How To Use Procreate For Beginners (and everything I use it for)

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Hey say hi what color do you want first blue he no that one's yellow ya want purple her clothes down here look do you want red or green these this is green hey everyone welcome back to another video today I'm with my little artist who is dying to paint so I better make this quick today we are learning all about the app procreate and how to use it and let's jump right in the video ok so today I am teaching you how to use the app procreate I'm gonna teach you all the basics and everything that I know personally so I have the iPad pro it is an 11 inch and I also have the Apple pencil so I'm just going to go into my procreate app here it doesn't come up on this screen it comes up in the gallery and just to create a new project you're gonna tap this little plus button and you can customize the size of the screen that you'd like so if you're doing an 8 by 10 print and you want to easier to print out after you can choose that but I'm just gonna choose a screen size for now okay now first we are going to talk about the brushes so here to your left is the size of your brush all the way up you get a nice big brush all the way down you get a nice small one okay down here is the opacity of your brush so when it's all the way up you get a nice dark line let's make the brush bigger again so you can see it better nice dark line and if you bring it down you get a nice less opaque line okay it's a bit more transparent and then right here this little arrow button is to go back so if you make a mistake you can just erase it by going back to the beginning okay and then there's the one arrow pointing the other way to redo that okay so now for the color of your brush that you want to use you go up to here to the right corner and you have your color wheel so right now it's that black one I get a bright color bring it all the way up and you can choose your color okay you can also customize a palette so if you want to figure out a specific color palette to use you can customize your own by just tapping so say I like this blue tap here and you can use these colors there are also palettes that are already made for you that you can choose colors from but you can customize your own okay now here is the layers so you have your background layer and then you have your first layer I really recommend using layers it's just kind of easier to work with in the sense that if you make a mistake on one layer so let me just show you an example of some sometimes how I use layers okay so let's say I'm doing a title let's get that opacity up okay for a white one of my thumbnails like this and then I want to put writing on top but if I make a mistake with the writing and I try to erase it it's going to raise this black part too so I'm going to create a new layer and now the new layer is highlighted and I'm going to pick a new color I'm going to pick some white and I am going to just pick a regular brush and then I start writing hello let's make that opacity yep hello but I don't like that if I were to erase it and they was all together I'd be erasing that black line but now if I click the eraser it's just gonna erase that one layer it won't erase the back ground layer does that make sense I'll show you in other videos too or maybe this one how to use layers but highly suggest using them okay for the eraser tool you can use any type of brush just the same as the paintbrush okay so we'll go through the eraser and the paintbrush together there are all these different brushes that you can use sketching so there are different types of pencils ink there different types of just I honestly suggest you just go through them and try them they're a lot of fun to try drawing techniques calligraphy this is one that I really really like to use the script brush okay and it gives you the principles of calligraphy we're sorry where you do the light stroke up let's get a black color just by using light pressure you actually have to do the pressure on your pencil light stroke um oops sorry I was on the eraser tool here okay so light stroke going up heavy pressure going down and you actually have to do this with the pen the light pressure and heavy pressure to get that calligraphy look with a brush pen okay and I think the brush pen is very similar okay same thing just on the upstroke it's a bit more less opaque so I just liked the script brush better but if you're having difficulties there's one thing you can edit your brushes which are is important so you just double click so here it was it's already highlighted click again and you can edit your brush okay you can just play around with these edits one thing I have noticed the stream line makes a huge difference in the smoothness of your your lines so I'll just show you I'll put the stream line all the way down and I will show you what that looks like okay so I'm just gonna write hello it's very very ugly let's do it even harder okay like look how jittery it is okay so if you try doing calligraphy on here and you're like why is it looking like that and you know maybe I just really suck edit your brush put that streamline like even all the way up done and it will help you get those really nice curved lines it just helps guide you so that's a little tip for you okay so let's go through more brushes there's like painting effects just tons that you can look through one that I like to use I like airbrushing for softer blends and then also I really like elements so if I'm doing like a snowy piece with my water color sometimes like the Fox I did not too long ago I actually put the snow over top instead of getting instead of doing the flicking with the paint I actually use this on procreate so I'll just show you with black and it's just a snow effect okay so there's tons of different brushes you just need to really you know play around like water everything okay so there's the brushes and you can do the exact same thing with the eraser which is great this I haven't really figured out too much but I'll have to play around with that a bit more and you can also import brushes if you can find free downloads on the internet I haven't really done that but you can download some other brushes if you need to I just haven't figured that out okay over here is how you select a tool so say I do I write the word know I'm still on the brush one the big Rafi okay so I'm on the brush tool here