VRChat Unity - Adding Clothing To Your Avatar (Unity Method)

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hello this is Pinky and this will be a tutorial on how to add clothing to your avatar now this is the amp wave model by Jenae uh this uh tutorial is long overdue as I've had my channel for around seven months and I have yet to make a tutorial on how to add clothing and to be quite honest it is an easy process it's just a little bit long now I'm going to be doing it the scuffed way so this is the way that you would do it if your bone names did not match up and you do not want to use blender so this is the quote unquote Unity way to add it to your avatar so to start we're going to have our prefab here and some of them you'll have to drag them here but as you can see that clearly doesn't work because it doesn't fit so what I'm actually gonna have to do is I'm going to drag this prefab onto the actual Avatar itself and now as you can see it clearly fits perfectly here so now over to this prefab I'm going to open it up and I'm going to right click and then go to unpack prefab and click that and then now there will be this Armature object and I'm going to hit this drag down and hit all the drop downs so this will be all the components I have to add in order to for this to move smoothly with the Avatar because as it stands right now if I were to press play and test this Avatar and I would make it like Crouch or something it would become detached with the Avatar and wouldn't sync up properly so to properly do this I will have to drag all these things onto the Avatar now the way that I recommend doing this is for one asset you can just drag and drop no problem but if you're trying to add multiple assets so you want to add pants add a shirt add a sweater and like leg warmers and it just goes on and on you'll want to do it the way where you make a single parent object that you will hold all the smaller ones inside of so to show this as an example I have these two Roots down here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to right click here I'm going to click create empty I'm going to drag it under so now that you can see it's under uh tail root zero zero one and I'm going to name this tail root zero zero one uh child just for naming convention and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to drag this in here I'm personally going to control C this and just Ctrl V make sure that it's under the tail root I'm going to delete this one in here and then I'm going to rename this one uh instead of child we're going to actually call it just normal tail root child and then I'm going to drag the tail root in there and now we're going to repeat this process for all the other bones your avatar depending on the clothing may have more or less bones but this is just the same step over and over so same thing go over the chest create empty call this chest child drag chest inside of there go to spine create empty call this spine child and this process is just repeated thankfully my asset that I chose doesn't have a whole lot to add to it so just oh am I bad as you can see cheshow chest spine child and then I drag it into there now we have spine under spine child and spine is now under chest under spine right here and now we'll do the same to both the legs so create new empty call it leg L child and I'm also just going to quickly copy this and do the paste it under the right leg drag it there and then I'm just going to change the L to an R and then I'm going to drag these two here and those are now where they need to be and then we just have the last one which will be hips so over here hips create empty call it hips child and then you drag hips under there now with this Armature object here you can delete this this is just like a container for everything so you can actually delete this one you don't need to drag it under Armature so this one can just go and then now you have the actual uh hot pads themselves so what you're going to do is you're going to drag this onto your package and then you can delete this one here and you will have the hot pants actual object here this is what you would want to do for toggles if you wanted to turn it on and off sorry about that I just had to quickly delete some folders in here they're causing errors uh that weren't necessary that if you hit play here and we will go into the play mode as you'll be able to see the pants are now properly attached and if we wanted to test this we could grab the leg object or actually we could grab the Avatar itself with olimia and we could go down into the test and as you can see it now properly moves with the Avatar itself now there will be some issues say if you were to add tail warmers because the Fizz bone script that you use on your tail would pick up on those warmers and it would break so what you need to do is you need to find where this tail fizbone script is so I believe in my avatar it is under my Armature and as you can see right here tail root so now what we're going to do is we're going to drop down to this ignore transforms we're going to do two because previously we added two things to our tail and then what we're going to do is we're going to find our tail which is right here tail root and we're going to find these two objects we made and we're going to drag them into here for the ignore transforms now this will stop like say if you have avatars with Dynamic Bones on the butt and then you are wearing some kind of pant clothing your butt would clip through the clothing and cause errors so doing this actually prevents that from happening you just need to make sure that you add it to the ignore transforms list and your avatar will be successfully done anyways you have successfully added your first set of clothing to your avatar uh thank you for watching this has been Pinky and enjoy the rest of your day please like And subscribe
Channel: PxINKY
Views: 68,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0wxpUsqxpAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 17sec (377 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 03 2022
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