My Garden Thanksgiving (Off Grid Cooking!)

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hey everyone welcome back to popular preparedness this is a very special episode it is black friday for you but it is thanksgiving afternoon for me i am home alone so i am up to no good i have never tried to make a cooking show with popular preparedness or any other channel but i'm going to be doing that right now because we're going to do a prepper spread of basically a thanksgiving meal what would it look like if the grid were down now we're going to make some substitutions partially because i don't have enough time to do everything myself so we'll talk about some of those substitutions but we're going to see a bunch of stuff out of my garden that i just harvested we're going to be talking about um how we would make things do with things like propane or rocket stoves and even though i am using my uh my stage lights uh we we can all make believe that i'm using my led lanterns okay uh that run off of rechargeable double a's that i can recharge with my solar panels outside so let's get into what i have here the first thing the most important thing of all especially in grid down situations is hygiene so i have these sanitizing wipes now you say why don't i just use hand sanitizer and i have a very important reason for this hand sanitizer will kill bacteria off your hands that's true and and viruses and such like that but what they won't do is it won't get like oils or chemicals off your hands whereas wet wipes are much better at taking chemicals off your hands or anything that might be toxic if you were working with machinery or something like that you got heavy metals on your hands um you you're going to want to wash your hands with water and soap best of but then when it comes in here just to get the very last bits off wet wipe and you're going to want to use as much of it as you can you don't you don't just use it and then what you can do is you can then recharge these with hand sanitizer so that's something that you need to think about or rubbing alcohol eventually you can make your own alcohol but that that's a little bit more tricky so let's get into the food of what we have here we do not have turkey you can go out and hunt your own turkey but i didn't and also my three chickens i don't want to kill them just yet they're still laying eggs too so instead of mashed potatoes we're going to be actually using my sun chokes that i just i just dug these out of my garden less than an hour ago as i was preparing all this i dug them up this this much sunchoke is basically just the corner of one of the plants that i have out there i have a whole row of plants so a lot more of that where it's going to come from this is actually going to be our first item that i'm going to be working on i have some sorghum instead of stuffing we're actually going to be make roasting some sorghum uh kernels we're going to be roasting these in a cast iron skillet which we will then use to pan fry the chicken we're going to be just using the propane burners if you don't have any more propane by constructing yourself a rocket stove or two rocket stoves you can basically do the exact same thing with wood so build your rocket stoves and use wood fire for that and you can replicate what we are doing here so sorghum and then it's not so traditional to have like a salad for thanksgiving but these are radish greens and kohlrabi greens that is a kohlrabi i did wash these in the kitchen because it's just easier but the kohlrabi greens are much uh more mild than the radish greens so it's kind of like a mix of that we're also going to be cutting up this kohlrabi all right so we want to just cut up these sun chokes really fine as best we can because as we try to boil these we need them to boil down as fast as possible as you saw i wasn't using my 50 k bar fancy survival knife i was using kitchen knife because that's what normal people do if you want to use ferro rods to light your burners on your propane stove feel free to do so but i'm just using a lighter next thing we're going to do is i'm going to actually fry up my sorghum and i say fry but i'm actually meaning roast so we're going to be using my other propane stove here to roast my sorghum now as you can see here i actually have my connector here this is a backpacking stove that should be using other enough other fuel but it can burn off propane so i'm just going to put my sorghum in the pan just use a knife to kind of spread it out now we're going for dry roasted here and while both of those are still cooking i'm going to start chopping up my kohlrabi all right guys forgive me because i put that that cooking stove one on the floor because it was kind of making me a little nervous while i was cutting on here so we have the kohlrabi sliced up i also have a very small radish and a much larger radish that i'm going to chop up too that's going to go with the salad and in a few other things so the kohlrabi tastes like it's hard to say it's like it's like a carrot that's not sweet that's what kohlrabi is i still got a little bit of radish in my mouth too but you know the radish is uh it's a very mild radish and