(Unity) Setting up a FBX

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all right so I'm going to very quickly show you how to set up a model that you have edited or made in blender um please note this will not go over how to fix any uh errors on your model that you meet in blender um those would be in different videos this is just going to be how to set up a model in unity so first thing you want to do is import your fbx before you do anything on your model you want to click on it go to rig set it to humanoid even if this is clear when you apply you are going to go into configure once you go into configure um you want to make sure you have a chest bone because most often if not people don't have a chest bone in here and it says it's fine um if you can't find it you can click on spine and this will pop up and chest should be right under it you'll just click and drag and then make sure you have your ankles which in this case girl foot your knee and your leg and you're going to check the head and where the jaw bone is you're going to just type in anything random and just click none and most avatars don't need this jaw bone and it usually messes things up so just get rid of it and then quickly check your hands make sure you have all your bones and you're good you will click done and you'll have an option to apply you want to apply all right the reason we do this first is because people's number one mistake is dragging the fbx into the scene and immediately adding an avatar descriptor onto it the reason you need to do this first is because if you do not set the model to humanoid before you add a descriptor your playable layers will have a double FX this happens all the time and people don't do it this way so just to save you that hassle make Humanity first all right before we even get into a descriptor and all of that first thing we're going to do is we're going to organize our chats and I already have a lot of this stuff set up but just to make it simpler for myself I'm going to create a new folder and we're going to name this um how to upload I don't know uh you want to keep all your stuff organized especially if you're selling a model there's nothing more aggravating to people who buy models and they can't find anything um so first thing I'm going to do is we're going to create an anim chat or an atom folder not a chat Adam is like animations uh all types of stuff like that so in here we're going to right click create VR chat avatars parameters and I'm just going to name it uh s param and then we're going to right click in create Avatar menu um we've got test main menu and from here we're going to create another folder I'm going to call this animations and make another one and we're going to call it uh sub menus and then we're going to click on our model and we're going to add component search up VRC Avatar descriptor we're going to do our view first we're going to go edit if you can't see anything it's because you don't have gizmos on from there you're going to drag this down and you're going to put it normally we have materials on so you can see but I don't you're going to put um your Viewpoint right in the center of your eyes just so you can very quickly see um what I'm doing I believe it's this one yeah it wants to be right in the middle of the eyes and preferably in the head like that all right and then you can minimize that for your lip sync um first thing I do is unpack our uh prefab in here the reason why I do this is because um our head usually is separate from the body if it's not a green model this is a green model so it's different you want to either find where the head is the mesh and drag it above every other mesh it doesn't have to be above Armature I could just be above here the reason you do this is because when you do auto detect it'll usually click the first mesh and you don't want that you want it to be the head mesh that's where all your lip syncing should be so if you want to save time drag this mesh above every other mesh make sure it's not as a sub child if anything else if that doesn't work you can also just go to um not that one this one and drag it in and you can click these and manually do it which is a little hassle but just save yourself the time next thing is I look if you want to Blink a lot um excited is blinking a crap ton calm is not blanking as much I like a lot of blanking shy is looking away from where you're looking at other players confident is looking more towards players and more towards what you're looking at so this is personal preference for your eye bones depending on the model it is usually almost always like typed out the words left eye sometimes you'll have doubles you'll have IL and ir and you'll have left eye and right eye usually it will be left eye and right eye if not and you only have one set it's probably going to be that set so you want to go ahead and set these up and we're going to set up our rotation States rotation States is basically looking up down left right and tells you how far you want to do it um normally you don't have to touch straight some people will get the terrifying Yi effect and it's usually because of how the model is set up if you get a case where your eyes are like this it's pretty simple you want to rotate the eyes all the way around and so you can see them and they might look wonky and then you're going to click this chain and from here you can manually edit the locations of the eyeballs but we don't want to do that so I'm going to leave these alone and not do this on the next one um if you do have to do this you will have to manually do this on everyone it's very annoying but that's how you fix the Yi problem so for looking up it's gonna go up looking down look down same thing for left is always the opposite for us remember it's like looking in a mirror and then for eyelid types and actually a four-year model to actually blink you need to set up eyelids it's usually going to be on your um heads mesh and you want to set to blend shapes drag your mesh into here for Blink see I have Japanese as well but I kind of know which one is which um you just want to go through the one that you find is a blink or whatever not every model will have a looking up and looking down but if you do you can set it to that if you don't set it to none most often if not it's that much not much of a difference anyway so doesn't really matter then we're gonna go into playable layers I use GoGo Loco and I will show you how to set that up in here because I have it imported um it's going to be the middleish one it's not gonna be simple but it's not going to be all um first thing you want to do if you're using Google okay you want to search uh go go or just go oh yeah go low Loco you'll have a lot more than me but because it's a clean expert