How to use Proxy Files to Edit SUPER FAST in DaVinci Resolve!

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Today I'm going to be showing you how to edit super fast using proxies in DaVinci Resolve. And you're going to be able to go from editing videos like this slow and clunky where it takes a second to load at times, especially if you're scrubbing around on the timeline to this where you can scrub through your timeline like a hot knife. through butter And now I'm really hungry. Dang it. You see how smooth this is? It's very impressive. And what's great is that these proxies are going to work and make your editing fast. Even if you're on a very old computer or using a slow external hard drive, etc., it doesn't matter. Your editing is going to be super fast. also linked out in the video description to my DaVinci Resolve proxy cheat sheet, which is going to show you all of the exact settings that you need to use to create proxies. This cheat sheet is completely free, so please download it because it can help save you time. Creating proxies. Also more good news for you. This tutorial is going to apply regardless of whether you're using the paid or free version of DaVinci results. Even if you're using the free version. Everything's going to work for you. Lastly, I do want you to know that if you're editing videos with mixed frame rates, which I have a tutorial about, and I will link to it up in the corner and down in the video description. There is one quirk that we need to talk about, and I will cover that. Toward the end of this video. I'll put a time stamp in the description for you. If you're looking for it and you're coming for that video and I also cover this quirk in the cheat sheet that you can download down below. Jumping right into creating proxies, then the first thing that you're going to want to do is go to your project settings in DaVinci Resolve, and then you're going to want to scroll down to this optimized media and render cache section where it says Proxy media resolution. Because here is where you can select the resolution of your proxies that resolve is going to create by default. It's going to say that it's going to choose them automatically. But you don't want it to do that. We want to tell resolve what we want. Specifically, I recommend choosing the quarter size proxies because this should give you a good resolution proxy that still plays back very smoothly. But do be aware that if you're using a much older computer or you're creating these proxies and you start playing back your video and it's still slow and stuttery when editing, you can drop this lower down to one eighth or 1/16. We'll leave it on a quarter though. then for proxy media format, I would recommend choosing 8.264, which should playback smoothly and pretty much any computer these days. And most importantly, it will also give you a very small file size so you don't have your proxies clogging up your hard drive, taking up a ton of space. Then down here, under working folders, you're going to see that you have options to choose where you want your proxy generated media to be put, but you're actually not going to use the setting. You can completely ignore it because there's a better way to tell resolve where to save your proxy files. So hit save on this menu because these are all the settings that you're going to customize for this menu. But now we need to go to another menu. Yes, we're going to go up here to DaVinci Resolve preferences. Yes, there is another complete separate Settings menu because Resolve loves having a lot of menus. And here you're going to want to go to media storage and next to proxy generation and location. look at that. Remember I just told you that there's a better way to tell Resolve where to save your proxies? Well, this is where you choose that location. By default, resolve is going to be set to use project setting, which is where you would use the setting in the previous menu that we ignored that will let you choose a specific folder. And the reason that we ignored that setting is you do not want resolved to be putting all of your proxy files for all of your video projects in the same folder. If you're just editing one project, they may be fine, but every time you create a new project, you would have the same folder filling up with proxy files and you forget to delete it and it would be a huge pain. so. Instead, you're going to select the option that says proxy subfolders in media file locations, which means that any time you generate proxies for your videos, they're going to be put in a neat and tidy folder right next to the native video files, so you'll always know where they are and you're not going to have some random folder filling up on your hard drive as a plus to whenever you are done editing your video, you're going to very easily be able to find these proxy files and delete them to clear up space on your hard drive. Now let's it's safe. The next thing you need to know is that creating proxies in resolve is incredibly simple after you get the basic settings we just covered dialed in. So if you're noticing that your footage is not playing back smoothly or the program is taking a second or two to respond, let's make some proxies to do that. All you have to do is import your footage like I have done here, and then select your footage by either clicking and dragging or pressing