Sharpen your knife like a butcher. Sharpen any knife from butchery knife to kitchen knife

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oh hello my little love's and welcome back to the other butcher channel with me veronica micelli well today charan will be showing something really really special and really really important if you're gonna because in vegetables you're gonna because meat or just using the knife in general i'm that is home to sharpen your knife so without further ado let's crack on with us welcome back to the butcher's kitchen as I said in the intro what this video is all about is showing you guys how to shun a knife now there's lots of variations of this every butchery I've worked in every butcher shop of words in every butcher I've actually worked with have all got a little twist on this so the way that I'm going to show you is as good as any I'm better than most it's a very simple way of doing it but it shows you that you have a nice sharp knife whether you cutting meats you cousin vegetables you cutting fish on just a general knife user so what we have here we have a common garden kitchen knife we have an Indian Oil stop that's a rough side on the smooth side another beautiful stone er very old this this is a piece of slit and that's for finely or just finishing the knife off I'm putting a very fine smooth edge on and last but not least storm wise we've got a diamond cut stop we've got some kitchen olive oil which the majority of people in the kitchens all have and we've got a piece of paper to do the paper test so guys this is your commonly garden kitchen knife it's one that I've been using on and off over the last two or three weeks I've got to say that the edge is starting to turn over now what I mean by that is is that you see the fine silver bead going along the edge of the blade there what happens when that knife hits the table or falls on the floor or you might bang it's when you in the sink whatever parts of our edge will roll over and that's what starts to make your knife blunt there are other reasons for it as well as you see back into the knife is quite thick so what happens when this bliss that's a word own you get a very what we call a thick shoulder going along this part here and then you have to grind the knife down or keep it flat from the beginning as soon as you get it as a new knife I just like to do a little pair to test for it so about that piece of paper here so I'm gonna run the knife across it and as you can see we've already cut paper so that's what we have a better results after we sharpen it which I'm sure we will so here we have our engine oil stone or I've turned the stone over to put it onto its rough side because I know about this edge on this knife is really quite bad and firstly I want to show you how to start to get rid of this shoulder so that later on in the future you can still keep a nice edge even when it's going down through the knife so you soak it in oil overnight and then place a rag around it to keep the oil in and then it keeps it all lubricated now let's hit the knife make sure your hands well out of the way when you're doing this and just spread the oil over the stop like say if you can prefer this the night before all the better so what was set to do is to place the blade flat nice and flat now remember what we're aiming to do is to get rid of this shoulder first that's what we're aiming to do just for preparation for later on so we're gonna move it up and down my back one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then come off we're going to turn it on to the other side switch hands if you come so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten I'll take you off so what we do then we then repeat up but we go to eight and you can see where the paint is coming off the head to the metal so no two eight one two three four six seven eight nice and steady remember where your fingers are at the point one two three four five six seven eight so what we do we repeat that process so we go from ten to eight two six two four two two and then down to one so every time you show them you know if you do that process first I like I said what will happen it will just start to were this don't this part the shorter part here and then when we do come down here just doing the regular Sherman it'll be nice and flat for now so now we're going to concentrate on the edge of the knife no there's lots of different ways of doing this you can do it this way or that way or push doing that way but I said the way I'm gonna show you is nice and simple I'm very effective so what we've got to do is find the angle now the angle is very peculiar thing because if he was in butcher a set for instance he was butchering beef then you would have a fatter edge on this because she has him born all the time and this needs to be like really quite resilient when you're doing that if you're doing pork or lamb you our joint checking for instance you could actually get away with a thinner thinner edge on the end of there so let's just pretend that right there doing chicken or lamb or pork so we're looking for a nice fine edge all right now we've already got quite a nice silver bead going down there a silver line so we're gonna fall out so there are various ways of doing this you could say 90 degrees 45 degrees down to 22 degrees and it is roughly between 22 and 25 degrees that