How To Use Pinterest For Business

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hey everyone how you guys doing I'm Erica welcome back and today I'm going to be showing you how to use Pinterest for business in 2020 so let's get started guys the first thing you need to do is to go to google and type in Pinterest for business and you want to click on the first result once you're here you want to go ahead and click on join this will take you to a page where you want to go ahead and add in your email address and I'm gonna go ahead and add mine and I'll see you in this once you add in your email address you want to go ahead and click on create so I'm gonna save that and you want to choose your language English and you want to choose your country now depending on where you want your traffic to come from you will need to choose that option but you need to remember that whatever country you put in here this is what Pinterest is going to see and give you access to running ads now some countries Pinterest does not allow ads and if you plan on running ads for your business you will need to add the exact country that you are from right in here so let's go ahead and click on next now you will need to add a name for your business and because I am going to be creating a blog about quotes I'm going to add that name right in there next you want to choose what kind of services you provide you have blogger consul if you're in an affiliate marketer a contractor whatever it is that you are doing you want to choose that option but because I'm going to be creating a blog I'm going to choose blogger then you want to go ahead and click on next now you want to add in the link of your website or you can do that later if you haven't created your website yet so just go ahead and click on later now they're gonna ask if you're interested in advertising you want to choose one of these options now you can choose I'm not sure yet because you have not created your blog yet just go ahead and choose that and click on next now where would you like to start do you want to share idea grow your audience or showcase your brand just go ahead and click on share ideas so Pinterest is gonna take you through a little walkthrough and show you what how you need to create your images crop and create your logo and all of that good stuff just go ahead and click on next next or you can take a minute to read each of these to get an idea of how the platform works okay so once you take a tour they're gonna tell you how you need to create your pins and add in your titles and your descriptions and so on and so forth so let's go ahead and start building our profile now the first thing you want to do once you get onto Pinterest is to go ahead and create set up your profile and your keywords guys so you want to go to these three little dots here on the side and you want to go to edit settings so the first thing you need to do guys is go ahead and add in a profile picture you can go over to canva this is a free tool and you want to create a custom dimension so just go ahead and click on create a design custom dimension and here you want to put in 500 by 500 so just go ahead and click on create there's gonna open up a blank canvas so what you want to do is go on over to elements and you want to choose grids go over to grids and you want to find a circular grid just fit that onto your canvas and you wanna search in the Photos tab anything about quotes now if you don't find anything guys you can go ahead and create something by yourself so I'm going to choose this one and I'm just gonna fit that in there and I am going to go ahead and add in a text so I'm going to be adding in something like this and I'm going to increase the size and I'm also going to change the font now if you already have a local for your blog or your website you can go ahead and use it as your Pinterest profile so I'm gonna go ahead and Center this okay and I'm gonna add an extra text at the bottom and I'm gonna call it we love quotes okay just gonna drag that down there and I'm going to change the font as well just going to work on that a little bit and there you go now you need to name this we quotes because you want your keywords to be embedded in the file so you want to add your keywords as the name of your image as well now you want to go ahead and download this but if you have a free pinterest account you wouldn't be able to use the transparent background option which i have right here and but there is a site that you can use that's called remove background so I'm just gonna save it and this site is called remove dot BG so you can just go ahead and upload your image that you download it and you can remove the background for free so I'm gonna head back over to Pinterest and I'm gonna click on the Change icon and I'm gonna add in my photo there you go click on open and it's gonna upload it so once you're done you just want to go ahead and click on the done tab to save your settings next you want to add your display name so because we're gonna discount is about quotes we want to leave our display name as quotes but you can also add in some extra keywords like we love quotes and that will be your display name for your profile now this is you're a Pinterest username now this is a link of your Pinterest account and whatever you leave this to this is what is going to show as the link up here Pinterest calm slash we love quotes so whatever changes you make you want to go ahead and click on done just to be able to save your settings now this username is already taking I'm gonna add one more s and there you go my profile is saved now you want to go ahead and add in key words here but before you do that you want to go ahead and gather key words that people actually follow and will actually search for Pinterest to do that you want to go to slash categories in another slash so you just go ahead and click enter now this is where you will be able to find your specific category that you are targeting on Pinterest so because I'm going for quotes I'm gonna click on that and as you can see this one has 73 million followers but if I go down at the bottom I am going to find other keywords that I want to add to my profile and I want to name my boards so you want to go ahead and list all of these keywords down because you're going to be using it to build your profile to add keywords to create your boards and so on and so forth so I'm gonna do that and I'll see you in a sec now guys each of these quotes that you see here if you open them in a new tab you are going to see that each one has is a specific amount of followers now naming your boards with this particular keywords all of the followers of that particular topic