How to Upgrade your Wooden Box! | Build Tips | Terraria 1.4

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[Music] greetings terrarians chaos here welcome back to my build tip series it's been quite a while since i've had one of these in fact since 1.4 came out and i created this new built-in world i've only had the one episode where i show you the tools of the trade for building a 1.4 and a lot of you have been asking for me to revisit this series and get some more beginner tips out especially beginner tips and that's precisely what i'm going to be doing today as you can see in the title of this video and the thumbnail we're going to be turning this into this so here we have a standard shoebox or wooden box house that most players build usually they'll do something like place a hole in the side with some platforms and then build more of the same house right on top and these are functional obviously their valid npc houses you don't even need anything more than this but a lot of players want to build something that looks nice that also functions well and today i'm going to show you how you can turn these houses into something that looks much nicer without too much effort just with a few tips and tricks but before i do that i just want to mention that this channel is well on its way to 200 000 subscribers so if you enjoy these kinds of build tips i would really appreciate it you uh letting me know that i'm doing a good job by letting youtube know that i'm doing a good job by leaving a like and a comment or subscribing to the channel if you haven't already and that would really help us reach that 200 000 subscriber milestone i'd greatly appreciate it so my first tip for improving these kinds of builds is to actually adjust the room size right now it's pretty claustrophobic in here i don't see this often but sometimes i even see people with roofs all the way down to here now it could just be an efficiency thing this could be how players you know want to build their houses now obviously if you're watching this video right now that's not what you want you want to make a nicer looking house otherwise why else would you be here so in order to make a better house my first tip is to create a larger space i like to increase the roof size this is the standard roof that we see in box houses for smaller houses i actually take that one block higher so if i grab my ruler over here you can see that this is actually five tiles high in gap this is perfect for a smaller house if i was going to be making a larger house i would actually go one block higher than that now this looks a little strange in a house that's this narrow right because it almost looks like a square it's still a rectangle but it's getting a lot closer to that square territory and that's where the other part of this increase your room size comes in if you make this a bit wider all of a sudden that vaulted ceiling height makes a lot more sense and this spacious area it might not be the most efficient but obviously we're not looking for efficiency we're looking for good looking npc houses so we can increase the size of our npc houses the next most important thing to me is creating a foundation now you've seen me talk about this a lot if you're not new to the channel or if you've seen the channel often and there's a few different ways that we could do this you could either just place blocks into the ground and it looks good like it adds texture beneath the house it looks like it's actually buried into the ground like this and in my opinion adding just a simple foundation like this adds a whole lot of detail and structure to this building rather than just having it sit on top of dirt just flat like this it's boring it's uh just not very interesting to look at but even more than just placing blocks under there what i personally like to do is create something that i refer to as a false foundation if you've watched my channel you've seen me do this probably hundreds of times by now it's something that i came up with before uh 1.4 came out because i knew that some of the block blending was not going to be working the way that it used to and i thought well how can i deal with that block blending and still have foundations that i like to place and my solution was to just create a fake foundation now obviously you don't want to see the foundation in real life but this isn't real life this is terraria having a gap under here and being able to place background walls just adds a nice layer of detail to the building um it's not necessary and obviously it's not very realistic either but it does look great and that's what we're after here the next tip is going to have us looking at the exterior of the house and we're going to start off by increasing the floor by one block on either side and the reason for this is because i don't want an overhang because what we're going to be doing next is actually increasing the thickness of the house now right now when houses are built by players who are kind of inexperienced with building i most often see very thin houses like this where it's one block walls one block ceiling and that just looks flimsy to me it looks like it could be blown over easily so adding some simple thickness to that just on the sides and on the uh the ceiling just adds a lot more stability to it and i like to have my walls not overhang my floors i would have rather have the floor come out from under the wall than to have the floor be behind the wall if that makes any sense to you so personally i bring the floors out i bring the walls out and the ceiling i don't feel like it's necessary to do this for the