you want it really so we start like that have it again and then that is roughly where you need to be another good way of actually seeing where you need to be is just look between the edge of the blade and the stop make sure there's no gap there there's no gap there you roughly in the right area so like we did the flattening part we're moving forward we're gonna do exactly the same but we've got that slight angle on there so I want to start with a point so it's lifting it up you see my hand lifts up so we've got to make sure that we get this point if we have it like this then the point is sticking up so we're gonna miss that so we start there you 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 no ok just like I did with the flatten let me turn it over 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and then we do the same again so this will be in real time so that's hate having right place that's eight and then we go down to six then we go six this side therefore you've got a nice swishing noise thanks to and then notice what what by that know what we're looking for now and this is quite generous but you've got to be really careful when you do this it's like you just take your nail and just rub your nail along that silver bead going along there now what you're trying to feel for it's what they call a burr okay how it will feel is that your nail catch then you know you've got it so I'm feeling along that no and I can't feel any better on that side so tiny little bit though so if you feel a little bit of a burr just go over that a little bit until it's gone and then you need to turn it over onto this side as well and with your right hand feel that side as well so now I'm just feeling the edge I don't advise you to do this with the thought but obviously I've been a professional butcher for 30 odd years so so I'm just feeling that again so I'm just gonna go down again just make sure that that varies away now that feels pretty good it's gonna turn the stone over I play a little bit more oil and I want to turn it this way around because really and ideally it will be better if it's this way around but I'll need to show you guys when you look you through the camera so same again but this time we're not filing off we're just concentrating on that silver bead I'm then you turn this way and then don't wait eight again now I'm not putting too much pressure on this keeping my eye on that gap between here and here and make sure that there is no gap so I'm down to four no it's to then just the one no Sam again chat with you now be very careful when you're doing this as I said before check out the other side you see we're gonna love the silver bead going over us tell me we've got a really good angle on there and it's quite even bead as you go down same on that side so that's feeling pretty scharping so I'm just gonna leave that from one mode I'm going to change this stone over this is perfectly adequate for a kitchen or whatever but I'll just show you to use this list on as well now this is a beautiful thing that's beautiful this just gets rid of any little birds that might be all know that you can't feel with your nail and you just smooth the edge of that bled right out so you smooth it over again and you'll just hear virtually no sound when he's going over beautiful for a fish knives this I'm just doing the five six seven eight nine ten and down to eight st. and so forth so we're down to six so this is real time now two to one what know thou my little loves is a sharp knife bring back the cloth wipe me nice clean always wait for the back make sure you know where your fingers are if you look down the edge of that blade you should be able to see that beautiful silver line whenever I'm here with pants worn away I've just started to worth is shorter we're here okay so now what we're gonna do we'll use the butcher's steel SOI place lots of the knife fur onto the end of the steel keep our eyes on the end of the steel then we smooth the knife slowly during the blade now remember you put a certain angle on this knife so you need to keep the same angle when you use in the bunch of Steel so look at that 20 to 25 degrees that's what we did so I look you for the Sam on the steel now generally you can tell why the sound you're not want this swishing noise that's it if anybody wants to notice steel a knife why don't we pinch it then just cut some one of my first videos and now give you follow these instructions on how to do that so no I will storm the knife we've used the butcher steel on the knife so now we're gonna do the paper test keep your fingers crossed so here's the same piece of paper are we had at the beginning blue piece so spin across let's see nice and sharp on this pair to be honest is a little bit soggy as life so let's go see but when he gets the dry part straight through no issue so there you have it guys that's how you show me a knife on an oil stop [Music]
Channel: The Urban Butchery Channel
Views: 13,307
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theurbanbutcherychannel, TUBC, butchery, knife, knife skills, skills, tools, sharp, sharpen, blade, butcher, cornwall, lancashire, oil stone, how to, lesson, tuition, knives, learn, slate, easy, pork, chicken, lamb, quick, india stone, cooking, chef
Id: tpPBkP0dWCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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