is going to see your content whenever you pin them to Pinterest so if you scroll down at the bottom this is also gonna give you extra keywords that you can use on your profile so here you have these two were not on the previous page so you want to go ahead and mark them down as well okay sure so you can use that for your profile now what you want to do is go ahead and open each of these and find which ones have the highest amount of followers so that you can use them as your keywords for your Pinterest profile so I'm gonna go back over to Pinterest and let's go ahead to our edit settings and the keywords that we gathered we just want to go ahead and add in a little description about your business while at the same time adding keywords in there so Pinterest understands what your profile is all about so welcome - we love quotes here you will find all the top and trending quotes on love happiness success hope motivational and positive - quotes so there you go we have a simple description with all of our key words in there that we are trying to target now as you can see here we have the keyword quotes in here twice and we have keywords that that other people use when they're searching for different types of quotes on Pinterest but we did not go ahead and close quotes quotes code after each keyword because we do not want to do keyword stuffing you just want to have these keywords in here so that Pinterest understands and also your visitors understand what your particular profile is about so here you can go ahead and add in your email address at and you if you like you can add in your telephone number you can add in your location your city and all of that good stuff so I'm gonna go ahead and add in Lebanon here as well and I want to go ahead and click on done okay that's an invalid address so let me just go ahead and see I'm just gonna remove the country here okay guys so once you go ahead and save your profile now you want to go over to Pinterest and create your boards because we want to go ahead and add our featured boards in here so let's go ahead and do that right now so you remember the keywords that we collected this is where we want to go ahead and add them so this is how you want to create your boards so we're gonna go with Fitness quotes and we've just created our first board now once you create a board guys you want to go ahead and add pins on your boards and these are the top and trending pins on Pinterest so you want to add them to your boards I recommend adding around 20 to 30 pins to each of your boards just so you have enough pins on your profile so there you go now you want to go ahead and edit your board description and this is where you want to add in your keywords so here are some of the best fitness quotes to motivate you when getting ready for your workout session okay so I got two words wrong in there okay and now that you've added your keywords in there you have your fitness quotes the name of your board is Fitness quotes and you want to go ahead and choose the category of your boards so I'm gonna choose quotes and I'm gonna go ahead and save now I'm gonna create one more board for you guys but initially you will need to create 10 boards for your Pinterest account and then you can move on now once you create a board you want to create a board cover so you can head on over to canva and you want to create a 512 by 512 create your design and like we did before we want to go ahead and go to our elements add in a grid then we go to photos and we want to use our image now you do not have to be consistent with all of your boards but I prefer to make my profile look as beautiful as possible so I am going to create my board covers now you should go ahead and do the same so I'm gonna add in fitness quotes I'm gonna make that one small move it to the top I'm gonna duplicate the text and I'm gonna add in quotes so I'm going to make this one larger something like that and there you go yes okay so I'm gonna call this Fitness okay and I'm just going gotta go ahead and download it so we want to go ahead and download that go back to Pinterest and we want to go to the little pin icon on the bored and you want to change the board cover so before we do that guys just a sec you want to go ahead and create a pin so I'm going to upload that pin and it's called fitness I'll blow the pin I'm going to add that in there and I'm going to type okay now what you can do guys it's just you know go ahead and paste that in there you want your keywords in there and if you have a link to your category a specific fitness category on your blog you can grab the link of that category and add it in here so whenever someone sees this pin and they click on it it's going to take them to your fitness quotes category on your website so I'm gonna choose a blog and we've created only one so I'm going to choose a board and then I'm gonna publish that particular pin to the board once you've done that you want to go back to refresh your page you want to go back to your board and you want to change the board cover so just go ahead and click on that and it's going to take you to okay there you go and then you're gonna save your changes I'm gonna choose quotes I did that before but I have no idea why it didn't save so there you go you just need to go ahead and refresh your page and I've added the first board now we're gonna go ahead and add one more board just so you get a hang of it and just click on now to create a board guys you want to click on the boards tab here and this little plus sign is going to come you're going to click on that and you want to create your second board so this one I'm gonna call it positive quotes okay click on create and you want to add images to your boards just go ahead and add at least 20 to 25 or 30 pins to your boards these are the top-ranking pins on Pinterest for this particular niche for this particular topic add those to your boards okay and then you want to go ahead and click on now you want to go ahead and add in your board description here are the most amazing positive quotes on Pinterest to help you lead a positive lifestyle now you want to go ahead and add in as much words in here as possible to fill up your description the more you write here to help people understand what your board is about the better it is for your Pinterest profile but you just need to make sure that you have your keywords in there so now you want to choose your category for your board and you wanna click on save so we're gonna go ahead and go back to canva and we want to go ahead and change our keywords up here positive quotes so I'm going to leave that like that I want to add my keywords in there okay and then I'm gonna go ahead and