NEW Cine Camera Rig Rail - New Feature in Unreal Engine 5.3 Preview - Quick Tutorial

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Unreal Engine 5.3 has just been released as a preview and it comes with an improvement on the camera Rick rail it's now called the center camera Rick Rail and it offers some interesting new features for example you can now store camera settings like Focus aperture or focal length directly in the points of the camera rig rail then when you animate over these points and you have a camera attached to the rig rail the camera will automatically animate these camera properties so let me show you how you can set this up first of all you need to make sure that you have the Unreal Engine 5.3 preview installed and then just create a new project with the right engine version once you're in your newly created project you then just need to activate the new center camera recrail on the plugins and restart the engine then let's add it to our scene by typing Center camera and adding the cine camera Rick rail now once you have it in your scene just click on it and select the rail spline component and then make sure you actually have a spline Point selected by again clicking on it and now you can hold alt or command and drag the mouse and you can just duplicate the points very easily now one thing to keep in mind is these numbers here which show you the absolute indices of your points on the spline path and you can later use them in the level sequencer to animate to position one or two and so on now if you keep dragging from from the left side here it will create intermediary points so it will create an absolute position of 1.5 here this might not be what you want maybe you want to reference integer numbers so it can be useful to extend the path from um from your last spline point then it creates one two three and so on for example now I have four absolute positions here one two three and four and in the camera require settings I can now just animate between these points by setting the absolute position on rail to seer 3 is here and force here and like I said this can be also animated in the level sequencer now what you can see here is depending on where I put these points the coloration of the spline rail changes and what this is telling us is the speed of the Rick rail in this particular point on the rail red in this case means faster and blue means slower and we can see this easily if we go in the settings of our rig Rail and change the drive mode from manual which is the default to duration now what happens is that over 10 seconds this rig rail will move on the path depending on the speed in the particular points so as you can see here it's way slower towards the end and it's translating the position way faster here in these reddish parts another interesting feature is the drive mode speed here you can set a speed property which specifies the drive speed of the rig rail in centimeter per second and then no matter how many spline points you have on the rig rail or no matter how far the spline points are apart from each other the speed will always remain at what you set here now let's create a center camera actor and attach it to our cine camera Rick rail and then also change the location and set it all to zero and maybe offset it a bit on the z-axis and what we can do then and what is really really handy is that we can go in the rail spline component on one of these points and we can change the orientation or other camera properties directly on the point for example I can now go into a point here and I can say that I want to have a an animation in focal length from 0.3 to 0.4 let's say I want to zoom in here in the last bit of this path or we can change the aperture also the focus distance or the point orientation and the point orientation I find easier to change directly in the viewport so just select a point go into the rotate tool and rotate directly here alright so let's create a path that is a little more interesting and also change some some of these camera properties on the path I have a dummy actor here and I want to create this camera path that comes from here up the mountain and then dollies in on the actor so I basically just moved my path points around to create this path here and now we will set the camera properties and change the focal length and also the orientation of the camera in this case I don't want to change the orientation of those blind points manually and I find it easier to work with the tracking object on the camera for this I'm going to create a sphere and call it look at and then place it roughly next to your dummy actor and also check the toggle actor hidden in game so you won't see it in your camera view or in-game then in your camera under look at tracking settings enable look at tracking and set the actor to your newly created sphere now we can also hide the camera recrail in our camera view so I'm taking again actor hidden in-game and I'm pinning this camera preview here to create some extra dramatic effect I want to actually create a dolly Zoom here which means while I'm dollying in I'm actually decreasing the focal length or zooming out so let's adjust some of these camera properties on the spline points on point three I want to have a focal length of 80. and also on the points before and then on this last point I want to go really wide angle and maybe take something like 10 there you can already see it in the preview so we are dollying in and at the same time zooming out to create like this particular effect then I'm going to adjust the lighting a bit and as a little detail I want to go in my cloud material and under wind vector I'm going to increase the wind strength to actually see the clouds moving in this shot and there you go that's all I wanted to show you how you can use the new cine camera recrail in Unreal Engine 5.3 to create really easily camera animations with camera properties directly on the spline points thanks for watching and please give me a like And subscribe and see you next time
Channel: ExitSimulation
Views: 12,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unreal Engine, Unreal Engine 5.3, Cine Camera, Rig Rail, Rendering, Unreal Engine New Feature, UE5 Cinematics, UE5 Camera, Cinematic Tools, Camera Animation, Virtual Production, Real-Time Rendering, Real-time Cinematography, Dolly Zoom, Vertigo Effect
Id: U21n-CWiTsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 45sec (465 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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