Become a WordPress Developer: Unlocking Power with Code

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hello everyone this is the first three hours of my 26 hour premium WordPress course I hope this helps you get started learning and experimenting with WordPress have fun and I'll see you around if you want to unlock the full power of WordPress by learning about code you've come to the right course because I've spent the last 12 years living and breathing WordPress PHP and JavaScript and now I'm here to teach you everything I know here's a quick summary of what we are going to learn we are going to create a completely custom interactive site for a fictional university in order to do that we need to learn how to install WordPress on our personal computer so that we have a private playground of WordPress to practice with the very basics of the PHP language which is what powers WordPress how to code a brand new theme how to create custom post types so beyond just blog posts and pages we will set up post types like professors and campuses and events and programs or majors how to create relationships between different pieces of content so for example we can associate a professor with the matching programs or majors that they teach how to create an interactive map powered by our campus posts how to create a JavaScript powered live search feature we will allow open registration so anyone can visit our site and sign up for a basic account we will leverage the WordPress REST API to create a my notes feature as well as another feature that lets users like or Hart a professor in real time on the fly and much much more now I would love to have you come along on this journey with me and if you're ready to launch your career as a wordpress developer I will see you on the inside hello everyone and welcome to the course in this video I want to give you a bird's eye view so you know what to expect big picture the goal of this course is for you to learn how to code completely custom websites with WordPress we are going to build the site together for a fictional University and along the way we will slowly but surely become a wordpress developer first I will have you install WordPress on your personal computer so that you have a private playground copy of WordPress that you can practice and experiment with next we will take our first look at the PHP programming language this is what powers the core of WordPress but don't worry you don't need any prior experience with PHP after that we will learn how to code and create a brand new theme after that we will learn how to create custom post types there is an entire world of WordPress beyond just posts and pages for example let me show you the admin dashboard for our finished product in this course in my sidebar we see posts and pages just like in a normal WordPress installation but I've also got campuses and events programs professors notes likes and each of these post types has its own unique set of fields instead of just a generic title and body field so for example if I click on professors and then if I click to edit my professor named dr. barks-a-lot yes we do have the generic title and body field but we also have page banner subtitle and page banner background image which if we view this post on the front end those fields control this background image that is unique to just this professor page here we see the page banner subtitle just for this one professor and also if we scroll down a bit we see this related programs field so in this left-hand column you can choose from the different programs or majors that are available at this school and you move them over here to say which one this particular professor teaches and then this relationship between professor and program gets reflected on our front end so on this professor page if I scroll down we see subjects taught biology this allows us to create relationships between different pieces of content and this opens up all sorts of possibilities so for example if I click on campuses up in the header we've got this interactive Google map with pins on it and each pin is a campus post so for example we've got our downtown West Campus and if I click on that it takes me to that detail screen for just this one campus and if I scroll down we can see programs available at this campus math so long story short custom post types and custom fields allow us to programmatically relate different content together in really compelling ways ok after that section of the course we will move on to learn about JavaScript our first big JavaScript project in this course is to power our live search results so for example I can either press the s key on my keyboard s for search or just click this search icon up in the top right and that opens up this full screen transparent overlay and my cursor is automatically placed in this search field so I can just start typing for whatever I'm searching for and on the fly in real time we get our search results and not only that but they are organized by the content type so I searched for biology here we have any related blog posts or pages programs professors related campuses and even any upcoming events that have to do with biology now there's really two main aspects to the JavaScript here part one is the JavaScript to power the actual user interface right opening and closing the overlay and responding to click events things like that and then the other aspect of the JavaScript is actually communicating with the WordPress server on the fly in real time right because when someone searches for something we need to send that search string to the server and then on the other hand we also need to receive this incoming data from the server and all of this needs to happen in real time so this is a great exercise to learn all about JavaScript I think you're gonna love this portion of the course just a bit of a spoiler the WordPress REST API is what makes all of this possible and very elegant to set up ok then in the next section of the course we will learn about user roles and permissions so if you want to have multiple people help maintain the website you do not need to give everyone administrator access so for example if you wanted to invite a friend or a co-worker and the only thing you wanted them to be able to do is manage the event post type you could set that up or if you wanted someone to be a campus manager you could restrict them to only be able to change those type of posts or you can mix and match different permissions maybe someone should be able to post into the blog and manage programs but that's it the possibilities are endless and learning about roles and permissions will really open up new collaboration doors moving on in the next section of the course we will allow open registration so for example if I log out I'm currently signed in with my admin account but I can click logout and then if I visit the website again you can see that if a stranger visits the website they can log in or even sign up so with open registration any random visitor can sign up for a basic account and once someone with a basic account signs in that gives them access to two new features the first feature is my notes and in this portion of the course we really see our teeth into the WordPress REST API we basically create our own mini single page application so if a student brings their laptop into a lecture hall they can take a note biology note number five and take a few notes right lorem ipsum class was amazing click create note on the fly it gets added here and saved into the database they are free to create another note math note number one did you know that two plus two equals four it's true go ahead and click create okay and then from their existing notes they are free to make edits they can click this to change the title click Save all of this gets saved into the database on the fly and they can also delete one of their notes in real time the other feature that basic logged-in users get has to do with liking a professor so maybe if I navigate to the doctor barks-a-lot professor page you'll notice this little heart box currently it says 1 to indicate that one other person has liked doctor barks-a-lot and notice the heart is hollow but if I click on it the heart fills in to indicate that I personally have liked this professor and you can see their light count went up by one and thanks to JavaScript and the rest api all of this happens on the fly so if I immediately decide that actually I don't like this professor you can just click it again to toggle or remove your like and all of this data is getting saved into the WordPress database after this section of the course I show you how to push or deploy your website live up onto the web so that the entire world can view it and if you don't have a web hosting account to practice with that's okay this course gives you access to a free three-month educational hosting plan and it really is free in the truest sense of the word you do not even need to enter a credit card or any form of payment so there's no way they can automatically bill you at the end of the three months okay so that way everyone has access to a web host so you can practice deploying a site live and it's not mandatory but if you're familiar with the git version control system you are really going to love the automatic get deployment setup that I can show you and finally we end the course with a few extra credit challenges so there's the bird's eye view of the course I'm really excited to get things rolling my goal for this course is to give you lots and lots of small victories each time we finish a small little feature or section and things work the way we want them to I want you to relish that small victory because each time we write code and accomplish something with it we are moving closer to our career goals and that's something to feel good about so let's get some momentum rolling let's get things started and most importantly let's become a wordpress developer hello everyone in this lesson we will answer the question where do we begin so whenever I'm helping someone learn WordPress development I always say that the first step our first priority should be setting up a dev environment for ourselves so that we can work locally now don't worry I do not expect you to know what that means in order to explain what that means let's ask ourselves two new questions what in the world is a dev environment and what does working locally mean let's start with a dev environment the best way to explain what it is is to begin with its opposite the opposite of a dev environment is your real website that the entire world can see so in the past you might have purchased a domain name like your own dot-com org and you might have also purchased a web hosting plan and used WordPress to create a website in the industry we refer to that real website that the entire world can see we refer to that as your live environment or your production environment on the other hand a dev or development environment is a separate copy of your website that is usually configured so that only the owner or developers of the website can see it so a dev environment is a private safe sandbox or playground to experiment in and no one from the general public can see your work-in-progress website ok so that's a dev environment now let's answer our other question which is what does working locally mean so local is the opposite of the cloud local refers to your personal physical computer so for example right now I want you to picture two things number one your personal computer and number two a server that lives a thousand miles away from you now the files that make up a website usually live on a server that a web host company maintains the web host company leaves that server computer on 24 hours a day seven days a week so that people can access your website around the clock and that means that WordPress and our web sites usually live on a server not on our personal computers however it is possible to install WordPress on our personal computers and that will allow us to create WordPress websites even when we don't have an internet connection now granted these won't be real websites because no one else can view them it would be like saving a word processing file to the desktop of your computer you're the only person in the world who can view that word processing file because it lives on your physical computer ok but long story short that process of working from your computer instead of connecting remotely to a server somewhere that process is called working locally now if we put these two things together if we work locally within a dev environment it creates the perfect conditions for coding custom websites because if we make a typo while coding it won't be a big deal because no one will see the error messages except for us all so we won't need to constantly upload new files to a server because anytime we save a file on our computer our local private websites are just immediately instantly updated and then only when we're finished coding our website only then do we push our files up to a real public web server for the whole world to see ok so if we want to work locally we need to install WordPress on our personal computers but that's a bit trickier than it may sound so here's a metaphor or an analogy for you if we had a tree that we wanted to plant we can't just throw that tree anywhere right we can't just throw the tree on cement and expect it to live and grow a tree needs a particular environment it needs an environment with soil water and sunlight well it's the same thing with WordPress we can't just plant WordPress anywhere on our computer WordPress needs an environment with the following three things number 1 PHP number 2 Apache or nginx and number 3 my sequel or Maria dB now don't worry I do not expect you to know what any of those things are but for now just know that our personal computers need to have these things in order for WordPress to run now most computers do not come pre-installed with these things so we need to go out and get them but luckily these three things are completely free and there are lots of different tools out there that will automatically install all three of them for us right so all of the tools listed on the screen right now they are free and they all do the same thing they give us the metaphorical soil water and sunlight that WordPress needs in order to run on our computer so we don't need all of these tools we just need one of them now if you've dabbled with WordPress development in the past you might already have one these tools installed on your computer if that's the case you can keep using it you do not need to install another one but if you're brand new I don't want you to feel overwhelmed with all of these choices so right now why don't we install local by flywheel together step-by-step this is my favorite tool of the bunch and it's super easy to use so in a new tab in your web browser search for local by flywheel as of this recording the official URL is local dot get flywheel com okay then go ahead and click the big free download button and proceed to download the software you might have to enter your first name or an email address or basic info but the software is completely free you will not have to pay even a penny the download file is a decent size so it might take a while to download you might need to go grab a coffee while you wait but once the download completes jump into your computers downloads folder and go ahead and begin installing the program the installation process should look something like this and this could take up to several minutes so be patient when it completes it should then give you this option to create a new site go ahead and click that we need to give this new site a name just to follow along with the course why don't you name it fictional university personally I've already created a site with that exact name so just for this demo I will say amazing College let's click continue we can go ahead and use the preferred default options so continue again and here you get to choose your username and password just choose something that you can remember and also enter your email address then go ahead and click add site I'm not interested in setting up a default password right now so I just click not now and this might take a few minutes to complete but when it does we now have our own local dev environment copy of WordPress up and running on our personal computer so you can just click this view site button if that's not available yet you might just need to start your website up in the top right corner but once it's up and running just click view site and here we have a brand new completely fresh copy of WordPress up in the address bar you can see that it gave us our own fake local dev domain it basically told our computer that if we visit this domain instead of looking out onto the Internet just look within our own personal computer and this means that you are the only one in the world that can view your website if you shared this domain with a friend or family member they would not be able to see your website yet cool so you've got your own private playground copy of WordPress that you can experiment with if you want to log in as the admin of the site up in the address bar at the end of this domain just add slash WP dash admin press enter enter the username and password you chose just a moment or two ago cool and here's your typical WordPress admin dashboard now let's pretend you've been working and experimenting for a while and you're done for the day to shut things down just jump back to the local by flywheel application we can click stop site up in the top right corner ok and then you're free to close the program now let's imagine it's the next day and you're ready to start working on your WordPress site again just open up local by flywheel it could take several minutes to load but once it does just click on your website that you've created here okay and then in the top right corner we just need to click start site cool so now it's running again so now back in your browser you're free to use your website again you might need to refresh and remember that if you forget this URL you can always just click view site right here okay now there's only one more super important thing that I need to tell you right now before we move on I want to show you where on your computer your new website files actually live so right here where you see your website listed if you right click on that if you're on a Mac you can choose reveal in finder if you're on Windows it will say show in folder or something similar basically we're looking for the folder or directory where the website lives so click on that option and that will show you the folder for the current website that you're working on if you're wondering where this lives it's inside your user accounts home directory if you're on a Mac within your home folder you will now see a brand new folder named local sites right and that contains our projects if you're on Windows you will have a new folder named local sites within the base of your main user folder so it would be sitting alongside your downloads folder okay now before we bring this lesson to a close I want to show you where the actual wordpress files themselves live so within local sites within our project folder dig into app and then public and here we are we are going to be spending a lot of time in this folder in this course these are the system files that actually power WordPress perhaps the most important folder is named WP - content if you look inside it we see another folder named themes and inside there is a folder for each theme that you have installed now in this course we are going to be creating our own brand-new theme so very shortly we will be setting up a new folder here and that's where we are going to do a lot of our work now at this point give yourself a pat on the back because you've completed the first step towards becoming a wordpress developer you now have a local dev environment but remember that not everyone in this course is using this same local by flywheel setup so before we bring this lesson to a close I just want to stress one thing to you and that is that even if in future lessons my screen doesn't look exactly like your screen that's ok and even if I'm working in a slightly different folder like personally in my case my websites live on my desktop right in this lower case local sites folder that's not important so just know