How to use a Metal Brake for Fascia

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[Music] alright guys in this video we're gonna show you how to use a metal break to make aluminum fascia or trim for your house stick around and we'll show you how it's done alright guys my name's Erin we're here in our shop and I've got a roll of trim coil like the kind that you're gonna use to make fascia metal for your house or wrap a beam or it's a it's like a residential trim coil and the length of this coil is 24 inches tall by 50 foot long and this is kind of the standard so if you guys are going to do some projects for yourself on your weekend or if you're gonna rent a break or maybe you have a break this is the this is the standard material so besides using the break in this video because the break is pretty simple you lock the metal in and you pull up on the handle you Bennett I'm gonna show you not just the break I'm going to show you my entire system and I don't do a lot of residents to work the crew I runs primarily commercial but when we do residential work I thought I'd throw it on the video and show you because I like the setup that I have and I love to show new employees this set up so this video is gonna be basically what I would do when I train a new guy and I've got this system fairly standardized so that I my idea would be to put a guy that didn't even know what a break was and in an hour - he can do this in a repeatable manner that would allow him to get the same quality as a guy who's been doing it for 20 years so that's kind of when I design a process that's what I'm thinking and that's what I'm going to show you today so the first thing I want to show you is I've got a table and I've got my table set up and I'm gonna take my trim coil open it up and I've got a I've got a tape measure and a framing square right here and I've got a mark on my table already at 10-foot because a break is like ten foot six so I'm gonna line my coil up and I'm gonna roll out my my coil out down my table I've got a vise grip right here that's gonna stop my roll and I'm gonna but my my roll up against that vice-grip and it's just gonna sit there for me now I've got my table marked already like a jig I'm gonna put my coil flush with the side of this table and I'm gonna push it up to my backstop and I don't have to get a tape measure out because I've already got a mark on my table where 10-foot is so I'm gonna use a framing square and I'm basically gonna line up where my 10-foot mark is and I'm just gonna run a utility knife right down the edge of this coil just like that you can you can score it once or twice and then that coil is gonna break it'll break right in half so I'll take this right here I'll pick this up put my hand on it peel it up lift it up a couple times and it breaks right in half so that's how I'm gonna start off with my my roll of trim quo not gonna roll it out on the ground I'm going to use it on table all right guys so what I just did I took my trim coil in the full roll and I basically just laid it on my table I got a jig marked out and I cut it and I've cut all of my sizes I've got five pieces of trim coil ten foot long and that's what's gonna fit into my break so now my next task is to take all my blanks I call these my blanks and I've got them the right side up because we're gonna have a black face on this and I've got them so I've got the the color that I want facing down on all these pieces my next my next job is to take a tape and Mark out the size so I can make little check marks with my pencil of the size of the fascia that I'm gonna make now this is an actual job that we're doing so this is all something that's going to go into a house that we're building and the size that I need I need a six inch tall face and I need a one inch L on the bottom so I need a one-inch piece that's gonna sit like this and then I'm gonna put a 1 inch hem on the top of this piece to him I'll show you that actually adds a lot of stability and rigidity to your trim coil because this stuff's pretty thin so that him really helps what it also does is if I have a 6-inch face with a 1 inch Bend and then a 1 inch hem now I'm at an 8 inch total blank and I've already told you the trim coil was 24 inches tall so I can get three blanks eight inches wide out of a 24 inch wide coil so even the math kind of works out so we're gonna go ahead and mark these up and the way I'm going to mark this I'm gonna mark seven and eight and I'll show you why I do that and then while I'm marking this I want to show you I don't let guys hook right here close to them and Mark one in seven and eight what we're gonna do is we're gonna mark on the backside of this because when I picked this trim coil up I'm gonna pick it up and I'm gonna pick it up the same way that I'm gonna put it into the break so I don't want to spin anything around I don't want to do any movements that I don't have to do unnecessarily so when I pick it up I'm gonna put this piece into the machine or into the into the break and I'm going to have the piece that I'm going to bend first inside so when I cut this off I lay my the rest of my blank back on the table and the piece that I'm gonna work on is already into my into my metal break and so I have less movement so resist the urge to measure your your blanks from here go ahead and hook on the outside the furthest part away from because that's how you're gonna pick up the coil so we'll go ahead and mark this out one seven and eight all right so here's here's the piece we're gonna work on first on top of the pile and I told you we're gonna mark it one seven and eight so the the one is gonna be AB inline the seven is gonna be AB in line and the eights gonna be a cut line so here's my here's my one and I'll make a pretty decent check so I can see it here's my seven and here's my eight so as you can see here the whole thing's 24 as I said so I'm gonna get three pieces equally out of eight and it just turned out that on this particular job this is what we need if you needed more or less you could adjust the size and you just you mark whatever you need for your particular application but for this we need one seven and eight and that's kind of what our standard facia is and this is gonna work out good so I'll go to the other side