Learn Spanish in 80 Minutes - ALL the Spanish Phrases You Need to Get Started

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with these can-do videos you'll see real-life situations where you have to introduce yourself talk about your family or give your contact information so by the end you can do them yourself in spanish this video is a small portion of our do course to get the full course including translations grammar tools and assessment tests click the link in the description welcome to can do spanish by spanishpod101.com victor hi everyone i'm victor trejo in this lesson you'll learn how to introduce yourself in spanish this is mark lee and he's on a plane to mexico angel salazar a passenger sitting next to him introduces himself by saying hi i'm angel nice to meet you hola mucho gusto listen to the conversation and focus on mark's response note even though this is their first encounter both angel and mark use only their first names ready hola mucho gusto mucho gusto soy mark once more with the english translation hi i'm angel nice to meet you mucho gusto soy mark nice to meet you i'm mark wondering how you can master these conversations even faster here's how one read along you get the lesson conversation and translations inside our dialogue tool so that you see each word as you hear it and understand it all 2. practice speaking by shadowing what you hear you can also record and compare yourself with native speakers with our voice recording tools and three take our assessment tests and see how much you remember these tools are part of our can do course just click the link in the description to get them let's take a closer look at mark's response do you remember how mark lee introduces himself nice to meet you i'm mark first is the expression mucho gusto nice to meet you mucho gusto mucho gusto this expression literally means much pleasure but translates as nice to meet you mucho this expression can be used in any situation from an informal encounter to a business meeting do you remember how mark says i'm mark soy mark first is soy i am note soy is a shortened form of yo soy in spanish i is usually omitted soy is from the verb meaning to be in spanish next is the name mark mark the sentence pattern is soy name i'm name soy name to use this pattern simply replace the name placeholder with your name imagine you're karen in spanish say i'm karen ready note that mexican people have two last names the first one comes from the father's family and the second one from the mothers in a formal situation people might give you only their first last name or they might give you both for example angel's full name is angel salazar almonte in a formal situation such as when he's talking to a colleague he might say soy angel or in an even more formal situation such as when he is introducing himself to a new boss he would probably give both last names soy angel salazar almonte i'm angel salazar almonte soy angel salazar almonte you should give your full name in business or formal situations but in more casual settings it's fine to give only your first name let's look at some examples of people introducing themselves listen and repeat or speak along with the native speakers mucho gusto soy angel mucho gusto soyangel gusto did you notice how the last speaker replaces soy with mediamo wondering how you can master these conversations even faster here's how one read along you get the lesson conversation and translations inside our dialogue tool so that you see each word as you hear it and understand it all two practice speaking by shadowing what you hear you can also record and compare yourself with native speakers with our voice recording tools and three take our assessment tests and see how much you remember these tools are part of our can do course just click the link in the description to get them she says mucho gusto me llamo sonia nice to meet you my name is sonia mucho gusto me llamo sonia this pattern uses the phrase which literally means i myself call but translates as my name is me jammu is the word me meaning me me after this is i call in spanish i is usually omitted is from the verb meaning to call next is the name sonia sonia altogether it's me llamo sonia literally myself i call sonia but it translates as my name is sonia me llamo sonia the pattern is my name is name name you should be aware of this pattern but for this lesson we'll use the sentence pattern soy name i'm name soy name let's review the key vocabulary hola hello hola hola let's review respond to the proms by speaking aloud then repeat after me focusing on pronunciation ready do you remember how to say nice to meet you mucho gusto mucho gusto and the spanish pronunciation of mark's name mark mark do you remember how mark says i'm mark soy mark soy mark do you remember how mark says nice to meet you i'm mark do you remember how to say hello hola hola finally do you remember how angel says hi i'm angel nice to meet you hola soy angel mucho gusto hola soy angel mucho gusto let's practice imagine your karen cut in respond to unhealthy self-introduction ready hola soy angel mucho gusto listen again and repeat mucho gusto soy caring let's try another imagine your sonia sonia ready hola mucho gusto listen again and repeat mucho gusto soy sonia let's try one more imagine your victor victor ready hola mucho gusto listen again and repeat mucho gusto soy victor this is the end of this lesson now here's what you can do to cement