2022 Ultimate Landscape & Portrait Digital Planner

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good morning everybody today i have um a walkthrough for you it is my newest planner and in my opinion is the absolute bomb it is my favorite i can't i already started planning in it this is what i'm using for this year um i i love all my planners obviously each time i make a planner i'm like oh this is the best planner and it is i mean obviously you know hopefully you want the person that you're buying planners from to love what they do and [Music] i do i really this planner it's kind of like every time i make something i'm like oh i i think i'll do that differently next time so i mean this is kind of like the um culmination of all those things i'm like oh i wish i'd had that so let's get into it first of all it's for 2022 it's a month week and day um it comes in four color palettes to start i i think i might be adding a couple more color palettes to this one um but to start it comes in my four standard color palettes um you can go get a free trial right now of the 20 it's a 2021 you'll get all of november all of december everything is hyperlinked i mean basically it's the exact planner nothing's left out for the end of 2021 so you can get started right now planning so that's on my website all right so let's get into it um i am showing the colorful palette uh with this or in the video today and again also um this is my landscape portrait so that means you get five pdfs you're gonna get five quite different coil styles so with this colorful palette i'm chose to use the black but then you also get silver gold rose gold and no coil which is just a shadow and um so here i'll just quick show in case you don't know what that is that's what it looks like it's just a very slight break in the pages and the reason is because this will also work in portrait mode so you can use it in portrait or you can use it in landscape and it's important because when you're planning in your weeks or days you might want a little more space so that is a huge benefit of this planner is that no matter how you use your um tablet this planner will fit all right so let's move on so when you open up your planner you get information i have some tips i talk about the hyperlinks in here how to use the index and the tabs and then i have a little troubleshooting guide and then i always put the hex codes of the colors that i'm using in this planner so that way you can make your own stuff or you can set your pen presets and then i have all of my contact information down below to get a hold of me the next page um like i slid but all these tabs oops to the left are links so it's information templates index quick note stickers 2022 and 2023 so this is the information now we'll go to templates you get 53 there's 53 different paper templates included with this planner and then you get 17 covers there's 17 total covers so let's just quick real quick look at the templates you have all your basic papers lines graph dot grid and large and small different sizes you have cornell let's see where are we you have like story paper i just i make a lot of different papers a lot of lists and um you know then specially papers like projects meeting notes i've got password tracker assignment tracker budget planner and then i've got a savings tracker where you can color in little piggies and book tracker for all the book lovers out there and then you get into the covers so um yeah it's there's a lot to this planner okay so that's the template page so you would copy those your papers and then duplicate or duplicate it and put it behind here's your index you get a 12 subject notebook with this planner and this is the index for it so each number is hyperlinked so if you tap on number one it's going to take you to the this notebook section and then that's where you can put your papers so all of them are hyperlinked 1 through 12 and it's just i really like um having the 12 subject included it just keeps everything together so you just it's it's you have your planner and then you have 12 different subject or sections to build your perfect planner okay so let's move on so you have a quick note tab which is literally just that you've got to buy to do to buy mental note and this and that a large space over here for you know sketches notes images whatever you'd like i have a special tab for stickers that if you'd like to put your most used stickers you can um if you don't like to use the element tool in good notes and then we have these two sections so this is 2022 at a glance and 2023 at a glance but each tab has multiple pages so this first at a glance page this is all hyperlink so first of all if you want to go to july boom it'll take you to july but if you want to go to july 22nd will take you to july 22nd then this is what's new this year i have added the weeks on the side so i do the iso week numbering system which is a monday start however because everything it's just small so i just bumped these off to the side here so if you want to go to this week you just tap on that but everything is right here and it's completely hyperlinked so we go to number november 1st or you could go to the 45th week however you choose to do it that is your at a glance for 2022. then you swipe and then you've got another an additional page for you to add more dates if you'd like to look at your year at a glance or if you do goals or if you're tracking things and then we have the 2022 holidays and observances i don't put anything in the planner um because everybody