How to Use Negative Prompts in Midjourney

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in this mid Journey tutorial I'll show you how to use negative prompting to remove objects and Concepts from your images not only will I show you examples of what the no parameter can and cannot do if you stick around to the very end of the video I'll even show you how to use both positive and negative text weights to construct entire scenes hi it's Christian heidorn from tokenized AI where I show you how to navigate the exciting New World of AI software if you see value in this video make sure you give it a thumbs up it really makes a huge difference all of the links and everything I mentioned this video you can find Linked In the description box below and while you're there make sure you smash that subscribe button [Music] all right welcome back and today we're going to have a look at negative prompting negative prompting is something that a lot of people are not familiar with and there's multiple ways of doing it and it's not as simple as it sometimes seems that's why we're going to have to go through a number of examples to illustrate just how to use it properly so what exactly is negative prompting in the first place well negative prompting is the process of removing something from your prompt so for example when you write your regular prompt that is an additive process so what you're doing is you're adding content and transformation to your prompt which will be interpreted by my journey into some sort of an image so let's say you you write down something like I don't know children's room right that in itself could be interpreted by my journey but you could also add stuff by entering a comma and then you would say um Teddy bear so it would be children's room comma teddy bear that is an additive process and that's how most of us write our prompts however negative prompting allows you to remove elements from a specific scene or image that you've created or that you have described so for example if the children's room already contained a teddy bear that was generated by my journey then I could remove that teddy bear by using a negative prompting so while writing prompts is additive using negative fonts is subtractive all right so um unfortunately mid journey is one of the tools that despite being really really great is not actually capable of allowing you to edit images specifically in an editor or anything like that that's something that's called in painting and tools like Dali 2 or stable diffusion do support these features however in mid-journey you you basically cannot do that I think that limitation is mainly due to the interface that mid Journey has chosen to use which is Discord and since it's not a web application it's actually quite complex to implement that without making it very very cumbersome so in my journey however you do have this feature of negative prompts which will allow you to remove objects and elements from your images however you're not doing it in a way that is as specific and intentional as you would within painting while in in painting you would specifically actually Mark let's say in this image I wanted to remove the tempo in in painting I would literally mask the tempo and then enter a new prompt and it would give me a new image without that tempo however in my journey negative prompting is basically the process of removing Concepts from the message that you're sending to my journey I know it sounds a little bit complicated when I explain it and I'll show you in a minute how it's really done um the thing is that the more complex your scenes become the less effective this feature is so we need to understand that it's it's not meant to be used in very very complex situations you can remove a thing here or there or a concept here there but you will not be able to actually edit the super specific details of the image all right okay so there's two ways of doing negative prompting in mid-journey I'm going to start off with the first one which is by using the no parameter I'm going to just point out that a lot of people mentioned that I was pronouncing the word parameter incorrectly I was saying param sorry parameter I apologize I will continue to say parameter from now on um I don't know why anyway so there's the no parameter parameter and the other option is using negative image text weights so we're going to start off with the no parameter and I'm going to show you example number one so we're going to enter a prompt let's say very simple one birthday cake and let's see what it generates for us all right so let's have a quick look and it's giving us these beautiful birthday cakes which I would never eat to be honest because they look super super sweet and I don't know it's just not my thing anyway but what I want to do now is I want to show you how I'm going to remove a particular element or concept from these images so we have these four birthday cakes the fourth one actually already doesn't have a candle but let's say we have these other three ones and I want to remove that particular candle because I don't want a birthday cake with candles so what I'm also going to do here is I'm going to actually use one of these images to continue and just in case you haven't activated this yet um you need to activate remix mode in order to work based off an existing image and literally take that image and just change something very tiny so I've activated remix mode and what happens then is that when I specifically pick this image which is a version 3 or variation three I'm going to get this remix prompt and in this remix prompt I am simply going to add the null parameter Plus the object or the thing or the concept that I want to remove and in this case it's going to be candles I'm going to hit submit and we'll wait for it to generate all right so let's have a real quick look I was a bit worried there for a second because I thought I saw candles here um but let me I'll explain this in a minute so first of all what you can notice is that we have four kicks and they all look roughly similar to the original one that we picked I must say I'm actually not a fan of the new ones but the key thing is that we have removed the candles