and I write hello and I want to select it and I want to move it around if I'm on that layer already you just press that little arrow button and you can move it all the way around you can make it bigger just by using your two fingers make it smaller and then you can do all these other things with it too I haven't figured it out but you can definitely play around with it but that's a tool that I use often ok also say you want to write like hello my friend this is really bad writing I'm just writing okay but you want to Center it a bit more and it like you want to put the hello above and they're all in the same layer so it's a bit hard so what you can do is use this cut tool here and then you go around it and I will just select that one word and you can move that wherever you like and because it's sown the same layer that next time you want to select the whole thing you just press that little button and it will select the whole thing okay so if you want to cut something that's on the same layer something else so maybe these two words are a bit too big for me I'm gonna cut around it press that arrow button make it smaller okay so that's what you can do if it's on the same layer now if you want to put them on different layers create a new layer maybe I'll put a heart here okay and you wanted you don't have to cut around it for this one because it's on the same layer so just make sure that layer is selected and when you press that little arrow button you can move it alright I hope that makes sense so that's like cutting and pasting there's all these other things that you can do with procreate as well you can change the opacity of whatever is on your screen so I'm just going to okay let's say we want to change the opacity of this heart so okay and all you have to do is so you click the opacity button and then you can just move it down and it changes it and mix it later okay another thing you can do are like blurs so oops you can make them a bit blurry I'm gonna put it back there's just all you can sharpen them you can change the hue and the saturation so many other things that you can do with it okay that's just a little thing and then here there's all these other things you want to do when I save my my work I go to share here and I will usually save it as a JPEG so it's an image but if you want to delete the background of something so say I want this to not have a background okay and I want it like if I to transfer it on to like a video of mine or something I would delete the background and then I would save it as a PNG okay export it save image and it will save to your photos okay otherwise that will just delete the whole background of the whole thing otherwise you can just save it as a JPEG again I just save it save image and it's in my photos okay now say I didn't want these on two separate layers another thing I can do is I can merge the layers together so you can do this two ways you can take both of them and then kind of like pinch them together it's a little difficult when you only have two layers like that you can do that or you can click on it and you can merge down and it will combine the layer together okay so now when you click that little arrow it moves all of them that's another thing another thing there's all these other tools here when you click on the layer you can copy it you can alpha lock so say I wanted to change the color of the lettering or I wanted to do some shading on it on a picture or whatever but I only wanted the color on those letters or the picture and not on the background so I'm going to alpha lock this and I'm just gonna pick red I'm gonna make my brush nice and big and I'm just gonna go over it like that and we'll only color anything that's on that layer because it's alpha locked okay so it's really great for shading and stuff like that so say I wanted to shade a ball let's do this okay a new layer yes it is so I am going to alpha lock this layer I'm going to create a bit of shading so let's get that airbrush tool so I have a soft airbrush here I'm gonna increase it and I want to just shade one side of this but I don't want it on the white part behind it we'll just shade that one area of that layer okay if I go over here it won't do it only what's on that one layer which is the ball okay so that's a really cool feature as well I'm trying to think if there's anything else oh here other things you can do so I'm just gonna delete these Oh also sorry if you swipe it to the left you can delete them so clear you can also duplicate a layer its create two of them and then you can lock it but I'm not really exactly sure so yeah I don't know everything on this app there's like tons of things I still need to learn okay another thing you can do is add texts and other things so you go to the add button here oops adding text so you know let's write welcome to my video okay you edit the style here's the size you make it smaller bigger all these different fonts you know all this stuff you can play with okay and then when you're done click on that little arrow and you can make it bigger move it wherever you want to on your screen okay so I use the text button a lot too and this is how I do a lot of my watercolor booklets okay so there's that another thing I like to do is insert photos so if I'm learning how to draw an animal I will insert a photo or and then learn how to like trace it I think I did that on my house tutorial another thing I like to do is for my thumbnails I will insert a photo so we're just gonna go to insert a photo and here's I'm I've been learnt trying to learn how to draw a cat okay so here's my cat that I just screenshot it off Pintrest and if you don't know how to screenshot something you press it's on the side the volume up button and then the top button right there together at the same time in its screenshots an image okay so here's my cat and I want to learn how to draw a cat and I'm gonna try and trace a little thing I'll just show you okay so I'm going to get my black here I want to make sure I am drawing on a new layer okay select my brush so let's just do inking I'll do this one and I don't want it to be so dark the picture okay I want to it just to be kind of faded so I can draw over it but still see it so I'm going to click back on that cat okay and then I'm going to go to that little wand button here and click okay 80 and I'm just gonna bring it down so it's just slightly faded okay go back to my layers and go on my new layer