is you know celebrates differently so but i have added um a bunch of holidays and observances here and one thing you can do if um it is the font is the same that i'm using throughout the planner so if you want you can just like copy it and then let's see what is juneteenth june 19th june 19th you can just paste it oh oh i guess it didn't do that did it that's because yeah that's right i set up a default nevermind nevermind we're just going to ignore that but you can just copy and paste it and then whatever you've set as your default um font and size that's what it will put it at so that's what mine did i used to keep it the same but now i've gone to a different font i forgot i did that okay so that is your 2022 section now you have 20 23 the exact same thing the only difference is and remember this nothing's hyperlinked because um this is you know that's next year's next you know this is only a 2022 planner but it allows you to plan for 2023 mark it up if you need to and then you can record future dates here and it has future holidays as well all alright so are you ready to plan all right let's get into january um with the month of january you have a sunday start so you have sunday through saturday um every all the dates are hyperlinked all of the weeks here are hyperlinked you can see the little week is in a circle and then you have two mini calendars at the top of each month um and then so you have the previous month and the future month the months are hyperlinked the days are hyperlinked and the weeks are hyperlinks so you can jump wherever you want so if we would like to go to week 7 you could do that all right if you would like to go to february 14th you can do that so it's all hyperlinked you can't do it in december because december is 2021 calendar so let's just but when you're in february january is hyperlinked march is hyperlinked all right so let's move on also on your monthly um on your monthly calendar you have monthly goals and monthly notes when you tap on these it'll take you to those planning pages and also they're also in order so you don't have to tap on the button if you don't want to so this monthly spread it's like a little section in and of itself but on the monthly goals and the monthly notes you'll see i have also the mini calendars so you have you will always have on every page the current month and the future month and it'll all be hyperlinked so if you're writing you know something some notes to yourself about february and you want to jump and look at march you can you can just jump and those two mini calendars the current month and the future month are on all the weeks and all the days so you can see we're on the daily layout and we also have the month of march and then the month of april and the reason is is it's just it saves time that's why i did it having you know been a digital planner user for some time it's just one of those things that i just really really wanted i wanted uh that flexibility um to be able to just really get where i wanted to go everywhere as quick as possible so um you'll see that as we go on all right so that is your monthly spread so the goals page it's similar or exact as my undated one you have things i must do things i want to do you have a spot for remember this and then you have some monthly motivation things like i'm dreaming of i'm feeling and proud of i'm focusing on i'm loving i intend to i'm excited about i am grateful for and this month in one word it's just a nice way to start your month a very simple to get your mind going um and to set your intentions for the month ahead and then you have a spot for notes and then another spot for doodles and then you have your monthly notes page and that's just a nice big area to write okay so now let's go back actually let's choose a different color let's go on munch so again these weeks are all hyperlinked and you can get to it from the monthly planner you can get to it from the mini the mini calendars and this is your week i went with a vertical layout a vertical week the reason i did that is i have a horizontal week in my portrait my deluxe digital portrait planner and um i really like this i really really i just i've always really liked um a vertical week i just do when i made paper planners that's what i used um so and i really like it using it in portrait mode that this is exactly how i use my planner so you have your days and then you have one two three boxes and then you have little heading spots for headings if you want a heading or if you want to highlight it and then you have a smaller space down here to write you know menus or if you're tracking something or if it's a special event or you know um however you like to use it actually i should show you how i use mine so that is your weekly layout again all of the days when we tap on it so if i tap on thursday the 10th it's going to take me to the daily layout and then i can tap back on week 10 and it takes me right back to this page this page obviously also has the mini calendars and they're all hyperlinked up here and then you have a little button that says weekly lists and notes because um i like to plan for me personally i like to put only the things i absolutely have to do appointments um schedule on my planner and then i like to get off and put my to-do list on a separate page otherwise um i i personally always almost always put too much to do like oh i have all this time i'm gonna do all these things and then i don't and so i just like to keep that away i like to just look at my week i know exactly what i have