or the candle in this case and however you might be wondering well why do we still have these long thingies here well the problem is that when you use the remix feature you're telling mid journey to specifically use this composition right so my journey is looking for alternatives to place around this location here however you've told my journey not to put candles in the image so that's why it's used these sort of replacement objects you could of course have simply entered this entire prompt separately and as a new imagine command and you would have gotten um you probably would have gotten a whole bunch of cakes without candles but they would have been all slightly different and they would not have stuck to this composition okay now I'm gonna need to show you another example now where this feature doesn't work the way you would want it to work um basically negative prompting in my journey doesn't work well if you um well if you have very very clearly defined Concepts in your prompts so for example in this case it's a cake like a birthday cake and if I then added no cake that would not work majority would still give me a cake because it's very difficult for it to remove the cake from the concept of a birthday cake and I've said cake a lot of times now so let me show you this with a different example close up of a beautiful one and we're going to have a look at what this looks like okay and we get exactly what we would expect right now I'm going to attempt to do something which will not work and it would be quite weird if that actually worked because well it would defeat the purpose of interpreting prompts properly so let's say I want to remove the eyes of these people I know that would look freakishly scary but I just wanted to do it now I could use um the remix feature here but my fear is that if I do that it will use the information in this image and because there are already our image sorry eyes in this image it will try to replace them with something that will potentially look like eyes so what I'll do is I'm going to enter this whole prompt one more time um a beautiful woman and I will then just add no eyes now I can tell you this already this will not work but I'm going to show you live see okay so it's almost done I'm just going to quickly show you that we can already see that these women have eyes and so clearly what we tried to achieve did not work at all and why is that because the image of a or the close-up image of a beautiful woman as a concept is inextricably linked to that woman having eyes right so mid journey is not capable of interpreting that in a way that would give you what you want so you need to when you're trying to do negative prompts you need to try to use it on scenes or images where um where you're trying to remove something that is not a core part of the concept of the image and then display in this case the whole image is this one concept and so you can't remove it from there so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to use a far more abstract prompt something more creative more artsy something that could be a title of a movie or a title of a book and we're going to use that as a starting point okay let's have a real quick look and as you'd expect yes there's tons of different interpretations of Nature's metal most of them have trees landscape grass some water here and there flowers and in this particular case there's some butterflies even so what I'm gonna do here is though I want to remove the flowers okay and in this particular case even though the concept of a Nature's Meadow will contain flowers as well it contains a whole bunch of things right and the meadow in itself doesn't necessarily need to have flowers so what I'm going to do is I'm going to use that variation number one and I'm going to remix it and I'm going to remove um the flowers and what I'm also going to do is I'm actually going to expand on the concept so because I do want to have animals in there now so I'm going to say Nature's Meadow and the animal kingdom but please do not show me any flowers and just make sure there's no space and it's going to use the concept sorry it's going to use the concept and the composition of that specific image that I've chosen so it it will not look the same but it will look have a similar shape um of the composition so let's have a real quick look okay and it's just have a look quick look at the original this was this one here the top left and now let's look at the images now what I can already see is that okay there is maybe maybe in my journey doesn't qualify this as a flower who knows but there's a whole bunch of animals in here now as you can see we have roughly the same composition we have a meadow there's mountains it's it's similar but it has completely removed any sign of flowers now we can take this one step further and let's say I wanted to also remove the I don't mind the butterflies all that much but let's say I wanted to remove the birds I don't want Birds well we can let's use maybe let's use this one this one's prettier well we can do that too so we'll remix number variation number two and I'm going to leave everything the same except that I'm going to add another no birds and in this case you can actually use this parameter twice right so it's now it's not an issue because the this this instance of the parameter is specific to that word and here is specific to that word okay so let's see what happens this time okay and here we go again let's have a real quick look at the original which was this image here and let's open up the new ones and now we've got well something that resembles Nature's Meadow with no flowers no birds and a whole bunch of animals in there now one thing you may have noticed is that with each step of complexity that we've added the image becomes more and more abstract this already looks kind of weird right because it kind of looks like somebody's superimposed animals onto I don't know somebody cut out images of animals and stuck them onto a random landscape um this is something that you'll see um over and over again as you add more complexity into a prompt like this especially when you're using negative prompts it doesn't always turn out this way it really