How to Upload your Unreal Engine 5 Game to

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what's up guys welcome to new Unreal Engine 5 tutorial today I am going to show you how to publish your game into each IO it's gonna be a very easy view to follow so let's get started alright so the first thing that you have to do is package your game okay so make a build so people can open it as a DOT exe like all PC games in history so for that what we have to do is go up here into this platforms section and now you can see that we have a whole bunch of different render Targets in this case we are interested on Windows or yeah whatever in this case hio I guess it will be for Windows maybe iOS for Mac button this uh tutorial I'm gonna Center and focus specifically for Windows so we have a whole bunch of settings here but first of all before touching anything of this I'm gonna go into the packaging settings of the project overall so let's click here and now you can see that if we go down the only thing I have to make sure is that we build configuration is how you want in this case we have different options as the bug game development test shipping Etc so normally if you're gonna upload a game to each IO it's probably gonna you know be shipping as you don't want the players to see your prints your special debug commands and so on uh now if you want players to specifically test and like you can then put it in development but be aware that they will see the prints that you have uh so I will be able to access some specific comments in your console and so on so you want to hide everything is be more professional use like final ship game I would recommend to be shipping even though you have not finished the final version of your game okay with that said nothing I have to make sure is to search for maps and make sure to put the game lethal map to the one that you want to open my case will be for example main menu with that very very important this is a very uh common mistake as you can see if we go back down we can see that we have the product packaging settings for our maps in here in this list of maps to include in a package build we have to add in your new map and and basically you know choose the map file in your computer and this is done manually because you know imagine that um you have a lot of test levels or levels in progress and they're very big it's just too you know not build and Export a necessary levels that you don't need so in this case it is very important you have to include what Maps you want to export in my case I have the main menu and the game level so that's pretty much what we have to do now we have more things as for example the support platforms finish and tick the ones that you don't need and then we can go down until we see platforms you can select your platform and then use change some things as the you know DirectX version the compiler version and so on and then things as the game in Splash and game Icon which I recommend to change as it will just make your game a bit more professional you can see the dimensions you need and Etc anyway with those settings uh done and set up you can just go back into the platform section just go to your preferred platform which in this case I guess it will be Windows or Mac but mostly windows and then select your configuration in this case you can use the price setting which is shipping or that could just specify one shipping over here and then you want to do is click on package project which is making the actual build so it can execute your game so in this case just click on this and then you have to choose a location so go ahead choose a folder select the folder and that will be it okay so you will end up with this Windows folder okay which will contain all the things that your game requires and the dot exe which is the most important thing now you cannot just simply give them the dot Exe The Dot exe needs all of these folders and you know information in order to run a lot of people might just think that like just putting up the x that exceed will work no you have to upload the whole Windows folder so for making things a bit more you know accessible what you have to do is zip it as I have done here so you select your windows folder right click and just uh you know zip it into a nice folder change the name to your game name and that is what you are going to be uploading to hos but much more convenient to upload a zip uh file I've seen mine imagine so just make the size way smaller and use more compressed so you can just upload it easier to each I own as I truly recommended by each of you of themselves so once you have your build and your you know package probably have to do is go of course to the hio page create an account or sign in whatever you need and now we're gonna go up here into this arrow and you will see that we have a button to upload a new price so we would click on this button as you can see you would fill everything that you need your game title the URL the tags they will use your classifications as a game or whatever it is the kind of project now this is very important uh well is it it's not very important but just informing hio you know what type of um predict this in this case if it's the mobile this HTML uh whatever and in this case we don't know because you downloaded this ZIP file with everything right and then you know the release status the pricing and then comes the actual important thing which is uploading the files so you can see the file size limit is one gigabyte that's why we zip the folder but if not you can use the popular thing to apply your game if it's bigger than one case but that's a whole different thing which I'm not gonna cover in this tutorial so just click upload files and you select that Sip and that should be just filling your stuff and details genre attacks and then you can just go ahead and set this to public and save and view page now of course make sure to upload also the cover image and the Gameplay trailer and screenshots and whatever you need with that you can just you know create address here everything is okay and then you mark it as public and save it and your theme will be uploaded to each IO so that's it for this tutorial if you found it helpful I would really cheat if you could like the video and subscribe to my channel I have lots of Unreal Engine 5 to throw so check them out here in my description follow me on my socials and now yes although I said bye bye page [Music]
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 5,166
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5, upload, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine game, unreal engine 5, ue5 upload game, upload game to tutorial, itchio game upload, unreal engine 5 itchio upload, unreal engine 5 publish game to, unreal engine 5 publish
Id: KQkG2KElVxo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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