Blow Realism in Your Blender Environments with WIND EFFECTS

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good morning today we'll have a look at how you can very easily and quickly create this wind effect in a blender for your grass or foliage you can of course export these and use them as animations in programs such as unreal or Maya [Music] so here we are in blender so here we have a large clump of grass we have a smaller chunk and then like a bush or a tree and we'll apply this effect to all of them so let's start with the small one first to show you how it's working so select your assets or geometry that you wish to displace then go over to the modifiers and then under add modifier add and a displace modifier right off the bat you can see that the strength is way too high so lower it to something like 0.05 this is how much the geometry will be affected by the wind then also change the direction to the x axis [Music] select the geometry once again and go over to weight paint here we will with the gradient tool draw how much influence the wind has over the geometry make sure it's set to linear and then draw a linear gradient over the geometry [Music] then head back over to object mode once again and now you can see that it has created a Vertex group so rename the group to something like wind and then select the vertex group here wind the next step is to create a texture for the displacement so let's rename the texture from texture to wind underscore grass and go down to the texture settings and change it from image to a clouds texture this is a noise you can play around with the settings here but change the color from grayscale to color this will affect the displacement in 3D space and change the coordinates to objects now you're probably thinking what objects and we will create this object now so create an empty just a plain axis works and we want this empty to continuously move throughout the sequence no matter what length it is and we'll do this with an expression so head over to the location on the X and type in hashtag frame this will change the location on each frame and then divide it by the speed that you want I found that the speed of 80 divided by 80 works very good uh but this value you can change to whatever you want as it will affect the speed movement so if you want like a faster wind you have to change it to something like divided by 10 or something and then let's rename it to wind and under the modifiers change the objects to wind so let's have a look how it looks as of now so when you play you can see that the bottom is moving and not the top so this is inverted you want to invert the vertex group so it press the small invert button over here and now you can see that the grass is blowing or breathing in the wind how lovely [Music] and as I mentioned before if you divide it by something else like frame divided by 30 instead you can see that the wind is now blowing much faster than it was before and if you change the strength on the modifier itself it will affect how much the wind is moving their geometry around let's change it back to 80 for this one so next up is the clump of grass and as we've already set basically everything up this will go a lot faster so change it to weight paint draw a gradient once again [Music] something like this [Music] and then shift select the previous mesh go to objects link transfer data copy modifiers now the vertex group name will be wrong so we have to go into the object's data properties and change it to wind and now when we play it back you will see that it has successfully copied the modifier and it will now also have a breathing wind effects they are both controlled by the empty called wind so for the third example I have these three or large bush we'll do a slightly different approach to this one so let's change it to radial and then Ace and then a weight of 0.7 let's draw a radial gradient instead and then change the weight with a linear and just draw the bottom here something like this perfect and let's rename the vertex group once again to wind and then shift select link transfer data copy modifiers now all three of our foliage has the wind effect and it's all blowing in the same speed and you can change the speed with the empty so let's quickly create a small scene here with the bagger Pi addon I will just select my grass and then scatter it [Music] and then let's do the same with the small small cross to get some variation in the Z J to scatter let me know if you want a tutorial on this add-on intensity and then finally let's select the tree or push I don't really know what it is scatter it something like this so there we have it now we have some wind blowing or breezing your foliage or grass it's not a simulation so it's not super accurate but at least it's easy to Art direct so I hope you learned something today thank you so much for watching my tutorials uh it's so much fun to read all the comments that you post um and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: tiedtke.
Views: 4,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: social media marketing, red camera, tiedtke, content creator, videography, influencer, vlog, red raven, komondo, music video, fujifilm, xt3, fuji xt3, tutorial, cinema 4d, blender, vfx, editor, short film, films, director, wind, animation, grass, foliage, weight paint
Id: yOTZXjqTtbQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 9sec (489 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 24 2023
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