foundation because the false foundation that we laid beneath the building adds that on its own even if you did an inlaid foundation with blocks it also adds to that and i don't think it's necessary on the floor another very important part of building a house is orientation planning things out so here we have a single house if you want a single house fantastic but usually people tend to pair their npc's up i don't recommend doing more than two or three in an area because every npc that you add after two decreases their happiness uh as long as they're within 25 tiles so i recommend planning your houses out you can do single houses if you want um i tend to do townhouses with two or three rooms or you could even do something like having a bunch of vanity rooms that go unused because you want to make the build look good but nonetheless however you plan it start deciding how you want to orient the entire house like maybe i want to bring this floor out over here and maybe i want to increase the roof over here and create a structure like this now don't be afraid to vary the height of your room so you can see here that this room is not as tall as the bottom floor it's only five tall and this is going to be six tall it's totally okay to have different heights for your ceilings your roofs and it's in fact in my opinion better to vary that than to not vary it so i've altered the structure just a little bit on this side here because i wasn't quite happy with how it looked and you should do the same if you're not happy with so how something's looking change it until you are happy with it but now that that's done the next tip that i'm going to have is making things semi-realistic now i've talked about realism in building a few times now obviously it's not realistic for uh blocks to just float in the air but they do into area that's the way it works so everything that i'm going to be talking about right now is optional now i think there's a balance between having too much realism and too little and in my personal opinion having something like this just overhanging you don't need anything holding it up it looks good as it is but i think it looks a little bit better if you just tie this just a little bit into the real world by adding some supports underneath the structure so i prefer adding stuff like this underneath overhangs and even on the inside you could add visual supports to the building now it doesn't always work depending on what kind of style you go with but if you're doing like something medieval you could possibly add some living wood using the living wood wand in the corners of the rooms and then hammer them and it looks like just a little bit of support holding up the the roof or the floor above this has an added benefit of changing the way that the room looks it's no longer as boxy or square it diagonals of these corners just changing the overall appearance of the room if we did that with all of these rooms even just a little bit over here or a larger section up here then all of a sudden we wouldn't have a square look in every single room which already adds a lot of variety to the house and speaking of variety that brings me to what i think might be the most important part to building and that's adding variety so as you can see here we have a lot of wood wooden beams wooden furniture wooden doors wooden walls wooden blocks that's boring it's bland it's all the exact same and that's a trap that i see a lot of new builders fall into and not just wood they'll pick one material and work with that material almost exclusively for a build and while it can look good i think it's much better to throw some variety in there so what i recommend doing and what i try to do is have a different block for your floor a different ball block for your ceiling uh different blocks for your walls and different blocks for your roofs we don't have any roofs on this build just yet but we'll be getting to that in a little bit but for instance if i were to say grab some stone accent slab and make this my ceiling all of a sudden that adds a lot of a different texture to this entire build just drastically changing it with a small tiny row of stone accent slab very very easy to do we could add even more variety by grabbing some gray brick and changing out all of the side walls with this gray brick as well so we have that contrast between the two and i think contrasts are pretty important when adding variety to a build you could add contrast in multiple ways it's not just by adding a different material you could add a different texture so while this is all stone what we could do is add some segments that have a different texture of stone like mudstone with maybe some gray paint so if we grab some gray paint and we grab our mudstone and we throw that up here it's the same kind of material in a way as the gray bricks on the side it's just a different texture we have a stone looking uh roof up here now with a different texture and we could vary that even further by doing uh stone on the very top and maybe along the sides here um i don't think that this would be a roof and i'll talk about roofs in a little bit but we could also grab brown paint and maybe some uh dynasty wood and throw this along this segment to vary it as well or we could just change up the wood floors entirely by adding some dynasty down here there's literally unlimited well i guess it depends on how technical you want to get with the word unlimited but the sky is the limit your imagination is the only limitation to a a big extent if you can imagine something it's very likely that you can end up building it it takes a lot of experience