that throughout the entire course when you hear me say that I want you to jump to your project folder or your WordPress folder or your theme folder just know that you are in the right spot for you I just want you to open up your project within your local sites folder jump into it then jump into app then jump into public ok this is really the only folder that you need to worry about throughout the entire course I'm usually going to tell you things like now I want you to jump into WP content cool now that's gonna bring this lesson to a close and now that you've set up a local dev environment for yourself we can really start learning how WordPress works in our very next lesson we are going to get our first taste of PHP which is the language that powers the heart and soul of WordPress this is going to be a lot of fun so let's keep things rolling and I will see you then hello everyone in this lesson we will get our first taste of PHP which is the language that WordPress is written in now working with a programming language might sound intimidating at first but that's why we're going to walk through this together step by step at a nice pace so without further ado let's get started okay in our previous lesson we set up a local dev environment copy of WordPress for ourselves and now the question becomes how and where can we get our first taste of the PHP language well in our previous lesson we also learned how to find the files and folders that power this site so for example if you're using local by flywheel you can just right click on your site right here and choose reveal and finder or if you're on Windows it should say show in folder or open Explorer or something similar to that go ahead and click into that folder then click into app then click into public and these are the WordPress system files that power your site now before you and I worry about doing anything useful like maybe creating our own brand new theme before we get to that let's first start simple for now let's just create an experiment file in this folder where we can try a few simple tests and dip our feet into the PHP waters now it's important to point out that you cannot use a word processing program to create a new PHP file or make edits to an existing PHP file instead you need a dedicated text editor program now most computers do not come with a text editor program out of the box but luckily three of the best text editors in the world are free to download and use so if you don't already have a text program on your computer I recommend you download one of the following three the first is sublime text this is the text editor that I will be using throughout this course so if you want to use the same program as me this would be the choice for you however there are tons of different text editor programs out there and at the end of the day it doesn't really matter which one you choose they will all work perfectly for editing PHP code ok so aside from sublime text another great option for a text editor program is visual studio code and another great free option is the atom text editor and again you do not need to download all three of these any one of them will do the trick so just pause the lesson right now and go ahead and download and install one of these three text editors okay and at this point in the lesson I will assume anyone watching now has a text editor ready to use so go ahead and open up your text editor program and if you don't already see an empty screen where you can begin typing just click on file new or if you're on Windows you can usually just press ctrl N or if you're on Mac you can press command n to get a new file okay so in this blank canvas why don't we type out this is a test okay then let's go ahead and save this as a PHP file into our WordPress system folder so click file save or ctrl S or command S and we need to save this file into a very specific location we want to save it into that folder where all of the WordPress system files live so within your user account home folder click into local sites then click on the name of your site then app and then public ok and this is that same directory that we've already seen twice now with the different WordPress files and folders so let's save our new file into this folder in the name of new file only matters in the sense that we don't want to overwrite any of the existing wordpress files so why don't we name our new file experiment and this is the important part dot PHP so save it as experiment dot PHP cool so now in that same folder with all of the wordpress files if i scroll down to the bottom there is our brand-new little experiment PHP now let's try to view this in the web browser so back in your browser if you visit your local dev environment copy of WordPress write your URL might be a bit different if you're using flywheel remember you can always use the view site button but at the end of this URL add-on make sure there's a forward slash and add-on experiment dot PHP press enter and you can see we are viewing that brand new file that we just created now I want to point out that this is not how you add new pages or URLs to a wordpress website so you would never do this in the real world on a live public web site we are only doing this for educational and testing purposes at the end of this lesson we are actually going to delete our experiment PHP file however for the time being this is a great place to try and write our first bit of PHP code so why don't we jump back into our text editor and let's delete the this is a test message and instead let's write a tiny bit of HTML so we can then see how PHP fits into the equation so just as a test let's create a heading level one HTML element and say this page is all about Brad and then maybe right below that I want a less important headline that reads all about Brad ok let's save this and refresh the page all right so nothing too exciting here this is just a bit of HTML a heading level 1 and a heading level 2 but remember we are not editing in HTML file we are editing a PHP file so if this is just HTML what does PHP look like and what can it do well check this out maybe on a new line above this code type this out with me less than symbol question mark PHP and then a space and then a question mark and then greater than symbol so what does this code mean well this first chunk that I have highlighted right now this begins PHP mode and this chunk ends PHP mode okay so in between those where my cursor is right now that means we are in PHP mode now when we are not in PHP mode like down here right because this closes PHP mode this code down here is just regular old HTML but up here while we are in PHP mode we can write magical beautiful PHP code so check this out type this out with me echo echo is how you output things to the page while you're in PHP mode so echo and then let's write 2+2 then let's save this and refresh in the browser and there we see for now you might be underwhelmed you might be wondering what is so exciting about two plus two equals four well it's exciting because we could never do that in regular old HTML HTML doesn't have a brain you just type out exactly what you want and that's exactly what you get PHP on the other hand has a brain it is a legitimate programming language we can give it equations we can tell it to talk to databases we can have it resize images or send out automatic emails we can make PHP do just about anything for us and what's cool is that the general public that's visiting our website they don't see our PHP code they only see the final product so for example here in the web browser if we view the source of this page it's a view page source so here we can see the HTML code but notice we don't see 2 + 2 we just see for this is because PHP is a server-side language and that means that all of our PHP code runs on the server and then only the result of that code not the code itself gets sent to the visitors of our website so in other words the server is what's calculating - plus - not people's web browsers let's jump back into our text editor because practice makes perfect I want to show you that we can jump in and out of PHP mode as many times as we need to so for example maybe after this heading level 1 but before this heading level 2 so maybe in between those two lines I want to drop in to PHP mode and maybe echo out the results of 5 times 5 okay and that'll be sure to close out or end PHP mode okay and if I save this and refresh cool so in between the two headlines we see 25 so back to the code you can see that in a PHP file we can seamlessly jump back and forth between PHP HTML PHP HTML alright now before we end this lesson I want to have you type out one more PHP example alright so on this page you can see that my name is included twice here and here now imagine I legally changed my name in the future I would have to update my name in both places now just updating it in two spots isn't too bad but imagine if the page listed my name a hundred times or 300 times updating it in all of those places would be very time-consuming so it would be nice instead of having to hard code my name if we could just include a placeholder for my name right so for example if instead of Brad right here it just said blank and instead of Brad right here it said blank and then we could somehow programmatically replace all of the blanks my name well there's no way to do that with regular old HTML but we can do it with PHP so check this out up here on this top line right after 2+2 while we are still in PHP mode let's add a semicolon the semicolon tells PHP that we are done with this task and that we want to move on to a new task so we could begin typing right here where my cursor is but just to stay organized I'm going to drop down to a new line okay and right now I'm still in PHP mode and what I'm going to do right now is create a variable that stores my name so type this out with me dollar symbol my name equals quote Brad and then just to be safe why don't we add a semicolon at the very end of the line to tell PHP that we are done with this task now let's go over this code that we just wrote so the dollar symbol is how you create a variable in PHP and then this text that comes right after the dollar symbol this doesn't matter what you type I just made this up there's nothing magical about my name instead we could have typed unicorn or pizza right it really doesn't matter what we type here just as long as it's something we can remember so this line of code basically creates a sticky note in PHP 'z memory with my name written on one side and then on the back of that sticky note it says Brad now what's cool is we can reference this throughout the rest of our page so now instead of literally typing out blank here we can just use PHP to reference this my name variable so let's delete this first blank so this page is all about and then we want to output whatever the value of my name is so place our cursor here and then we want to enter into PHP mode okay and remember echo is how we output something onto the page when we are in PHP mode and then we just type out the variable name so dollar sign my okay and then let's be sure to close out of PHP mode cool so on this line we start out with HTML then we enter into PHP mode to get that variable value then we close out of PHP so then we're back into HTML mode so we can close out the headline let's go ahead and do the same thing for this line so let's delete blank and then instead of typing this out again let's just copy and paste it so select this PHP section copy it paste it right here okay now if I save this and refresh we don't see any difference because my name still equals Brad but now if we change this variable to equal John Doe and save cool it gets updated in both locations now again it's not very impressive because it's in only two locations but imagine if your page was way more complex and that name was referenced hundreds of times you get the idea and that's actually going to bring this example to a close now I do want to point out that what we just did in this lesson has absolutely nothing to do with WordPress this experiment dot PHP file that we just created is not in any way connected to the core of WordPress however WordPress is written in the PHP language and at this point in the course you are now familiar with the basics of PHP right you know how to enter PHP mode you know how to close PHP mode you know how to create variables using the dollar sign and you know how to output content to the page using echo and with just that little bit of PHP knowledge in your tool belt you are now ready to start writing WordPress code or in other words you're ready to use PHP to tell WordPress what to do and this is where things get fun so in our very next lesson we are going to use PHP code to create our own brand new custom WordPress theme but really quick Before we jump into that lesson I want to talk about our experiment PHP file if everything in this lesson made sense I encourage you to actually go ahead and delete our experiment PHP file you don't need to delete it you can keep it for reference if you'd like to I just want to make sure that you're aware that it's not normal to have random extra files sitting in the core root folder of wordpress like this we only did this for educational testing reasons so i would strongly encourage you to delete this file but it's not going to hurt anything so if you want to keep it there for reference that's okay anyways i'm looking forward to creating a theme with you in the next lesson so let's keep things rolling and I will see you then hello everyone in this lesson we will begin creating our very own wordpress theme without further ado let's jump right into the action okay so in your web browser go ahead and visit the home page of your local dev environment copy of wordpress your local domain might be different than the one you see on my screen right now that's not important but let's go ahead and visit the admin dashboard of our website you can always visit the dashboard by going up to your address bar and at the end of your domain visiting slash WP dash admin go ahead and login okay and if we were not developers one of the first things you do on a typical WordPress website is look for a theme that you like right so you might head over to the appearance tab and switch to one of the other themes that WordPress comes with out of the box or most of the time you don't want to be limited to just these themes that WordPress ships with so instead you might click add new here and then you could search through the thousands of free themes or your third main option is to use this upload theme button in case you purchased a premium theme from a party marketplace okay but in this course we are not going to do any of that because we are not going to use an existing theme we are going to create a brand new theme now I know at first that might sound scary creating a theme from scratch but it's not scary because I'm here to guide you through it step by step and believe it or not it's very simple to begin creating a new theme so for example if I click on the main appearance tab again here we see all of our currently installed themes and if we want to create a brand new theme that will show up on this screen all we need to do is create a new folder in a very specific location so let me show you what I mean let's go on a little bit of a trip let's look for the WordPress themes folder the first step to finding it is just navigating to that WordPress system folder we've already looked at two or three times so navigating to that folder is a bit different depending on whether you're using local by flywheel or MAMP orbit Nami or xampp or vagrant and VirtualBox but let me walk you through the local bi flywheel example so right-click on your site click reveal and finder click into your folder and then app and then public okay now everyone in the course regardless of what you're using for your local dev environment software everyone is going to have these same core WordPress files now at the moment we are looking for the themes folder which is located in the wp-content folder so click in to WP content and here we see a folder named themes let's look inside that folder and here we see one folder for each of our currently installed themes right so this 2017 folder corresponds with the 2017 theme so if we want to create a new theme all we need to do is create a brand new folder in this themes directory so new folder and we can name it anything we'd like why don't we call it fictional University theme just something along these lines doesn't have to be exact okay now all we need to do is create two new files within this new folder and then we will have a real theme that will show up on this screen and that we can activate so let's go ahead right now and create the two files that we need what I like to do is open this entire folder in our text editor on Mac I can just drag this folder into my dock onto my text editor program or once you're in your text editor program you can just use file open and there should be an option to just open an entire folder instead of a file now you don't need to do it this way I just find it convenient because now in my text editor here we have the sidebar of the folder and I can just right click on it and choose new file so I have this completely empty screen but now if I try to save this my text editor automatically knows that I want to save it within that new theme folder that we just created so what do we want to name this file well let's call it index dot PHP okay and what do we want to write within the file for now let's just add a bit of placeholder text that reads this is our amazing custom theme save again all right so I said we needed to create two files so we created one of the two let's create the second file so I will right click on my fictional University theme in the side bar and click new file or you could just use your text editors file new file option let's save this okay and what do we want to name the second file let's call it style dot CSS now normally a CSS file only has one responsibility and that's to tell the webpage what it should look like so you don't have to type this out because I'm just going to delete it in five seconds from now but normally in a CSS file you would say that like the color of all the text should be orange right you style the content on Paige well we will do stuff like that as well but in WordPress this style dot CSS file has another responsibility WordPress needs us to use this file to give it a bit of information about our theme and the way that we give WordPress that info is up at the very top of the file here we begin a CSS comment so slash and then an asterisk that's how you begin a CSS comment and then on another line to close out the comment its asterisk and a slash ok now between those two lines we can write whatever we want so first and foremost WordPress wants to know what the name of our theme is so let's say theme name colon and we don't need the semicolon at the end here and now we can make up whatever name we want so let's say fictional university you might think that we already named the theme when we created the folder name but in folder names you usually want to use dashes instead of spaces so this is our chance to use capital letters and have spaces in the name you get the idea now if we save this file and I want to point out that it needs to be named style dot CSS it can't be main dot CSS or screen dot CSS the name here is very important WordPress is on the lookout for this specific file name in our theme folder okay but with this comment in place and we save the file if we jump back over to our admin dashboard and refresh the main appearance themes screen here we see our brand new theme and if we hover over it we see theme details and if we click on that we can see it looks a bit odd right it says fictional University and then version and there's no version number and also it says by anonymous instead of our name so to fix those two things back on our text editor on a new line still within our comment we can say author don't need the semicolon but author colon and then you can just type in your name here and then on a new line we can also say version and then we can just make up a version number maybe 1.0 okay so if we save this again and then refresh our theme screen and click on it again cool so now we see fictional university version 1.0 by Brad now all we are really missing is a screenshot or photograph or a preview