this conversation in your head review the conversation with our dialogue tool and lesson transcripts study the key words and phrases with our spaced repetition flashcards review the key grammar and cultural tips inside the lesson notes and test yourself with our assessment tests so click the link in the description right now and sign up for your free lifetime account to access our can-do course hasta la proxima see you next time [Music] welcome to can do spanish by spanishpod101.com hi everyone i'm victor trejo in this lesson you'll learn how to tell someone where you're from in spanish this is mark lee and he's on a plane to mexico angel salazar almonte a passenger sitting next to him asks where are you from listen to the conversation and focus on mark's response note the speakers in this conversation use formal spanish once more with the english translation i'm from new york let's take a closer look at the conversation do you remember how angel salazar asks where are you from this literally means is but it translates as are as in are you when using formal spanish is note is comes from the verb meaning to be together is usted are you when using formal spanish es usted before this is donde where donte and at the beginning is d meaning from in this context altogether where are you from when using formal spanish remember this question you'll hear it again later in this lesson now let's take a closer look at the response do you remember how mark lee says i'm from new york soy de nueva is a shortened form of joe soy i am in spanish the jo i is usually omitted soy is from the verb meaning to be next is from in this context last is the city nueva york new york nueva york nueva york all together soydenue the pattern is soyde city name i'm from city name soyde city name to use this pattern simply replace the city name placeholder with the name of your hometown imagine you're from sydney in spanish it's sydney sydney sydney say i'm from sydney in spanish there are basically two language registers the formal register which is used to address strangers or people we encounter in business settings and the informal register which is used to talk to friends family and people younger than yourself when addressing a single person there are two options usted when using the formal register and to when using the informal register since this lesson's dialog is between two strangers meeting for the first time we will be using the formal register in this lesson let's look at some examples listen and repeat or speak along with the native speakers soy de guadalajara andres [Music] veracruz did you notice how the last speaker miss the day and replaces a city name with australiana i'm australian instead of d plus the city name placeholder she uses an adjective for her nationality this pattern is soy nationality i'm nationality soy nationality in mia martin's case she uses a feminine adjective to describe herself if the speaker were a male from australia he would use a masculine adjective to describe himself i'm australian australian you should be aware of this pattern but for this lesson we'll use the pattern city name i'm from city name let's review the key vocabulary guadalajara guadalajara seattle seattle seattle seattle londres london londres londres cruz let's review respond to the prompts by speaking aloud then repeat after me focusing on pronunciation ready do you remember how to say new york and the word meaning from now do you remember how mark says i'm from new york do you remember how to say where and the formal word for you usted usted do you remember how angel salazar asks where are you from do you remember how to say london londres londres and the word for seattle seattle seattle do you remember the world war of veracruz veracruz veracruz let's practice imagine you're jack jones from london respond to angel's question ready listen again and repeat let's try another imagine you're emma lopez from seattle ready soy the seattle listen again and repeat the seattle let's try one more imagine you're victor trejo from veracruz ready de donde listen again and repeat veracruz you can also use the pattern with states and countries for example soy de mexico i'm from mexico this is the end of this lesson remember these can-do lessons are about learning practical language skills what's next show us what you can do when you're ready take your assessment you can take it again and again so try anytime you like our teachers will assess it and give you your results hasta la proxima see you next time well done now you know how to tell someone where you're from in spanish that's all there is to it keep practicing and move on to the next lesson this is the end of this lesson now here's what you can do to cement this conversation in your head review the conversation with our dialogue tool and lesson transcripts study the key words and phrases with our spaced repetition flashcards review the key grammar and cultural tips inside the lesson notes and test yourself with our assessment tests so click the link in the description right now and sign up for your free lifetime account to access our can-do course hasta la proxima see you next time [Music] [Music] welcome to can do spanish by spanishpod101.com [Music] hi everyone i'm victor trejo in this lesson you'll learn how to talk about your occupation in spanish this is mark lee and he's on a plane to mexico he asks the passenger sitting next to him angel salazar are you a