a lot of know-how you have to experiment around with materials a lot to know what works what works with other materials what looks good what doesn't and that's not something you could just give a quick tip to and have an answer right away it's not something i could just throw into a build tip a video super easily it's something that takes a lot of trial and error and it's kind of a journey for everybody to undertake on their own but the variety doesn't just stop at adding the blocks it also goes into the walls it's very very good to add wall variety and i do this in two different ways for walls uh for the the walls primary material so what i want this building to be mostly made out of and then i have accents which will just add variety to the wall and the primary material of the room could be different for each room so i could have a wooden room here and have a stone room over here so i could just take all of this mudstone and fill in this area and just have a different texture a different material but the primary for each of these rooms will be one material and then we'll fill in some accents so if i make the primary in here mudstone that's been painted great and this is why paint is so powerful you could just change the way something looks to match other objects in terraria but so now we have that that looks like a stone room this will be a stone room as well and then we have those two wooden rooms we could add accent to these in different ways to add quite a bit of texture so if we grab like brown paint and large bamboo wall and we throw these in the background all of a sudden we have a wooden support beam running through the stone which just makes it stand out immensely we could just run this all the way down the center like that and this could even be used for a pole that a spiral staircase wraps around or something like that you can add wooden supports to wooden rooms even that also looks good it doesn't pop out as much as it does in a stone room so it's good to have uh accents that pop out and accents that don't if you wanted an accent that really pops out in this uh wooden room what you could do is align the bottom of the floor with gray brick that instantly makes this room stand out if we do the same thing up here instantly that room stands out as well uh other things that you could do are add windows and there's different ways you could do that you could just add a glass window into the room or you could add fences which also let light in and you could also see through them but they might fit different themes differently it all really boils down to what kind of theme you have for your build what idea you have going in mind that also pertains to furniture and even roof the kind of roof that i would build on top of this would vary drastically depending on what kind of style i want to do this build in obviously we started with a basic wooden house with just boxes layered on top of each other and i'm going to copy that design twice and i'm going to show you two different styles that you can easily turn these builds into and make them into really good looking houses now normally i would recommend that you know what style you want the build to be in before you ever get started but since this video is all about upgrading wooden boxes i'm doing this a little bit backwards by showing you two wooden boxes expanding on them and now i'm going to be picking what styles i have so i have two of them copied over one here one over there this one i'm going to be making a modern style and we'll get to that second but i'm going to be starting on this one here and it's going to be medieval if it's going to be sci-fi if it's going to be fantasy victorian whatever you can think of it's really going to depend on what style you choose when you go to picking materials so if we're looking at a medieval build here i'm going to start off by doing the same thing that we did in the previous example and that's going to be by placing some stone accent slab here now what i think i'm gonna do for this building is show a couple of different examples of what you could do in a medieval build i've covered tips like this in the past with my medieval built hip videos so you can check those out if you want a little bit more detail in that but i just want to go over quickly how you could adjust your wooden boxes to make them look like fancier houses pretty simply now picking materials can be pretty complicated tasks especially if you're new to terraria and you haven't had a whole lot of experience with materials so a lot of this will be trial and error you're going to have to figure out what works well together what doesn't and i would highly recommend checking out other builders works learning techniques from them i don't mean plagiarizing or copying their builds i don't think that helps anybody but you can learn by seeing what other builders do in terms of techniques and emulating those techniques so for this roof over here i'm going to be making this entire tower stone and on top of that i'm going to give it a battlement roof so just by having a layer of stone accent slab stone slab and then some sandstone brick painted gray with some more stone accent slab all of a sudden we have a medieval roof obviously the walls are wooden it doesn't make much sense for a tower so we could just replace those with krimstone brick that's been painted gray and that's a fantastic looking medieval block there are a lot of other options you can do instead of this too but again that's trial and error it's not something i can easily show you in a short 20 minute video if this is even going to be 20 minutes