image of our theme right you'll notice that all of the other themes have a preview image here so to add a preview image to our new theme all we need to do is go within our theme folder right I named that folder fictional University theme and we just need to move an image file to live within this folder and the file should be named screenshot dot PNG now I conveniently have a PNG file sitting on my desktop here you can find this same image file in the resources for this lesson but I'm just going to move this file into my folder and then I'm going to rename the file to screen shot PNG ok because WordPress is on the lookout for this exact file name and you can use your own image here instead of this one ideally you want the photo to be 1200 pixels wide by 900 pixels tall all right but with this in place if we refresh this admin screen again cool so now this looks like a legitimate theme it's got a preview photo if we click it it's got the essential information and now we can just go ahead and activate the theme so you can click activate down here at the bottom or if you close this out from this screen when you hover over a theme there's also an activate button right here okay so let's go ahead and activate the theme and now if we use this link up here to view the front end of our website cool so remember this is what we typed out in our themes index dot PHP file so if we go back to our text editor and jump back into the themes index dot PHP file maybe I want to add the word completely here this is our completely amazing custom theme save it refresh our website awesome so now that we have our brand-new theme and we activated it and we can see it on the front end of our website here we really don't have any need for all of these other default themes like 2017 2016 right our new theme is all we are ever going to need and since we don't want to ever accidentally activate one of these other themes why don't we just go and delete them right now so back to the folder structure here's our theme folder that contains index.php style and our screenshot if we go up a level okay so now I'm looking in the WordPress themes folder we can go ahead and delete the folders for those other themes 2015 16 and 17 so just select them and delete them cool so now if i refresh this admin screen perfect we just have one theme and it's the one that we created now before we bring this lesson to a close I want to address a CSS concern that you might have so if you're the type of person who experiments with lessons along the way you might have already tried to do the following so back in our style dot CSS file underneath our comment lines you might have tried to write a bit of normal CSS so maybe you would target the entire page and say color orange but you'll notice that if I save that and refresh the website nothing happens we would expect this text to become orange but that's not happening so don't worry I don't expect the CSS to be loading yet I will show you how to correctly load the CSS on the front end of your website very soon okay now having said that looking forward to our very next lesson we will learn how to do something actually useful here instead of just as boring placeholder sentence we are going to look at the heart and soul of WordPress and PHP which is functions if you have no idea what a function is that's okay that's actually good because in the next lesson we are going to start with the very basics it should be a lot of fun let's keep it rolling and I will see you then hello everyone in this lesson we will answer the question what is a function instead of trying to explain with words what a function is let me show you visually what a function is so let's jump into our text editor and open up the index dot PHP file that lives in our theme folder let's try to write some new code here together so delete this sample line of text and then let's drop in or enter into PHP mode so remember from our first taste of PHP lesson to enter PHP mode it's less than symbol question mark PHP and then maybe down on this line let's close out of PHP mode so question mark greater than symbol and then in between those two lines so where my cursor is now we are free to write PHP code so remember from a lesson or two ago we tried echoing out a math problem right we could say echo two plus two so if I go ahead and save this and then refresh my website fictional University dev here we see the answer write two plus two equals four okay so that should jog our memory of working with PHP now let's have our first look at a function so let's delete this line and let's create our very own first function we don't even know what a function is yet but let's create one so write out the word function and then a space and then we can make up a name for our function why don't we call it my first function right the name doesn't really matter it's up to us to choose a name and then right after that we don't even need a space let's just open up a pair of parentheses and then after the opening close parentheses let's add a pair of curly brackets these are the same curly brackets that you use in CSS so you just hold down the shift key and then press the key to the right of your P key okay and in between the two curly brackets I like to drop down to a new line just to stay organized okay and in between the curly brackets let's write out our echo to - again now if I save this and refresh the browser we do not see the number four we don't see anything it's just a completely blank page and that's because this code here that we wrote is a function definition so really all we did here with this code is we took the task of adding two plus two and we gave it a name my first function so a function definition like we have here doesn't actually do anything it's just a description of an action or a task in order to actually run this function right and actually evaluate two plus two what we can do is below this function definition so maybe on a new line like right here we just type out the name of the function so my first function and then include parentheses and let's include a semicolon at the end of that line and now if we save and refresh we do see four so this is how you define a function it's like the recipe for the action that you want to take and then this is how you actually run or call or use the function now what's cool is you can use the function again and again and again you can recycle that recipe so we could say it again my first function save it refresh it and now we see a second for this is a little bit confusing because it looks like 44 but really it's just the number four and then there's no spacing and then the number four again so let's try something a little bit clearer up in our function instead of echo two plus two let's delete that and instead let's say echo out a string of text so give me double quotes and then let's create an HTML paragraph tag right so the opening and closing tag and in between them let's say hello this is my first function and let's be sure to add a semicolon at the very end of this line to let PHP know that we are done with this action okay and now if we save this and refresh cool we see it twice because we are calling the function twice down here so you only have to define a function once and then you can use it and use it as many times as you want so if I copy this and paste it again so there's three of them obviously we see it three times okay so now that we've learned how to create a function and then run or call the function let's go ahead and delete all of this and try something a little bit more advanced so first let's give ourselves a goal let's imagine that we want to create these two paragraphs hi my name is John and my favorite color is blue and hi my name is Jane and my favorite color is green now when I say that we want to create these two paragraphs I don't mean just type them out like we see here instead what I mean is because these two lines are so similar to each other and the only unique parts are the names and the colors why don't we try to create a single function that can generate both of these paragraphs so let me delete these and try this out with me up here and our PHP area let's create a new function so to do that we just spell out the word function and then a space and now we make up a name for the function why don't we call it greet okay and then right after that we don't even need a space open up a pair of parenthesis and then after the parenthesis let's open up a pair of curly brackets and then in between the opening and closing curly brackets let's drop down to a new line and then let's echo or output a bit of text so we want to wrap our text in double quotes okay so in between those quotes let's just begin an HTML paragraph tag then let's close it out and in between those we will say hi my name is blank and my favorite color is blank and then at the very end of this line let's be sure to end it with a semicolon okay and now right below our function definition here so down here let's just call or run the function once for John and once for Jane so greet parenthesis semicolon that will run it once and then let's just run it a second time so if I save this and refresh in the browser cool we see the two paragraphs so now all we to do is find a way to pass information about John from this function call into the function itself right because we don't want it to say blank and blank so check this out when we call the function for the first time in between the parentheses let's say John and let's do the same thing for Jane so in between these parentheses let's say Jane okay now back up in our function definition within these parentheses let's add a dollar symbol and let's say name remember from an earlier lesson that the dollar symbol is how you create a variable in PHP this isn't a special word I just made it up we could have said unicorn or Itza okay the name doesn't matter but for now let's just call it name because that makes sense right John and Jane are names so what this is going to do is it's going to create a variable of sorts that we can use within the meat and potatoes of this function so we can use this dollar symbol name variable wherever we see fit so all we need to do now is just remove this blank right we don't want that and let's replace it with dollar symbol name okay now before I explain what's going on here and give you the technical names of what we're doing let's just go ahead and save this and test it out so if i refresh in the browser cool hi my name is John and my favorite color is blank hi my name is Jane and my favorite color is blank so let's review what's going on here and let's build up our vocabulary so when we call the function down here twice this little bit of data named John and this little bit of data named Jane those are called arguments and within a single function call like this you can include multiple arguments so check this out right after the John and quote let's add a comma and say blue right because blue was his favorite color let's do the same thing for Jane so after this first argument of her name let's add a comma and include another argument her favorite color was Green okay so if we are calling a function and giving it two arguments we better make sure that up in our function definition we are ready for two parameters think of a parameter as a hollowed-out variable or a little container that can receive the incoming arguments so we already have a parameter to receive the incoming name so right after that let's add a comma and then let's just say dollar sign color again the parameter name doesn't really matter you can make it up you can use whatever name you want okay but what's important is that now we can use dollar symbol color within the body of this function so let's go ahead and delete this second blank here and let's replace it with dollar symbol color let's save this and refresh cool so we see my favorite color is blue and my favorite color is green okay so that's how you can create your own function and use parameters to receive the incoming arguments so that your function can be flexible okay now let's change gears and bring this full circle let's tie it back to WordPress so the beauty of WordPress is that it comes bundled with tons of its own pre-built functions that we can leverage right so WordPress has already created and defined lots of functions and then we just get to come along and run or call or use those functions so for example down here once we are out of PHP mode right so this line closes PHP mode so down here in regular old HTML mode let's imagine that we want to create a large HTML headline and we want the contents of this headline to be our websites overall name or title well WordPress has a function that will give us our website's name so check this out in between the h1 tags let's drop into PHP mode okay and then let's exit PHP mode okay but in the middle of those two let's run or call a wordpress function named blog info okay so this is a function that has already been created and defined by WordPress and what this function can do is give us all kinds of information about our website and within these parentheses we just provide an argument to tell WordPress what little bit of info in particular we are looking for so single quotes and let's say name we want the name or title of our website and let's add a semicolon right after that just to tell PHP that we are done with this task okay and if we save this and refresh cool we see the name of our website now in case you're wondering where this is coming from let's hop over in a new tab into the admin dashboard of our WordPress website and towards the bottom of this left-hand sidebar hover over settings and then choose general okay so see this first field named site title that's the name of our website so if we change this from fictional University to amazing University and then scroll down and click Save now if we refresh the front-end of our website we see that name change reflected cool so this function blog info we didn't create or define this function WordPress creates it for us and then we just get to leverage it now the cool part is that we don't need to understand how WordPress goes and talks to the database to dynamically find the name of our website WordPress abstracts away all of those technical database details so we don't have to worry about it all we have to do is run this convenient function okay and that's really the heart and soul of 95% of custom WordPress development it's just a matter of knowing the wordpress functions that are at our disposal and then running them in the right place at the right time let's try one more example before we close out this lesson so let's imagine that below this headline we want to include a paragraph that includes our website's slogan or tagline or description in case you're wondering what I'm talking about back in the admin dashboard on this general settings screen we see that the second field is named tagline so by default WordPress sets this to just another WordPress website but we could change this to the best university in the world okay and then scroll down and save that okay and then back in our code if we want to dynamically output that tagline in between the paragraph tag let's just drop into PHP mode and close out but in the middle let's call that blog info function again and then we can give it an argument to tell it which piece of information in particular we want it to return and we will say description let's add a semicolon here and then let's save this and refresh cool there's our slogan or tagline and now if in the future we ever changed the tagline from the WordPress admin area so if I change this to we are pretty good and then save it our front-end web site will automatically always display that value okay so now at this point we are at least a little bit familiar with what a function is and now there's only one more topic we need to go over before we can start doing powerful actually useful WordPress II things and that topic is arrays so what in the world is an array well that's exactly what we are going to cover in our next lesson I'll give you a hint right now though understanding arrays is what's going to let us start displaying actual dynamic WordPress content on the front end of our website things like posts and pages it's going to be a lot of fun let's keep things rolling and I will see you in the next lesson hello everyone in this lesson we will answer the question what is an array so for starters even outside the context of programming we might hear a car dealership say that a car is available in a wide array of colors okay so let's think of an array as a collection now with that in mind let's jump right into the code so here I am in the index.php file that lives in our theme folder and why don't we head and delete all of this test code from our previous lesson and let's try something new so if we think back to that first taste of PHP lesson you'll remember that we learned how to create a variable so let's try that again so I will go into PHP mode down here I will close out of PHP mode and then to create a variable you just use the dollar sign and maybe I want to create a variable that stores my name so equals bread this variable name isn't special I just made it up it could be unicorn or pizza okay but the idea here is that I'm setting this variable to have a value of Brad and now I can use that variable anywhere else on the page so maybe down here once I am back in HTML mode I could create a paragraph that says hi my name is and then maybe drop into PHP mode so I can echo out that my name variable okay and then close out the sentence with a period and then close out the HTML paragraph tag okay so if I save that and test it hi my name is Brad so this is an example of a very simple variable that only contains one single little bit of data right just one single name however what if we want it to store multiple names within a single variable so that's where arrays come into the picture so check this out let's start over again so let's go into PHP mode and let's imagine that I want to create a variable named names right plural now the name of the variable doesn't matter so this could be pizzas doesn't matter I just chose names to try to indicate that I want to store multiple values right plural so what does our variable equal well we can say array okay and now within these parentheses right after the word array we can store as many names as we want so check this out I could say Brad comma John comma Jane comma me house a lot you get the idea I can store as many names as I will so in PHP an array is a special type of data an array is a collection of multiple values okay and let's imagine that down here in HTML mode I want to access one of these names so maybe I have an HTML paragraph tag and I want to say hi my name is blank right so I would drop into PHP to access our variable so if I want to echo out something that lives in the names variable okay and then to look inside the array or look inside the collection right here we can use square brackets on your keyboard this is directly right of the P key okay now let's say for example that I want to access the first value in this array so Brad I would just include a zero within the square brackets you might think that it would be a 1 to access the first item but it's actually a zero in most programming languages PHP included arrays are zero based meaning the first item is zero instead of one so for example if I wanted to access the second value of John I would include a 1 here if I wanted Jane a 2 if I wanted meows a lot a 3 okay so if I save this and refresh cool we see my name is meows a lot if I change it back to a 2 right so 0 1 2 we should see Jane cool but now the question is why why would we do this why would we want to store multiple values in a single variable what is the point of doing this what is the advantage of doing this well there are several reasons but probably the biggest reason is for something called looping so what in the world is looping what is a loop well let's imagine we want to do something once for each item in this collection so let's imagine we want it to output this sentence of hi my name is blank we wanted to do that once for each item in the collection so technically we could just copy and paste this line and have it four times and then change this to 0 two three right so if I save this that technically works but this is terrible code this is really repetitive and it's just not