TOP 9 TIPS You Need To Know For Building in Terraria

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so as you guys know I spend quite a lot of time building in Terraria I've got over I think 250 videos with different builds I stream it and I like to just kind of play around in Terraria builds just generally but a lot of you guys have been asking how do I take something like this and then turn it into something like this well don't worry guys because I'm going to cover exactly how you can do this as well because this is my video on top building tips in Terraria [Music] oh hey sorry fans what is going on Welcome Back to the channel guys normally I'd say hey we're doing a speed build but today is a little bit different as the title implies I'm gonna be taking you through my top building tips for Terraria and that means a lot of little things that you probably already know but don't really know how to actually do so this is kind of a video for anyone that's relatively experienced and certainly for anyone that is new and hopefully these will give you a bit more insight into well some of the things that I do to make some well hopefully rather interesting Creations now that said I'm not the end all below when it comes to building tips in Terraria and this is by no means an exhaustive list but these are some really straightforward tips and some well I guess demonstrations of how they work and hopefully this will be something you can apply in your future builds to really help spark that imagination and also well improve the IAS overall final appearance of any build that you do make now of course before we hop into these awesome building tips guys do me a favor hit that like hit that subscribe and of course share this with any friends or I guess family that you think might enjoy this we're trying to grow the channel and I really do appreciate it right with that said guys let's jump into those tips all right so here we are this is going to be a very familiar build for you guys this is kind of the standard design that you're going to see the box house now we don't necessarily hate this thing but we could do a whole lot better and obviously this wouldn't be much of a building guy if we didn't actually show you how to improve on this and to do this guys the first thing I'm going to jump into is our first tip and that is to build with asymmetry meaning don't just build a box build a couple boxes now the most easy way to do this of course is just to Simply make another box somewhere off to the side now I don't mean right beside but you're gonna basically make something let's say right here I think we'll make it a little bit taller and maybe we'll kind of shift this over here and uh yeah we'll just kind of connect this down to the ground maybe we'll give it a little bit of a design here who knows what this is and if you don't like something like this we can of course flatten that out we can get rid of this but basically we're going to make an additional box that then connects to the ground here and we're simply going to fill it in now again guys this doesn't look like much but the reason we want to build with a similar tree is exactly for the reason that it's not going to look very blocky this is one of the biggest challenge I think a lot of people have is they tend to just build well in the same pattern so you're going to see a lot of the same designs and they don't look all that good now one thing is that this is obviously interrupting the build but we have a choice here we could delete this section right here and right here and open this up or we could actually bring this all the way across and maybe use this as another floor and I kind of like that idea so we're gonna just build this across right so get rid of this door fill this wall and maybe we'll just shift the door slightly over and we'll carry this down across on the floor and maybe we'll shift this to uh you know what let's say right over here now I know it looks a little strange right now but this is sort of the basic idea what we really want in our builds guys is to have a bit of variety have a bit of a different look and already the build's looking a little bit well different and obviously we can also fit additional NPCs so again building with asymmetry is going to give you a different feel to the design what you really want to do here is try to make various sized boxes at different heights different positions and you'll end up with something a little bit different that can be very interesting as a final product now of course this is a slight step up from the simple box house that we started with but it's missing a couple of different things and that brings me to my next tip thickness and no I'm not talking about the meme of thickness I'm just meaning like the actual foundations and the wall thickness this is another thing that people really struggle with when you make a wall that is a single block wide it doesn't look sturdy it doesn't look stable it's got no foundation and worst of all it well kind of feels like flimsy now you could use some wood and double up on this but quite frankly this doesn't look very good it it's not horrible but I really like to use wood as kind of the interior wall and I like to use something like Stone on the exterior so I'm gonna grab some gray brick and I'm just going to replace this section and again this is not perfect we're actually going to make an opening right here and as you can see just by doing this we're gonna get a little bit more thickness to the build a little bit more width and even on the inside I do like to kind of double up on these as a main structural part and just that alone in my opinion is a really good step in the right direction it doesn't look too big it's not too flat and it's also not so flimsy but part of thickness isn't just on the walls guys we also have to deal with the foundation now you could definitely