long i'm not going to go too much into advanced tips i can show you a bunch of advanced tips for something like this and i might do that in another video but we're just going to quickly replace all of these walls with the krimstone brick because i'm totally okay with that being the exterior walls for this entire building because we don't see a whole lot of walls to begin with so with one roof out of the way we need to work on the other roof and that'll be right here i'm gonna actually start by carving a layer off of this because i don't want the ceiling to be two blocks thick i want the ceiling to be one material and the roof to be another in this case i'm actually going to grab the leaf wand and we're going to build kind of a thatched roof and this i don't want it to be perfectly flat at all i could just kind of make it wavy up and down a little bit this could be a fairly rough roof and we're just going to taper it off at the end here and then we're just going to thicken this up a little bit so the reason why i'm okay with having a thinner ceiling is because this roof is actually going to be quite thick i highly recommend using a hammer for uh the building process especially for a roof like this if you get rid of all of the blocky edges and you kind of either flatten them or round them out it makes it look much better in my opinion than had you done nothing at all and i'm just going to place one more block right there and then round to that and another thing you could do down here is round to the inside as well it's a little bit of a more finer detail but it does add a lot of texture to the inside of this roof you can even add a few more blocks here and there if you don't like all of the hay gaps that you've got going on but once that's done you end up with a nice looking medieval roof and we have two medieval roof designs in fact on this single house next before turning my attention to the interior walls i'm going to look at this exterior support so i wouldn't normally imagine that there would be an overhang like this in a medieval build but it doesn't have to be support columns there could actually be the appearance of a building behind it so if you just grab some paint and the kind of brick walls that you're going to be throwing throughout the build and you just throw those in the background all of a sudden it makes it look like this building has a layer to it a room to it that you can't access which is a great you might think it's weird that there's a room that you can't gain access to and that might be a little strange but i think visually it makes sense to have a background wall right here as if there's a room back here that we can't necessarily see in the build itself gives it more of a 3d feel without making it an isometric build now on the inside i'm going to line the inside of these medieval doors with both shade wood vents and rich mahogany vents and i think that is just a really good looking uh wooden hole in a lot of uses but the main reason i put that outside of my doors is so it doesn't shoot out the side you see if i grab any other material that's not a fence and i place it there it comes out of the side you might like that personally but go with what you like so up next i'm going to be making this entire tower stone this room will be stone as well but the other two will be wooden and just like that very very simply using some walls and paints we add a lot of variety to these rooms we've got stone rooms we've got wood rooms these stone rooms have wood accents the wood rooms have stone accents it all balances each other out there's a lot of contrast and a lot of variety to here in fact there are nine different walls including the fences that i have for the windows in all of this building to add a whole lot of variety in fact we could add a tenth wall with some brown paint and some ebonwood wall which looks a lot like the wood wall in a different orientation instead of going horizontally it goes vertically and i throw this around here all of a sudden this building becomes patchy kind of like a patchwork building and it adds even more variety more texture to the build of course if you're going to do that with uh crimson stone or krimstone you would have to be either in a hard mode world or you would have to bring in ebonwood from off on a different world but still my point is this isn't a progression thing i'm not talking about how to do an early game house i'm talking about what you can do to upgrade your wooden houses because remember these were wooden houses so the only thing that's standing out to me is not looking perfect here are the floors and the ceiling on this floor in particular now i could do another stone ceiling up here but i think it would look better to have a wooden one and i would like that to stand out separately from the floor that we have below so i'm going to grab dynasty wood here and i'm just going to grab some grape or not gray brown paint and just fill this in and all of a sudden that changes the texture of the ceiling drastically and in my opinion improves it a lot as well you might even do the same with the floor you could leave it as wood if you like that spooky wood looks very similar however it looks more old and rugged which might be an even better fit for a build like this you could even paint the wood with orange paint to make it look faded there's so many things you could do and once again i keep repeating this because it's true you have to go experiment with blocks figure out what looks good together figure out what doesn't study other builders see what they do see what works for them see what doesn't work for