and I'm gonna mark this piece out also one seven and eight so I'm gonna get myself one seven and an eight so now I've got my I've got my first piece of blank I've got my first blank and my marked it on that side so now I've got to do is we've got to pick this piece of coil up and I'm gonna pick this up in a way that just lets it roll like this I'm not gonna try to put it in the bind cuz all those little dings you put on it you'll see when you hang it so I'm just gonna pick this up and let it roll and we'll walk it over to the metal break we'll slide it in and we'll start we'll start working on and start bending this piece up alright guys so this is the i I just a tip go ahead and open up your jaw so you so when you walk over here with your metal it's already open so I I'm gonna pull my my jaws open on the break and remember we marked on that side so all I've got to do is pick up my pick up my coil and the piece that I'm working on when I cut it is gonna stay in the break and that's what I want I don't want to I don't want to handle anything anymore than I have to so that's how I put one side in and then I roll it down and now what I'm going to do is close this up a little bit and then basically all I'm gonna do is I told you my one and my seven where my Bend lines and my eights my cut line so I'm gonna go I need to get the rest of this excess material off of this piece and I've got it so I'm gonna go to my cut line so I'm going to tap this in and get to my eight my my piece is lined up on my check marks that I made it eight so I'm just gonna close my break up and I'm gonna do the same procedure as I did over there to cut this coil because it just use a utility knife it cuts real easy and all I'm gonna do is run my knife down the edge of this break so I'm gonna do it once and if my knifes real sharp I might do it once my nice Bend also I usually do it twice then I get a good clean a good clean break so once I've scored that piece of metal I'm gonna lift up the break you can hear it you can hear it breaking and all I do is pull the top back lay it back down now this blank goes right back onto my table because this is this is not the piece I'm working on the piece of member that I'm working on stayed inside my machine here so I'm gonna loosen up my jaws and now all I'm gonna do is pull out one inch and I'm gonna go to my seven line so here's my smark already got that side and I got this side marked up so there I am right there now this as we always want to break metal as you pull it out because you can't push once metals bent you can't push it back in so you start with the material as a general rule all the way into the break and as the metal or the aluminum comes out that's when you add bends to the piece whatever you're making because you can't stick it back in once it's done so we're gonna start with our first Bend here this is going to be our hem I always do my hem here so I'm gonna take this and I'm gonna go all the way up with it but I'm not gonna take the piece out and flatten my hem yet I'm gonna leave it just like this because I don't want to double handle it so I'm gonna pull this out and this part here is gonna be my bottom l this is the part that's gonna cover my soffit so I'm gonna pull out to my line this was the one remember we marked one seven and eight one was the bin line seven was a bin line which was right there and eight was the cut line so I'm gonna put this on my on my mark you can see a my check close-up and on this piece I'm gonna go up to a 90 just past the 90 because there's a little bit of spring back on this material so I'm have to go just past the 90 when it springs back it'll sit at a 90 so here we go I'm gonna come up to a 90 I'm eyeballing it I'm watching I'm just passed in ninety bump it a little bit now my piece I tend to bend my pieces at a 90 or just a touch over so now I've got my six inch face like I wanted I've got my one inch L that's gonna cover my soffit and I've got a nice him as you can see here so the only thing left to do with this piece is to close this hem down and my piece of fascia is done so I'm gonna loose loosen up my jowls and to close this him I'm gonna close my jowls back down I'm not gonna rotate the piece or flip it or do anything weird to it all I'm gonna do is turn it over lay it right back onto my into my track here so I can close this hem down take one hand put a little pressure on it and I'm gonna close this him and so right there with my break now I've closed that him now when I'm done with this piece I'm gonna take this piece just like this and set it on another table so here's my finished piece of fascia I've got one on the bottom six on the face one on my him and what that him is gonna do is just make sure that my face just slides up underneath the drip edge without getting hung it's it's a lot less likely to get hung on OSB hanging off your fascia border for your roof decking any of that stuff catch a little nail the surrounded piece and then that let him adds a lot of rigidity to that piece and makes it all can just a lot less so you can be a little bit rougher when you're handling your face if you've got a hem on it too that's another when your guys are hanging it so that's that's basically how you make trim coil and it is that simple and do your best whatever piece you're making to try not to flip and handle and double handle and triple handle your pieces try to figure out a good process to where you're you're cutting and handling the material bending the material in a way that's the quickest and most efficient thanks for watching we'll see on the next one [Music] you
Channel: Exterior Pro Roofing
Views: 55,520
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: metal brake, metal bending brake, metal brake tricks, metal brake bender, metal brake diy, tapco, van mark, how to, diy, bending machine, pro 19 tapco brake, how to use a metal bending brake, sheet metal brake tricks, van mark brake, van mark trim former, van mark metal master 20, van mark mark ii trimmaster siding brake, siding brake, trim coil, aluminum trim coil, aluminum trim brake, aluminum trim, aluminum trim bending, bending fascia with a brake
Id: 8-l892em4dM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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