use gray brick here as well I think it looks good if you have it just directly underneath you could do a false Foundation guys as well where you would dig all of this out but one thing to do with foundation in my opinion is make sure that it's a little bit thicker you can go three down you can can go four round it's really up to you I also like to not have it be all perfectly symmetrical and shape again we're keeping that asymmetry here and another way to enhance this is to also use a variety of blocks so any stone or anything like that will work well so let's grab some Stone and I'll show you exactly what I mean it's really just as simple as putting in a couple of random spots you're going to start to see a little bit of a pattern here but you're gonna get this idea that basically what we're doing is breaking up the design and giving us something a bit more interesting to look at now of course you could also do this here in the wall if you like but for now we're going to keep it very simple but as you can see this idea of adding some thickness and some depth is really really important now my next tip is also related slightly to the first around asymmetry and that is to use your Hammer I can't tell you how often people build something and it's very flat and not very interesting part of Terraria building that's going to really separate people that are a little bit more nuanced in their building and maybe look a little more skilled is going to be that they use their Hammer frequently and all we want to do in a build like this guys is use the hammer in a couple spots to give it a little bit of a different feel and it can be very subtle you don't need to do anything big so if I add a couple extra pieces here make that a little bit thicker all I have to do is actually Hammer this in and we've kind of got a support pillar in the middle of the room the other thing that this does is it kind of Curves this room for us so it actually might be smart to put another piece here let's say we thicken this wall as well and then we're going to do the exact same thing and all of a sudden this room has a completely different shape than what we have up here so you're kind of combining the asymmetry and the thickness designs together to make something kind of interesting you can also do this on the outside of the build and it looks rather interesting as well a couple Hammer strikes here and there is all you need and we can kind of make this look a lot more interesting now you could thicken the walls a little more you can change how you do this but simply using the hammer for a couple of supports that kind of thing is really really valuable in my opinion now we've definitely added some thickness to our foundation and to our walls and we have a little bit of asymmetry going and it's looking pretty good but one thing that you're definitely going to notice stands out is this is kind of boring in terms of the variety of the blocks we're going to use and that brings me to my fourth tip which is use variety guys use a variety of blocks and a variety of walls now you can do this in a variety of ways but personally I like to use something for the floor and something for the ceiling that go horizontal as well as a couple random support vertical type beams in the middle that are also made out of wall of course you could use block and actuate them but generally I like to stick with walls Goods is a little bit simpler and a little bit cleaner so to add this variety guys I'm going to grab a couple of different walls and in this case we're going to go with our purple rain wallpaper and we're going to use this as the actual floorboard now I know this looks probably a little bit crazy at First Sight but don't worry we will cover this in a second so let's use this as our floorboards and I think for the roof let's go with something a little bit different maybe we'll go with some mahogany wall I kind of do like this one usually for the ceilings maybe we'll see how this looks in the end and I think you can always change this guys this is part of using variety just kind of to use whatever you think is going to look good for your design so right now um yeah the purple and this really stand out but we'll get to that in a second what we're looking to do now is add some vertical pieces now you could use fences this is totally fine however it lets a lot of light in and I don't necessarily like the way it always looks so I'm going to go with something that I like to use often in my case that's going to be some ebben wood which has a nice vertical grain to it this is really important in my opinion you want to figure out if they're going to go all the way through like this or just stay in between the actual walls kind of like a bracket in this case I kind of like this design so I think I'm going to stick with this one and we're going to maybe do well just two in here none in here and Let's do let's say like maybe one or two maybe even three up top it doesn't really matter ideally they're going to be about the same distance apart but it's kind of a nice way to just add a little bit of detail so as you can see guys this looks a little bit weird right now it's kind of missing something and you probably already know what it is and that of course is paint this is one I typically see beginner Builders struggling with is they tend to build a wall with one color palette or they don't actually use paint to change anything and that is a big mistake in my opinion so with a design like this we're obviously already using a lot of brown and gray and I kind of want to stick with that palette of course you can use any colors you want guys but just make sure that you use paints and that you use them kind of consistently throughout your build because that is really going to help make this look a heck of a lot better so I'm going to go ahead and grab myself some paints I think like