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what is up everybody likes apprentice today we're going to be teaching you how to bird box socket and fascia so if you look underneath here we have our soffit on and ran all the way down on the eve side and now we're going to be working on the gable so this is the way that we do it this is by far the best way to do it um one thing you'll notice we bend all of our own fascia custom so if you're buying pre-bought fascia you may have to cut some of this down and make it so it works for you the first thing we're going to do i'm going to slide this in here i'm going to make a little mark because this sticks out right here and right here and i need to cut out just a little bit of that so i'm going to take a snip and see what i got i need to cut out about that much so we're going to put it back up in here like this we know that this is tight down on this end so the next step i do all this without a measuring tape um and i rarely use a square on this kind of stuff but uh what i'm gonna do now is i'm gonna hop to this side and i'm just gonna mark this piece like that and i'm going to just take a square because my line isn't all the way through i'm just gonna straighten this right there so the next step what i always do is i take a snip and i'm just gonna notch this end just a little bit and see what i did there that's just going to help make it easier to bend i'm going to take a snip i'm going to cut this it doesn't really matter what kind of snip you use but you can see i have that cut and i have a little notch there next thing we're going to do is we're just going to bend it and one thing i like to do is i'll actually take this piece that goes inside here i'm going to cut it on an angle like that and that way i'll show you here in a second that way when i bend this if i left that square i can't over bend this so what i like to do is over bend it like that and that's going to give you a nice crisp corner you can see right there so i'm going to put this guy on like so i need to take this little bit off so there you can see that's sitting nice and tight right there next thing i'm going to do is i'm going to go on this other side and i'm going to mark this so i just marked that i'm gonna take my square since it's kind of squiggly here we're gonna find kind of a middle point of this now if you're experienced at this you're going to notice that what i'm doing i really don't need a tab here um and what i'm doing is reverse water flow but i will show you why i do this when we get a little further along so here i'm going to leave a tab we're not even using the compressor at the moment so i'm going to leave a one inch tab or roughly one inch it's not super important again i'm gonna put just a little cut right there leave a one inch tab here i'm gonna cut this off i'm gonna bend this you can do this with the brake or you can do this with handy seamers um i do it by hand again over bending it and then we're gonna fold it back that's gonna give you a nice crisp bend there and there you can see how that looks like that so now that goes like that so this is our first step um now this we're gonna nail and see how that looks it's tight here we still have a piece of fascia to go here and a piece of fascia to go here this tab is kind of unnecessary but this is the way that we do it i think it's the a better way to do it i'll show you what i do with this piece and this piece to make all this perfect so our next step is we need to install soffit and j up this rake here and uh we're going to do that quick i'm not going to show you that because this is going to be about the fascia not sausage so once i'm done with this i will show you the rest of the face never fails so we got our eve fascia and by eve i mean this is where the gutter is gonna go what i'm gonna do we're just gonna pop it up on there and i'm gonna make a mark on this side on this back side right here and we're gonna fold the tab this way so for proper water flow this needs to be tabbed underneath our rake fascia now i put a tab on this other piece that's more or less so i don't have a double layer of metal here over the top of a tab and i'll show you that when we get to the eve side but i'm going to just follow this mark right there and you can see i got a line right there and i'm just going to continue this like so again i'm gonna put a little notch right here just make it easier to bend and cut this off and done again i'm over bending it and i'm going to bend it back that will get a nice crisp bend with a heavier gauge metal or not as much experience you're going to want to use a handy seamer or some people will even take their square and put their square right here and bend off of the square there's lots of ways to do it but there you go i have a one inch tab there we're gonna install this piece and then when we nail our fascia we never ever face nail fascia unless it's on a seam we always go underneath and nail it down here and i bet you 90 of the fascia that we repair that blows off is not nailed under here it's face nailed and uh we just do not face now so i do that about every two feet you can do that more you can do that less that is uh that's about how i do it so that is our e fascia now that's about the simplest part of this whole process this next part is going to be the most important part so we're going to flip to the other side and do the rake fascia all right now you can see here that this piece here has a tab going around here and this piece here has a tab going around here this is not necessary but there's a good reason why i do it and once i put this piece on i will show you exactly why so what i like to do is i'm going to take this piece and i'm going to put it over over the metal like this we want to make sure we have enough length right here and then i'm just going to mark right here this is where my soffit ends and this part needs to get cut off i'm going to show you what i do there so you can measure it but here's my mark right here so this needs to get cut off and i see people do this portion um a lot of different ways so i have that cut right we need to take this portion completely off well there's lots of ways to do this some people will take this and fold this and flatten it just to give that nice and flat but what i do and this is going to require some skill and proper snips now if i use this snip i can't really get into this corner very well right and if i cut it like this what happens is this gets all wavy and it looks like crap so what you need to do is you need to take this snip and i'm going to cut just right down this bend but i'm not cutting on the corner or on that bend i'm cutting just a little bit off of it and i'll show you what i mean here in a second so this is very important how you do this if you're doing it the way that i'm showing you so see what i did here you're gonna have to get real close with the camera see how i left a little bit of that bend on there i didn't cut it right on the corner but now if you look at it look at how straight that stayed see how if you cut it on the other side or right on that bend it's going to get all sort of weird on you got some dirt on here it's going to get all sorts of weird on you so that's the way that i do it now i'm gonna put this back up this is kind of a two-man job although i am doing it myself right now so that's how that's going to essentially end up is just like that now what we're going to do is we're going to come over here and we're going gonna mark this okay so we have that marked now we're going to cut that off again nailing here i'm gonna hop up and nail this up here first get one right here all right so we have this the way that we want it and uh the reason why i tab this piece behind this piece and tab this piece over the top is because if we tab this piece first and put this and this on you're gonna end up with a double lap here or a double seam so that's the way i i like to do it now here's the only time we really ever face now is you're gonna need some nails to hold this together so i'm gonna put one depending on how big this is you may need to add more than one um but i know if i add one here and one here it's gonna be good so i'm gonna put this right here i'm gonna put another one right here there you have it this should have gone up just a little bit longer because i was doing it myself this fascia kind of moved on me a little bit but this should have been just a little longer but you guys get the idea um it is kind of easier with two people and generally we are going to use two people that's how it looks so i mean we still got to put fascia up there and run the rest of it but that is essentially how you bird box soffit and fascia and you can add caulk in these areas um if you'd like it's up to you um this house is going to be getting sided very very soon so i'm not too worried about it right now we'll caulk it when we sight it but uh yeah that is essentially it right there that looks very nice that is the proper way to do it that is the way that we do it and the way that we always will hope you like this video hit the thumbs up subscribe and we will see on the next one
Channel: Life's Apprentice
Views: 41,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jAS4YHFn-1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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