download it save it and go back to your Pinterest profile you want to upload this pin go to the plus sign create your pin and now you want to go ahead and add in your pin and you want to add your keywords in there okay guys so we're gonna copy that paste and if you have a category on positive quotes you want to add the link in there so we're going to choose our board and we're going to put our pin publish it to that board and we just want to go ahead and refresh our account so you want to click on the little pin icon go to change and this is where you want to go ahead and select your image and save your changes once you do you want to save changes at the bottom as well so let's go ahead and take a look at our profile so we have boards there you go now we've created two boards in our niche and you want to go ahead and create as much as many as twenty but you can start off with ten boards you know at the beginning now let's talk about going ahead and claiming your website so you want to go back to these three little icons here and you want to click on edit settings so we did we did add a description here but that I don't know where that when I'm gonna go ahead and add it again okay nice I've gone ahead and added in the description one more time so now you want to scroll all the way down and you want to edit to add in your featured boards now once you do this you're gonna choose for each slot you're going to add a board and you have the option to add in five different boards at the top of your Pinterest profile so I have chosen two because I only have two boards right now and there you go now you can also choose if you want to add a video at the top of your Pinterest profile but right now let's go ahead and focus on how to add in your website link so to do that you want to go over to these little tabs here and you want to edit your settings and now you want to go to clean now this is where you want to go ahead and add in your website so I'm gonna go ahead and type in we love and once you do that you want to click on clean so you need to select this HTML tag option right here and you need to copy this link and you want to go to your website and I'm gonna show you where you need to add this code okay guys so once we've gone ahead and copied your code you want to go to your website now since I have not created a blog yet for this particular Pinterest account I'm gonna use one of my existing website and to do that you want go to appearance and you want to scroll down to the theme editor and this is where you need to add your code so once you're here you want to scroll down and look for a theme header and you just want to click on that and once you're here you have the head tag right here you want to just click on that and you want to paste in your link right here make sure you just paste that link in there but this site is already verified on Pinterest so I am NOT going to do that once you've added in your link you want to scroll down and you want to update your file so once you update your file you go back to Pinterest and you need to click on next so next once you click on next and you submit within the next five minutes Pinterest is going to clear your website is going to be cleaned with Pinterest next you want to go ahead and activate rich pins rich pins for your website now what are rich pins if you go to Pinterest and you see these pins up here they have you know a title a description the image of the person who owns the account or safety and they also have a link leading back to the website so that once you activate rich pins you're once you save a pin onto Pinterest to your board from your website it's going to show up with all of the metadata and all of the information necessary to help rank that pin or tell Pinterest what the pin is about so to activate rich pins you want to go to google and type in Pinterest rich pins rich pins validator there you go just want to click on that and you want to select the first option so once you're here you want to go to your blog and you want to find a post you do not add the link of your blog but you have to add a link to a post copy your link copy that go back to your Pinterest validator and this is where you want to go ahead and add in your link paste that in there and you click on validate so I'm gonna do this for that one and I'm gonna click on validate and as you can see once your pins your you have rich pins it's gonna tell you congratulations your rich pins are enabled your site name your favicon everything is okay and as you can see here ever you have a green checkmark at the end of each and every option so now that you know how to go ahead and activate your rich pin and claim your website you want to go ahead and claim your other social media accounts as well so if you have an Instagram account you can go ahead and claim it and once you click on claim it's gonna you know ask for an authorization to your Instagram profile and all you got to do is click on authorize so once you are finished with all of that you want to click on done to be able to save all of your settings so next you want to go ahead to your account settings and this is where you can add in if you are a female and you can also add in if you want people to direct message you on Pinterest this is where you can also deactivate your account you can close your account and hide pins from search engines and you can also choose if you want to use Google or Facebook to log into your Pinterest profile once you're finished you want to go ahead and click on done okay so now let's move on to the analytics section now as a business you want to have analytics to see how well your Pinterest profile is doing and how well your website is doing so to do that you want to head on over to this little tab here and this is going to give you an overview let's go ahead and click on overview your audience insights and your videos so as you can see this is completely blank but but as you begin to add post from your website on to Pinterest this is going to tell you the amount of engagement or impressions your pins are getting your total audience your engagements and your engaged audience you're gonna have a lot of different data on here and it's gonna tell you exactly how well your pins are doing and below you're gonna get data on your top boards that are you know performing well on Pinterest that have lots of impressions lots of three pins and saves and down here you're going to have a data on your top pins and how well they're doing on Pinterest so in the audience insights section this is going to tell you exactly which categories or which topics your particular audience are interested in on Pinterest their gender location what kind