there's not enough your base is going to be here and same thing with action and incident and we're going to want to FX so we're going to lock that we're going to go back to assets you can just click here you're going to double click VR chat sck examples animation controller and it's going to be VRC Avatar V3 hands whatever um doesn't really matter which one I don't think they're pretty much the same um just to save it you're gonna press down control and then B to make a duplicate we're gonna drag um this uh into our anim folder and we created before and we're going to rename it whatever you want but I'm going to just name the FX just something you'll remember and you will need one of these and drag it there I turn these off because I don't care about them um this is like mainly for like people use half pot half body or Locomotion with full body I don't do that so I don't use it um Expressions this is where this stuff comes from I'm gonna put our param and param and main menu and main menu with GoGo Loco we're gonna unlock this and click on param you're going to add a new one delete whatever is in there click Bull and then add a few um all Google loco except the simple will use the primary for um parameters and the first one is float then the second one is stationary these are cap sensitive they all start with Go slash they are cap sensitive keep no they have to be named the exact same um and then locomotion and we have jump and fall and then by flow we're going to set to a float uncheck saved and change this number to 0.25 and stationary we're going to just uncheck and just for a toggle sake because I don't want to do a bunch um I will do without oh I don't really have anything to toggle I'll put something on here in a bit to toggle uh I'll just name it toggle for now as an example keep this checked you want this to be checked otherwise when you load the model in in a different world it won't save what you've put on so keep that saved or then on from here we're going to do our materials now you probably don't have any materials set up so we're going to create a new folder and I'm just going to bringing it from that and inside here I create another folder called pictures um I'll do one for this hoodie really quickly ignore the blackout I don't want to docs myself I'll be right back when I find this stuff all right so I um brought something in to do our toggle for which is going to be this knife I made um so once you import the textures of what you want to do um for your model usually if you use a base by someone else they have textures that come with it most often if not you will only ever need the base texture and the normal map if it comes with a bunch of other ones like metallic normally you don't ever need it so don't worry about it um from here we're gonna go back to mats we're going to right click create and material um and my sake it's going to be the hoodie so we'll name hoodie go up to Shader pyomi Pro or tune whatever you want to do it's really up to you first thing I do is set to cut out almost every single time regardless of what it is then we're going to go rendering options and turn uh calling to off this basically says hey I want both sides of whatever it is to show if you don't do this one side will be transparent such as usually the inside or the outside depending on how the mesh is made you can actually see right now uh this hoodie doesn't have a material um so the calling is on as you can see it's not translucent or transparent in the back but if you look in the sides they are invisible this is cooling turn it off um from here you want to take your material click and drag it onto the mesh I'm going to go to Main and we can lock this up here go to your textures drag your main texture or base texture into main texture and drag your normal mat which is usually purple into NOAA map and click fix now now you'll see that you cannot see the normal map normal maps are only used with lighting and Reflections most often if not you can just turn on rim lighting and depending on what it is um I'll just set this so you can see the details depending on what the object is um is dependent on how it looks from here I have textures and width is sharp is just how sharp the edges and then width is like kind of you kind of think of like blending a little bit um we want a little bit of light but just too much just a little bit we can also invert this as well and you'll notice you have this weird um effect over um your texture you normally could take this into a drawing software and make a mask for the stuff but since this is black and white we technically already have one and we'll drag it into a mask and basically anything that is white will not be affected by the rim lighting doesn't always do the best job but definitely works to an extent um from there now that you know how to add room lighting I'm gonna try and invert that um special effects uh this is like emissions I'm not going to show you how to use everything in here because I did this in a different video um you can also add an emission if you want to in order for the emission to work it can't be black um and it has to be higher than um zero value in emission strength to work if we actually turn off um our light and we go to our material we can't see how strong it is you can also set it's a glow in the dark so it only glows in the dark um but not when lights on uh so that's how you do that once you got all your materials and stuff on there that you want now we're going to do toggles yay um first thing you want to do is um click on your name and control D and hide your original now a lot of people are going to argue well you don't need to do that it doesn't always break the model you're going to break the model eventually someday just make a duplicate so you don't break your model from here you're going to click on the name you're going to find your FX and it'll highlight down here where your animator is it usually should be at the top you're going to drag this FX into controller and then we're gonna go to animation if you don't have animation you're gonna go to window animation animation and then just drag it down here um I just have a knife toggle so uh before I do that actually give me one second okay another bag I had to put um the materials on that we're going to make a toggle um for our knife or whatever it is as in our example I only make animations using one single I mean I only make a toggle with one single animation you do not have to make an on and off animation in order to do toggles yes you can do dissolve and I will show you how to dissolve as well so we're going to call this knife and I'm gonna click our record button it'll immediately go down uh into our play animation and we're basically just going to find where um the knife is