student it listen to the is and focus on angel's response note the speakers in this conversation use informal spanish ready it is once more with the english translation are you a student no no so estudiante no i'm not a student i'm an investor let's take a closer look at the conversation do you remember how mark asks are you a student it is is a shortened form of you are in spanish you is often omitted as it is understood eres comes from the verb ser meaning to be next is estudiante student estudiante estudiante in spanish all nouns have grammatical gender and are either singular or plural estudiante is masculine and singular altogether it's it is now let's take a closer look at the response do you remember how angel says no i'm not a student i'm an investor first is no no no no it answers mark's yes or no question are you a student after this angel specifies that he is not a student no soy estudiante i'm not a student no soy estudiante first is no meaning not here no next is soy i am soy soy note soy is a shortened form of yo soy in spanish the jo i is usually omitted as it is understood soy is from the verb meaning to be together literally means not i am but it translates as i'm not no next is estudiante student estudiante altogether no soy estudiante i'm not a student no soy estudiante angel then tells mark his actual occupation i'm an investor first is soy i am soy next is inversionista investor inversionista inversionista inversionista is a masculine singular noun together i'm an investor altogether no no i'm not a student i'm an investor no no estudiante soy inversionista the pattern is no no soy occupation soy actual occupation no i'm not occupation i'm actual occupation no no soy occupation soy actual occupation imagine you're emma lopez a student angel salazar asks you if you're a teacher the word for a female teacher is maestra maestra maestra say no i'm not a teacher i'm a student no i'm not a teacher i'm a student in spanish some occupations have the same word for both genders for example estudiante however much of the time words will differ depending on gender in general nouns that end in o tend to be masculine while nouns that end in a tend to be feminine let's look at some more examples listen and repeat or speak along with the native speakers no no soy estudiante no no soy estudiante soy inversionista doctor maestro no soy barista did you notice how the last speaker omits no soy estudiante when directly responding to someone's question it's often possible to omit part of the response here by simply answering no no you can omit no soy estudiante i'm not a student this pattern is no soy actual occupation no i'm actual occupation no soy actual occupation you should be aware of this pattern but for this lesson we'll use the pattern no no soy occupation soy actual occupation no i'm not occupation i'm actual occupation no no soy occupation soy actual occupation let's review the key vocabulary estudiante student estudiante estudiante teacher barista let's review respond to the prompts by speaking aloud then repeat after me focusing on pronunciation ready do you remember the word for a male investor inversionista inversionista do you remember how angel says i'm an investor do you remember how to say student and how to say not no no do you remember how angel says i'm not a student do you remember how angel salazar says i'm not a student i'm an investor do you remember how mark lee asks are you a student do you remember the word for a male teacher maestro maestro and the word for a female teacher maestra maestra do you remember the word for a male engineer in general let's practice imagine your mark lee and you're an engineer respond to angel's question ready it is maestro listen again and repeat no no soy maestro soy ingeniero let's try another imagine you're victor trejo and you're a teacher respond to angel's question ready listen again and repeat estudiante soy maestro let's try one more now imagine you're emma lopez and you are a student respond to angel's question ready a this is the end of this lesson remember these can do lessons are about learning practical language skills what's next show us what you can do when you're ready take your assessment you can take it again and again so try anytime you like our teachers will assess it and give you your results hasta la proxima see you next time well done now you know how to talk about your occupation in spanish that's all there is to it keep practicing and move on to the next lesson this is the end of this lesson now here's what you can do to cement this conversation in your head review the conversation with our dialogue tool and lesson transcripts study the key words and phrases with our spaced repetition flashcards review the key grammar and cultural tips inside the lesson notes and test yourself with our assessment tests so click the link in the description right now and sign up for your free lifetime account to access our can-do hasta la course see you next time [Music] welcome to can do spanish by spanishpod101.com everyone i'm victor trejo in this lesson you'll learn how to give someone your phone number in spanish this is mark lee and he's at city hall registering his address a civil servant who is helping him says your phone number please [Music] listen to the conversation and focus on the response note the civil servant in this conversation uses formal spanish ready [Music] numero de telephone is once more with the english