How to use the NEW CineCamera Rig Rail in Unreal Engine 5.3 Update

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good morning today we'll have a look at the new cine camera rig rail which is a new feature in aurel engine 5.3 which you can use to create some really cool and smooth camera animations for your cinematic renders [Music] so here we are in a really Legend 5.3 after the new updates this is a very simple scene I've set up using a Volo S90 recharge created by laser car on sketchfab so a big shout out thanks to him for the model and then the background consists of the automotive Bridge scene from epic games so let's start by creating a camera which I already have done here let's jump into the camera view so let's say for example that we want to create like a curved animation here how will we go about doing this well you could either keyframe the location of the camera create like a circular animation that way however it would probably be a bit cumbersome so it's a lot easier to use the new cine camera regrail so in the scene we also have this Aria Alexa 35 Focus tracker this is an empty actor which I'm going to use later in this video so you can just create a new actor in the place actors panel and then rename it to focus tracker or whatever you want here I'll show you its purpose in just a bit so I'm just going to place it in the middle of the car here and then let's create a new cine camera regrail here as you can see this looks very similar to the other rig rail however this has new features which we're going to use today so first I'm just going to place the track down and draw a spline here using the handles to create like a curve and it doesn't have to be perfect because perfect in CGI equals unrealistic so you want like an slightly uneven track to have it look more realistic you can probably already see one of the new features which is a heat map that visualizes your speed of your Dolly track so if we grab one of the tangents here and move it you can see that the speed of the dolly increases or decreases and red applies that it's going very fast and the blue is applying that it's going really slow to apply the camera to the doll truck you just have to drag the camera onto the new cine camera rig Rail and it will automatically attach to the rig rail now you can drive the camera movement through the rig we're just going to select the camera first and then reset its transforms on the X and Y axis so it's perfectly centered above the dolly [Music] [Music] here you can see all of its settings so first we have the use absolute position so if you use one of the other Drive modes which we're going to explore in just a bit this will use the absolute Point position of each spline Point these values are stored in the points and as a result the position of the value of a given point cannot change unless you directly modify the point position so if you keyframe a particular position to occur at a given framing it will not change regardless of how many new points are added before or after you can then also use current position on rail which is a slider from 1 to 100 if you've ever used a real Dolly track or a real Dolly you will know that the pivot point is not located at the front of the camera which is it is here in Unreal Engine the pivot point is usually above the camera tripod head so we're going to move the camera forward slightly to get a more realistic pan [Music] you can toggle the show rail on and off here and then we also have the display heat map on and off here below that we have this speed sample counts per segment which is basically the resolution of the sample count then you can lock and unlock transforms and rotations on the X Y and Z axis and then you can also inherit the focal length aperture and focus distance based on the dolly position on the track so this is one of my favorite new features is that you can automate the dolly position of the track using a number of Drive modes so if you choose duration it will complete the dollar track given the duration time here regardless of how long it is so let's say that we want to go from A to B in a period of 20 seconds then the dolly will automatically move spreading out the speed to make sure that it completes in that time you can also choose to have it looping or not looping which is kind of cool since the camera is naturally pivoting around the bend of the dolly track you can see that it pans kind of quickly here which is not very pleasant so that's why we have the empty actor which I showed before we can use this kind of like a camera operator that will automatically look at this actor so let's go into this cine camera and then find the look at tracking settings here we will enable look at the tracking and then select the actor we want to track in this case I've renamed my empty actor to Aria Alexa 35 Focus tracker and if you want you can also have the camera automatically attract the focus of this actor it's a lot easier to move this actor around than having two different values to manipulate so I can highly recommend a workflow like this the other dry mode that we have at our disposal now is the speed drive mode this will complete the track based on the input speed very nice so let's change the speed to a constant speed of 5 and this will create like kind of slow-mo Matrix shot for the link [Music] you can then of course keyframe these values in the sequencer also to get exactly the camera movement that you're looking for and then of course we also have the old way of doing it by changing the current position of the track so let's jump to the first frame of the track insert a keyframe of the current position on rail at zero percent then jump to the end of the track change the position to 100 or 1 in this case then add a new keyframe and the dolly will move based on our keyframe speed and distance very nice and I think it's a really fun way of creating cinematic shots using a dolly like this it will make you think more like a DP and use the limitations of what a real-life Dolly would have instead of creating digital movements that makes no sense and we can also drag down the empty actor that we use for Focus here then keyframe the position and have the camera look at the empty actor and then let's move forward in time and change the position of the empty actor to the rear of the car here and then insert a keyframe move forward in time and move our empty focused actor to the front of the car and have it transition in a really quick way nice if we had more time I would probably also add a very slight camera Shake blueprint because no real life camera operator would be that good at panning and tilting at the same time not that I know of at least so I hope that got you a basic understanding and overview of how to use the new cine camera regrill in Unreal Engine 5.3 let me know if you have any questions thank you for watching and goodbye foreign
Channel: tiedtke.
Views: 9,585
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unreal engine, cinecamera rig rail, camera control, camera movements, camera animation, cinematography, camera rig, sequencer integration, speed mode, duration mode, manual mode, heat maps, axis inheritance, camera focus, iris, zoom, composition, automation, camera sequencing, cinematic camera, rail system, UE5.3 update, epic games, release notes, camera tools, cinematic shots, speed visualization, rail system tutorial, camera rig tutorial, dolly, track, movement, sequencer, cine
Id: zSA17y5QQ8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2023
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