depends on how you're how you're doing everything um and the main reason is I I actually don't know what the main reason is in this case but um you're moving away from very very natural looking realistic scenes and every time you add an additional layer of complexity it just becomes more abstract and not necessarily nicer so um that's that's that's just the point is just to show you how how this changes the whole flow now you might be wondering so what exactly is the other means of doing negative prompting well the no parameter as we've been entering so far all the time is nothing else then it's actually equivalent to something that is called a text prompt weight sorry text weight and so using no on the word like candle is the same thing sorry candle is the same thing as entering candle two colons and then minus 0.5 in your prompt because why did I type another typo and that's why you can actually add multiple instances of the no parameter because all you're actually doing is you're just you're just telling mid-journey I'm giving this particular word or sentence or concept awaiting of minus 0.5 which essentially says remove it okay and you can actually do all of this just by using text weights and I'm not going to go into too much detail here now simply because text weights should be an entire separate video for themselves however I want to give you an example of how we could have done this in [Music] um with text weights so instead of using the no parameter I would would have entered Nature's Meadow and the the animal kingdom and I would have given this a weighting of one which is default so if I don't enter one it will give it a a default rating of one I'm just going to enter one anyway and then I could have added flowers with minus 0.5 and I could have added birds with minus 0.5 and that would be absolutely equivalent to the previous example that we used the only difference is that in this case I'm generating a whole set of new images however I've done this before and I can tell you that the results May look more varied but they are still super abstract now I don't want to show you this example in full detail now however I am going to give you an example of how this does turn out quite nice so I'm going to use rocky mountain landscape I'm going to give it a weighting of one which means default it's like my main thing and then I'm also going to say that I want it in winter I'm then going to add a buffalo herd which in this case I want to be particularly important in this scene so what I would expect is to get a landscape that looks like it's a winter and there's um and the buffalo herd would be there would be a special emphasis on that so I would expect them to be fairly big in the image and what I'm going to do though is I do not want to have trees so I want to have just like a field like uh in the prairie and what I also don't want is even though it's winter I do not want to see any snow and then I would simply enter this and this would be another example of negative prompting and let's see what happens all right so this is just finishing up it's processing but what you can already see is that we are getting exactly what I wanted and it's actually quite awesome have a look at this image so we've gotten my rocky mountain landscape it is also clearly in winter we have the buffalo herd which has been emphasized so there's a big buffalo here there's a one here it's it's really it's it's it's it's it's not entirely balanced so there's there's more emphasis there there's not a single tree that I can find ah there is a tree line over there but I think that does not necessarily qualify and there's no snow even though it's clearly in Winter and so this is an example of how you can craft scenes using text weights and use negative prompting within those text weights to control which pieces of information are removed and which are not and you can build some really really amazing things by using a combination of the two you could have also Rewritten this whole prompt and literally just replaced this one with no snow or this one with no trees and left the others just the same because and you would have had to do that because otherwise you would not have been able to give the buffalo herd a stronger weighting of two um but I don't know I guess it depends a little bit on what you're trying to do if you're just trying to remove a simple little thing then just adding no something will be probably more effective or more efficient quicker the point being negative prompting is not a perfect science it is a process of trial and error sometimes it will work sometimes it will not work um you will probably have to play around with it until you get to the ultimate result that you actually are trying to achieve it is definitely not meant to be used in the way that you would do in painting in Dali 2 or in stable diffusion I would not rule out the possibility that someday mid Journey actually implements a in-painting feature as well but for the time being this is the only way how you can actually remove and subtract pieces of information from the overall image right so I hope you found this useful and uh I'll see you in the next video take care I really appreciate you taking the time to watch the full length of this video if you found it useful and enjoyed it it would mean the world to me if you hit the like button and if you would like to get notified the next time I release a new video make sure you smash that subscribe button right under the screen I'll see you next time and take care [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Tokenized AI by Christian Heidorn
Views: 59,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney negative prompt, midjourney no command, midjourney no prompt, midjourney --no, midjourney, midjourney v4, midjourney text weight, midjourney weights, midjourney weighted prompts, midjourney edit image, how to use negative prompts in midjourney, midjourney prompts, mid journey, midjourney ai, midjourney ai tutorial, how to use midjourney, negative prompt, image prompt midjourney, mid journey tutorial
Id: YJk-RPffYYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2022
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