translation [Music] your phone number please my phone number is 5055342112 let's take a closer look at the conversation do you remember how the civil servant says your phone number please [Music] let's start with numero de telefono meaning phone number first is numero number numero numero note in spanish all nouns have grammatical gender and are either singular or plural numero is masculine and singular a fact that determines the form of other words in the sentence translates as telephone or phone we'll use the abbreviated version phone as this will include various kinds of phones including mobile phones landlines and so forth together it's numerous this literally means number of telephone or telephones number but it translates as phone number before this is so meaning you're in this formal context so so note so fundamentally means his hers or its but it's also a formal way to say you're when speaking to someone directly using formal spanish now you might be more familiar with an informal word for your as in telephone your phone number as this is a city office setting the formal form is more appropriate all together literally means your number of phone but a translates as your phone number telephone last is por favor meaning please [Music] remember this request you'll hear it again later let's take a closer look at the response do you remember how mark says my phone number is one 5055342112 the number of telephone do you remember how to say phone number number before this is me meaning my me next is s is as in my phone number is s s s is from the verb my phone number is next is mark's phone number cinco cerro cinco cinco tres cuatro dos uno uno dos cinco cinco in mexico the most common way of giving your phone number is two digits at a time however giving your phone number one digit at a time is perfectly understandable after each group of digits include a short pause in place of the hyphen for example cinco sero cinco cinco tres cuatro dos uno nodos my phone number is 505534-2112 uno uno dos my phone number is phone number numero telephone is phone number to use this pattern simply replace the phone number placeholder with your phone number imagine your phone number is one two three two five six seven eight zero zero uno says my phone number is one two three two five six seven eight zero zero ready my phone number is one two three two five six seven eight zero zero numero de telefono uno dos tres dos cinco says let's look at some examples listen and repeat or speak along with the native speakers cuatro cuatro did you notice how i omitted me numero de telefono es 7890-2284 when directly responding to someone's request it's often possible to omit part of the response here by simply giving your phone number there is no need to say my phone number is the pattern is phone number phone number you should be aware of this shortcut but for this lesson we'll use the pattern numero telephone phone number my phone number is phone number me number 11 phone number let's review respond to the prompts by speaking aloud then repeat after me focusing on pronunciation ready do you remember how to say phong number and how to say my phone number and how to say is as in my phone number is s s do you remember how mark says my phone number is five zero five five three four two one one two numero de telephone is do you remember how to say you're in a formal situation su su and how to say please por favor por favor do you remember how the clerk says your phone number please [Music] let's practice imagine you're karen lee and your phone number is cinco cinco ocho nuevedo tres tres cuatro dos respond to the civil servant's request ready listen again and repeat stress let's try another imagine you're ben lee and your phone number is cinco cinco cerrone ready me let's try one more imagine your silvia ramirez and your phone number is cuatro tres dos uno cinco says cuatro cuatro this is the end of this lesson remember these can do lessons are about learning practical language skills what's next show us what you can do when you're ready take your assessment you can take it again and again so try anytime you like our teachers will assess it and give you your results hasta la proxima see you next time now you know how to give your phone number in spanish that's all there is to it keep practicing and move on to the next lesson this is the end of this lesson now here's what you can do to cement this conversation in your head review the conversation with our dialogue tool and lesson transcripts study the key words and phrases with our spaced repetition flashcards review the key grammar and cultural tips inside the lesson notes and test yourself with our assessment tests so click the link in the description right now and sign up for your free lifetime account to access our can-do course hasta la proxima see you next time [Music] with these can do videos you'll see real life situations where you have to introduce yourself talk about your family or give your contact information so by the end you can do them yourself in spanish this video is a small portion of our can do course to get the full course including translations grammar tools and assessment tests click the link in the description welcome to can do spanish by spanishpod101.com hola a todos soy victor trejo hi everyone i'm victor trejo in this lesson you'll learn how to talk about your family in spanish this is ben lee he's at a coffee shop with his classmate sylvia