of device they are using to view your content and you can also go ahead and see all of the data for total for the total Pinterest audience as well so once you you want to go ahead and shoot see your video analytics and this is when you add videos to Pinterest it's going to give you all of the different analytics and data on how well your videos are doing on Pinterest so once your website has been cleaned in your country you have ads available to you in your country or in your location there's gonna be a little tab up here that says ads this is where you can go ahead and you know have the option to run ads on your Pinterest profile now once you begin to create content and add them to Pinterest you will need a method to go ahead and get your pins we pinned on Pinterest to get your profile seen and all of that good stuff this is where you can go ahead and use tailwind till when let's go ahead and check if I have tailwind is one of the platforms that Pinterest allows on on their on their platform to help you get repents and engagements on your pins on Pinterest to help you you know get the best out of your your efforts on this platform you can also use Facebook groups to get repin and followers and all of that good stuff now this is your search bar guys if you want to find other people that are in your niche and you want to follow them you just want to go ahead and type in your keywords so we have quotes here and just go ahead and click on enter so you want to go ahead and sort this out five people now you're gonna see all of the top you know accounts on Pinterest in your niche that have a lot of followers and a lot of engagement you can open these in new tabs to have a feel of this particular niche and you see the kind of pins that they're pinning and all of that good stuff so you can go ahead and follow them if you want just go ahead and follow but make sure that you do not follow more than 10 to 20 people per day on Pinterest because that could get your account banned so next you can go ahead and sort this by boards as well to see all of the top boards on Pinterest that are in your niche and you just want to follow a few of them as well guys so now that you know how to follow boards and how to follow people in your niche on Pinterest you also want to know how to join group boards so let's go ahead and just type in our keywords and we type in group boards now group boards are not as effective as they used to be but with niched group boards you can go ahead and get some some some traffic and some followers by using group boards and get your pins seen initially so you want to open up these group boards here just like I'm doing in new tabs and you're gonna find instructions on how you can go ahead and join these group boards now as you can see this is not a group board so how do you this is a group board but there aren't collaborators in it but to find group boards you're gonna see that each of these little image down here they have you know extra from people a lot of people on them so you know that these are group boards you can also find group boards on Pinterest by searching for you know Pinterest group boards so join and you're gonna find a lot of groups on on Facebook that you'll be able to join group boards so this one has instructions on how you can go ahead and join this group board you just copy the email address and you can send an email for this person requesting to join their boards so this is how you can go ahead and join group boards on Pinterest so let's move on to the next step so once you're on Pinterest you've created all of your boards guys you want to save high-quality pins to your boards and you want to save pins that have a lot of reap ends in that they are already viral on Pinterest now one way to do this is to go by searching for Pinterest on flash topics slash quotes whatever it is your niche is let's go ahead and do that right now slavish topics slash quotes okay you just click on enter and it's gonna take you to this page now these are the top 10 pins on Pinterest in your niche but if you scroll at the bottom you're gonna see other pins here that are viral and they have a lot of repin now how can you find the best kinds of pins to pin to your profile there's this little tool called pin on top and just type that into Google pin on top Chrome extension and you want to click on the first option it's gonna take you to this page and all you gotta do is click on add to Chrome so once you're on Pinterest and you're on this page you want to click that little tool at the top and it's gonna pop up this little window you want to sort it by to sort by Saves and it's gonna tell you each of these pins here just a second till it loads how many Reap ends they actually have as you can see this one has three thousand repin thirty-eight thousand refunds twenty-six thousand refunds now you can open each of these pins in new windows and you can't save it to the board that it is relevant to so there you go you have this inspirational quotes so if you have a board about inspirational quotes you can go ahead inspirational well you can go ahead and save that pin to that board now you also want to make sure that you add and you need to do the same for this one as well create a board related to this particular pin and you also want to create your board covers in there you go so this is how to use Pinterest for your business and I guarantee you guys if you continue with these tips and create quality pins and you replicate pins that are already doing well on Pinterest and create your own and those pins lead back to your website guys you are going to start getting traffic and you are going to start making money so I hope this video helped you guys if you have any questions please leave them in the comment section below and I am going to answer them or create other videos relating to them and you know help you guys do well on Pinterest so thank you guys so much for watching don't forget to Like and subscribe and stay awesome until next time
Channel: Life Styling Space
Views: 45,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use pinterest for business, pinterest for business, how to use pinterest, pinterest for business 2020, pinterest for business step by step, how to use pinterest for business for beginners, how to use pinterest step by step, pinterest marketing, pinterest seo, how to go viral on pinterest, pinterest tutorial, pinterest tips, how to use pinterest for business 2020, how to use pinterest for business step by step
Id: njrFyRs-1mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 41sec (2261 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 20 2020
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