an efficient way of doing things instead what we can do is leverage the power of an array and programmatically loop through the collection and do something once for each item so check this out let me show you what I mean but actually before we worry about outputting these names let's just practice a very basic loop first so let's give ourselves a goal for whatever reason let's imagine we want to output a bulleted list on the page that counts to 100 right so imagine we want to create an HTML list item in a series of them something like this it goes one two three four up to a hundred so it would take a long time to type that out by hand but programming and loops make that very easy to do so check this out back up here while we are still in PHP mode let's use something called a while loop so while parentheses and then right after that curly brackets okay so how does the while loop work well whatever lives within the curly brackets will happen again and again and again until whatever we place in these parentheses evaluates to false so let me show you what I mean right above this while loop let's create a variable named count the name doesn't matter I'm just choosing count and let's set it to equal one now remember our goal is to output a bulleted list that counts to a hundred so within our parentheses let's say that as long as the following thing is true keep looping so in the parentheses we'll say as long as our count is less than 100 keep doing whatever we tell it to do within these curly brackets so then in the curly brackets let's just echo out an HTML list item okay and in that list item we don't want to hard-code a value of one or two or three instead let's output our count variable okay so we are saying that count begins with a value of one so then the first time that the while loop runs this will echo out a 1 and then right after this line let's just increment or increase the count variable so we can say count plus plus and that will add 1 to it so 1 plus 1 is 2 so now count equals 2 so then the while loop will run again and it will say ok now the count equals 2 that's still less than 100 so this will evaluate to true so then this will run again so then it will output 2 then it will add 1 to that right so then count will equal 3 so on and so forth so this will just keep repeating until finally count will equal 100 and then the while loop will say hey 100 is not less than 100 so then this will evaluate to false and then the while loop will finally end I know that's a lot to absorb so you might need to re-watch this a few times or pause the lesson and experiment with a while loop yourself but if I save this and refresh cool we see a list that counts all the way oh actually to 99 instead of a hundred so back in our code let's just change this to less than 101 cool so now it counts all the way up to 100 all right so now that we've seen a relatively simple while loop in action let's try something a tiny bit trickier so let's delete the while loop and our count variable and let's get back to the task at hand remember we want to loop through our array of names and do something once for each item in the collection so maybe output a sentence that says hi my name is blank alright so here's how we can do that let's use a while loop again so while parentheses and then curly brackets okay and we are going to need a count variable again so let's create a variable and name it count and this time let's set it to equal 0 instead of 1 right because arrays are zero based in order to access the first item in the array we use a 0 okay so down in our while loop within the curly brackets what we want to do for each item in the collection is just echo out an HTML list item that says hi my name is blank okay so we remember from about five minutes ago in order to access one of these items we just use the variable name right they all live in the variable of names and then to look inside the array you use square brackets so to access the first item it's a zero to access the second item it's a one okay so we don't want a hard code a number here instead we want to use our count variable so in between the square brackets let's just say count okay so the first time the loop runs it will be a zero and then let's be sure to increment the count so on the new line let's say count plus plus so then the next time the loop runs count will equal one so that will give us John then it will increment again to two which will give us Jane you get the idea so now we just need to tell the while loop how many times it should repeat itself right so within these parentheses we will say as long as the following thing is true so let's say as long as count is less than and now you might think that we would just say 4 right because there are four items in the array but we don't want to hard-code a number here because what if in the future we added a 5th name to the collection barks-a-lot ok so we don't want to have to babysit this code and keep updating this number here so instead what we can do is have PHP count the number of items in the array for us so we'll say as long as count is less than and then we can use the PHP tool named count and then open up a pair of parentheses ok and then in those parentheses we just give it the name of our variable right names is the variable that contains the array so PHP will automatically count it and say yep there are five items in the array so as long as count is less than 5 this will just keep happening again and again and again so let's save this and refresh awesome now if this is not your first time programming and you've worked with before you might be yelling at the screen right now saying Brad why on earth would you use a while loop here when you could have used a for each loop well that's a great question with an even better answer I want us to be familiar with the while loop because that's what WordPress uses to loop over real content like posts and pages right so instead of this hypothetical worthless list of names here imagine if we had an array or a collection of blog posts and we wanted to loop through those blog posts and display them on the front end of our website for our visitors well that is exactly what we are going to do in our very next lesson it's probably going to be the most fun we've had in the course so far let's keep it rolling and I will see you then hello everyone in this lesson we will learn about the famous loop in WordPress before we worry about what that means let's first give ourselves a goal so let's imagine that on the home page of our website we want to output our most recent blog posts now before we dig into any code let's first make sure that we have more than one blog post to work with so let's jump over to our admin dashboard and from the sidebar let's click on posts so at the moment I just have the one single hello world demo post but let's go ahead and create a few dummy posts right now just so we have multiple posts to work with so for the title let's just say test post and then you can just type out a bit of gibberish or paste in some lorem ipsum doesn't matter but go ahead and click publish and why don't we create at least one more dummy post so add new I will call it second test post add a bit of dummy content and go ahead and publish again okay so now if I click on posts from the admin sidebar you can see that I have three posts so now we can go ahead and learn how to output those blog posts on to our homepage here let's go ahead and jump over to our text editor program and in our theme folders index dot PHP file let's delete all of this test code from our previous lesson okay so we've got a clean slate let's go ahead and jump into PHP mode and then let's create a while loop okay so the word while and then a pair of parentheses and then right after that a pair of curly brackets okay so this is our empty skeleton of a while loop and now remember in our previous lesson we had to do all sorts of things like create a count variable and manually increment that count and then come up with our own logic like if count is less than a certain number well this time around we don't have to do any of that we are no longer trying to work with hypothetical lists of names now we are trying to work with real WordPress content and WordPress gives us the exact tools and functions to do that without breaking a sweat so within the while loop parentheses here all we need to do is use a special wordpress function named have underscore posts and remember to call or run a function you include a pair of parentheses so forget about programming this almost makes sense just from an everyday English standpoint how many times do we want to repeat or run this loop well keep looping as long as or while we still have posts to loop through okay and then within the curly brackets what do we want to do once for each blog post well before we try to output the title or the content of a post first we need to call a wordpress function named the underscore post this is a WordPress function that we can call and leverage and it does several important things for us remember in our previous lesson we had that count variable well we don't need to do that now because this the post function will keep track of which post we are we working with so each time our while loop runs this the post function will tell WordPress to get all of the relevant information about the next post ready for us to use so check this out right after this the post and then a semicolon why don't we drop out of PHP and then on this line where we are closing the curly bracket let's drop back into PHP and what this does is now in between those two lines where my cursor is now we are still within the while loop but now we are in HTML mode so let's go ahead and create a heading level to HTML element and inside the headline if I say hello and then save this and refresh we see three hellos because we have three blog posts now obviously it's not very useful to just say hello instead we probably want to output the title of each blog post now watch how easy this is in between the headline let's drop into PHP and now we can use a wordpress function that is conveniently named the underscore title okay so we just call this function let's save this and refresh cool we've got the title for each post next let's try to output the body content for each post right below the title so back in our code underneath this h2 let's just drop down to a new line and I want to call a PHP function so let's go back into PHP mode and you might be able to guess the name of the function that we want to run it's name is the underscore content semicolon okay and then maybe right below this line why don't we add an HTML horizontal rule just to create some sort of visual separation between each of the three posts in the real world we would use CSS to accomplish that but this is a quick and dirty solution so let's save this looks good let's give ourselves another goal let's imagine that whenever we click on one of the head lines we want to be taken to a detail screen for just that one single particular post so if we want to turn the headlines into links if you've ever worked with HTML before you know that we just want to wrap this content here in a tags okay so right before the title let's open up an HTML a tag and then right after the title gets output let's close that a tag okay and then in HTML you give the opening a tag and attribute named href and this tells the web browser where it should go when someone clicks on the link so the question becomes what do we want to type within these quotes what URL do we want to send the visitor to well you might have guessed it but WordPress has a function that will output the perfect URL here so within the quotes let's drop into PHP and then let's call a function named the underscore perm as in permanent perma link parentheses because we're calling the function okay let's go ahead and save this and test it out cool so the headlines look like links and if I click on this first one I'm taken to a screen with only that one single post and more importantly notice the URL up here in the address bar WordPress automatically knows what data to query from the database based on the URL that we visit right so this is the permalink or slug for second blog post so WordPress knows to fetch or query just that post from its database back on the home page when we are simply at fictional University dev in this case by default WordPress will query or fetch your 10 most recent posts when you're on the home page but if we go to one of these detail screens for just a single blog post WordPress will see the permalink or slug in the URL it will only fetch or query that one post and that way when we try to loop over all of the current posts there will only be one single post to loop through okay let's give ourselves another goal now that we are on this single detail screen for just one post for example it doesn't make much sense for this headline to still be a link right because we are already on the detail screen for this post there's no reason to click this again so the question becomes how do we let that remain a link while we are on the home page while removing the link once we get to a single detail page well check this out back in our text editor I want you to create a brand new file in our theme folder so new file let's name this new file single dot PHP and within the new file let's just type out a bit of random dummy text like Hello one two three and if we save this and refresh here we see that dummy text and we are on the URL for a single post but if we go back to our home page we see that it is still powered by index dot PHP so what this means is that depending on the current URL WordPress will be on the lookout for different file names in our theme folder so our home page uses index dot PHP but then if we click on one of these single posts WordPress will look within our theme folder for a file specifically named single dot PHP if that file doesn't exist then WordPress will use index dot PHP as a universal default fallback okay but having said all of that let's get back to the task at hand remember on this screen we just want to show the blog post title and the content but we don't want the title to be a link like it is on the home page so here's what we can do back in our text editor let's go back into our index dot PHP file and let's select and copy the entire contents into our clipboard and then let's go back into single dot PHP and let's delete this dummy text and then paste in our clipboard and now let's simply remove the tags that surround the title so let's delete the closing tag and let's delete the opening tag here and now let's go ahead and save and refresh cool so now on the home page each headline is a link but then once you click on one of those since you're already on the detail screen there's no need for the headline to be a link cool and we can adjust our single dot PHP file further to maybe remove this horizontal rule line because there's no need to separate the content from anything below it so back in our text editor let's delete that HR element perfect okay now at this point let's change gears so far in this lesson we've been working with posts but WordPress also has pages so for example let's jump back into the WordPress admin dashboard and in the left hand sidebar let's click on pages and we could try to work with this sample page but just to make sure everyone's on the same page why don't we use the add new button to create a new page let's give it a dummy title like test page 1 2 3 and then for the content let's just include a bit of dummy lorem ipsum text then go ahead and publish or save the page ok and now you'll notice this permalink here you can always click this to preview the page cool so that takes me to a screen with only the content for that one page and if we look in the URL bar we can see the slug for that page however even though this screen only displays information for that one single page we see that the headline is still a link which means that this URL and this screen is being powered by index dot PHP instead of single dot PHP and that's because WordPress only uses the single dot PHP file for individual posts for individual pages WordPress looks in our theme folder for a file named page dot PHP so why don't we go and create that file right now so back in our theme folder let's create new file let's name it page dot php' and instead of typing out the loop code again why don't we just go into single dot PHP copy all of this into our clipboard and then paste that into the new page PHP and just to prove to ourselves that this is indeed the file being used maybe right above this heading level two why don't we create a heading level one that says this is a page not a post let's save this refresh cool so we see this which proves that we're using page dot PHP here's the title and the content if we go back to just fictional university dev homepage this is powered by index dot PHP and if we click on one of the blog posts this screen is powered by single dot PHP so the important concept for this lesson is that depending on the URL you visit WordPress is going to use different files in your theme folder to control what you see on the screen here and even though we have these different files like page index and single they all have one very important thing in common and that is that they all use the famous loop which is this general pattern of doing something once for each item in a collection even if that collection only has one item in it okay but in the WordPress universe the loop is a famous term any WordPress developer will know what you're talking about if you mention the loop the loop is at the heart and soul of WordPress and it's something that we will use again and again throughout this course now that's actually going to bring this lesson to a close in our next lesson we will learn how to create a global or Universal header and footer should be a lot of fun let's keep it rolling and I will see you then hello everyone in this lesson we will learn how to set up a global header and footer if you don't know what I'm referring to let me show you so here's the home page that we set up in our previous lesson and on most websites you're going to want some sort of header area that appears on every page of the website same thing with the footer area so if you want to add content at the very top and bottom of your pages your first instinct might be to go into your index dot PHP file in your theme folder and just add something up at the very top so even before the opening PHP tag you can include an HTML headline that says this is the header area and for the footer down at the very bottom after the closing PHP tag we could say HTML paragraph this is the footer area and if I save this and refresh the homepage cool we have a header and a footer so that works but it's not ideal because we want this same identical header on every single page of the site but we know from last lesson that index dot PHP doesn't power every page on our website so for example if we click on one of the blog posts we lose our header and footer because this screen is powered by single dot PHP and don't forget about page dot PHP which powers individual pages instead of posts so long story short if we wanted this header and footer on every page we would have to duplicate or copy and paste this code into multiple different template files now duplicating code like that is almost always a bad practice because then if in the future maybe a week from now we want to change something in the header we don't want to have to make that change in 5 or 10 or 20 different template files instead we want our header code to live in just one file right we want a single source of truth so check this out right now I want you to create a new file in your theme folder so new file and let's name this new file header dot PHP and in this new file let's write out a bit of dummy text so maybe an HTML headline that says greetings from header.php alright let's save this and then jump back in to index dot PHP and let's delete this headline that we set up a couple of minutes ago and instead let's write a bit of code that will pull in the contents of header dot PHP so let's enter into PHP mode and then call a wordpress function named get underscore header and remember to call a function you include parentheses right after it semicolon and we could close out of PHP here but because we are just going to drop right back into PHP for all of this