HOW TO USE THE COLOR WARPER IN RESOLVE 17 - DaVinci Resolve 17 Basics [Tutorial for Beginners]

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[Music] hey i'm casey ferris i make videos on davinci resolve here on youtube today we're talking about a brand new color tool in resolve 17 the color warper all right so i'm in resolve 17 in the color page and i have this little clip of just some fun friendship activity oh boy let's take a look at how to use the color warper here in the second tab in the middle palette here we have a brand new tool and really what this is is a way to select points directly on the image or on the scope here and adjust the hue and saturation really easily let's say we want to do something like desaturate all the blues in an image we can take this blue side and push it towards the middle and that will desaturate everything that's kind of that color of blue let's just pop this thing out here clicking this little expand button now we can see how this affects our image so we can desaturate everything that's kind of blue bluish green and that will take that kind of bluish green out here especially in the jacket and the jeans and so really if you can kind of get your head around hey this is basically a vector scope this is hue is which direction things go and saturation is how far they go then you can really quickly adjust how things look let's say we want all of this denim material to be a little different color we can kind of guess by clicking it here or we can actually just use the eyedropper on the image and it will show us with that little red crosshair exactly where things are and if we want to be a little bit more exact we can actually go down here and adjust our resolution of our little grid here so i'll switch that to 12. and now that gives us another spoke here that's right on right just about on where that color is so we can kind of remember where that is and go over grab this and we can move it around and that'll change mostly just that color and you can right click to reset but an even faster way is just to click directly on the screen and you can move it around with your mouse just without even leaving the screen so you can kind of push this to a different color and adjust it that way something that i like to do is if you click and drag and you hold shift it will lock it to either just the hue or just the saturation so if i like the saturation but i just want to change the color of it i can grab this and hold shift and drag left and right and what that'll do is just move the hue so maybe we want her to have pink denim on and of course that's going to affect the other colors a little bit too but that's a really nice way to work let's say we want that a little bit more saturated i can grab this hold down shift and push up to saturate it of course this is looking not so great but you get the idea in fact if it is looking a little bit intense there are some buttons to refine what we're doing here over here on the right these are all the tools for basically how you can select and move these different points but down here below the hue and the saturation you have this little feather this feather kind of just smooths out this grid and makes it a little bit less crazy push this up so we can see things so if i click this feather once it's going to kind of smooth that grid out a little more for the hue click it here for the saturation and you can kind of split the difference like of where you were to just make a adjustment that's a little bit less harsh looking all of these buttons over here look a little bit scary because there's just a bunch of them but really these are just different ways to grab these different points so i'll reset everything and let's switch back to six just because it's a little easier to see if i were to grab this point right now just with my normal tool and move it around it just moves that one point and everything else kind of stretches along with it but i can select a point to stay where it's at by selecting it here and going to this button convert selected to pin and if it has that little black outline then it basically just stays wherever you leave it and it won't move along with everything else all the dots that are white they generally move based on the other dots so you can really get pretty detailed with your adjustments here on this wheel if you click on this little pin here then you can just select the ones that you do want to pin really easily to make sure those don't move around when you're messing with stuff let's boost this up a little bit let's say you select a point but you want to select like actually just a bigger group of points you can do that a few different ways with this button we'll just select the spoke here this next one will select everything kind of in that ring if you have a point selected you can use these buttons up here to kind of grow your selection or shrink it you can invert your selection here and so it's really just about selecting the different points that's why there's all these dots here you have a draw selection anything that you touch will be selected that's a great way to get pretty detailed with this thing this view is just one view of this kind of same tool if you go up here to the upper right hand corner of the window you can switch this to chromaluma and what this is is think about looking at a cube from the front and the side and all the colors are plotted in the cube you can kind of see the idea right here and when you move back and forth depending on where these little dots move that changes the tint of certain brightnesses so if you want something that's a little bit brighter in blue you grab it up here and the advantage here is that you can actually darken or lighten things by moving up and down and you can adjust the tint the tint or the temperature by moving it back and forth this part might be just a little bit harder to get your head around because you're basically looking at a 3d tool in 2d so if this makes sense to you definitely dive in i personally like the hue saturation view and i know i'm going to be using this quite a bit so now that we have sort of a tour of how this works let's actually do something with it and let's actually do a grade on this image using the color warper the first thing i'm going to do is just do a primary grade which i'll just do with our normal color wheels so we'll bring down the lift a little bit bring up the gain just to touch and saturate this maybe boost up the gamma just a little bit by the way if you don't know anything about color and you're like what's going on check out this video right here that goes through all the basics of color and now this is looking pretty nice maybe we'll add just a little bit of contrast a contrast curve something like that and we'll make a new node i'll just hit alt s to make a new node so this is going to be our primary color right here and now we're going to do our secondaries using the color warper so really what we have to do is look at what do we want to change if i zoom in here why don't we change this green foliage to look a little different i can grab it right on screen and i can move it around to kind of preview what we can do like if i want to push this more towards like a fall kind of feel i can push that more towards red and that would work it is getting into the sand a little bit and so maybe we'll go down here i'll reset my color warper and we'll switch this to 12. just gets a little bit more detailed so we can grab our green and move that around and it doesn't affect the sand so much in fact i can hold down shift and drag left and right to just change the hue and maybe we'll make this a little bit more kind of fall feel you know just a really easy simple adjustment to change how those trees and everything look in the background super nice this is normally something that you'd have to do with a hue curve or a qualifier and it's the same idea selecting something by its hue and doing something with it but to do the same thing with the curves you'd have to go into your curves and actually work on two curves hue versus hue so we can grab this right here and then change it like that and if we wanted to adjust the saturation we'd have to go to hue versus saturation select it again and then we could adjust the saturation which isn't too bad but if we have our wheel here the dogs have seen nothing outside and are very upset very upset that nothing's outside but if we have our wheel here we can do this all at once with one tool pretty awesome and of course just like any color tool i can stack things grab the sand and we can adjust that color maybe i can desaturate that make the sand a little bit wider it just depends on what you want to do for your image but yeah color warper super cool new color tool isn't that neat boy hey if you're just checking out resolve 17 i have a whole bunch of resolve 17 videos we're making i'm gonna be adding them to this playlist and you can watch them to your heart's content or maybe even past your heart's content watch them until you're sick of them that's what i want finally like just like casey stop making videos come on that'd be cool can you guys hear that there's a maraca in the background
Channel: Casey Faris
Views: 25,741
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: resolve 17, new in resolve 17, what is new in resolve 17, color warper, color grading, whats new in resolve 17, davinci resolve 17 new features, davinci resolve 17 color warper, davinci resolve 17 beta, color warper tutorial, davinci 17, davinci resolve 17 tutorial, resolve 17 new features, resolve 17 whats new, davinci resolve color grading, davinci resolve 17 review
Id: _hBedZMydvo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 29sec (449 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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