them and expand on it from there great tools to use would be pallets those can help out a lot as well but this is a massive trial and error project to be able to turn your wooden box into something this fancy i'm just showing you that it can be done and all you need to do are follow the basic steps of increasing the wall size increasing the room size uh increasing the thickness adding a foundation uh adding a different orientation to the entire building it just really magically instantly turns this into something far more interesting now i'm not going to be covering furniture in the video today because i'm already running short on time i am going to hop over to this build which remember wooden boxes in the exact same orientation as this but i'm going to make it look modern so i'm going to be working on this modern design which will obviously look nothing like this medieval one however i thought it might be interesting for you guys to see uh similarities in materials and how they can translate into other builds so that you know that you have to experiment around and see what works and what doesn't work because i have things uh for this build that i had in the other one such as crimstone um i've got wood i've got uh the large bamboo it's going to be fairly interesting but we're going to be starting off with the exterior and working our way inside just like last time and using some team block with some black paint and it doesn't really matter what color of team block you choose if you're to do a design like this i'm just going to shave off the very top of that and this will be our roof since this is a modern style house i want it to be fairly flat fairly boxy unlike the medieval build which in contrast is rather i guess bumpy i guess that would be the best way to describe it and on top of this i'm going to make the roof just a tiny bit thicker with a little bit more of a different accent by using some white paint and some more a green team block we're just going to hammer that platform three times for each one of these so that it lowers itself down to the roof level and this is a very very simplistic style roof if you wanted to make a modern style house yourself and now just like with the medieval style house we're going to switch to gray paint and krimstone brick and that will be all of the exterior walls for this build too just to show you that you can use similar materials for different styles now under these roofs we're going to change the ceiling to wood using brown paint and large bamboo and we're just going to fill in both of these ceiling segments as well as the floor below although that's going to be a little bit different as well which i'll talk about in just a moment now at this bottom segment here where the overhang is i'm actually going to be using some stone accent slab instead and this is going to add a little bit more of a different texture a different color and it's not going to blend in with blocks which will be very helpful in just a moment but now that we have that in place the support beams are going to be completely different as well instead of using beams or background walls like with the medieval one we created that room that you can't actually access in this one we're going to be using some actuators some white paint palladium column and adamat type beam to make more of a modern looking support beam so if i just bring this down right here and then we make maybe one or two more of these i think two more auto look pretty good i don't know if i'll have enough space for that because this is going to end up blending in with those materials and that's not really something i'm after so actually we'll just undo this and then move this one one block to the side and then with these adamant type beams we're just going to go in between them like that and even connect that all the way up to the house that way we have a a cross beam support plus these two pillars holding it up and since they're all actuated we could just push those into the background so that we can walk in front of them again this is not a tutorial on how to build a beginner house because there are definitely wooden boxes late game i've seen them you know they're there so we're talking about how to improve your wooden box not how to make an early game house and again using the stone accent slab i'm going to do something a little bit different with the foundation than i did with the previous build i'm going to actually work this underneath the floor in other words i'm going to be increasing the foundation because i'm going to be using a different material combination for this foundation and it's going to look quite a bit different under here and in my opinion it doesn't look like the wood would be thick enough to hold up the building i just had like having this extra bit of detail here for this particular style of house and then underneath in the falls foundation we're going to use white paint and titan stone wall because it to me looks very much like a concrete which i think is perfectly fitting for a modern style house unlike the medieval one i'm not going to be placing any fences in there to let in light i don't think it's necessary for this kind of thing we're just going to start moving on to the interior and in order to do that i'm going to get rid of all of these corner accent pieces we don't need the visual support for this modern style at least in my opinion i think it detracts from what i'm trying to accomplish and in my opinion once again i think it looks better to have everything a little bit more square and boxy for this particular style house now on top of that i'm going