code why don't we just get rid of this closing tag and also get rid of this opening tag so that way we just stay in PHP mode anyways back to the task at hand this get header function will pull in the contents of header dot PHP so if we save this and refresh the home page cool we see greetings from header dot PHP next let's do the same thing for our footer so back in our text editor let's create a new file in the theme folder let's name this new file footer dot PHP in this file let's write out a bit of dummy text so maybe a paragraph that says greetings from footer dot PHP save this and then back in our home page index dot PHP file let's replace this down here with code that will dynamically pull in the contents of the footer file so we could drop into PHP mode down here or we could just write this code up here while we are still in PHP you can probably guess the name of the WordPress function we want to use git underscore footer ok with that in place we save cool greetings from footer.php and if we click on one of the blog post links we do not see the header or footer but all we need to do is go into single dot PHP and call those get header and get footer functions so back in the text editor let's jump into our single dot PHP file and right before the while loop let's say git header alright and then right after the curly bracket that closes the while loop let's say get footer let's save that and now our single post screen is in business so that takes care of individual posts let's not forget about individual pages remember in our WordPress admin dashboard if we click on pages in the sidebar in our previous lesson we created this dummy page test page one two three and if I use this view link here to preview it this screen is powered by page dot PHP so let's go ahead and jump into our text editor and hop into page dot PHP and let's pull in our global header and footer so git header and down here below the curly braket get footer cool so now whenever we update header dot PHP or footer dot PHP we can rest assured that our entire website globally will be updated now before we bring this lesson to a close I have two more tasks for us that are directly related to the header and footer first let's learn how to load our CSS file on the front end of our website and secondly let's learn how to add the black admin menu bar that's supposed to sit at the top of our website globally you can see the menu bar I'm referring to if you jump over to the WordPress admin screens but that bar should also be on the front end of our website while we are signed in okay but let's start with our fur tasks of actually loading our CSS file on the front end of our website if you've worked with HTML in the past you probably already know how to load a CSS file right you include it towards the top of your HTML file in the head section so to get started let's jump into our text editor and open header dot PHP and let's delete this dummy text and start fresh let's begin with the basic skeleton of an HTML document right so you always begin with the doctype and then right below that you create an HTML sandwich and then within that you have two sandwiches the head sandwich and the body sandwich so within the body section is where you include your actual content right so maybe you'd have a headline that says fictional University all right but back to the task at hand the head section is usually where you load your CSS file only in WordPress instead of manually including our CSS file using link instead of doing that in WordPress we just call a PHP function named WP underscore head and this lets wordpress be in control of our head section so imagine down the road we install a few wordpress plugins and maybe those plugins need to load CSS files of their own so this function lets WordPress have the final say and load whatever it needs to load in our head all right now with this line of code in place all we need to do is programmatically tell WordPress to load our CSS file and the way that we do that is by creating a brand new file in our theme folder and let's name this new file functions dot PHP now this new functions file is a bit different from all of the other files we've been creating so far all of our other files are what we might call template files right they control the HTML that the general we'll see on our website well think of this functions dot PHP file has a bit more private this is our behind the scenes file this is where we can have a conversation with the WordPress system itself alright but back to the task at hand we want to tell WordPress to load our CSS file so within this functions dot PHP file let's open up PHP and then call a wordpress function named add underscore action this is a super useful WordPress function that we will use again and again throughout the course within these parentheses this function wants us to give it two arguments so for example quotes and then a quotes B now obviously we're not going to pass it an argument of a and B I'm just including these as placeholders okay now let me explain what this function actually does so WordPress lets us give it instructions and tell it what to do by using this add action function the first argument is where we tell WordPress what type of instructions we are giving it depending on what we are trying to do WordPress will run this code at different times in this case we want to load a file so the special wordpress hook name that we want to hook on to is WP underscore on Q underscore scripts okay and the name here definitely matters you need to spell it exactly right or WordPress won't know what you're trying to do alright so this is our way of saying hey WordPress I want to load some CSS or JavaScript files and then this second argument instead of B let's delete that and what we do here is give WordPress the name of a function that we want to run and it's important to point out that this is going to be a function that we create and define in about ten seconds from now so in this case we need to make up a name why don't we name our function fictional University resources or fictional university files how about univer City underscore files okay for this argument the name doesn't matter it just needs to be something that makes sense to you personally and that you can remember all right now right above this line why don't we create a function with this exact name so we will say function and then spell out that name University underscore files parentheses and then we are defining or creating the function so then curly brackets and now within these curly brackets within the body of this function we can load as many CSS or JavaScript files as we want for now though we just want to load one CSS file right our main style dot CSS so we will call a wordpress function named WP underscore on cue style and within the parentheses this function is looking for two arguments for the first we just need to make up a nickname for our main stylesheet this name does not matter it just means to make sense to us why don't we call it university main styles okay and then the second argument is just a location that points towards the file later on in this course we will learn how to point towards custom folder directories and look up specific file names but in this case since we just want to work with the main style dot CSS file and that's sort of the default style sheet in WordPress we don't need to manually spell out a location here we can just call a wordpress function named get underscore stylesheet underscore URI okay and that's a WordPress function that we are calling so include parentheses right after it cool and if we wanted to include a second or third CSS file you could just duplicate this line here and if you wanted to load a JavaScript file instead of CSS you would just change this word from style to script singular script not plural but I wouldn't worry about that because I will show you how to load a JavaScript file very soon okay but for now if we go ahead and save this file and let's also be sure to save the recent changes to header.php and then if we refresh in the browser cool we see that all of the text is orange and that's because in our style dot CSS file remember we wrote this as a test in an earlier lesson so if I change orange to green you get the idea our CSS file is loading now before we move on to our final task for this lesson which is loading the black admin menu bar up at the top here before we get to that I want to take a minute to review all of that code we just wrote in our functions PHP file because this can definitely feel confusing or overwhelming so let's break it down really all we did was create or define a brand new function that we chose the name of we got to make this name up the name doesn't matter within that function we called a wordpress function and pointed towards the CSS file that we wanted to load okay but remember that when you create and define a function the function doesn't actually run someone or something needs to call that function later on and that's exactly what we are doing in this line of code WordPress has a function named add action and you give it two arguments let's begin with the second argument this is just the name of a function that you want WordPress to call at a specific moment and this is how you say which moment that should be so WordPress has tons of different hooks or moments that we can hook on to so altogether this line of code is basically saying hey WordPress right before you get ready to output your code that's gonna go in the header that's gonna go in this WP head area right before you're getting ready to output that we want to tack on to that moment and we want you to run our custom function now before we move on I want to go over one last topic that is a common points of confusion for people you might be thinking hey I thought whenever we halt or run a function we have to put parentheses right after it right we did that here and we've been doing that throughout all of our template files so why don't we include parentheses after this name here right if we want to call this function why don't we add parentheses here well we don't add the parentheses because we don't want to literally call this function right now which means instead of you and I immediately calling the function right here now what we're doing is just telling wordpress hey here's the name of the function it's up to you WordPress to actually run it at the precisely right moment okay now let's move on to our final task of adding the black admin bar up at the top here so to begin let's jump into header dot PHP and what I want to do is move the closing body and closing HTML tags out of this file and into footer dot PHP if that doesn't make sense to you right now that's okay just follow along with me so delete the closing HTML and delete the closing body tag all right let's save this and then jump into maybe index dot PHP just for a frame of reference from a bird's eye view how is our page getting created so first we include our header dot PHP then we output the main content meat and potatoes of the page and then we have footer dot PHP so back to header we don't want to close out the body and HTML sandwiches within this file we want to do that at the very end of the HTML that gets generated so over in footer.php underneath our dummy text let's close out the body tag and close out the HTML tag and now here's the important part right before the closing body tag I want you to drop into PHP and call a function named WP underscore footer if you've ever worked with JavaScript before you know that a lot of times you don't want to load JavaScript files up in the head section instead you want to load them right before the closing body tag so this is just our way of giving WordPress the final say before we close out the body tag so WordPress can use this for all sorts of things like loading JavaScript files or in this case for adding the black admin menu bar up at the top of the page okay so with this in place if we save this file and refresh awesome there's the admin bar and that's actually going to bring this lesson to a close at this point in the course you might be thinking to yourself hey when is the website gonna start looking like it was built in the last decade because right now this plain white background and the text and the full width of it it looks like it was built in 1995 well in our very next lesson we will address the visual or graphic design of our theme let's keep our progress rolling and I will see you then hello everyone in this lesson we will learn how to convert a static HTML and CSS page into a living breathing WordPress theme so up until this point in the course the wordpress theme and site that we've been working on has zero style or designed to it now this isn't very realistic is it because in the real world we're never gonna make any money if our web sites are this ugly so we need to add design and art direction to our theme now we could start writing CSS together and try to create something that looks nice but this isn't a course about CSS in this course we want to stay focused on WordPress PHP and a little bit of JavaScript so in order to avoid getting bogged down in CSS and design for the next 20 hours what we're going to do is download a little bit of HTML and CSS that I've already written for us but it could just as well be HTML and CSS that you or your coworker wrote the actual HTML and CSS itself doesn't matter what matters is that we learn how to integrate it into a living breathing WordPress theme okay so right now let's go and download my starter code I want you to open a new tab in web browser and visit this URL so it's slash learn web code slash university - static anyways once you're on this page we just want to use this green clone or download button that we see here and once you click on that then we are interested in this download zip button and once you go ahead and extract that zip file you will have a folder named University static master now this time around it doesn't matter where you place this folder because the folder isn't going to have anything to do with our wordpress site we're basically just going to copy and paste stuff from this new folder into our wordpress theme folder okay but first let's just go ahead and look within this new folder and the first thing I want you to do is find the index.html file and preview it in your web browser so in this empty Google tab I will just drag index.html on top of it and this page is just static HTML this file has 0 PHP in it and has absolutely nothing to do with WordPress so none of the links are real they don't go anywhere none of the buttons do anything it's our job now to copy and paste this HTML into our WordPress theme and then sort of hollow it out and program it to pull in real user generated WordPress content like posts and pages so we want to start moving over some of this HTML into the WordPress theme that we've been working on that lives at fictional University dot dev and the question of the moment is where do we begin well it's just personal preference but I always like to begin with the header so in this case the part that I'm highlighting right now we've got the logo in the top left and the navigation links and buttons in the top right so if we want to move or copy and paste this into our theme why don't we open up that new folder that we downloaded just a moment ago and let's open this index.html file in our editor all right so this is the HTML that is creating this page and if we're interested in this top header part all we need to do is look right below the opening body tag here and we see a header element so let's just place our cursor at the very beginning of that header tag and then scroll down a bit and you'll see that that header element closes right here so I'm just going to hold down the shift key on my keyboard and click at the end of it here cool and now with that code highlighted let's just copy it into our clipboard and now we want to paste it into one of the files in our wordpress theme folder so i know this is getting a little bit confusing that's why I'm using one text editor with a light color scheme and another text editor with a dark color scheme right so this dark screen is the files that we just downloaded a minute ago and this light screen is the WordPress theme folder that we've been working on for several lessons now so here's what I want you to do in your theme folder jump into our header dot PHP file and right below the opening body tag let's delete this h1 element and then go ahead and paste in your clipboard okay and if we save this and refresh our wordpress site here's the new header content now it's not styled yet and that's because we haven't moved over any CSS code yet don't worry we'll do that in just a minute or two but next let's move over the footer from the HTML page right so on this page if we scroll down to the very bottom we see this footer section that we are probably going to want on every page of the website so back in the recently downloaded index.html file if we go ahead and scroll down to the very bottom of it right above the closing body tag and this script tag we see a footer element so why don't we place our cursor at the end of the footer element and then scroll up a bit okay and here we see the opening tag for the footer so let's just pull down the shift key on our keyboard and click at the very beginning of the footer element then copy this into our clipboard and then we want to paste it into our theme folders footer dot PHP file so back in our WordPress theme folder jump into your footer dot PHP file and we want to leave these lines intact but let's go ahead and delete this dummy paragraph and then just go ahead and paste in your clipboard and if we save that and refresh the wordpress site now we've got the footer in place however we still don't have any sort of styling or design so next why don't we take the CSS from this page and add it into our WordPress themes style dot CSS file so in that new folder that we downloaded in this lesson go ahead and open the style dot CSS file in a text editor and we want to copy everything in this file into our clipboard so press command a if you're on a Mac or ctrl a if you're on Windows that will select everything and then copy it into your clipboard and then back in your WordPress theme folder jump in to style dot CSS remember we created this file in this comment back when we first created the theme now we definitely want to leave this comment in place but right below it we can delete this test placeholder CSS we had and then let's just paste in our clipboard then save this file and then if we refresh on the front end of our website we see the hint of a design shining through okay now looking at this page I see all sorts of things we need to fix so let's just start working through it bit by bit so you'll notice down here in the footer underneath this connect with us column back in the HTML template for this page they're supposed to be social network icons there and when I created this page I used an icon package named font awesome so we just need to make sure that we load the font awesome icon pack in our WordPress theme let me show you what I'm talking about so if we open the index.html file that we downloaded earlier in this lesson and we scroll up to very top of it you'll notice that in the head section on this line I'm loading the font awesome icon library now your first instinct might be to copy and paste this line into the header dot PHP file in WordPress but that's not the ideal way of doing things let me show you why so back in our wordpress theme folder if we jump into header dot PHP up at the top here's our head section and remember that instead of loading CSS files directly here we added this WP head function so that WordPress can be in control of loading different files and assets so if we want to load another CSS file that loads up the font awesome icon pack we actually want to jump into our themes functions dot PHP file now remember that this is the line of code that loaded our main style dot CSS file so if we want to load another CSS file what we can do is just right above this line let's call the WP on cue style function again all right now within the parentheses we want to pass in two arguments the first is a nickname that we get to make up why don't we call this one font awesome the name doesn't matter it should just make sense to us and then comma and then let's include a second argument and this just