ramirez ben is showing her some pictures she points to one of them and asks is this your family esto familia listen to the conversation and focus on the response ready esto is this your family yes my father my mother my sister and me wondering how you can master these conversations even faster here's how one read along you get the lesson conversation and translations inside our dialogue tool so that you see each word as you hear it and understand it all two practice speaking by shadowing what you hear you can also record and compare yourself with native speakers with our voice recording tools and three take our assessment tests and see how much you remember these tools are part of our can-do course just click the link in the description to get them let's take a closer look at the conversation do you remember how sylvia asks is this your family esto familia let's start with the word familia family familia in spanish all nouns have grammatical gender and are either singular or plural familia is feminine and singular a fact that can determine the form of other words in the sentence before familia is moving to the start of the sentence s is s s comes from the verb meaning to be altogether it's esto familia this literally means is your family but it translates as is this your family note this is understood from context also note the rising intonation of the sentence to indicate that it's a question remember this question you'll hear it again later let's take a closer look at the response do you remember how ben says yes my father my mother my sister and me it answers sylvia's yes or no question is this your family esto familia after this ben points to the picture and says first is me papa my father me me me papa next is mama mother mama my mother [Music] which translates as me in this context my father my mother my sister and me the pattern is me family member me family member me family member my family member my family member my family member and me to use this pattern simply replace the family member placeholder with the members of your family imagine your family members are your father your mother your brother and you my father my mother my brother and me my father my mother let's look at some examples listen and repeat or speak along with the native speakers yo yo did you notice how i replaced me papa mimama with miss papas wondering how you can master these conversations even faster here's how one read along you get the lesson conversation and translations inside our dialogue tool so that you see each word as you hear it and understand it all two practice speaking by shadowing what you hear you can also record and compare yourself with native speakers with our voice recording tools and three take our assessment tests and see how much you remember these tools are part of our can do course just click the link in the description to get them my parents and me the phrase miss papas literally means my father's but translates as my parents miss papas papas is plural a fact that will determine the form of other words in the sentence before this is miss mai mis mis mis is plural to agree with papas my parents and me let's review respond to the prompts by speaking aloud then repeat after me focusing on pronunciation ready do you remember the word for yes c c and the word for father papa papa and the phrase for my father me papa mi papa do you remember the word for mother mama mama do you remember the word for sister hermana hey do you remember the word for end e and how to say me yo yo do you remember how ben says my father my mother my sister and me do you remember the word for family familia familia and the informal phrase for your family to familia to familia do you remember how sylvia asked is this your family do you remember the word for brother hermano hermano let's practice imagine your sasha ben's younger sister respond to your friend's question referring to the photo don't forget to include the word for yes at the beginning of your response ready yo let's try another imagine your ben's classmate ricardo you have a father mother and sister ready esto familia you try one more imagine your ben's classmate and language exchange partner sylvia you have a father mother sister and brother ready listen again under pete si mi papami mamana mermanoio this is the end of this lesson now here's what you can do to cement this conversation in your head review the conversation with our dialogue tool and lesson transcripts study the key words and phrases with our spaced repetition flashcards review the key grammar and cultural tips inside the lesson notes and test yourself with our assessment tests so click the link in the description right now and sign up for your free lifetime account to access our can-do course hasta la proxima see you next time [Music]
Channel: Learn Spanish with SpanishPod101.com
Views: 5,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Spanish, Spanish Language (Interest), Spanish vocabulary, Spanish words, Teacher (Profession), a Spanish speaking country (Country), can do, give your phone number, how to, how to talk, how to write, language tips, learn Spanish, number in Spanish, numbers, phone number, phone number in Spanish, read, read Spanish, speak, speak Spanish, write, writing Spanish
Id: ZQciTqyHEwM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 25sec (4885 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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