controller on PC or command on Mac. Right. Clicking on one of the video clips and selecting generate proxy media resolve this, then going to immediately pop up windows saying that it is generating your proxies and depending on the speed of your computer and how many proxies you're wanting to generate, this could take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes to a few hours. It really depends in my case. For this tutorial it only took about a minute. And then as you can see here on the video clips, there is a new icon that says p x y, which stands for proxy, which indicates the result is using the proxy for this video clip. and so if I click on another couple and drag them down here to the timeline and start dragging around, look at how smooth that is. It's like, wow, wow, wow, wow. It's just crazy. Lightspeed fast. I love it. Do you see just how quick and smooth proxies are going to make editing? It's pretty magical. Also side note, there's also the proxy icon down here for your clips on the timeline. So they're not just appear in the media pool. You're always going to know if you have proxies or not. Now, let's say that you want to disable your proxies because maybe you want to see how your native files look, maybe because you needing to zoom in on the 4K file and you're color grading it, you want to make sure it looks good, etc.. Well, in that case, it's very simple. To disable these, all you have to do is go up to playback proxy handling and it's like prefer camera originals. When you do this, resolve is going to switch back to the native camera files and stop using the proxies. And you're also going to see that it's swapped out the proxy icon for this HQ icon, which stands for high quality. And then if you ever want to switch back to proxies, all you have to do is go up here to playback proxy handling prefer proxies, and we're back, maybe back to proxies again. In addition, if you ever want to completely disable your proxies, you can do that by going up to the same proxy handling menu and then selecting disable proxies, which is like a way of telling yourself, really don't use these proxies and then it'll be a good program and it'll listen to you. Now, I'm sure you may be wondering, Matt, if I create proxies whenever I'm done editing my video and I go over here to export, it is resolved. Going to use these proxies when exporting the video, and then the video would be all low quality and grossly rendered out. No resolve is smart enough to know that you would never want to use the proxies export and by default it's always going to choose the native video files whenever it comes time for you to export. So you do not need to stress or worry about changing some sort of obscure setting to make sure that your native files are used when you export results. Going to handle that. It's really awesome. Now we aren't done yet. Okay, stick with me because the next thing I'm going to show you is super cool and completely worth your time, especially for someone that has a lot of footage that you need to make proxies for. Let's say you're filming a wedding and you have 300 or 400 video clips or more. If you're editing something like that. This same technique that I showed you of selecting all of your video clips and then right clicking on them and selecting generate proxy media will be a problem in that if you do things this way, resolve is basically going to say, you want to create proxies, great, let's let's create some proxies. It's then going to pop up that generate proxy media box and it's not going to let you do anything in the program until the proxies are created. You're going to be clicking around and it ain't going to be responding because, sorry, I'm making proxies right now. Now that is fine If you only have a few video clips like we have in this example. But if you have hundreds, this could potentially take hours to resolve to create all these proxies and it means that you are going to be really unproductive. Isn't that a bummer? Wouldn't you like to be able to keep editing while the proxies are being created? I think that's a great idea and thankfully so does Blackmagic, the creators of DaVinci Resolve. So what you're going to do if you're on Windows is you're going to go down to your START menu and you're going to search for Blackmagic proxy generate. Or if you're on Mac, you'll find this same program in your applications folder. And here's the great news. Regardless of whether you're using the paid studio version of Resolve or the free version, this Blackmagic proxy Generator app is included with both versions of the programs. With the free version, it's going to be called Blackmagic Proxy generator light, but it's almost the exact same with the only difference being that it can't export ten bit proxies, but you're going to be using ten bit proxies anyways, so it doesn't matter. And the light version of this app works great. open the program and you're going to discover that the Blackmagic Proxy Generator app is very basic, which is a good thing. Here's how to quickly set up. First, you have three options for quality under proxy format here each 2648 bit half rez ten, ATP 82648, bit ten ATP or 265 ten ATP or if you're using lite version, it's going to say eight two, six, five, eight bit ten ATP. but yeah, that's the only difference. in your case you're going to want to select that 2648 