normally I use parent constraints but some of y'all might not know how to use those so I'm not going to show that um so down here is where we record our animation this is basically the first frame and this is the second but technically this is zero seconds and this is one second but I call this first frame and second frame so we're going to go to the second frame not on the first one on the second frame make sure you're recording and toggle the knife off and your first frame it'll be on and in your second it'll be off next thing you want to do you're going to stay on the second frame anything you do on this Frame will be the opposite on this Frame if that kind of makes sense we're going to go down to dissolve if you don't know how to set up dissolve you want to make the edge color um drag this all the way down now this is basic dissolve not Advanced design turn this all the way down for a dissolved color for your noise you can take this white circle and search up search up fur and I use this one and then your Alpha is going to be how to dissolve um Transit transparent now if you remember earlier I said set this to cut out this will not work on opaque it has to have some form of transparency so I'm going to click here um we're actually going to right click beside dissolve Alpha on pyomi you actually have to have this on otherwise it will not record well it'll record it but it won't play When the material locks when you upload so make sure you right click this and then we're going to change this to 1. and now you see it just um does the opposite we may be wondering well you don't see it dissolving well when we do the animation in the FX we actually give it time to transition between this first frame or and the second one but if you really want to see it um we can drag select these and bring these over and you can actually see it um now you may notice sometimes when you do dissolve um it won't work it'll be just like plain white or whatever the color is and it won't be transparent but other parts of it is this is because the object was not UV unwrapped so you have to unwrap whatever the object is otherwise it won't work or you're not using some type of transparency um because it won't work but don't worry about timing in here because we will worry about timing in our effects so now that you've done your toggle and you've done dissolve you can go back to project and delete our duplicate and show our main one I'm also going to show you how to test toggles without an emulator by the way um uh we're gonna go to uh effects and go up to animator if you don't have an animator go to a window animation and animator um and then we're also going to go to our parameter whatever this is named has to be named the same here otherwise it will not work for in this instance um I'll rename it to knife we're gonna add a new bull I want to name it knife we're gonna go to layers um this doesn't have to be cap sensitive but for organization I will and you're going to click on the cogwheel and drag the way all the way up to one it will not work if it's not set to 1. um from here you're gonna find our animation it's supposed to be here but I don't know where I put it um really just called knife you're going to click and drag the animation in twice I'm going to right click this first one make Transition oh lie a little bit and do the same thing to the bottom and to the top you're going to click your first one and you're going to change the speed to negative one so to understand how this animation works going negative in speed whatever the very first frame is is what it will be set to default as this is our default state um so for our knife animation we turned it off on our second frame and it's on in the first frame so we wanted to go backwards instead of going to off it'll be going to on because it's going to our first frame for our second one it stays to one because it'll go to our last frame which is the second frame um which is off if that makes sense I'm not going to teach you all right defaults because it really depends on how you make your models or how the models were created most people will recommend you turning off right defaults I would as well but in this case I'm not going to touch them because um we don't really it doesn't really affect our toggles at all but if you ever add any scripts or extra like assets on your model um they may require you to have to mess with your right defaults so turn them off or turn them on whatever you want to that's not my business anyway you're going to click on this first White Arrow and you're going to click uncheck uh has exit time make sure that this is zero um if you need to edit it just check it back on and make it zero and then for this this is where this is the duration of how long our dissolve is going to be usually 0.5 is good because it's not too fast it's not too slow most people don't like it when dissolves take forever to come off um down here you're going to click this plus sign and we're going to change it to our toggle name of the toggle we're currently doing for the first one it'll be set to true you're going to go up here to Transitions and you see this nice bar you can click on it if you right click it and copy transition parameters and go to our second one and right click again and paste both but down here in conditions turn it to false instead um and that's pretty much how you do a toggle if you do a toggle that you don't want transition times or you want to be instant just set this duration to zero and there will be no transition time it'll be an instant switch if you don't do um if you don't need that duration time I also want to point out that I honestly forgot to mention this for anything that's supposed to be a toggle click on your animation and turn off Loop time otherwise it will not work I did not include this and I forgot I'm so sorry um the last thing we're going to do or no uh one of the things we're going to do next is uh side bones I do have a tail on here and I'm just going to give it a random material because I don't care to add side bone to your model especially Tails never add them on this main bone unless you absolutely have to usually you want to go a bone under you're going to add component uh search up VRC and then click cybone turn off posing go to your radius and you want to try to match it as close as possible to the object for Tails as you see the tail isn't the same shape all the way around so we can click this button called C I don't know what the name of it is and it's like chart um if you click this line You'll bring up oh curve that's what's called Curve and um this first Green Dot is the first bone and this last one is your last bone so if we want this to fit the shape we can drag this down and change the curve to meet the shape of the