I said we're going to stick with the brown I'm gonna stick with the gray at least for now and we can always change this later this is very easy to change but I think for now let's just go with our brown paint and see how we like this now nothing's perfect here guys of course we can change some of the differences in the walls that kind of thing but I think we'll probably stay with this and let's go with the mahogany top section let's just get this nice and brown and now you can see this starts to blend quite nicely the benefit of this blending guys is it doesn't stand out as much and of course it starts to look a heck of a lot better when it comes to the actual design now as you can see just that alone feels a lot cleaner so I'm going to probably do the same maybe down here but let's switch it up with some gray and yeah that's looking pretty good I think the beams here are the only thing I want to see if I want gray or maybe if I want them Brown I think Brown is just it's blending a little bit too much for my liking so maybe we'll go back and we'll swap it to a gray here and uh that's not bad either and I think we could maybe change this so I think maybe White's gonna be the way we go it's probably going to stand out a lot more than I like because obviously each wall and each block take paint differently and this is why you do need to play around with these a little bit but we can see if we like something a little bit more like this I think this is not bad it looks like a very small tiled pattern on you'd see on a floor somewhere and maybe right here we'll do the same and go with white and uh yeah I don't hate this but I could do a little bit more if I wanted to maybe to change the shape up on a build like over here and the first thing that comes to mind is even though this is a little bit different I do want to use my hammer again I think the best way to do that for this build is actually to add some wood and just let's make a little bit of a niche kind of support structure here and see if this will look decent now this doesn't look like much initially but once we do this we're going to go ahead and just make that look like a support and as you can see you know what this should probably move over one we can also use our actuators here to well push this to the background and we'll make it look a little bit more compliant with the build and also it won't get in our way which is always a kind of a bonus so this isn't too bad I like that it looks a little bit different I think we're going to stick with that for now so to summarize so far guys we've built with asymmetry we've used our Hammer we've added some thickness in certain areas in the foundation as well as the walls and we've actually used some paint to make our build look relatively cohesive and while this actually looks pretty good as is and might be a step up for a lot of people there is definitely something missing and that's going to bring me to my fifth tip which is Roofing now as you guys know I am a bit of a sucker for roofing I do tend to struggle with it I've actually made a tutorial guys on five top tips for roofing which you can check out up here in the video I'll link it in the description as well well but basically Roofing is going to add a tremendous amount of detail to your design and is well worth the extra effort to do it that said not every roof is made equal and I think sometimes people just kind of ignore them all together and I think it's a huge mistake if you're trying to make your build look a little bit more interesting now of course when it comes to roofs there are a ton of different designs and again I did cover that in a previous video but basically you got to do something that you think fits or that you can replicate easily now in my case there isn't a particular design I have in my head I'm just building as I'm talking here but I think I'm gonna go with a design that's a little bit different I'm going to use myself some fence we're going to paint this let's say brown and then we're just going to add this as the initial point where the roof connects and then we'll just add a layer over top and I think this is going to look pretty good considering because we're not really doing anything all of that special but you're going to notice something this looks a little bit weird we have two of the exact same materials going across and it just kind of looks well Blended and I don't really necessarily like that so I think what we're going to do is we're going to switch this design or at least the material to some something different maybe we'll grab ourselves some Pearl wood we're gonna paint that brown and let's see if that looks any better and yeah like as you can see using a different block does look a little bit different and this is going to establish a foundation for our roof which probably should overhang our actual design here slightly and then we're gonna see a little bit about how we want to actually make the rest of the roof now again you don't need anything too fancy but I do highly highly recommend that you use a dynasty shingles now there's two kinds there's the blue and there is the red a lot of people ask me about these two materials in a lot of my videos about how I do the roofing I use shingles in like 95 of my Roofing builds you can use pretty much anything you could use stone or wood but I'm a big fan of the shingles and that's just a personal preference but if you've never used these before definitely give them a shot so my design here guys is going to be pretty simple I'm not gonna do anything too fancy I could just do a big triangular roof here but I think we're gonna go with something that has a little bit of an overhang because I just think that's going to look kind of interesting it could be a short roof doesn't have to be too big but I think something maybe like this come across and just see what we like here and again if