bending flashing without a brake

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well we had a real storm around here and some flashing from my sister's our cottage I came off the window casings outside she has a vinyl siding but of course the they put an aluminum flashing I'm on the sills on the casings on the outside this is um a replacement that I made and I'm about to make another one except this is for this is for a piece that came off on the eaves of the house so I don't have a break but with a little ingenuity I'm hoping to compensate for just a small trunk love to have a break and I would if I did this all the time but I don't so I want this to be two and a half inches and what I've done is taken two two by sixes one of the knees here is one on top and I put them through the jointer to get a nice square edge and now I'm going to clamp them to the bench and do some bending I found it's a good idea to give the top two by six all the one year you're bending it on a little bit of an overbite so the bottom of this recess probably is sixteenth of an inch I'm also going to put a clamp in the middle because yes these two by sixes are quite straight but when I do clamp them there's a little bit of play in center so I want to reduce that as much as possible okay now the first thing to do is to score this now I score it once or twice but you've got to be careful because if you score it too hard or too many times when you go to bend it it actually breaks this is standard aluminum flashing that like you you know fight at the big box so this one comes from Lowe's it's brown on this side and it's white on the other side and the white side is what I'm after so I'm going to go right up here against this and put a nice one more time okay now let's see here going to start off with a bend using my hands if this were a break we have a metal piece along the edge and flip a handle up and it would Bend the whole thing at once so I'm going to be careful you don't get a whole bunch of little wavy pock marks and using a hammer will do that what I'm doing is I'm using a hard rubber mallet try to bring that edge up to about 90 degrees can you do that by hitting the edge not not all the way not all the way out but right on the where the seam is okay stick the clamps off by 6:00 we've got a pretty nice looks pretty good for a handmade
Channel: Craftsman on the Lake
Views: 188,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flashing, bending, brake, window flashing
Id: e5UMQEWtNz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 49sec (289 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 13 2012
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