How to Make a Simple Main Menu in Unreal Engine 5 - in 5 Mins!

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what's up guys welcome to new unreal engine 5.0 and today we are going to make a simple main menu really really quick literally over just like five minutes or 10 minutes so let's go ahead and get started so the first thing that we are gonna do is make a new level so i'm just gonna go into file new level and basically i'm just gonna choose a basic one okay to at least have like some lights etc and um the next thing that we are gonna do is go ahead and save it and it's going to call like main main menu there we go so now let's go ahead and go into a folder that you like i already have one called ui with other things but you know anyway so let's just right click and go into user interface and then go into widget blueprint then in common select user widget and just gonna name it main menu and let's go ahead and open it up so in here we can basically design all the buttons the all the text and images that we are going to have so first of all the first thing that we need is a canvas so go ahead just uh find a canvas and just drag it into the hierarchy here and you will see that there is a canvas appearing so now let's go ahead and find a button so there we go just drag it in here and the left in the palette you can find the common um you know things that you would use to create a user interface so yeah let's just go ahead and create a button and i'm just gonna go ahead and place it around here so this is gonna be the play button so what i'm gonna do is drag a text over it and it will make a child so it will actually snap so just drag it into the center here and then i'm just gonna say here uh display there we go simple as that and um gonna change the color i think it's good like that you can of course mess around with the color opacity with the font you can import your own ones etc so let's go ahead and if you go to the hierarchy because i have my text as a child where first of all i'm going to name it rename this into button play this is a bit more uh you know organized and then just going to duplicate it and this is going to be the button options and today we are not going to make the fully um options menu you want to see a tutorial how to make an options menu uh go ahead and leave it in the comments but anyway and then let's duplicate this and then drag it into here and this time it's going to be the text named exit there we go so right now we have all the ui set up in order to make the functions so basically go ahead and click one of the buttons in my case you're going to do the play button first then you scroll down until you see events and in my case i'm going to do unclicked so i'm just going to tap the plus here and then it's going to take take us into the graph to the event graph of the main menu widget so this is the unclicked event for the button play so what i'm going to do is go ahead and say open level by name and uh the level by name that i want to choose third person map i'm going to go ahead and copy it and paste in here there you go third person map i wouldn't have to touch any of the extra values so they just leave it like that and then we are going to go and compound save and then go back into here up here into the designer click that and we go back to the menu and i'm just gonna go into the exit click it go down and then in the events unclicked just click the add button just drag this in here and say quit game like that you don't have to touch anything of this so usually like that in default and if right now i go into the main menu we'll still have to do one thing we are going to go into the level blueprint okay because in here we are not going to have a a player so we are going to use the level blueprint of the main menu we are going to go ahead and delete the event tick and we are only going to use the begin play and just drag it and say create widget okay in here we're going to choose in the class the widget that we have created in my case is the wp main menu okay and then owning player we're gonna drag this and it's gonna be get player controller okay even though there's really not a player but anyway and then the return value just drag sorry just uh drag this one and then say add to viewport there we go and we'll create a a widget and add it to our screen so there you go it's compound save and then if i press play you will see instantly that um well there's a character at the spawn because of the game anyway here you can see that the options menu has displayed and if i press play you can see that it loaded the scene of the third person map also if i go ahead and press play and press exit it will actually uh stop uh playing so that's pretty much it i mean you can do a lot of things with it i mean we can do really cool thing so let's go back into the designer and i'm gonna show you something really cool it's uh blur and we can actually add like blur into the uh background of the screen so let me just go ahead and do this all right just fill it up come here and then blue something is going to put like five and now it's on top so what you have to do is in the hierarchy just place it on top on here there we go so now that we have placed on the top we compound save press play you can see that we have a blur on now i think that we are going to do is just quickly go ahead and right click this let's go ahead and create a new uh game mode base and then just go ahead and say main menu and then go ahead and open it and on here in game session in default uh pound class you say none and then we are gonna sign this one on the name we press play you can see that there's no a player um and the thing that i am going to do is go ahead and create a camera so here let's go ahead and say camera uh actor and then i'm just going to place and i need to go into details and then in auto activate it will be for players hero so now we press play we have that camera selected we have the ui also one thing that you're probably noticing is that our buttons are slightly into the left this is because of the anchors so if you select any item you can see that there's some mountains here just drag one of the corners and basically you have to fit it into the screen this is how unreal engine and also other game engines uh you know control the size of the resolution on the screen for each uh button or image or whatever so just go ahead and just start you know so there hit play you can see that now it's actually centered i can press play i can go to my level and then also i can go ahead and exit now i went to the options menu but like i said i will leave that for another day uh we'll basically create a new widget and you will basically like open it that's it guys if you liked the video please like and subscribe uh also leave in the comment section what other online gym five tutorials you 1c and with all that said bye bye [Music]
Channel: Gorka Games
Views: 47,168
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, videojuegos, unreal engine, unreal engine 5, ue5, main menu, tutorial, quixel, megascans, unreal engine tutorial, simple main menu, ue5 main menu, unreal engine simple main menu, unreal engine 5 main menu, unreal engine main menu, unreal engine 5 easy main menu, unreal engine 4 main menu, unreal engine 4, ue4, ue5 simple main menu
Id: zWI-36fIoDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 21sec (501 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 19 2022
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