needs to be a location that points towards the file now if we jump back into our index.html template file you can see here that I was loading font awesome from an external URL so let's just copy and paste part of this URL into WordPress so do this with me place your cursor in between this colon and the first forward slash and then I want you to select all the way to the end of the file name so it ends in dot CSS okay so with that selected let's copy it into our clipboard and then back in our wordpress functions PHP file just paste that in between the quotes for this second argument cool so now if we say and refresh those icons are in place now let's move on to the next fix so the next thing that I notice is that the text on this page is using a generic font but the text on the HTML template is using a custom font and if we look at this index.html file in our text editor right above the font awesome line you can see on this line I'm loading custom fonts from Google so if we want to move this over into WordPress let's just jump back into our themes functions.php file and right above the line that we just created a moment ago let's add a new line and let's just call that WP on cue style function again so in the parentheses the first argument is a name that we make up let's call it custom google fonts and then let's add a comma and quotes for the second argument and we just need a URL that we can paste into there so back in index.html on this google fonts line place your cursor in between the colon and the first forward slash and then drag to the right and stop right before that ending quote ok with that selected let's copy it and then back in our wordpress file paste it into the second argument cool now let's save that and refresh our WordPress site and it's a subtle change but you can see that we are now using custom fonts next let's focus on the actual content of the homepage right so instead of this generic listing that loops through our blog posts instead of that why don't we work on importing this custom welcome area and two column layout and slideshow so to do that let's jump back in to our index.html template and you can scroll up to the very top and then you'll notice that we've already imported this header element so scroll down a bit until you get to the end the header element and then let's place our cursor right before this page banner element okay and then let's scroll down all the way to the bottom right before the footer element begins so we don't want to include this we've already copied and pasted that so just hold down shift and click right here at the end of this div so let's just copy that to our clipboard and then let's jump over to our wordpress theme folder and the file that controls the homepage is index dot PHP now in this file we still want to begin by including the header template and we still want to end by including the footer template but we want to get rid of everything in between so let's delete this test placeholder loop code that we wrote earlier okay and now we want to paste in the HTML from our clipboard but you'll notice that we are currently in PHP mode so on this line let's just drop out of PHP and then right before get footer we can enter back into PHP so that means right here we are in HTML so we can just go ahead and paste in a clipboard let's save that and refresh the wordpress site looks good we just have two quick problems to solve the first issue is that we are missing the images or photographs that should be displayed here and then down here as well and the second problem is that this slideshow section isn't behaving like a slideshow okay so let's fix both of those things but let's begin with the missing photos so all we need to do is look within the new folder that we downloaded at the beginning of this lesson and we need to copy or move this images folder into our WordPress theme folder and while we're at it I also want you to copy over this CSS folder and this j/s or JavaScript folder so you should be able to just click on one folder and then hold down the command key on Mac or the ctrl key on Windows and then just click on the other folders that you want then right-click and choose copy and then we're just going to paste them into the wordpress theme folder so remember your theme folder lives within your local sites or projects folder or wherever you set up WordPress so open that up and then drill in to your theme folder so if you're using my vagrant setup go into fictional university and then the app folder and then WP content and then themes and here's our fictional University folder so go in there and this is where we just want to paste in our clipboard cool so we copied over those three folders and now if we refresh our website we still don't have the images but now we are very close we just need to update our HTML to look for the images in the right folder so back in our text editor in our theme folder jump in to index dot PHP and up towards the very top of the file you'll see a div with a class of page banner BG image and it's using an inline style that's trying to pull in a background image and this code tells the web browser to look within the current folder for a subfolder named images and look inside it for a jpg named library hero so the reason our photo isn't loading is because if we go up to our address bar we don't have an images folder in the root of our domain or the root of our project directory instead we do have a wordpress folder named WP - content and then within that folder we have a themes folder and then the name of our specific theme is fictional university theme and that is where the images folder lives so then we could look within there for library hero JPEG okay cool so this path works but look how long this is you probably don't want to have to type this out every time you want to load an image so let's go back and jump back into our text editor and I'll show you a trick so go ahead and select this current path so from images to jpg copy that into your clipboard and then go ahead and delete it okay so now we just have empty parenthesis and what we're going to do is drop into PHP because WordPress has a function here that can help us so within the HP tags let's echo out the results of a wordpress function named get underscore theme underscore file underscore URI and it's a function so open up parentheses and it only takes a single argument so quotes so now just add a forward slash and then paste in your clipboard and that's all we need to do this WordPress function will generate the path to our theme folder all on its own cool so let's save this and refresh and we're in business now let's just do the same thing for the three images down here at the bottom of the page so back in index dot PHP if you scroll down to the very bottom we see images bread images apples and images bus so go ahead and pause the lesson and adjust these three image paths the same way that we just adjusted the image up at the top the only problem now is that this section isn't cycling through the three slides it's just showing all three slides stacked on top of each other all we need to do to fix that is load a JavaScript file that handles the slideshow behavior so back in our text editor jump in to our themes functions dot PHP file and loading a Java Script file is just like loading a CSS file so right above this line let's add a new line and let's call a function named WP on cue and then instead of style its script within the parentheses the first argument is our chance to name the file the name doesn't really matter let's just call it main university javascript the second argument is where we point towards the file that we want to load to point towards the JavaScript file let's use a function named get theme file URI and it's a function so parentheses and we want to look inside our theme folder and then look inside that j/s folder that we copied over a few minutes ago and the file that we're looking for is named scripts - bundled dot j/s now loading a JavaScript file requires a few more arguments than when we load a CSS file so to the quote and then this parentheses let's include a comma so we can add another argument and WordPress wants to know if this script depends on and the other scripts right does it have any dependencies in this case it doesn't so we can just say null it doesn't have any then WordPress wants a version number for our file it doesn't really matter let's just make up a version number of 1.0 and then the final argument is basically WordPress asking us do you want to load this file right before the closing body tag yes or no so we say yes or true and that way it loads at the bottom of the page instead of up in the head section which is much better for overall performance so if we save this and refresh now we have typical slideshow behavior perfect that's going to bring this lesson to a close in our next lesson we'll start working on an interior page template let's keep it rolling and I will see you then hello everyone in this lesson we will set up an interior page template what in the world do I mean by that well for example this is our home page but when someone clicks on a generic page like about us up in the header or privacy policy down in the footer we will need a generic page template to power those pages so in this lesson we will work on integrating this custom design of hours into our themes page dot PHP file now in case it wasn't clear from the last lesson by the end of this course we will have made everything on this home page dynamic and be pulling from Riegel wordpress content but for the time being let's leave this static home page as a placeholder and let's focus our attention on interior pages okay now let me show you what I'm referring to when I say interior page template so in that new folder that we downloaded in our previous lesson university static master if we look inside that folder there is a file named interior - page dot HTML and if we go ahead and drag that file onto a new tab in our web browser we see a template that we can use for the majority of our wordpress pages now before we start integrating this HTML into our theme let's first jump into our WordPress admin area and let's create a couple of new pages just so you and I are synched up so from the sidebar let's hover over pages and click add new for starters let's create a page named about us and for the content let's just say this is the about page content and then maybe paste in a bit of lorem ipsum dummy text and then let's save or publish this and while we're at it let's create another new page so add new and let's name this page privacy policy and for the content this is the privacy policy content lorem ipsum okay go ahead and save this and now we can use this permalink to preview the page so here we see the title and here we see the content so it's working but it doesn't look quite right this is not a very pretty page template right so instead we want to use this as our page template so to do that I want you to open up the folder that we downloaded in the last lesson and open up interior page HTML in a text editor all right so towards the top of the file right after the opening body tag we see this header element and we already integrated that in our previous lesson so let's scroll down below that and right when that header element ends we see a new div begin that has a class of page banner so this is where we want to begin copying and pasting so let's place our cursor at the very beginning right before that div opens up and then let's scroll down keep scrolling keep scrolling and around line 68 or 70 you'll see did with a class of page section page section beige and that corresponds with this area in the template we don't need that for now for now let's just copy and paste over this top section so back in the text editor I'm going to hold down the shift key on my keyboard and click right here cool now with that selected let's copy it into our clipboard and then we want to paste it into a file that lives in our theme folder so within your WordPress theme folder that we've been working in go ahead and open up page dot PHP in your text editor okay so we still want to begin with our header we still want to end with our footer and we still want to use the while loop in between but we don't want to output this test placeholder HTML that says this is a page not a post okay so let's delete that line of HTML and let's also go ahead and delete the h2 HTML headline below it and we can also delete this PHP the content function okay so at this point we still have a while loop we are still calling the the post function which will get all of the appropriate data ready for us from the WordPress database we're still closing out of PHP here and opening up PHP here which means right where my cursor is right now we can add HTML so just go ahead and paste in your clipboard and if we save this and refresh in the browser within our WordPress site back on the privacy policy page we've got that template in place and now we can just start hollowing out some of the static content and replace it with WordPress functions that will pull in dynamic content for example let's begin with this large page title headline so up at the very top of page PHP within this page banner section here we see an h1 headline with a hard-coded value of our history so let's just delete our history and instead drop into PHP and call the function name the title cool so if we refresh now we see privacy policy which makes sense since that's the page we're on next let's work on hollowing out this main content field area so back in the text editor if we scroll down just a little bit here we see a div with a class of generic content and what we want to do is just delete and hollow out all of the paragraphs inside it okay and instead of those hard-coded paragraphs we just want to drop into PHP and call the function named the content and if we save and refresh perfect now we see this is the privacy policy content next let's address this sidebar menu of links that we see here we are not ready to set this up yet so for the time being why don't we just comment it out let me show you what I mean back in page dot PHP on this line where we just called the the content function right above that we see a div that has a class of page links so this is the Dib that is creating that sidebar menu and if we want to comment it out right above it we can just say less than symbol exclamation - - so that begins the comment and then let's end the comment right when the div ends so it's just - - greater than to end the comment so this way we leave this code in place so we can work with it in just a couple of lessons from now but on the front end of our website it's now hidden cool we can circle back to that menu a bit later on but for now the next thing I want to address is this subtitle in a future lesson we will learn how to set up a custom field so that each page can have its own unique subtitle here but for now why don't we replace this hard-coded text with a message to ourselves so we don't forget to implement that feature later on so back in page dot PHP of our theme folder up at the very top within this page banner sect we see a paragraph with that hard-coded content and let's delete that and replace it by just saying don't forget to replace me later cool also regarding the plain black background of this top area if we look at that same area within our static template that we are copying from we see that it's supposed to use a background image of the ocean so we need to get that image to work within our theme and if we jump back into our text editor up at the top of page PHP within this page banner div we see an inline style that is trying to load an image named ocean dot JPEG and the reason this isn't working is because we don't have a folder named images at the root of our domain in reality our images folder lives within our theme folder so let's do this let's hollow out these parentheses so delete this images ocean JPEG and in these parentheses let's drop into PHP and then echo out the results of a function named get theme file URI and we are calling a function so parentheses and this function will automatically provide the beginning part of the URL that will look in wp-content themes and then our theme name so now we can just say quotes look in the images folder for ocean jpg cool so let's save this and refresh now in a future lesson we will set things up so that in the admin edit page screen you can upload a unique image for each page but for the time being I think this placeholder ocean image will do the trick okay moving on that leaves us only with this little breadcrumb area that we still need to address we will circle back to this section at the very end of this lesson but for now let's not worry about it what I do want to worry about right now is the title of this page that we should be seeing up here in the title of this browser tab now the fact that we are seeing the URL of the page here instead of a legit title means that we are missing the title tag that usually lives in the head section of a website so if that's the case your first instinct might be to jump into your text editor and hop into our theme folders header dot PHP and your instincts might be to go inside this header element and create a title tag and say my little title now technically that works so we see the title here but that's far from ideal because you want the title to be unique or specific for each page or post that you're viewing so let's delete this title line and instead since we are already giving WordPress control over our head section with this WP head function what we can do is jump into our theme folders functions PHP file and tell WordPress to automatically generate an appropriate title tag for each screen so the question is how do we tell WordPress to do something and the answer is that you add an action so down here we've already added one action and this is the event that we wanted to hook on to when our goal was to load CSS and JavaScript files but in this case we have a different goal so let's drop down to the bottom here and let's add a new action so we call the add action function and the name of the WordPress event that we want to hook on to is after setup theme and then let's pass this function a second argument and this is just the name of a function that we are going to invent in about a second or two from now so we get to make up this function name let's name it University features so we make up a name and then we just have to create a function with that name so right above this new line that we just wrote let's create a new line and let's say function we want to create a new function we want it to be named University features parentheses curly brackets and when you want to enable a feature for your theme the function that you call is add Thieme support now there are all sorts of different features that you can enable with this function so we need to tell WordPress which feature in particular we're interested in in this case its title tag okay so with this new code in place if we save this file and refresh the front-end of our website look up here in the top of my browser tab privacy policy which makes sense since we're on that page but if we change the URL and go to about us cool the title tag gets automatically generated by WordPress now you'll see that it's followed by a - and then the name of our website if you ever want to change this top-level name of your website just go into the settings general screen of WordPress ok moving on now that we have an about Us page and a privacy policy page it would be nice if those links in the header and footer actually did something when you click on them now in a future lesson I will show you how to create real dynamic WordPress menus that you can control and manage from the admin appearance menu screen but for now let's just manually add those links within our header and footer theme files let's start with the about Us header link so in our theme folder within header.php just a bit down from the top here we see the about Us link so let's delete the placeholder hash tag and technically we could just say slash about us and that works if you're using a developer domain like we are fictional University dot dev but if you're using something like map or xampp you might not be using a real developer domain and in that case you don't want your links to just point to the root of the current domain because you might have multiple