bit half rez ten ATP which is the lowest quality proxy that you can make with this program and it should play back the most smoothly when editing next you're going to see that there's a watch folder section here at the bottom of this program, and this is where you can tell the proxy generator app where the video files are that you want to make the proxies for. To do this, all you have to do is simply navigate to the folder where your proxies are created by clicking the add button. Navigate to the folder where your files are kept and then click select folder and it will then appear in the watch folders down here. Keep in mind that if you have multiple video files from multiple cameras that are in different folders, you can go to here and click add again and select all of the folders where your video files are located and have multiple watch folders here for resolve to use. Lastly, here's the best part. Simply click the start button up here at the top and then the Black Magic proxy generator will begin generating proxies. And you can go back to DaVinci Resolve and continue editing while this separate app generates the proxies in the background. And what's great is that as these proxies are generated, you're going to see the proxy icon appear on your video clips, individual result. As you add it, it's really magical. And once you start using proxies, you're not going to want to go back. Now, like I said earlier in the video, there is one caveat, one weird quirk that I want you to be aware of whenever you are creating proxies. And that has to do with if you are making your footage, slow motion and also creating proxies. so if you have followed along with my mixed frame rates of 12 for resolve, which is linked up in the corner and down in the video description, that tutorial is going to show you how to make all of your footage slow motion at once, regardless of the frame rate that you filmed it at. And it's going to save you a ton of time because you don't need to go into all of your clips and right click on them one by one until resolve. Hey, make this clip 40% speed and go through all that. That's going to be really time consuming. So this technique is a huge time saver. But that said, if you do what I show you in that tutorial where you import your footage, then you right click on a clip in the media pool. Select clip attributes, and then change the video frame rate to 23.976. You're going to want to be careful when creating your proxies, because if you use this external black magic proxy generator app to create your proxies, the generator app does not recognize that you've made these clips slow motion, and then when you use it to create proxies, it isn't going to link the proxies to the native files automatically. And when you try to manually link the proxies, resolve is going to give you an error saying that the frame rates do not match. So here's the workaround. If you make proxies using the Black Magic Proxy Generator app before you go to clip attributes and change the video frame rate, you are going to be fine and the proxies will attach correctly and you will not get an error. but I hear you saying that I already imported all my footage and I started putting it on the timeline and I changed the frame rate in the clip attributes. And then I decided later on that I wanted to make proxies. Is there a way to still generate proxies without having this error? Yes. You will instead need to use the built in proxy generation tool in DaVinci Resolve, like I showed you early in the video by selecting your clips and resolve right clicking and selecting generate proxy media by generating proxies. This way resolve is going to know, you interpreted your footage to make a slow motion, so I'll make the proxy slow motion as well and everything's going to match up properly. Trust me, once you set up proxies and start using them and you see how fast and smooth your editing can be, you're never going to not want to use them to edit your videos. Remember to you can still download my proxy cheat sheet for DaVinci Resolve, which is going to be really helpful to you as you get these proxy set up. It's completely free and linked down in the video description. Also down on the video description, you'll find a link to my wedding film framework for DaVinci Resolve course. Well, we'll walk you through how to edit an entire wedding film into Vince your resolve. I would highly recommend checking it out. Thanks so much for watching. Please leave me a comment and let me know what other tutorials you'd like to see for DaVinci Resolve or anything else for that matter. And have a great day.
Channel: Matt WhoisMatt Johnson
Views: 5,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve proxy, davinci resolve proxies, davinci resolve proxy workflow, how to edit faster with proxy files in davinci resolve, how to edit with proxies, how to edit with proxies in resolve, how to edit with proxies in davinci resolve, davinci resolve proxy generator, davinci resolve proxy media, davinci resolve proxy settings, davinci resolve proxy files, davinci resolve proxy editing, davinci resolve proxy render, davinci resolve proxy media settings, davinci resolve
Id: 7wSQBoLcBrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 33sec (813 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 02 2024
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