to be changing up the floor as well but before i do that i want to determine exactly how this room is going to work i don't want a door here and i don't want a door here i will leave a door there but i feel like these rooms would look better if they were more open for this modern style so in order to segment that off even more i'm going to place a little bit of a stone accent slab on either side of it right here so that way we could visually see a difference between the the rooms while still not having a door and now for the floor itself i'm going to be grabbing some brown paint and boreal wood which is not a material that i use often but for something like this it's very clean cut very sleek and i think is a absolutely perfect fit so we'll just replace all of this wooden floor with boreal wood floor that's been painted brown and now you'll see up here it actually blends in with all of this large bamboo and in my opinion it's not an amazing look to have it blend i like the accent line in between the uh stone accent slab and the boreal woods so what i'm planning on doing instead is grabbing some more accent slab and just making that the ceiling of the first floor even though the ceiling of the second floor is still going to be large bamboo painted brown this way we have a little bit more variety between the top and the bottom we have the accent line which in my opinion is a good thing and if you're not happy with something don't be afraid to change it up you could always make alterations it's your build do what you want so now it's time to work on the interior and since this is a modern house i think that it should have quite a bit of windows so we're going to be grabbing glass and it's going to be a big part of what these interiors are going to look like in fact i'm going to bring this up to here and we might make one gigantic window right about here i want to make it centered so i'm going to actually cut off a little bit of the left right here but this room is primarily going to be made out of wood this next room i want it to look like it has a gray or white plastered wall all the way up the tower and it's even going to carry on over here so these walls will be the same this will be a wooden wall this will be a grayish plaster wall and this room will be a lime green wall and now all of these are going to follow the same techniques as this they're going to have blocks that accent they're going to have blocks that add contrast so the same thing is going to be happening here most of these walls are going to be normal wood walls while in this next room most of these walls are going to be white painted snow wall which sounds weird but that's what we're going with just trust me on this it's going to look pretty good that will also carry in over here and carry in over here as well well as this bedroom area over here which i assume would be a bedroom again we're not going to be doing furniture but it could be whatever you want will be blue dynasty wall primarily that's been painted lime so we have all of our walls in place all of our primary walls in place none of the accent stuff yet now before i get to accent walls i want to talk about another accent material that you can use within your build so you might argue that this is a part of furniture and you would technically be right but we're going to look at beams and columns uh namely in this case boreal but you'll see if we go to a column here we've got various different kinds marvel granite sandstone the same goes with beams as well we've got rich mahogany mushroom and the normal wooden beams as well as the boreal wood i'm going to be using the boreal wood here and i'm going to be flanking parts of the room where i want to have a diversity within the walls and i'll be explaining that in a bit so i'm actually going to put these right up against the window in this room and this will add a big splash of color in this very gray room i'm gonna do the same right here and all of the way up here as well and flank it on this side here too to just kind of balance it out with modern day builds i think that there needs to be asymmetry with symmetry it's kind of a weird concept but that's the way that i think about it so i'm going to do the same row right here one more on this side one right here and then on either side of this window as well and i'll explain why i'm going to be leaving a gap between this window where i didn't upstairs right there i don't want to put any of these in the bedroom for a different reason it would be more of a furniture reason than anything because if i were to start placing these down everywhere um obviously we won't be able to place any furniture anywhere else in the house so that's kind of the whole reasoning behind that and then one more i'm going to place right there just to bring symmetry into each of these rooms now we can start thinking about the exit walls for these rooms as well i'm going to start off with this living room area that's primarily wood i'm actually going to bring more contrast in here with some stone so using some krimstone block i'm just going to line the bottom of this floor right over here now i'm not going to do under the glass because i want it to feel like this is almost a sliding glass door in fact if i wanted to make it feel a little bit more in line with that i might lower the glass one right there now i want a varying texture too i don't want my contrast just to be made out of the stone because it looks good but it looks like this room's missing something so if you grab some brown paint and then i grab some palm wood which is another material that i don't work