WordPress sites all living on your one local host so instead a more reliable way of creating links is to drop into PHP and echo out the results of a function named site URL and that will automatically give you the route URL of your cur WordPress site and then anything we include as an argument it's added on to it so we can just say slash about us let's save that and now even if I go back to my home page when I click on this about Us link we are in business next why don't we set things up so that if you click on this logo in the top left corner it takes you back to the home page so up at the top of hetero a just a couple lines down from the opening header tag we see this h1 with a class of school logo text and all we need to do is change this links href value so delete the placeholder hashtag and then there's no sense in typing out that same code again so let's just copy and paste what we set up down here from the opening PHP to the closing PHP tags copy that back up here in this href value paste it except this time we don't want to link to the about Us page so we can simply call the function and not pass it any arguments whatsoever and that will give us the route or home URL so I'm on about us and if I click that logo or on the home page cool now let's do the same thing for a few of the links in the footer so this should take us back to the home page about us and privacy policy so in the text editor jump into your themes footer dot PHP the first h1 that we see should link us back to the home page so here's the a element and here's the href so just delete the placeholder hashtag and then paste in your clipboard this should point towards the home page so let's delete this argument so the parenthesis are empty okay and then down here let's set things up for the about Us link in the footer so delete that paste in our clipboard perfect let's scroll down a little bit here's the privacy policy link so delete that placeholder pasted in the clipboard change about us to privacy policy cool so if we save that now we can use the links in the footer to jump around ok so at this point we now have a basic interior page template up and running now we can circle back to this little breadcrumb box here because this box makes zero sense on a top level page like privacy policy however imagine we want to have sub pages or children pages on our site so for example maybe on our about Us page we want to have two children pages our history and our goals well in our very next lesson that's exactly what we're going to learn about parent and children pages and how to work with them on the front end of our website I know this lesson we just worked through and the one right before it they were not tons of fun they're probably two of the most boring lessons in the entire course but we had to get up and running and working with the same page templates so you and I are in sync from here on out there won't be as much mindless copying and pasting we're gonna get back to truly educational content so let's keep things rolling and I will see you in the next lesson hello everyone in this lesson we will learn how to adjust our theme templates to account for parent and children pages so for example imagine under our about Us page we want two new children pages named our history and our goals now before we update our theme to reflect parent child page relationships let's first go and actually create the two children pages over in the WordPress admin area so let's add a new page let's title this one our history paste in a bit of dummy content and here's the important part over in the right hand column under parent instead of no parent let's choose about us okay so we are saying that the our history page belongs to the about Us page so let's publish that and just for good measure let's create another new page and let's call this one hour of goals dummy content over in the sidebar tell the parent to be about us let's save that okay so we've created the two pages but now we need the front end of our website to actually reflect those parent-child relationships so for example if we use this permalink here to visit the our goals page our focus for this lesson is this breadcrumb box now at the moment it is entirely hard-coded right so this shouldn't say our history it should say the name of the current page which is our goals so right now let's dig into our theme code and make this breadcrumb box dynamic so in our text editor within our theme folder let's open up page PHP and from the top if you look below this page banner div you'll then see a container and right below that this div with a class of meta box that's the breadcrumb box so you can see towards the end of this div we have hard-coded our history so why don't we begin by deleting that hard-coded our history and instead we can drop into PHP to output the title of the current page so let's just call the function named the title cool so that makes this text dynamic next let's set things up so that this entire breadcrumb box only appears on child pages right because it makes sense that we would want a link back to the parent page but once you are back on the parent page there is no need for this box so back in our text editor we only want to display this meta box div or this breadcrumb box div if the current page being viewed is a child's page now the first step to achieving that is by using something in PHP called an if statement so do this with me right above this div with a class of meta box right above that let's add a new line and let's drop into PHP and within PHP let's write our first if statement so we just type out the word if and then a pair of parentheses and then a pair of curly brackets okay now whatever we place within the curly brackets will only occur if whatever we place within the parentheses is true so let's work through an example in the curly brackets let's maybe echo out a phrase that says the sky is blue okay and now within our parentheses on this line let's say if two plus two equal sign equal sign for so this will always be true right two plus two will always equal four so because our condition within these parentheses is true PHP will run whatever we place within the curly brackets so save and refresh here we see the sky is blue but if we change our condition to two plus two equals seven that is false right so because it's false the code in the curly brackets will no longer run so now you can see we are missing the sky is blue so what we want to do is come up with a condition instead of two plus two equals something we want our condition to be if the current page has a parent page right because if it does that means it's a child page now in order to find out information about a page like that we are going to need to review a wordpress topic named post ids so what in the world is a post ID well the easiest way to explain that is to jump into your WordPress admin screen and begin editing any existing post or page and I want to direct your attention up to the address bar whenever you're editing a post or page towards the end of the URL you will see a number and that is the unique numerical ID for that post or page in my case my our goals page has an ID of 24 and if I go check out the main about Us page in my case it has an ID of 16 in your WordPress website it might have a different ID number but that's not important what is important that each page in post has this unique number and back in our code we can use that unique ID number to find out information about a page or post so right now I want to show you a few WordPress functions we can use that are related to post IDs so for the time being let's delete this if statement so now we just have this empty PHP section and I want you to type this out with me let's echo out the results of a wordpress function named get the ID and notice the I and D are capitalized but if we save that here we see a 16 on the about Us page and if we go back to the our goals screen we see a 24 cool so this get the ID function will give us the ID of the current page that's being viewed but that's not exactly what we're interested in we want to know if the current page has a parent page so instead let's do this let's delete this line and instead let's echo out the results of a wordpress function named WP get post parent ID and this function will do exactly what it says it will do so within the parentheses we give it an ID for a page or post and this function will respond by giving us back the ID number for that page is parent so for example if we were on the our goals page and we wanted to find the ID of this page as parent well this page itself has an ID of 24 but instead of hard-coding that number we want this to be dynamic so to get the ID of the current page remember the function get the ID so altogether what this line of code is saying is get the ID of the current page we're viewing and then WordPress we want you to use that number to look up the ID of its parent page so if we save this and refresh we see a 16 and remember that's the ID of my parent about Us page and if we go to that about us parent page the number we see is zero and that's because this page about us doesn't have a parent so this function WP get post parent ID it will return zero if a page doesn't have a parent and if a page does have a parent we just get the ID of that parent page now that behavior will play very nicely with an if statement let me show you what I mean let's bring this full circle and get back to an if statement but before we go ahead and delete this line I want you to copy part of it to your clipboard so beginning from the W at the start of this function name and then all the way right before the semicolon let's copy this part in nor clipboard so we don't have to type it again in a few seconds cool so now let's go ahead and delete this line and let's put everything together so let's write an if statement if parenthesis curly brackets within the curly brackets let's echo out and say I am a child page now within the parentheses right after the if for our condition I want to show you something neat so we already tried two plus two equals and then four would be true and then some other made-up number this would be false but obviously we don't always want everything to be a mathematical equation that evaluates to true or false in PHP and many other programming languages there's a special boolean value if you say true that will obviously evaluate to true so we see I am a child page you could also say false but beyond that what's neat is simply a value of zero will evaluate to false right so now we do not see I am a child page and any number such as 1 or any number that's larger than that will evaluate to true I am a child page so here's the cool part for our condition we can just paste in our clipboard because remember this function will give us the ID of the pair Paige and if the page doesn't have a parent it returns a zero and if it's a zero that evaluates to false cool so now we finally have a bit of code that will only run if the current page is a child page so we're on the our goal screen and we see I'm a child page to go to the main about us parent page we don't see that message so now all we need to do is move this div with a class of meta box this is that little breadcrumb box let's just move this HTML to live within the if statement so let's do this let's delete this echo I am a child page and right above it on this line right after the curly bracket let's drop out of PHP and then on this line when the curly bracket ends right before that let's go back into PHP so now on this line where my cursor is we can have regular old HTML so now let's just cut and paste this meta box breadcrumb box cut it and then let's paste it right here cool so let's save that and I'm on the about Us screen now we no longer have that breadcrumb area but if I go back to the our goals page cool there it is the next thing we should work on is adjusting this so that the words about us are not hard-coded right because what if we were on a child page that didn't belong to about us for example down in our footer remember we created a privacy policy page so let's click on that and what if we had a child page that belonged to privacy policy well in that case we wouldn't want our template to have this about us title hard-coded instead we would want this to dynamically pull in the name of the parent page now before we write the PHP code to achieve that why don't we first go and create an actual privacy policy child page so that things will be easy to test and see if they're working so back in the admin section I will use the add new button and let's just create a new page and maybe call it cookie Policy paste in a bit of dummy content and the important part is that we want to set the parent to privacy policy okay so let's save this and now if I use this permalink here to view that new page cool so there's the title cookie policy but this back to about Us link doesn't make any sense instead it should say back to privacy policy so right now let's write a bit of PHP code to make this dynamic so let's delete this hard-coded about us and instead let's drop into PHP and let's echo out the results of a wordpress function named get the title now this function name sounds very similar to the function that's just the title the difference between these two functions is that the title will output the title of the current post or page whereas get the title allows you to pass in an ID number in these parentheses and it will give you the title for that post instead of just the current post that you've looped through so we don't want to hard-code a numerical ID here we want this to be flexible let's just place an X just as a temporary placeholder and we will circle back to this in just a moment for now let's shift our focus onto the href attribute we want to replace this hash tag with a URL that points to the parent page of the current page so within those quotes let's drop into PHP and let's echo out the results of a function named get permalink so this function is similar to get the title instead of being limited to just the current page of posts that we've looped through we can pass it a number or an ID and it will give us the permalink for that post or that page so let's also just place an X here as a placeholder and now all we need to do instead of having an X here and here we just need to use the same ID number that we created up here with these two functions right remember this WP get post parent ID function will give us the ID of the current pages Paige now this code that I'm highlighting right now is a lot to type so we probably don't want to have to type that out again here and here instead right above this if line why don't we create a variable that stores this numerical ID and then we can just access that variable again and again so let's create a variable and we can make up the name let's call it the parent the name doesn't matter we're just making something up that we can remember and we just want it to equal the number that this function generates so let's just copy and paste this or you can even cut and paste it right so now the parenthesis for the if statement will be empty and we can say that our variable equals that and now we can use this variable in three places we can use it as the condition for our if statement so we can say if our variable right because if it's a zero that will evaluate to false it'll work just the same as this it's just less typing this time around and then as you might have guessed we can use that same variable where our X placeholders are so right here let's delete the X and just say the parent and let's do the same thing for this X so get the title and then the parent and then if we save this and refresh our cookie policy page which is a child of privacy policy when i refresh now we see back to privacy policy here and if I click on that cool it successfully takes me to the parent page and if I go up into the address bar and visit the about us our history sub page or child page cool we see back to about us and if we click it the link indeed works now at this point you might be asking yourself how our visitors of the websites supposed to navigate to the child pages right we're on the about us parent page and nowhere do we see links to the two children pages well that is the exact issue that we are going to fix and work on in our next lesson we will learn how to add a sidebar menu right about here that automatically includes links to any and all children pages it should be a lot of fun to code out let's keep things rolling and I will see you in the next lesson hello everyone let's take a quick break from our project to answer one of the most common PHP questions and that is why do certain functions need to be echoed while other functions don't in order to understand the answer to this let's write a couple of functions together right now so jump into your text editor and within your theme folder let's open up index dot PHP we're just gonna write a bit of test code for educational purposes that we will delete in about 5 minutes from now so it doesn't really matter where we type this but I'm just gonna open up a new PHP area right below the header ok and now we can experiment so type this out with me let's imagine we want to create our own brand new function so function and let's call it double me parentheses curly brackets and let's imagine that the purpose of this function that we are creating is that when you call it you give it a number and this function will double that number and give you the result so for example below the function definition when it's time for us to actually run and call the function we might say double me five right and we would expect that to generate 10 or if we said eight we would expect it to generate 16 okay so let's go ahead and make that happen within the function definition so within these parentheses we want a parameter that can receive the incoming number doesn't matter what we call it let's just call it dollar symbol X as a placeholder variable okay and then in the curly brackets in the body of the function we can just echo out whatever number that someone passes into this function x - or asterisk - cool so now down below this function definition we could say double me four right and we would expect that to echo out eight onto the page so if we save this and refresh the homepage of our website if i zoom in a bit there you can see that number 8 cool and if we change this to 25 saved we see the number 50 so that's an example of a function that we don't need to echo we just call the function and it echos something out onto the page for us however not all functions are like this most functions or I should say a lot of functions instead of echoing out their result they return their result so what does that mean what does return do it's basically a functions way of saying my work here is done I've done my job and now I'm returning this results or I'm returning this value so then down here when we call or run the function and say doublemeat 25 this will still equal 50 PHP will evaluate this to be 50 however we are not doing anything with that value of 50 in this case it's just going to sit in PHP s memory and we aren't doing anything useful with it so if we save this and refresh you'll notice that that value of 50 disappears up here so now it's up to us to actually do something with the value that this function returns now there are a million different things we could do with the value probably the most obvious example would be that we could echo it out so echo the results of double me 25 so now that will indeed show 50 again now functions that return values like this are really nice because they're so flexible right because in the world of programming there's a lot of things we need to do other than just echoing out simple values so for example we could create a variable magical number and tell it to equal double me 10 right so we aren't trying to echo anything onto the page we're just setting a variable to equal this value or for another example maybe we want to use that function as an if statement condition so for example we could say if double me 12 equals 20 or then echo out onto the page the function is performing the math correctly cool so you get the idea this is not a real-world example you'd probably never do this but the idea is that you can use the value that a function returns anywhere now before we bring everything full circle and tie this back into the topic of WordPress