have my brush and I'm just gonna start looking at shapes that I see in this cat so I see a circle for that is way too big I see a circle for the head dude trying little ears Boop maybe oval for the body and then it comes around a curve two legs this is how I learn how to draw animals and stuff okay I will try and learn how to do the shape of the eyes that where this nose is so sometimes I will have my circle head and then just kind of get a feel of where the facial features are in I can't I can't think you know what I mean okay and then when I want to actually start drawing over it let's make that opacity a bit lighter too so I can kind of see my outline I'm gonna create a new layer and then I'm going to go around what I just did go around the details brush is still a bit too big it's fine though just gives me a little bit of an idea of where everything is and I'll just practice drawing like this for like an evening so I can learn how to draw certain animals animals are very difficult for me but this is how I do it and then when I want that picture and the first sketch to go away I can click this little box here this little check mark takes away that first sketch takes away that picture and there I have my outline okay you can delete those by you know swiping over and making delete but sometimes I just like to take it away so I have the option to get there and this just helps me learn how to sketch different things okay so that's why I that's how I use the insert a photo and I also do it for my thumbnails I'll show you here okay so I took this photo for a thumbnail which I had already edited and cropped on my phone you can just go to the crop section and I think it's like 16.9 16:9 for a YouTube thumbnail size and then I will just add the text here so I can insert text and because this is already let's just write the word moon okay because this is already a photo it's already on a different layer than the text would be okay so you don't have to worry about creating a new but you just might want to check it anyway and then I'm already on the moon layer and I can just move it wherever I like okay but I'm also noticing that you know you can't really see the text too well because of the picture in the background so I might want to do some like white behind it so what I can do is create a new layer and I'm going to move this layer underneath the text right there okay and I'm going to take some white and I'm just going to go around there like that okay and because that white that I just put is underneath the moon it'll be underneath okay these are the bottom layers and up here's the top so say this photo was at the top it would be in front of these layers you don't want that but you can just move around your layers as needed and that's how I do my thumbnails alright I am also going to show you quickly how I do my watercolor books so I actually just imported actually let's let's no no I imported some watercolor I scanned it on my computer first and then I imported it onto my iPad and these are literally just the watercolor illustrations that I do and then I add the text after so what I want to do now is rearrange all these watercolor images because I don't want them to lay like this in my booklet so I will just take that make sure I'm on the right layer yep those are all in the watercolor images I'm going to take that little cut tool and I'm just going to go around the ones that I want to cut get the little pointer and place them where I want okay make sure they're not overlapping each other because they're on the same layer that will not actually hold on I don't know why I grabbed that pinecone like that okay so now I have all my illustrations there and then I can add text beside it grab that different color because you can't see white its style make it smaller and then you can just start typing so whatever different line strokes and then I would just add every kind of text that I needed to okay and that's how I do my watercolor booklets it's actually quite easy and it's just time consuming but it's a lot of fun to do okay and then let me just see if there's anything else that I'm saying that I would like to show you I showed you the lettering editing watercolor so sometimes I will edit a piece on here and take away the background so I don't know if you can see this but I usually edit in Photoshop by taking away the background but sometimes it's just almost easier to do it here and do it manually instead of just clicking a button so I just will take my eraser tool and I will just go around the background as needed and edit it that way okay and also with this fear I forgot one other thing I can show you let me go back to this if you want to draw geometric shapes that are perfect here's another last little tip so see I want to draw a circle my circle is not perfect hold it it will make a perfect circle and you can also tap with two fingers and it makes a very perfect circle okay so any shape same with lines I do a line I want to be straight hold it and will make it perfectly straight for you okay and then this is a way hold it makes it straight so all you for show you all curve it but you just got to hold it and there you go okay same with shapes like I showed you with the circle I'm just going back let's do a square okay it's not perfect I'm holding it tap two fingers it makes it a perfect square okay so that's another little tip and I'm just thinking if there's anything else that I'm missing I think that's about it sketching I showed you yeah thumbnails lettering like I said I really like that calligraphy brush and this is a great way to practice you know just going your ups terms and you can always if you find a calligraphy guide page you can also import it as a photo underneath and then trace over top to practice too okay so that is everything and I really hope you enjoyed that tutorial and it gave you lots of great information and but it Thanks thank you all so much for watching my video it really hope you liked it and hope you learn something don't forget to subscribe to this channel and follow me on Instagram or more have a great day guys bye [Music]
Channel: Emma Jane Lefebvre (EmJ Watercolour Studio)
Views: 1,815,051
Rating: 4.9246325 out of 5
Keywords: ipad pro, procreate tutorial, procreate for beginners, ipad tutorial, artist, how to edit in procreate
Id: IukcE3Q-noY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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