the big one is so we're just throwing that in the salad for the salad we're just going to go super easy here we're just going to be using olives [Music] and then i'm using store-bought italian dressing but you can make this pretty easy with with vinegar and uh and oil and such um but i didn't have time for that so i just am using the store-bought stuff all right so that didn't diffuse the uh the heat as much as i'd hoped so the center is kind of burned but we're removing all sides we'll give that a quick taste test now hmm crunchy like um almost like a rye we're gonna get some water on this other burner and i'm going to start making tea while the sunchokes are still working on all right olives on that salad excellent we got the kohlrabi on we got the radish on just throw some any kind of oil and vinaigrette kind of kind of mixture on there and that is our thanksgiving salad and then i got plenty of these to just kind of nibble on good stuff of course you're saying we should try this right you're saying it because i'm saying it what about radish that tastes more like kohlrabi that's radish it's a salad it's good before we go any further we need to take a quick kool-aid break they say don't drink the kool-aid but what do those people know right so if you get the cheap kool-aid packets from um from aldi and you're already stockpiling sugar you can make kool-aid until the to the apocalypse comes to an end if you know what i mean all right so i just relocated my sun chokes down to this burner my tea is ready i'm going to use this more stable platform to actually cook my chicken on we'll get that up to temperature and and then boil as much water as i thought it did so let that steep for just a little bit and then you can always add just a touch more water all that to do whatever it is that makes you feel relaxed and you know maybe it maybe it is the wine for you or whatever whatever you need for me it's tea hot cup of tea just makes all the difference in the world [Music] chicken is pan frying i just touched some raw chicken so [Music] make sure you clean your hands when you don't have running water this becomes a lot more of an issue and a lot more trouble and you say well how many of those wet wipes you're going to go through a lot how many of those wet wipes do i have first none of your business number two a lot and i have a lot of hand sanitizer to re-up my wet wipes with i can save these if they're not too dirty and i can refresh them that's something you need to be thinking about sanitation all right we're getting close i just drained the sun chokes and that's what it looks like so you're going hopefully you can see that well enough to say that that looks like mashed potatoes or it looks like potatoes when your electric beater stops working you can still use these to mash mash your sunchokes mashed your potatoes whatever you got just flip the uh the chicken here and give it another salting and pepper make sure you have enough seasonings in there in your stockpile just enough time for another bit of tea ah oh that's good stuff and uh some kool-aid cherry kool-aid surprisingly tasty there it is the mashed sun chokes are done i put too much milk and butter in there but uh we'll survive all right there we are shutting off that chicken [Music] [Music] get some fried kohlrabi try out so there we have it the chicken is done with some fried kohlrabi in there our mashed sunchokes our salad of greens of radish greens and kohlrabi leaves with kohlrabi sliced and radish slices with some olives and some dressing we got our sorghum dry roasted sorghum and all of our fixings here it is going to be delicious i'm sure i've already tasted it individually dried sun chokes iron mash sunchokes has a little bit of an aftertaste but you can just pretend like whoever was cooking up your mashed potatoes did a pretty bad job chocolate fantastic fried kohlrabi this tastes more like a potato than the sorghum does and then the sunchokes do and the roasted sorghum it adds a dry crunch not like wet stuffing but it's almost like a like a crispy bread kind of add on there get some that salad this is an awesome harvest festival meal of thanksgiving so my uh my thanksgiving blessings to you and your family from here um i'm going to get on with my family on the phone uh just in the next couple of minutes so um and share this meal with them but uh god bless you all hope you have a great thanksgiving weekend and uh don't spend too much today okay all right adios
Channel: The Poplar Report
Views: 1,658
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Keywords: inflation, pinball preparedness, full spectrum, full spectrum survival, full spectrum survival 2021, alaska prepper, southernprepper1, economic ninja, appalachian homestead, Supply chain, food shortage november 2021, Empty shelves grocery store usa, food shortages empty shelves, food shortage oct. 2021, food shortages november 2021, empty shelves 2021, shortages november 2021, food storage, global supply chain, supply chain crisis, food short video, i allegedly, Magic prepper
Id: G6lJCjMLwIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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