specifically let's have a bit of fun first so right now let's delete this if statement so we've still got our double me function definition and right now below this let's create another brand new function named triple me instead of typing it out we can just copy and paste this function so copy paste let's change the name to triple me and then on this line change this from x 2 to x 3 ok now below this let's actually call and run these two functions together because I think this will really illustrate the power of functions that return values they're so flexible that they can fit together nicely so let's begin by saying double me 5 so that would be 10 but then we can wrap that within the triple me function so then right before that we could say triple me parenthesis and in the parenthesis here so instead of just saying triple me 10 I'm trying to show you that you can use the value that a function returns as an argument for another function so let's test this out by echoing it or outputting it onto the page if you triple 10 we would expect to see 30 so save this refresh cool then if i zoom in you can see a value of 30 ok now that's enough PHP for the sake of PHP let's tie this back in to WordPress so when it comes to the WordPress functions that we don't have to create that we just get to leverage it can be a bit confusing whether a function is going to echo something for us or if it's just going to return a value and so we need to echo it so let me show you a tip that can save you tons of confusion back in the I will delete all of this sample code so that we can talk about wordpress functions so for example wordpress has a function named the title but it also has a function named get the title also there's a wordpress function named the ID but wordpress has another function named get the ID so how do we make sense of this well there's a rule of thumb that if a wordpress function begins with the word get that means it's not going to echo anything for you it's just going to return a value and it's up to you to use that value however you see fit on the other hand if a function begins with the word the that means WordPress will indeed handle echoing and outputting it onto the page for you now at this point in the course I say we just leave it at that so I'm going to delete all of this test code from this lesson so I'm putting my index dot PHP file back to the state that it was in before this lesson even began and moving forward I wouldn't worry about preemptively memorizing every function and knowing exactly what it does because that's not how people work in the real world in the real world you will Google in plain English terms whatever you're trying to accomplish in WordPress with code and in the search results you'll want to look for two main websites codex and developer dot these are the official WordPress websites and they have a wealth of information they will tell you exactly what a function does how to use it what arguments you can pass it and most importantly it will tell you if the function returns something or outputs something for you now having said all of that you don't need to go and do any of your own research at this point relax take a deep breath you're in this course for a reason it's my job to gradually introduce you to more and more WordPress functions and by the end of this course with a little bit of repetition thrown in there for good practice you will have a rock-solid understanding of what WordPress functions are at your disposal and what they do I'm never a fan of pre-emptive memorization I'm big on practicing experimenting and organically building up your understanding so long story short even if you didn't understand everything in this lesson 100% I wouldn't worry about it because we're going to keep practicing these same concepts several more times hopefully this lesson cleared up a bit of confusion let's keep things rolling and I will see you in the next lesson hello everyone in this lesson we will learn how to set up a menu of children page links for the current page that you are viewing so for example if I navigate to our about Us page we know that this page has two children pages named our history and our goals but we don't see links to those anywhere so our goal for this lesson is to add a menu right about here that has links to the applicable children pages if you think back to several lessons ago you will remember that we actually commented out that menu so over in your text editor within your theme folder jump into page dot PHP and if you scroll down about halfway or a little bit further remember this div that we commented out so at this point we can just remove these comments and then remove this closing comment down here okay so we've got this div with a class of page links and if I save this and refresh the page here's the menu that I'm referring to but right now it's hard coded which means it's not dynamic what I mean is the hard-coded data of about us our our history and our goals only makes sense because that's a contrived example but if we scroll down to the footer and click on the privacy policy page now it becomes painfully obvious that the menu is not dynamic right instead of about us this should say privacy policy which is the current parent page and then down here we should see links to any privacy policy children pages so right now let's begin writing the code to make this menu dynamic let's focus on this list of children links first and then after that we'll work on this parent page header link so back in the code here is the unordered list of links right there's a list item for each link so we don't want these list items to be hard-coded so let's just delete these so now we have an empty UL element and within that element let's drop in to PHP and let's call a wordpress function named WP list pages now before we even worry about providing any arguments inside the parentheses let's just save this and see what it does so that function created links to every single page on our website which is obviously not what we want we only want children pages of the current page being viewed also up here we can see that this function outputs this odd little title named pages and we don't want this so the question becomes how do we tell this function WP list pages to do what we want it to do well obviously that's the job of arguments that we can pass it within the parentheses however this function needs us to provide it arguments in a very specific format so for example we can't just include one argument and then a comma and then another argument instead this function wants us to pass it an array and not just any array it needs an associative array so right now let's take a quick timeout and forget about this function and instead answer the question what in the world is an associative array so several lessons ago we saw an example of a very basic array so to refresh your memory let me create a very basic array maybe I'll create a variable named animals and set it to equal an array so then within that array I can say cat comma dog comma pig so an array lets us have multiple pieces of data that live within a larger collection however what if I wanted to associate a value with each animal so for example what if I wanted to list the sound that each animal makes so for cat it would be meow for dog it would be bark and for pig it would be oink well in order to do that I would need to create an associative array so check this out let me delete this line and let's imagine I want to create a variable named animal sounds and I set it to equal an array and then within the array the first item is cat and then right after cat I say equal symbol greater than meow and then include a comma and do the same thing for dog now I could list all the items on a single line but when I'm working with associates of arrays just to stay organized I like to put each one on its own line so we've got cat equals meow then comma dog equals symbol greater than dog equals bark comma pig equals point and this is an example of an associative array we've associated a value with each item and now maybe later on in my code if I want to access the sound that a dog makes and maybe I want to echo it out onto the page I can just say echo look inside my variable so echo animal sounds and then to look inside an array you use square brackets and then instead of looking for a zero-based numerical key since we are working with an associative array we can just reference this label or key name so within the square brackets I could just say dog and be sure to end that line with a semicolon and if we save and refresh there we see the value of bark cool so now that we are at least a little bit familiar with an associative array let's get back to the task at hand which is working with this WP list pages function so let me delete this example code and now let's get down to business of providing this funk with an associative array that tells it exactly what we want it to do so within the parentheses let's say array and then give the word array its own pair of parentheses right this is how you create an array in PHP now we could begin typing here but just to stay organized I like to drop down in between these array parentheses on to a new line and the first thing I want to do is tell the function that it doesn't need to output this odd little pages title so if we don't want that title this function has a parameter named titled underscore Li for list item and we can just set that to equal null so just like earlier when we said cat equals meow or dog equals bark we are saying the title equals empty or nothing so if we save that and refresh cool that awkward title went away now we just need to tell the function that we don't want every single page on our website we only want links to children pages of the current page so back in our code let's add a comma at the end of this line so we can add another item to the array and this function has a parameter named child underscore of and we just want to set that to equal the numerical ID of a certain page or post now before we make this dynamic let's hard-code a number just to see how it works so for example if I want children pages of the privacy policy page I can find the numerical ID of the privacy policy page by going into my admin dashboard looking under pages and if I click on that privacy policy page to begin editing it up in the URL address bar I can see it has an ID of 18 so back in the code if I say child of equals 18 save it and refresh cool there we see cookie policy which is the only child page of privacy policy and if I use this link in the header to visit the about Us page if we want to display the to about us child pages we can just go into our admin dashboard find the ID for about us which is 16 so if I say child of equals 16 cool we see the applicable child pages now obviously we don't really want to hard-code a number here we want this menu to be dynamic right because if I go back to the privacy policy page it should just automatically pull in the correct current child pages so in order to make this dynamic your first instinct might be to get rid of the hard-coded number and use the wordpress function get the ID right this will return the ID of the current page so let's try that so that works perfectly when you are on a parent page but once we click on to the cookie policy child page now that section is completely blank and that's because once we are on a child page now our code is going to try to use that child ID and try to find children of it and that's not what we want so we need to provide a different ID number here depending on the situation if we are on a parent page we can indeed go ahead and just use the ID of the current page but if we are on a child page we can't just use the current ID we need to actively look up the parent page ID so here's how I would handle things up above this function so right when we're getting into PHP here I would just create an if statement so the word if parentheses and then curly brackets and for my condition within the parentheses I would say if the variable named the parent remember we set up that variable in our previous lesson we created a variable named the parent and it will equal the ID of the current page of parent page or if the current page is a parent it will just equal 0 okay so let's leverage that variable again down here so this code is saying only if that the parent variable does not equal zero only if that's the case run the code within these curly brackets or in plain English only if the current page has a parent do something so let's just create a brand new variable and call it find children of the name doesn't matter I'm just making up this name but if you're currently on a child page let's set this to equal the parent ID okay and what if this evaluates to false so if you're viewing a parent page this will be 0 which will evaluate to false so this code will not run and then what we can do is right after this curly bracket we can say it else and then open up a new pair of curly brackets and this will only run if this is false so if this is the case do this otherwise else do whatever we say here in this case let's assign our find children of our made-up variable in that case we can go ahead and get the current idea of whatever page you're viewing so get the ID cool so now we've taken care of that conditional logic now down here when we are actually calling the important WP list pages function we can just say child of equals and we can reference this variable of ours that we just made up so find children of so let's go ahead and save that and refresh perfect so now even though I'm on a child page of cookie policy we still see links to children pages of the current section so if I go up in the header and click on about us we see the two sub pages and even if I click on to our history we still have the relevant child links okay now at this point let's change gears and work on this blue header link this should always point back to the current sections parent page so back in our code here is that blue headline link and we don't want it to be hard-coded to about us so first let's make the title dynamic then let's make the href link value dynamic so delete about us and drop into PHP and then let's echo out the results of a wordpress function get the title and within the parentheses we can just pass an argument of our the parent variable this will work really nicely with this function because if this returns a 0 which means the current page is a parent page this get the title function interprets a 0 as meaning the current page cool now let's do something very similar for the href value delete the hash tag drop in to PHP and let's echo out the results of get permalink and within the parentheses just pass it an argument of our the parent variable cool so let's save that and refresh so we're currently on the our history child page but if I click this blue headline takes me to the parent page and if I go down into the footer and click on privacy policy I can click on this to navigate to a child page and we can always use this header link to go back to the parent page ok so at this point we've made the menu dynamic but now we need to ask ourselves what happens if we go to a page that isn't a child page but also isn't a parent page because it doesn't have any children of its own so for example to show you what I'm talking about up in the address bar if I visit my sample page named test page 1 2 3 this page doesn't belong to any other pages but it also doesn't have any of its own children so in this case we probably just don't want to display this side menu at all right so we wouldn't even want this blue headline to appear so back in our code what I recommend doing is wrapping this page links div just wrapping that entire thing within a PHP if statement so right before this begins let's drop into PHP and say only if parentheses curly braket but let's only use the opening curly bracket and then dropped out of PHP so then we can have all of this HTML and then right when that div is going to end right after that you can drop into PHP close out the curly bracket for the if statement and then close out of PHP so now all we need to do is fill out the if statements condition within these parentheses so we only want to display this menu if you are currently on a child page so to check for that we can just use our the parent variable right because on a child page this variable will equal the number larger than 0 so this will evaluate to true and then right after that we can say or we also want to display this menu if you're on a parent page so the or operator here is very powerful it lets us have multiple conditions and if either one of them evaluates to true then this will run now believe it or not in WordPress there is no easy way to see if the page is a parent but there is a slightly roundabout tricky way of doing it so here's what I would do let's add a line right above this current line that we're on okay and let's create a variable we could name it whatever we want I will call it test array and let's set it to equal the results of a wordpress function named get underscore pages this get pages function is very similar to WP list pages really the only difference is that this function will handle outputting the pages onto the screen for you whereas this function just returns the pages in memory so if this function is almost identical to this function that means we want to pass it an array of arguments so within these parentheses let's say array and then I like to drop down just to stay organized and the only parameter we need to use here is child of equals and let's just use the ID of the current page so get the ID and now if the current Paige has children this function will return a collection of any and all children pages on the other hand if the current page doesn't have any children this function won't return anything it will return null or false or zero and as we know within an if statement if something is zero or empty it will evaluate to false so if the current page has a parent or if it is a parent all we need to do to check for that is just type out our variable name test array so or test array cool so let's save this and refresh this test page which is neither a child page or a parent page and hopefully this menu should disappear completely cool but if we go back to the about Us page the menus back in business we can go to a child page we can go to the privacy policy page things are looking good now before we bring this lesson to a close I have one last tip for you if I go back to the about Us page you'll notice that I have multiple children links and you might be wondering how can you control the ordering of these for example what if I wanted our history to come before our goals by default WordPress will use alphabetical ordering but if you want to use your own custom ordering all you need to do down here when we are calling this list pages function within our array of arguments let's just add another item and let's use a parameter named sort column and set it to equal menu underscore order now if we save this and then jump in to our WordPress admin screen if I jump into the page that I want to be first our history over in the right hand column in this page attributes area you'll see an order box now if I give that page in order of one and then go give the other our goals page in order of - well those order values will determine which goes first and that's going to bring this lesson to a close that means we're done with relatively boring page and now we can move on to dynamic navigation menus and building out our blog and after that we'll get into the truly fun stuff probably the reason you signed up for the course in the first place which is learning about custom post types custom fields creating relationships and pulling in information dynamically with JavaScript we've come a long way but we still have tons to learn let's keep it rolling I'll see you in the next one to get immediate and lifetime access to the full 26 hour video course you can find a coupon link in the description for this video thank you so much for watching and take care
Channel: LearnWebCode
Views: 581,846
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Keywords: wordpress, install, locally, php, theme, developer
Id: FVqzKAUsM68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 32sec (11912 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2018
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