bone um so for limits angle you basically think of it kind of like a 90 degree angle not specifically but that's um I don't really know how to explain angles hinge basically it's like it said it's a hinge um think of like a plus sign it either goes up and down left or right but view that as a top uh top Point like a Viewpoint going down uh basically like that it will not go in every direction it'll only go side to side um regardless of the uh access you put it on Polar is basically hinge but in every direction and you can control how far it moves in each Direction um that makes sense in the case of Tails it doesn't really matter because they're tails um if there ever comes a time where your bones are not showing up at all regardless if you have gizmos on or not usually you have to add an end bone uh endpoint position in the Y usually .05 will always fix your problems and but we don't need it in this case but if your bones are not showing up you will need an end point so do that if you ever do an animation on something that has side bones you need to enable is animated because it will not work promise you will if you want something to be posed you can turn this on if you want something to be stretched this is how much an object can be stretched and grab movement um there's your you can pause and read that but yeah okay so how do we test our animations uh without going in in unity um well we do the same thing as we did before make a duplicate um just in case drag your FX and your controller and where your animator is you're going to drag this to like the side right here and we're gonna quickly save okay and we're gonna go into play mode all right sorry about the cut there I had to fix something um so basically uh once you click on your model if you go into layers and click on the one you want to see you can actually watch how it works if you go in a parameter you see how I have a knife here if we click on it you can see that it's off um you can edit these and it will stay the same uh even if you exit play mode but I don't really recommend it um but you can if you want to and uh yeah same thing for contact receivers you can test them this way um as well to make sure they're working um you can also test um gestures as well I didn't set them up yet I'm not gonna explain them in this video I'll explain them in a different one but you can also test them here it's usually 0.1 through 0.8 so if you look at the hand or just one two three four and everything you can actually test the hands um same thing for the other one um so you test your gestures and whatnot in here as well same thing for Bulls so yes that's how you do that uh once you have got all your stuff set up the last thing you want to do is social pictures um if you choose to do them so you go to game object and we're gonna go to 3D at a plane and rotation on X set it to 90 and set all of these to zero I'm going to scroll out and click this tool and click and drag it so it's pretty small we're going to drag it all the way up here and I'm going to go to this tool it's uh it's called direct tool and do something like that it depends on your picture um I don't really have a picture in here so I'm just going to use this one so you'll basically just drag it up there and change the Shader to unlit texture make sure you delete your duplicate hide your main or show your main um we're gonna go to your main menu and we're going to set up your toggle now so we did add GoGo Loco so you're going to add two controls um if you're making a model you can say model by blah blah or private model bomber box I'm just going to name it private model of pop change it to a sub menu and your sub menu you're going to click that and you're going to search go um and it'll be go uh I guess we did use gobian but anyway um it'll be the main menu one for your Google logo and then for this one you can either make a sub menu and I'll show you to do that really quick you can create another menu and we'll call this closet and this is mainly for just organization organizing organizing um these are not cap sensitive for the name so you can name them whenever you want to and we're going to set it to um the one we just made and then we can double click it we're going to add our toggle we're going to need a knife again you can name whatever you want to it doesn't matter it's not going to affect anything we're going to change it to a toggle and set the parameter to our parameter on our parameter menu and that's pretty much it you have your social picture [Music] um and and all that good jazz and Google look up from here you'll just upload like normal or test build please note that using pyomi will lock shaders so it will take a little bit of time to upload that is normal all right now that we get to the upload page remember even if it's a private model do not tag it with nudity and sexuality because um not safe work is not allowed on VR chat regardless so if they have a Target on your head they have a reason to ban you don't tag it you're welcome from here you can just name it whatever you want to put a description whenever you want to um and then click uh this is acronym writes to upload it um looking at you leakers um now to do the social picture you want to click on scene and you'll click on VRC cam and you want to bring this over okay so you don't see the can it's right there but we don't see it because you need to turn on gizmos and you'll see the camera preview from here we're going to bring it up to our social picture and just just align it however you want doesn't really matter please don't make inappropriate things your banner we see that some of us don't want to see that and then you will upload it to normal when you go to upload you want to do this every time because it will save however if you want to change it you'll just uncheck this upload image and it should allow you to continue to um change it also please note in the recent update of VR chat for an unknown reason to see any models you recently upload you have to exit VR chat and reopen it I don't know why they made you do that but congrats on that torture
Channel: Pup
Views: 19,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vrchat, blender, unity, dynamic bone, prefab vrchat, script, how to upload model to vrchat, toggle a toggle off driver, UV MAPS, how to re uv map a object, understanding UV Maps, blend shape, VCC, avatar creator compainion, vrchat guide, beginners guide to vrchat, how to play vrchat, how to make a vrchat avatar, how to make a world, vrchat, virtual reality, vr, desktop vrchat, vrchat quest, quest in vrchat, pupsvr
Id: IBVNSNq7ops
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 3sec (1983 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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