How to combine and edit Mixamo Animations | Blender 3.6 Tutorial

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hi everyone welcome to my channel in this tutorial we'll learn how to combine and edit mixamo animations in blender we're going to make a simple fight scene using blender nla editor let's get started first go to the mixamo website if you already have an account sign into your account if not you can sign up for free click on the characters Tab and choose any character click on the animations Tab and search for the fight idle [Music] click on the download button the file format will be fbx we're going to download the animation with the character's Skin So with skin option will be selected download the animation with skin then search for The Sweep fall animation [Music] download the animation without skin this time search for the kip up animation in the same way download the animation without skin alright click on the character Tab and choose another character [Music] go to the animations Tab and search for fight idle download the animation with the character's skin this time then search for flying kick and download the animation without skin [Music] finally search for step back and download the animation in the same way [Music] alright let's open up the new blender file go to the file menu and import the fight idle animation in fbx format foreign [Music] nice we can see the keyframes belong to the animation in the timeline editor go to the viewport shading menu click on the matcap tab and choose any matte cap switch to color type to texture so we can see the model textured in the viewport alright switch the timeline Editor to the dope sheet editor switch to the action editor rename the action as ninja idle and hit the enter key so the action will be stored in blender go to the file menu and import The Sweep fall animation [Music] rename the action as fall we can delete the Armature we already have stored the action in the same way import the kip up animation and store the action foreign [Music] switch the dope sheet Editor to the nla editor the nla editor in blender is a tool for layering and managing different animation sequences to create complex animations it allows users to control timing blending and interactions between various animation actions in the nla editor we can work with different animation strips which are essentially individual animations that you can layer and arrange on a timeline to convert the idle action into a strip click on the push down action button so we can slide the action strip wherever we want in the nla editor in order to add a new strip be sure that the idle strip is selected actively go to the add menu and add action strip choose the fall action when we play the animation we can see that the idle action is not playing only the fall action playing after a certain frame select the fall action as the active strip and increase the blend in value just a little bit in the right panel let's play the animation again that's it so a smooth transition will be added between the action strips if we increase the blend in value the transition becomes smoother it's just like video editing foreign let's add the kip up action strip with the fall action selected go to the add menu and add the kip up action strip in the same way increase the blend in value just a little [Music] as you can see the character slides while switching from the fall action to the rising action to fix this problem select the kip up strip and hit the Tab Key to edit the strip action select the Armature click on the Armature icon open up the viewport display panel and enable the in front option so we can see through the Armature switch to the pose mode select the hip bone this is the bone with which we can move the whole character switch to the graph editor [Music] press the home key to fit the animation curves to the editor we can see the animation curves belong to the hip bone click on the eye icon and hide the all curves just unhide the Z location curve press numpad 3 to switch to the right View first determine the reference point where the character falls down we can draw a reference line from the hip bone with The annotation tool hit the a key and select all keyframes Slide the timeline cursor to where the rising action starts press G key then y key and move down the keyframes until the hip bone aligns with the reference line when we play the animation we can see the character doesn't slide anymore thank you [Music] however if we switch to the top view we can see the character slides on the x-axis a little bit [Music] hide the Z location keyframes and unhide the X location in the same way Slide the X location keyframes there we go foreign [Music] switch back to object mode alright let's add another character to the scene switch back to the dope sheet editor import the animated character into blender move the character on the y-axis facing the other character and rotate it 180 degrees on the z-axis rename the action as Man Idle click on the push down button import the flying kick action in the same way [Music] [Music] finally import the step back action [Music] thank you switch back to the nla editor select the man's idle strip add the flying kick action strip select the strip and increase the blend in value [Music] the animation works properly but we need to adjust the timing select the Man Idle strip in the right panel open up the action clip section and set the repeat value to 0.7 so the action will be cropped we can slide the flying kick strip to adjust the timing also [Music] please we can also speed up the fall animation select the fall strip and go to the action panel set the playback value to 0.9 so the action will be played faster [Music] finally let's add the step back action select the flying kick strip and add the step backward strip foreign value in the same way we need to fix the sliding issue select the strip and hit the Tab Key to edit enable the in front option switch to pose mode and select the hip bone switch to graph editor just select the Z location curve of the hip bone draw the reference line [Music] move the keyframes up in the graph editor that's it so it will stay in place at the beginning of the action also we need to repeat the step back action a couple of times switch back to the dope sheet editor hit the a key and select all bones press shift d to duplicate the keyframes and slide them on the timeline select all keyframes again duplicate and Slide the keyframes but when we play the animation it always returns and doesn't move back to fix this problem switch back to the graph editor as you can see the graph tells us that the action is repeated four times and each time it returns to the beginning key to activate the circle selection tool select each cycle one by one and move down [Music] let's play the animation again there we go [Music] [Music] thanks for watching see you in the next tutorial
Channel: MK Graphics
Views: 35,484
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mk graphics, blender tutorials, mixamo to blender, combining mixamo animations, how to blend mixamo animations in Blender, Blender NLA editor, Blender animation tutorial, blender graph editor, blender character animation, edit animations in blender
Id: ywhRUWOq_Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2023
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