How to- Unity showcase animations; VRCHAT

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hi so I wanted to record a quick video on how to do the um like showcase walking animations or still poses in unity um I know and I know a lot of people always wonder how to do those and just a lot easier to explain through video it's pretty easy so um the first thing you're going to do is find the poses that you would like to use there's a lot out there especially um like there's several creators that make like still poses you can use those um but I use this website for my animations there's a lot that you could choose from there's 52 pages and there's like a ton um but yeah you can choose there's funny ones there's good ones there's everything you can just search up specific animations and you'll find what you are so what you're going to do if it's just like a regular it's like a standing animation like this you're just gonna go ahead and press download and then download it um however if it's a walking animation like that last one sorry it's really slow because there's a ton of animations just playing out once so it's just laggy um let me find one this one this one okay so it's like this make sure to check in place or else in unity like your model is just going to keep walking and walking and walking and walking forever into the void so just press in place and then she'll just walk in place like this um for you it's not going to be the model I uploaded that um for like you don't need this when you press on the animations it's just gonna I think I don't remember what it looks like to be honest but I think it looks like one of these or just some type of like default model yeah so again you just press download um make sure it's like fbx for Unity and then I download it with skin after you download you're gonna drag and drop uh the fbx into your Unity let me find one um okay so you're gonna drag and drop and then um expand the fbx um and normally you would just Ctrl D and duplicate the animation however um for me I noticed that I was having issues and the animation wouldn't work and she would just go into like that preview crowd pose and I realized that it's because my fbx isn't set to humanoid and I'm not sure if it's in like I'm not sure if it's supposed to come as humanoid when you download it but um for me it doesn't so I have to click on the fbx and make sure I set the rig to humanoid and then apply and then this shows up so if when you expand this and um and this is there you don't have to do what I just did but if this isn't there this little icon isn't there you're gonna have to set it to humanoid or else the animation just won't work and you'll want to cry because it took me a while to figure out that that was the issue um anyways once that happens you're going to go ahead and duplicate the animation with uh Ctrl D and then you can just delete the fbx you do not need that anymore and after you do that you just grab your animation and drag it onto your avatar okay and it should if you don't already have a controller here it should create a new controller for you uh I do this on a duplicate just in case it does I shouldn't anything up but um just in case I don't do it on my main um copy but after you do that you literally just go press wait no wait hold up I forgot a step which I already did but uh for walk uh for no actually any animation make sure to turn on Loop time or else it'll just play once and then stop um so you don't want that you just want it to constantly constantly play so make sure to press um the animation and turn Loop time on and then you can go into play mode ta-da you got a bad walking there you go that's it
Channel: MAR
Views: 2,045
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Id: oTUtfXAHvK4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 36sec (336 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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