Easy 3D Animations for Unity Beginners from Mixamo

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I know a lot of people get overwhelmed with 3D I want to show you how you can take a regular model that's t-posing like this and within seconds give it some animations that you can play around with and transition between all without having to build out the animations yourself in a modeling program like blender or using the unity animator and so I'm gonna assume you have at least some understanding of unity if you're looking for animations but but the first thing you want to do is actually just like find a model I just did a quick look on the unity assets or I found a 3D model for free this is called Bananaman I put the link in the description below I downloaded them and put them into my project and basically just dragged them onto a new 3D scene and here you go we're back to a new scene with our banana man this is all arbitrary it doesn't really matter what you use I'm using somebody that looks like a humanoid right it looks like a human and so this is going to work with any humanoid animations we find so once we put him in and run the game we're now at a stage where we have a model that is t-posing and just ready to be souped up with animation where do we find these animations you'll see a lot of people use the decide if you're watching streams or YouTube this is mixamo.com I'll put the link in the description as well you can sign up for free like I did and then here you have a whole bunch of animations and even characters you can use but for our case here I don't really care about using these characters right I don't care about using this mutant for an example I just want the motion that's happening here but I'm going to go ahead and type in box Idol and this is fine enough I like how this looks you'll get a preview you can drag around you'll see kind of what it's going to look like and so this is going to translate very well to our character in unity and so at this point all I need to do is hit download you could change the frames here the more frames that are the more smooth the animation is going to be so we can do 60 and fbx binary file by default is fine for us and I'm not going to change anything else you can do with skin or without I'll choose without because I'm just looking for the motion and now you can hit download so I downloaded that idle animation and I brought it into my project I have it right here highlighted and you'll see some parts underneath but we actually want to select the top layer and when we do this you'll see you have some options now at the top right in our inspector now there's a lot of settings here and different tabs and this can be very overwhelming if you're new to 3D and you're new to animation you don't really know what's going on so I'm just going to show you the quick and fast things I do just to get this motion put onto my character and then I refine things from there so I actually like to go to rig and because this is a humanoid we want to change this animation type from generic to humanoid and I wouldn't suggest this if you were doing something like a dog or something like that but once we have humanoid selected I'm going to hit apply it'll do some conversions and now the only other thing I like to do is go to animation so under the animation tab we basically have all of our configurations as if you were to click on a regular Unity animation this is just the window for that so we have our name which we can change here you could also change it in the project settings doesn't really matter but because this is an idle animation I'm actually going to set loop to true and I'll just change this here for convenience I'll change it to idle the name of the animation and I'm going to make sure I go to the bottom and hit apply and those are the only two changes I'm going to make to this at all so you can keep this if you'd like but I just need the motion animation which is this idle file here selected so I could drag this out of the scene or you could do Ctrl D and duplicate it it doesn't really matter you just want to get this motion out or at least I like to do that and then I usually delete the source object that came with the download because it's kind of bloated and I'm not going to use it again once I get my motion right so if you're with me so far we now have an animation that's ready to be used and so if we click on our banana man we'll see that we don't have an animator controller you might already have this in your game but since I don't the easiest thing for me to do is just click and drag this animation onto the banana man and you'll see it creates a animator controller for us called Bananaman or just whatever the name of your game object is so we can open this up and so by default our idle animation is going to get played right off the bat whenever we start so let's go ahead and test this so I just moved the game camera over a little bit so we can see the character a little better and I made the floor a little bit bigger but otherwise everything's exactly the same so if we go ahead and test this now it'll see that the game starts and our player is now in our idle stance which we just downloaded so it's really fast and easy to import an animation and play it if I was doing this at full speed it takes like 15 seconds it's really really easy and so now we can actually go back to miximo and look for anything else we could look through some different punch animations and find one that we like or some jumping animations really whatever you want I'm gonna try punch and jumping jacks just for the demo but the same thing you just hit download I'm not changing any settings this time because it remembers it from the first time but these are my settings fbx 60 frames without skin and I hit download so once it's imported to my project I'll just go through it again really fast I'll click jumping jacks I'll go to rig I make it humanoid and hit apply I go to animation I'll make it Loop and I'll call it jumping jacks as well and hit apply and then at this point I'll just control the the motion delete the source and we now have another animation we can throw in here and we can do the same thing for punch cool so at this point we now have our animator controller that has an idle State a jumping jacks animation as well as a punch animation and I just set up transitions to and fro from idle where I basically created a punch and jumping jacks Bool parameter in the animator and if it's true or false it'll just transition between them and this is just to showcase the transitions I'm not trying to Showcase here the best way to do animations I'm literally just doing this to demonstrate the different animations to you guys and then I wrote this really quick script that I'm not trying to get you to copy but just so you're aware there we're just fetching our animator and then once we press q w or E we're basically setting those different bools in the animator for Punch or jumping jacks we're saying it to true and then when we try to go to our idle animation we just set both of those to false again this is just for the demonstration but with that we can now go ahead and transition between say our default idle animation to a punching animation we could go ahead back to our idle and we could press e and we could try our jumping jacks animation and you can see like out of the box with a quick two button import whatever that was right we changed two things everything looks pretty smooth and good and we can go ahead and fix little things like we'll notice their feet are going through the floor and I'm not actually moving the player or doing anything like that we're just doing Simple transitions between animation state but I at least wanted to break the barrier for some of you that are terrified of 3D animation it can be really daunting if you have to do it yourself but there are resources out there that are free that you can access and use in your projects now let me know what you think and I hope this helped you out foreign
Channel: BMo
Views: 46,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unity, unity3d, unity2d, 3d, unity 3d animation, unity 3d model, 3d model, unity 3d game, 3d game, 3d game development, 3d characters, 3d environment, 3d animations, 3d anim, 3d animation, animation, animations, mixamo, unity animation, unity animation controller, unity animations, unity 3d tutorial, unity 3d animation tutorial, easy 3d animation, mixamo animation, 3d animation mixamo, unity mixamo tutorial, unity 3d
Id: Vsj_UpnLFF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 21 2023
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