How to Use Midjourney's Chaos Parameter

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have you ever wondered what mid-journey's chaos parameter does does it actually create chaos or does it just randomize things or maybe it's just more creative than other modes and anyway what values should you be using for it all this and More in today's video but before we get started if you'd like to get updates on this channel remember to hit the Subscribe button under the screen thank you foreign so what exactly is the chaos parameter and why is it called chaos does it actually create chaos well in fact no it doesn't all the chaos parameter really does is it adds a element of randomization to the variations that you are creating with my journey but what exactly does that mean well the primary purpose is to make sure that whatever variations you're getting um if they are too close to each other let's say you generate an image of a girl with I don't know red hair or something and the results that you're getting are just too close to each other and the compositions are more more or less all the same um you can use the chaos parameter to loosen that up a little and tell a mid-journey that you'd like to see more varied results so it's essentially just saying mix it up a little bit more very often this will lead to slightly more creative or artistic uh image variations however that is not what chaos technically does so there's a correlation between using the chaos parameter or high values for the chaos parameter and actually getting more artistic results but there's no causal relationship really so let me maybe give you some examples and before we do there's one thing I'd like to point out that the chaos perimeter actually doesn't work all that well with uh version 4 of mid-journey uh I don't know why exactly but it seems that um in version 4 the differences that you get are so small or they're barely visible like I personally have not been able to really see a big difference so what I'm going to do right now first is I'm going to deactivate version 4 which I had set up in my settings and I'm going to go back to version three because this is where you see the biggest impact all right so now that I've switched to version three uh let's start off by creating an image of a red apple and I'm just going to use a regular prompt I'm not going to add any chaos parameter just because I'd like to show you what the default results would look like all right so this is quite ironic uh turns out there is currently a bug going on on my journey so um which is causing version three generations to not actually generate and the only way to circumvent this issue right now is to use version four which I clearly just stated is not as ideal for showing the differences between a low chaos value and I hate in a high chaos value nevertheless we're gonna do this now because there's no point in waiting and let me just quickly switch back to version four and oh now now this this is really ironic now so it seems that they've fixed it now okay listen we're gonna do we're gonna do both I'm gonna show you version four now first and then we're gonna have a look at what the version three still works so first of all let's try I'm gonna just do a uh simple prompt a blue Country House and this is going to be with version four but I'm gonna add no actually I'm not gonna add any I am actually gonna add chaos 0 and Chaos 0 would usually mean that all the results will be relatively similar to each other right so there's not going to be a lot of variation in what you get so let's see we're going to wait a little bit let me speed up this process for you and I'll see you in a second all right so what you can see now is we're close to finishing this generation we're at 78 but what you can see is that it is creating literally a blue Country House and the houses all look more or less similar to each other of course the slight differences but the overall composition is similar the house looks similar the style the mood and everything is fairly similar now but let's go to The Other Extreme and say we want to generate a blue house sorry a blue country house and this time I'm gonna add a chaos value of 100 so we're going to the complete Other Extreme and what we're going to expect is I would expect to see four images that still contain a blue house however the interpretation of that prompt will be very different so we should see four very different ways of creating a blue house in a landscape or whatever we'll see and some of these variations might be more creative than usual and others might be closer to what we already have here so let's have a look and again I'm just going to speed up this generation process so we don't have to wait all the time and here you go so we're almost done again but let me quickly show you uh the intermediate results and as you can see oh wait let me just yeah there it's done and what you can see is these are four completely different interpretations of a blue Country House they're very different in positioning and style in lighting effects and this is what the chaos parameter does it introduces an element of Randomness and but the randomness is not how should I describe this the randomness is with um with relation to how different the results that you get in your variations will be and you can control this so let's say uh just for this sake on sake um contents and purposes let's try to do a blue country house and I'm going to add a chaos value of 50 this time because what I want to show you now is how we slowly move from a set of variations which are all very similar to each other to a set of variations which are completely different and in the middle at about 50 we should get something that's well roughly in the middle and fairly balanced so let me try this and I'm going to speed this up again all right so here we go we're close to finishing this one as well and what we can see now is up there we go what we can see now is that yes every single one of these image variations is quite different still however we're moving much closer to the original set of variations that we had so this building looks quite a bit like this one the there's a tree here's a tree there's some grass there's some grass here this one's still a bit out of whack to be honest um and and so is this one but what you can I think you could start to seize that also the color tone is closer in these images here than in these and that's the point so what exactly is the objective or the purpose of using the chaos parameter well let's say you're experimenting with image generations and then depending on what you put into your prompt sometimes you'll get very very similar images even though you want to have something more different you want to have more variation simply because you don't yet know whether this is the composition and the style that you're looking for so it's if you're in a more explorative phase then using a high chaos parameter can add more Randomness into your results but if you want to actually keep your results very close to each other because you're looking for fine tuning like small tiny details then you would use a very low chaos parameter to control to rein in basically the the AI this will not always be the same so the the way this behaves depends largely on the prompt that you're using other parameters that you're using to certain modes and and I'll try to show you in a minute how it also looks very different between version 4 and version three but um the the chaos parameter will allow you to make small adjustments to deviate from what the journey is doing and hopefully provide you something more useful right so let me see if we can switch back to version three the only reason I want to do this real quick is because I do find that the difference is there is quite a bit of difference a red apple and I'm going to use chaos zero in this case let's see whether this works I'm going to speed this up again all right so I'm afraid it's not working this is mainly because it the bug is not actually so I'm just going to quickly cancel this job so the bug is not the fact that it's not working at all however it seems that Generations are so extremely slow that it takes you easily between I don't know 20 to 30 minutes and the red apples that suddenly popped up here um that was not because it was fixed it was simply because um I guess a half an hour had passed and the generation had finished but to to give you an idea of what would have happened with this so this um this is a regular red a red apple a prompt and which is fairly balanced if I had used a chaos pyramid of zero on this then it would have picked I don't know a certain style of red apple and then all four Images would have looked very very close very very similar if I had then switched to chaos 100 you would have seen some crazy artistic variations here you would have seen maybe um I don't know perhaps even a a painting and a frame with an apple in it some some crazy interpretations on what a red apple might be and this is a part of what makes my journey so interesting and exciting um but uh you know not every it's not it's not for everybody and it really depends on the situation that you're trying to use it in so remember the purpose of the chaos parameter is to either introduce or constrain the randomness and the variability of the results that you're being given in your variations that you're generating that's the purpose and what tends to happen is that the results will be slightly more creative however chaos does not automatically mean that you'll get more creative images so it's not an artistic feature or anything like that so I hope you found that useful and yeah I'll see you in the next video I really appreciate you taking the time to watch the full length of this video if you found it useful and enjoyed it it would mean the world to me if you hit the like button and if you'd like to get notified the next time I release a new video remember to hit the Subscribe button just under the screen I'll see you next time and take care bye [Music]
Channel: Tokenized AI by Christian Heidorn
Views: 18,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: midjourney chaos, midjourney chaos prompt, midjourney chaos command, midjourney --chaos, midjourney, midjourney v4, midjourney parameters, midjourney prompts, prompt midjourney, ow to prompt midjourney, midjourney ai tutorial, midjourney ai, myjourney ai
Id: 8NagN9TTPe4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 09 2022
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