Unreal Engine 5 Filmmaking Tips Part 5 Camera Rig Rail

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J, now that it’s been a while, what are the main advantages of the A6000 over the 3090?

The improved VRAM definitely allows you to do larger resolution renders, but what else have you felt improvements on since switching?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
okay so welcome back to another unreal engine 5 film making tips this is going to be episode 5. so in this episode i'm going to show you how you can use the camera rig rail in unreal engine 5 which is pretty sick if you're trying to recreate the matrix or anything like that this is how you do it so what we're going to do today is actually have a camera rotate around this character in the middle now you can do this manually but what i'm going to do is show you how you can do this kind of like in a faster way alright so first step is create cinematics and we're going to go camera rig rail right here press g and you're going to see the rail here i'm going to move it up because it is underneath and i'm going to go ahead and just kind of place it behind now if you don't have a circular floor just put like a sphere or something to kind of help you guide it because i'm kind of cheating here because i have a circle on the ground which is perfect for this demonstration so i'm gonna go ahead and put this on the floor for now we will adjust the height here later on okay so to extend this camera rig rail i'm gonna click on this little white box or white dot i'm gonna press alt on my keyboard and i'm just going to extend that with my mouse i'm going to go ahead and zoom out and i'm going to go ahead and move that to the left right here and we can adjust this here again i'm going to move this around later on we're just going to get the kind of like the basic shape i'm going to go back right here and i'm gonna press alt again and we're going to extend it to kind of show it to the north side just like so okay and then again alt we're going to create another one create one right here and alt we're going to create one again right here so we kind of have this weird shape but now we're going to go ahead and finesse that now you can spend a lot more time that i'm doing here but i just want to show you how to do this quickly so you can go ahead and start practicing go ahead go right here and i guess i can create another one but let's see yeah i can probably create another one just to kind of shape it a little bit better just like so so in real life you know this would be really hard to do really expensive you know we used to do like pvc pipes to do this but it was only like it was in a full circle like this that's why i like unreal so much because you get to do you get to play with cinematography stuff really on the budget i don't have to spend that much money so i'm going to rotate this again you can perfect this to make it a perfect circle if you want but for the sake of this tutorial i'm just going to kind of like get a ballpark there okay so we got that that's a decent circle i think i'm going to add another one right here because this is kind of odd okay that looks pretty good all right so what we're going to do next is actually create a cinematic sequencer so i'm going to add a level sequence i'm going to name this lol and we will add our camera rig rail in there we are going to add our ninja warrior right here okay and then i'm going to i have an animation for this and i'm just going to go right here let's position him back so that he's facing the right way rotate ski levski and upski right here all right let's see if this looks good okay so actually there you go that's when i got settled right there and i did use the extense for this motion capture here for my short if you guys haven't seen it go check it out here we go let me see what he looks like up front though okay that looks pretty cool i can probably add another light there if this is really a short so i'm gonna go ahead and press g again just make sure that we got this right here now now that we have the basic shape right when he kind of gets closer to his face i'm going to raise it up like so kind of like a roller coaster right okay i'm gonna raise it up because we want to be able to see his face right if you remember seeing the matrix the bullet time that wasn't just a circle it had a little bit of height adjustment to it so we're gonna go like that all right so that looks pretty good all right so the next step is we're gonna be doing a cinema camera so cinematic cinema camera actor and what i'll do is i'll just parent that to the camera rig rail reset it right here and it's gonna take it all the way to the beginning of this camera rig rail right here so we have it now that's good to go i'm gonna press one right here and what i'm gonna do is click track current position on rail and i'm also going to add this camera to our sequencer because we're going to have to animate this in a second so we have that right now so you can see on the floor it's fine i'm going to go to the camera rig rail i'm going to set a keyframe right here boom and then i'm going to go down a little bit it looks like he's walking so that's going to look really cool and we're just going to increase this to you know that is okay the keyframes to set right here is going to determine how fast you want the uh the actual animation to be so one is going to take it all the way back to that same spot so as you can see it's gonna like whip around go up and then down again all right and that's why we added the cinema camera actor in the sequencer as well i'm going to save this because i'm going to have to animate the actual yaw rotation so if we go right here i'm going to go ahead and click this button because we kind of want that like that actually we're going to go ahead and animate all of this because actually i want this camera to kind of look up like so okay and then i'm going to key that oh there you go i wasn't even in my camera view so so let's go ahead and turn on the camera right there and then i'm gonna go ahead and rotate that camera and usually what i like to do here is i like to play create two layouts one for the perspective and one for the actual camera so i can actually see what i'm doing right here let's go back to the camera and i'm going to rotate that up just like so and that should create a keyframe if not i'm going to go ahead and re redo it keyframe and it's going to go ahead and follow that but as you can see it's going to go out of bounds so what you're going to do then is just rotate the yaw and find that character again now if you want to make sure that it's centered right like dead center go ahead and turn on your crosshair as well if you're like a perfectionist like that so we're going to go to the middle of that keyframe now and we're going to make sure that he's again centered like that so we're going to go with oh that one kind of whipped a little bit faster so again we're going to center it center it and then right here i'm going to find that again and i'm going to center it but this time around what i'm going to do is actually aim the camera down because you know he is a little bit higher now but over here we're gonna have to aim it back up okay so it's just animating a camera just like so okay and then we're gonna go yo again just like that and then again i'm gonna aim the camera down because we're pretty high up here again i'm gonna go right here and we will look right again okay i think my mouse sensitivity was so high that it was rotating in a lot more than i needed to there you go and if you want to you can just face it completely okay so let's go ahead and watch this animation okay it is a little bit fast because obviously we animated that really quickly but we can't slow that down if you need to and it looks like we're going under here let me see right here where's the camera press g here where oh yeah definitely definitely under so let me go ahead and fix this real quick i'm just gonna go ahead and raise the whole thing up here you go cool but yeah that is pretty much how you can rotate the camera around a character which is pretty sick and it looks like we're dipping in there uh the bottom there a little bit again like right here so i'm gonna lift this up all right so from here you can do a cinema camera actor and you can change the focus distance but what i'm gonna do the next part is show you how i do my autofocus here in unreal engine five or four it doesn't matter so if you want you can animate your focus here but it should stay in the middle because the camera really doesn't move that much away from that plane but i'll show you how to auto focus it in the next episode of unreal engine 5 film making tips all right if you all have any questions let me know and like always thank you all for watching [Music] you
Channel: JSFILMZ
Views: 34,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine 5 Filmmaking Tips Part 5 Camera Rig Rail, ue5 filmmaking tips, ue5 animation tips, ue5 camera rig rail, unreal engine camera rig rail, unreal engine filmmaking, unreal engine 5 short film, how to make a movie in unreal engine 5, how to make a movie in ue5, ue4 filmmaking tips, ue5 virtual production tips, virtual production for noobs, jsfilmz, ue5 path tracing, animate camera in ue5, unreal engine 5 animation tutorial, ue5 animation tutorial, ue5 tutorial for noobs
Id: AFA3xEfh8QI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 07 2021
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