site so i'm just going to create some dummy orders when you click into the order you can go and see who what the product is that is actually been ordered so firstly we can see over here these socks have been ordered now these socks are from printful so if you go over to printful and you click on orders in your printful dashboard then you should see all of your orders in here so you can see the socks over here now the reason it says failed is because i don't have a billing method on here so you need to go and add your billing method so over here you can see billing so you need to go and add that to your printful account but basically once you add that all you need to do then is click on confirm order and then we'll go and send that out and you can see you've got a breakdown over here so it tells you your profit and all that stuff so it's really easy so as soon as an order comes through on your site it will sync straight to printful right away and like i said you can just go and fulfill the order that way just go in here and click on confirm order really easy and then now if we go back over here let's go back to the orders and we can see we've got a second order over here so let's go and click on this second order from john smith so john's ordered two products and this time he has ordered the good the bad and the ugly poster so this is a printf product so if we go into printify and we click on orders over here then if we go on hold you will see all of the orders so you can go and click on this order over here and then all you need to do once again is click on fulfill order over here so i don't have a billing method on this one either on this account but we need to do is click fulfill order and once again it is synced straight away and that is basically it once you do that these over here should change to completed but if not just come in here and change this to completed and just hit update and then that way your customer will receive the email to say that their order has been processed and that is basically it for fulfilling orders it's really easy and that is basically it for this entire tutorial just one last thing to mention is you can go and create coupons in woocommerce as well so if you go to coupons over here you can go and click on create your first coupon and then from here you can go and name your coupon code so let's just say like 10 off 10 off you can go and make it a percentage discount so i can go and make it 10 you can say you want it to expire on a particular day so it could just be one black friday sale so it's just gonna expire on one day and then usage limits can be one per customer so you can go and do that and just hit publish and that way people can go and use that ten percent off code at checkout and like i said that basically is it for this tutorial so a full link tutorial on how to set up your very own print-on-demand store with wordpress i hope you have enjoyed the tutorial if you have make sure to give it a big thumbs up share it with anybody that's interested in starting a print on demand store make sure to subscribe to the channel and i'll see you in the next video one last thing to mention before we end this video just as a little bonus because i know a lot of people probably will ask me in the comments where i actually went and got these designs of all these different famous people ron burgundy frank sinatra abraham lincoln slash and all those types of things well basically it's just a combination of using fiverr gigs and also up work so if you're looking for a designer just go and type in cartoon design or things like that so here's one as an example and you can just go and see there you can go and have a look at this loads on here hundreds and they will go and create you a cool design that you could potentially use now i recommend creating your own designs or at least coming up with your own designs and then getting a designer to do it for you as opposed to just asking someone can you just make me a t-shirt design at least come up with the design yourself so for these i came up with the design idea myself and then i sent it to a designer and they created it for me so you can like i said just go and use fiverr and use upwork to do these types of designs but like i said it's best if you come up with an idea that is original and is your own creation and then you can go and just send it to a designer and say this is roughly what i want can you go and create something similar to this so like i said that's it for this tutorial i hope you've enjoyed it and see you in the next video
Channel: PrendyPress
Views: 31,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Print on demand tutorial, Step by step print on demand tutorial, Print on Demand with WordPress, Print on Demand with WooCommerce, Printful WooCommerce setup, Printify WooCommerce setup, Print on Demand Walkthrough, Print on demand WordPress setup, Print on demand course, Free Print on demand course, Print on Demand step by step, How to build a print on demand website, How to start a print on demand website, How to start a print on demand business, Printful setup, Printify setup
Id: jPvbMt-8Ym4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 57sec (8157 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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