How to Use Mixamo Characters and Animations in Unity

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[Music] hello and welcome to another Unity tutorial in this tutorial we will see how we can import a mixmo animation and characters into Unity so let's jump into the movie okay so we create a new mtia project in unity then select create a floor a simple plan as our floor [Music] let's create a material for the floor [Music] right click create and material just drag and drop then should be a bit darker okay so open mixamo website then browse the characters plenty of characters are available in this website so you can just select any of them I will select for example [Music] this one maybe in a professional project the character will export it be exported separately and then any animation in a single fbx file so let's just first export this character it should be T pose and VX4 Unity so let's download it after downloading you need to yeah copy [Music] the downloaded model into your project just we can create a new folder [Music] collect models [Music] and just drag and drop the models into the scene we don't have any texture now just select the model then in inspector material tab extract the texture in any new folder textures [Music] and all texture will be added to your character you if you can do the same for materials but we don't need it now okay then go to rig Tab and select humanoid for the character and apply to it after uploading you can see how the character uh bones are created and which the game object is assigned to which part of the body and you can select and change them if they are wronged assigned but all animation and characters are assigned correctly in an example so you don't need to change anything there so we go back to mixamo and now select animation too many pop animations are available here and all can be applied to all characters let's search for something like fight [Music] and select any of the animation let's select firewall for example there is some there are some options available here you can change if you want just remember if you want to use Walk and Run for example in unity with your code you need to check in place let me show you how here as you can see here as default the character will move also in the scene just click in place and then export it [Music] okay so then download it and we we don't need the scheme since we have the character download we have downloaded the character already just select video scheme and rest should be fine you can select change the create a frame per second as well but we don't need now just download oh and you need to copy the character in your project again [Music] and as you can see it's the same name as your character just with adding the animation name after the name of the character so now you need to go to the new downloaded fbx gain and rig and a humanoid again but this time for Avatar we need to copy it from our main character model and select Avatar [Music] that we have created for the main model then apply [Music] okay so now you can just go to your model name in a hierarchy and then you need to create a new controller for anime for your animator component just right click create and create animator controller we can call it for example animator controller and just as I need to your controller now you can just double click on it and open the controller window and then drag and drop the animation you have downloaded and now if you go to the scene and play you can see your animation please apply to your character but it's just once if you want to Loop the animation just double click on your animation and check the loop here and apply you can do some settings here as well let me move our camera you can just while the camera is selected go and aligned with View and the camera will show exactly the same thing that you can see in scene View okay so the animation is applied to our model [Music] now let's do the same or apply our animation to any other character not the characters which are downloaded from mixed sample uh for example I have downloaded this model and the link is in description below [Music] so you need to copy to download the model [Music] go to your project folder and thumb and up paste it there and drag and drop it on your in your scene so as you can see the material and normal mapping is not correctly set just click and extract both material and textures foreign and then open the materials and change the rendering mode to OPEC for both material you need to do the same [Music] for extracting the texture you need to extract the texture as well [Music] and just [Music] select Tech right texture that it's extracted for the character okay so go to mix ammo again and upload your character here foreign of the character complexity it takes a few minutes [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] okay and just the next and next now you can select and choose any of animations for the new character as well [Music] and it's the same process again since we have the character already we don't need it it's gain and just download just the game could be the selected to download it animation and paste it in your project [Music] and we need to change the animation type again and select the character okay so we didn't create any avatar for it yet so let's just revert this and go and change the animation type for our main character and create a new Avatar and now we can do the same for our animation file and this time select and copy from our main Avatar so it's again the same we need to create an inventor and assign it to controller open it and just drag and drop and let's make it blue now we have imported [Music] to a new animation as well hope you enjoyed this tutorial thank you for watching and see you on the next tutorial [Music]
Channel: Code Designer
Views: 12,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Unity, Code designer, programming, game design, tutorial, mixamo, animator, dance, humanoid, avatar, character, animation
Id: _pe4qedkTpU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 28 2023
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