it's not perfect we can always add to it it doesn't have to be anything too fancy I've already screwed this up so let's go ahead and not do that let's go up up over and there we go okay so this is all we need right there and as you can see it's not too crazy it's thin it's small but it does look pretty good and if we want to add some more details some more features we can always do that but again for the sake of Simplicity guys I don't want to spend a ton of time on this maybe we'll add every alternating or every two blocks let's say again you don't need to do this your roof can be really really straightforward but I do like the way these look and this is just a design that I'm kind of inventing as I go and you certainly do not have to do this by any means guys just build whatever you like but please add a roof guys it's going to add a ton of amazing feature and detail to your build it's going to just make it look finished and then here maybe we're gonna add uh let's let's do a block all the way across and maybe we'll Hammer this down and make this look kind of finished and a good way to do this in my opinion guys is we just kind of want to you know Hammer this everywhere or anywhere it doesn't have to be on every block but something like this will look kind of interesting there's no real Rhyme or Reason we're just kind of putting this together I don't know about you guys but from a paint perspective I think I want something a little bit more colorful it doesn't be too vibrant necessarily but maybe something in the kind of red range or maybe like even the Deep teal let's go with that I do like a good deep teal on my roof it's got a nice kind of interesting color to it and it looks pretty good across both the shingles as they tend to take the color fairly well so again guys adding that color keeping it consistent in your Roofing I think is really good again you can add a lot more detail to this roof should you like you can kind of do whatever you want but at the end of the day I think something like this now all of a sudden looks pretty interesting now you'll notice we're letting a lot of light through here we could easily and I mean very easily put a wall there and we could just do that right now and we'll go with like a gray let's say or actually let's go with the actual paint color that we have this deep teal after all so we'll let that kind of darken this up and then we have a kind of a cool design now another thing to look at here is we could extend this again this is where you gotta kind of experiment with thickness and these other things so maybe we're going to go like this pull that up a bit use our Hammer again and make it look like it's supported and yeah that's actually looking pretty good I know I didn't miss that spot I I left this on purpose so with the roofing done you can see this is really starting to come together nicely but we're definitely missing a couple of things and that's really going to be right down here where we have this tiny solo chair and table uh it's a little bit boring it's not very exciting we need to add some decorations guys basically what you want to do is just add a little bit more detail to the build by either adding more chairs and tables and little things here and there and so we're going to do that in our next tip which is going to be well how to decorate properly now when we're talking decorations I like to use things like books and any kind of glass jars or bowls that kind of thing so you can really grab whatever you like I'm a big fan of the dynasty bowls personally we also have some of the bottles we can use these are really great simple decorations they add a pop of color you can kind of put them anywhere and they just kind of generally look well a little bit more interesting but it's not just about decorations like that there's also things like furniture and using glass to make things a little bit more interesting another big part of a decoration similar to The Roof is going to be structural things like stairs which will also add to this design but basically we're looking for things that make the build stand out a little bit more so when we're talking more about the architectural design elements that add what I like to think is decorations like say like a roof I'm going to look at stairs and I do have a tutorial guys on stairs you guys can check that out I'll link it as well down below but really what we're going to do is add ourselves a little spiral staircase That should kind of look a little bit more interesting and add some detail and interest to our design so to do that I'm just going to go ahead and break some of this up add this somewhere anywhere really it doesn't quite matter and then we're going to go ahead and just make ourselves some of this design and the spiral staircase guys doesn't have to be perfect there are no very small space here so we're just going to add a couple of little steps and just try to make this look well sort of like a design and hopefully it'll look like that but it's not that hard to do again you're going to look for something that just makes sense for the design and for the actual look and feel of the build this is where you don't want to go too big or too crazy this will do just fine another thing I like to do with these is actually add a background wall that's a little bit different so let's find a wall all that we like I think something that's maybe a bit more a brick or even a bamboo could look interesting we could also use Evan Stone which I'm a fan of so let's go with that we'll paint that white and see what this looks like and if we like it and I think it should look pretty good it's not gonna be perfect of course but you know something like this is pretty much all we need and there you go we've got this kind of pseudo looking well it kind of works it's a spiral staircase again we're working in a small space guys it's a tutorial