to do that week and then all this stuff fits in so on this um on this weekly list of notes sorry you have important up here and then you have to do here and then you have notes and doodles and it is broken down into two columns and the reason i do that is because most of us have two things like in our lives whether it's home and work or school and home whatever it is that way you can kind of i i just i like to keep things organized i like to know exactly what i need to do for work and i like to know exactly what i need to do for personal and it's just a nice way of sorting sorting out your to-do list all right so let's go back so this is your week and then also you have a little notes uh over here just for notes so let's go to the day which i'm absolutely in love with let's go to a different color let's go to june all right we're going to go to my birthday june 26th all right so this is your daily spread obviously i'm a designer so i'm absolutely in love with the way this looks i just love it i just i love the whole thing um you have your month the month will if you tap it it'll take you back to june uh if you tab it says the week 25 if you tap it it'll take you back to your week and then you have your two mini calendars the month you're on and then the future month and then all of those weeks are also hyperlinked you have a 24-hour time period um because everybody's different and everybody we have all have so many different schedules um overnights and you know maybe you want to track your sleep or maybe you know the hours go from five to four um on both sides so maybe you're tracking two schedules so you can keep yours and your husbands or yours and your kids um it's just it's very flexible and there's two lines per hour and then there's a spot on the side here for highlighting if you'd like to highlight um you know your event highlight your schedule without ruin like not ruining but without like highlighting what you've written you know then on this side i added uh it says today's focus at the top and then you have two big areas of check boxes for your list of things to do for that day and then a big open spot on the bottom of the planner or on the bottom of the page just for notes or doodles or whatever you like and you know one thing um the reason i do this you know i you know i look on etsy too i like to see what other people are doing for their planners and there's i mean oh my goodness there's so much out there and there's i mean i'm not gonna diss them but it's so complicated like there's so much you know tracking your water or tracking your steps or tracking your moods and i think though that's great but for my planners i i like to set them up with um very straightforward very minimal you can add you know if that's something that's important to you you can add that you know take a sticker throw it in you know use a use of paper and you know add it behind the day i just i like to keep my planners very straightforward very simple very functional so that way i never want anybody to because i've lived you know i never want anybody to feel like oh i didn't use that in the planner you know what i mean like if i had a bunch of things on the day for you to check off and do i never want anybody to feel like oh i didn't use that you know it's so i just keep my i don't know if that made sense but i like to keep my planners very straightforward very functional very simple very clear-cut so that way i feel like that will just help you be very successful too as i find that has helped me all right so i think is that your planner that's everything we talked about the bonus planner run to my website download it you'll get november and december 2021 it'll be the full planner which means you'll also get all of the notebooks and all of the papers so you can see everything up close before you spend money on 2022. um i'm trying to think if you need anything if you have any questions reach out to me in the bonus planner there's also information down here you can contact me or you can contact me on etsy the planner does come in the four pallets as i said colorful neutral seasonal and then um what is it colorful neutral pastel let's see and you have the five coils oh and it comes with stickers too it you get 975 stickers so i think that's everything i wanted to say so if you need anything if you have any questions let me know i hope you love this planner as much as i do gosh i love this planner oh i know what i was going to show you um i'll just quick show you the bonus so you can see i've set mine up already um the bonus planner is for just november remember and december of 2021 and oh uh so the bonus planner is only in neutral you have the five different coils so you can test those out but it's also only in neutral so because it's free so um i hope you enjoy it and if you have any questions let me know thanks for watching bye
Channel: Write It Down Books
Views: 740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buju, digital bullet journal, monthly planner, weekly planner, annotated pdf, digital journal, digital note taking, goodnotes, digital notebook, planning, digital planning, plan with me, ipad pro, apple pencil, noteshelf, daily planner, digital notes, paperless, ipad, goodnotes planner, digital planner, digital daily planner, notability, Noteshelf, business planner, landscape, portrait, vertical week
Id: rQst0nYdF0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 14sec (1154 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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