with often but if you use it in the right way as an accent it looks absolutely phenomenal and in my opinion even more so in modern day builds this isn't the only place that i plan to accent with this wall either anywhere we have a gap like this in between the two beams so up here for example i'm going to be putting that in uh in between this room another place that i'm gonna be putting that it's just it instantly pops against all of the other wood it's a little bit lighter it's going uh vertically instead of horizontally it just immediately stands out now to make this sliding glass door look more like a sliding glass door what we could actually do is hammer out segments of it right there and right here or you could even do it in another position i just like it like this and maybe it's not a sliding glass door but in these modern name builds i imagine that it looks pretty good to have a gap in between the panes like this i didn't actually want to do the gap on the side there that was just a miss click but having a line run down the center of the windows doesn't look bad now if you want these to be valid in pc houses you have to be careful about how you do it so obviously we need to section off these areas which we could easily do with some platforms this would section off the top floor from the bottom floor now the reason we want it sectioned off is we can have holes in the background wall like these but you can't have more than four connecting and you can't have more than 16 in total so right here we have four and we have four this room would be valid if we had enough furniture in it it would actually include both of these rooms all of these are these two rooms right here would be connected and this one would be individual we could not make a line down this room uh in this glass window and have a valid npc house this is too long it's too many gaps connected in one segment and it would completely break that unless you got a little cheaty and you grabbed maybe an echo block maybe i'm getting too advanced here maybe i should keep this simple okay well echo blocks could prevent that but uh let's let's keep this simple let's fill this in with glass getting ahead of myself i'll save that for another video but we'll leave these holes in here for now and we're going to work on detailing these other rooms using some more of that palm wood because it's going to be a fantastic detail since these rooms are primarily gray we're going to accent the bottom and the top of these rooms using the palm wood and we'll do that for both of these gray rooms including right over the window now if you don't like the gap that causes this little glass overhang you can hide that away by using some platforms and you could just place those in there it really does hide it pretty well you can't really tell that that gap is there you can't really tell the overhang is there and you could also put furniture on the bottom segment to hide that too just uh another i guess overly advanced detail that i shouldn't be talking about right now but that completes these two rooms i need to do one more section right here with some more palm wood painted brown and on the bottom as well and out here towards the side i'm gonna do the same thing that i did uh on the medieval house with the rich mahogany fence and just do that i'm not gonna do the shade wood fence because it feels a little more medieval to me and it's not a huge uh a plus in my mind i'm not a huge fan of the shade wood in a modern build so the only room that's left to accent is this bedroom area over here i'm gonna do something a little bit different using some boreal wood and some gray paint because there's a lot of color in here i think it'd be nice to contrast that with some gray it would help if i actually put that in the right spot there we go some gray paint because the green and the gray go well together and then along the top of the room i want a very thin white trim so using the same technique that i used with the roof over here i could place some white painted platforms along the roof and now we end up with a very thin white trim along the top of the house you might change up some of these doors if you wanted to but again that's more of a furniture thing i would definitely put glass on those two doors i think it would look much better but here we go wooden boxes stacked up made a little bit bigger a little bit thicker added false foundations and then i made one medieval one modern and i hope you found this build tip video useful if you would like to see furniture trips continuing these two house styles let me know in the comments but thank you all very much for watching and don't forget that i'm going to be having a live stream on friday that's going to be uh detailing more bill tips so if you have any questions in your mind that you want answered relating to build tips in terraria be sure to show up to my live stream this friday at 10 a.m pacific that's 1 p.m eastern 5 pm gmt until then thank you all very much for watching i'll catch you all later happy building [Music] you
Channel: Khaios
Views: 2,418,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Terraria, Terraria Timelapse, Timelapse, Terraria Map, Terraria Build, Khaios, Terrarian Khaios, Terraria Khaios, 1.4, Journey’s End, Journeys End, Build, Tip, Builds, Tutorial, Guide, Help, How to, How-to, House, Beginner, Starter, New, 101, Medieval, Modern, Box, Wooden, Wood, Shoebox, Shoe Box, NPC
Id: JG7pqdKlzEU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 16sec (2596 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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