but you kind of get the idea this adds a little feature and a little detail to our design and uh yeah we're gonna go ahead and keep that now I think we could also maybe think about uh let's let's make this gray just give it a little bit of a different look and yeah that's not so bad I think we got our little staircase going now we've got our roof and now we can focus on some of the other decorations and another structural thing I like to do for this is actually to add some glass and specifically some glass wall for some windows now there's a lot of ways to make Windows guys it's probably another tutorial I'll have to do but basically now that we've got these vertical pieces I like to just kind to throw these in in different places you can make them really big you can separate them there's a lot of different ways you can do it I'm going to go up here and maybe make more vertical like Windows maybe we'll just do something like this and yeah you can really experiment a ton I do like to also make some designs over here where we actually put the window through the walls and I'll show you what that looks like in a second so we'll do is we'll actually break this up right here and I'm going to actually add some glass right to this so let's grab ourselves some glass get the actual blocks and then we're just gonna kind of experiment with this and of course you can do anything you can make this as big as you want or as small as you want it doesn't really matter we're also going to add a curve there so as you can see it's not looking too bad this helps a lot in my opinion you could thicken these ones up if you want them to be a bit bigger I want it to be symmetrical and in the actual middle but you know we could we could switch this up should we choose this let me go like this go toward the outside that's not so bad and again this is just small things but now the house is looking a little bit more interesting a little bit more detailed and it's starting to really come together now does that mean it's finished not necessarily we can do a lot of different things like adding a fence or adding little textures and details here and there but in general when it comes to your decorations there's different kinds and one of them is going to be things that are structural like like I said your roof your stairs your windows that kind of thing and then there's gonna be these small little details which we're going to keep adding now again we're going to add a little bit more here and there and I'll just kind of speed through this here and you guys will see what the final product looks like foreign [Music] through those decorations guys I'm not going to touch on everything but as you can see there's a couple little things that we did to add a lot a pop of Interest again you can kind of pick here what you like or what you don't like but basically when I'm outside I like to have some Greenery so some flowers of some kind maybe a bench to sit on that kind of thing on the inside especially in bedrooms I tend to like to make these little sort of window details which is basically just you get a platform you hammer it down and you can attach some banners and paint those any color that you like and then of course we're going to add a couple of things here like for some storage and our little kitchen area with a tiny bit of seating is pretty sparse but pretty easy and we've added some lights some candles that kind of thing now again if you have any questions about the decorations guys feel free to leave it in the comments down below but in general as you can see adding all that decoration looks a lot better when you're looking at the build in totality and for a lot of people this is going to be a really really great house to have in their world and honestly I'm pretty happy with it as well but again there's always something we can do to make it a little bit better and that brings me to my next tip which is going to be Landscaping now this is something that I didn't really do a lot of in my earlier builds and it really really shows when you look at some of the buildings I used to do back in the day compared to where I am now spending a little bit of time on Landscaping makes a huge difference and I'm going to show you some really basic ways to do that and again guys you don't really need to go crazy here but a little bit goes a long way now for landscaping guys there are a couple of things that I recommend and the first is going to be to add some bushes some shrubs and some trees that's really the basics and again if you want actually to make a custom tree guys or want to see some trees in more detail more design I do have a tree tutorial as well that's already up on the channel so go check that out I think I'll link it in the description below or you'll see a little card pop up here but basically trees can add a ton of detail and we're going to go ahead and make some very basic ones using some acorns and just planting them in various spots so we'll find some places where we want some trees again they don't need to be perfectly spaced but something like this is fine for our purpose Services we're going to add a few on this side as well and so we're going at different heights here but the idea is simply to have a variety of trees just like this to add some detail to the build it's not going to be perfect a custom tree will look a little bit better but that's okay so already this is looking a lot better just with some basic trees the next thing I'm going to recommend that you do and again keep it simple is to grab yourself some wall living Leaf wall and we're going to go ahead and throw this down in some random spots now you just want to make this look a little bit like shrubs it doesn't have to be all connected but just some spots to add some green just like this random is good that's totally fine and then we're going to do the same on this side adding