How To Upload To With Butler 2022

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hey so today we're going to be talking about itch io and how to get your game set up on there um so hio is a free platform it's an alternative to steam uh the nice thing about it is you don't have to pay the hundred dollar feed like you do with steam if you try to go to the hio website and upload your files directly to the website you'll have a file limit size of just one gigabyte which usually is not a large enough size to upload your whole game so the only alternative that you have is itchio butler which basically helps push your game from your desktop over to hio so i'll put this link in the description so you can download the latest build once installed you double click on the butler icon which is right here and once that you double click it you'll see nothing really happens you'll get this command prompt that pops up and kind of goes away and that's about it basically all it does is by double clicking that butler icon it tells command prompt to wait and know that something with butler is going to happen so i made a butler folder with a mac and windows folder on the inside inside of those i have a zip file of each version of the game for windows and for mac and then i created a notepad text on how to upload those pushes so i have a windows and a mac version both on my hio it's very important that whatever the name of your game is that zip file is correct in the spelling of when you push it so i start with butler push which just tells butler that i'm going to push something to it and there's a space and then within the quotes is the url of where that zip file is located on my computer then there's another space and then you'll see skyroad studios and then knight in kyosaka what that is referring to is my hio url so that also has to be copied and pasted exactly the way that it's written there and then the colon and at the very end whether it's for windows or for mac because i have both going to it so if i open up command prompt and i take this whole line that i wrote out much like steam if this is the first upload of your game it will take a bit for it to upload but once you make small changes re-zip the files and upload again butler will only upload those change files and then automatically publishes the newest upload to the version once butler is done it will give you that your build is now processing and that will take a bit for it to upload it tells you what has changed and what's been uploaded and not so let's just do the other one so we can see the change as well and then if i go back to my hio and i refresh you'll see that version 10 already happened for windows and version 9 will probably happen pretty soon within a couple minutes as well and that pretty much does it for how to upload to hio if you guys have any questions leave them down in the comments below i'll be happy to answer and i hope this helps get your games seen and played by more people and if you want to know how to get your games published on steam very easily i put a link to that video that i did in the description below thanks so much for watching see you guys on the next one
Channel: Skyride Studios
Views: 8,362
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: butler, itch,, game development, command prompt, tutorial, upload, upload game to, upload a game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 4sec (184 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 07 2022
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