some maybe some bigger ones here like more like almost like a hedge if you want and we're going to go ahead and kind of keep this simple so there you go that's pretty good I'm liking that now this alone is a really really really good place to be I think this makes it look a little bit more interesting it's not perfect you can even add some some fences and some walls here if you wanted to to add a little bit more texture and detail not going to get into that because we're focusing on Landscaping but the Landscaping goes beyond just plants guys one thing that I like to do is going to be to actually go back grab some Stone just the basic stone block and actually add this underneath now a lot of people don't think about this and it's something I've been doing in a lot of my builds but it's just gonna break up our build a little bit more make it a little bit more interesting and just randomly putting it in chunks is going to make a lot of a difference now you don't have to go crazy with this you can kind of just randomly move your mouse around or I guess if you're on Console move your cursor around whatever it is just finding places where this can fit and it's not going to look great initially but once you've added enough of it it actually doesn't look too bad now we've got some clay under here which I don't like just because it separates the build a bit so there we go and then yeah that's pretty much all it's going to be so as you can see that's already looking a little bit more interesting so the final touch that I like to do generally is going to be to grab myself some green paint we're going to then add some strange plants now I do appreciate that not everyone's going to have access to strange plants because I am in Journey mode obviously it's a lot easier for a tutorial but in general the idea is you're going to add a variety of plants just to make this stand out I generally use the purple and this green one I don't know why they're just my favorite they kind of look better in my opinion and just doing this works if you don't have access to strange plants guys I do recommend the rubble maker because you can collect seeds pretty easily jungle seeds and grass seeds will give you a more interesting effect I'm not going to do that here but you can basically use this grab some seeds and throw them down and that'll look pretty good as well so I'm going to stick with the strange plants for now the other thing you can do is collect blueberries that kind of thing and that will also look pretty good and yeah just pick whatever you like but adding this foliage adding a bit of greenery in my opinion does wonders for the build again it doesn't have to be perfect we're looking for well some plant life and some weirdness and that is a really good step up I think now now that we've got some Landscaping done now that we've got some plants in some trees this is starting to feel a little bit more like a house and again this is really what it comes down to Guys these sort of tips are basic but when you apply them in a very meaningful way and you experiment a little bit around how you're using things that's going to end up with a better product at the end of the day than what you might have originally thought possible and just to prove my point guys I didn't plan any of this out I'm literally building and talking as I go and there's no real Rhyme or Reason to the design but this is one of those things that I think is really important to come back to which is you have to experiment and this is really kind of my final broad base tip here is that you really just want to play around with different blocks different elements and different designs and really to highlight this example any of the things that I've used here I could easily see myself using ebonstone or a different block for the stone work for the wood here if I really wanted to I could actually replace this really easily with a host of different materials I could play around with things I know that there's a lot of different Woods that would work work and it doesn't have to be perfect but certainly I can try something so if I use Pro mode up here and it's a little bit too dark I'm going to go with some ash wood or maybe I'll use I don't know some Palm wood and get some different designs and just see what this looks like if I painted brown and add it into the actual design so right here I'm like you know what I kind of like this as the floor let's use this as a floor section for here and for here and then just kind of play around with it it doesn't need to be perfect we could also intermittently kind of break this up with different pieces and just kind of like play around with the design so if I don't like something I can I can switch it entirely like so uh you know maybe this isn't my favorite yeah maybe we can get back to this and stick with palm wood instead again there's a lot of ways you can do this and this is sort of the point like there isn't a right or wrong way when it comes to building you can always change things at any point and that is the beauty of the experimentation when it comes to Terraria so don't be afraid to kind of mix things up change up the design a little bit and play around with how things look if you're not happy with something change the paint change the material change the type it doesn't really matter it's really up to you and I think ultimately what you're going to find is that you're going to have a really interesting final product that you should be able to learn a little bit about how to make something similar or pull something from that in your future builds and that's really the whole point if you don't like anything just change it just play with it and who knows you might end up with something really interesting or a really cool design that you're going to carry for in a lot of different builds now of course with all that said Guys these tips are literally just meant to be a baseline starting point for you to play around with if you haven't thought of these things already hopefully by also demonstrating them you're kind of going to get a little bit of a better sense of what I mean and how to actually Implement any of these designs of course you don't have to do any of this you may do some of these already or you may even have a better way of doing them and if you do definitely let me know in the comments down below but yeah guys with that said I hope that that really helps you understand a little bit more about some of the ways you can build in Terraria I know these are nine tips that you could really probably boil down to maybe like five or six but the idea is you really want to get out there and work on some of the basics if you're looking to make your builds a little bit more interesting or diverse and again for a really quick recap of those tips we're talking about asymmetry which means just don't build a box if you're gonna build a box try to build a different shape box or maybe box on top of a box on an angle or whatever don't build symmetrically everywhere because it's not going to look that good that asymmetry really lends itself to having a bit more of a realistic shape to things not to say that's what you have to do because it is Terraria and you can kind of do whatever you want but in general if you're looking for that shape and that feel that's something you're going to want to keep in mind second tip is to build with some thickness and make sure that you build that thickness in certain seconds you don't have to do it everywhere but particularly only foundation or the bottom levels of builds it's going to go a long way in making the build look a little bit more believable and feel a little bit more well sturdy third thing is use your Hammer it's really really useful it's going to do a ton of work for you I know it's a lot of extra clicks but let's be honest guys having those angles and creating some of those shapes and Designs is really what's going to help you make the builds look a lot better and it's just something that just brings a lot of life to any design or thing with variety guys don't use the same blocks across the entire build it's okay to kind of keep themes throughout the design or the house but definitely don't stick with just one or two types of blocks or walls it's gonna look very flat and very boring so definitely mix those up the fifth thing was use paint paint is going to make your builds look a lot better obviously the color is nice but also you can blend certain things together to make them look more cohesive now of course not everything Blends but you'll have to figure that out for yourself six was Roofing and Roofing adds a ton to a build guys do not skip it I know it's frustrating sometimes I am not the best Rook Builder out there of course again you can check out some of my tutorials around Roofing or trees or all that kind of stuff but basically add it and you will not be disappointed seventh was interior designer decorating it's something that's pretty easy to do you can kind of do whatever just try to theme your rooms as a bedroom or a kitchen or a bathroom or whatever and that'll really help you determine what goes into that room it's a little trick I like to use but basically don't forget to decorate it doesn't have to be anything fancy it's something that's going to add a lot of those little details that really stand out number eight was landscaping again keep it simple but do not forget to do this it will add a ton of depth to your build I cannot stress this enough the biggest difference I've found between some of my old builds and some of my newer builds isn't just the fact that I've gotten better as a builder or gotten more familiar with the designs and blocks it's literally that I've started spending more time on landscaping and it goes a very long way it's really going to be something that fundamentally changes the way that you view builds and finally I just mentioned but experimentation guys is a massive part of Terraria building you definitely need to play around with the blocks the paints and just the designs that you're going with it's kind of a theme throughout all of the other tips but don't be afraid to just try something and just stick with it it doesn't have to be perfect no build is and you're gonna find that it's really a good way for you to understand how that block or that wall actually interacts with other parts of your design and it may actually even help you unlock some potential ideas for the future but yeah there you go guys there are all the tips that I've got for you at least for now when it comes to building these are again meant for some of the beginners and maybe more intermediate Builders but these are some really good fundamental ways of looking at designs I really do hope that these help you understand how to really improve your builds when it comes to Terraria now with all that said guys thank you so much for watching until the end of this video and as always thumbs if you liked it subs if you loved it we will see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Tommy Tsunami
Views: 38,811
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terraria, terraria update, new terraria update, terraria tips, terraria builds, terraria building tips, custom terraria build, speed build, ultimate tips for building, TOP 9 TIPS You Need To Know For Building in Terraria, top 5 terraria building tips, top terraria build tips, best terraria build tips, terraria build guide, best terraria build gude, top 10 build tips, terraria build tutorial, terraria tutorial, ultimate terraria build guide, best terraria builds
Id: 0RtIduEOSd0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 54sec (1974 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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